Tinder Success and Fail: Open Marriage Woman [MF]

I left the office over my lunch break to take a walk. I needed to get some fresh air and exercise so I put my ear buds in and took off. As I was walking I decided it was a good time to jump on Tinder and do some swiping. A profile came up for a 35 year old named Ruth. Immediately I was drawn to her eyes and lips and then I read her profile. She described herself as a mom and wife, in an open marriage looking for a friend with benefits. This sounded along the lines of what I was looking for so I swiped right and was greeted with “It’s a Match”! Great!

I clicked into the chat section and was trying to formulate the perfect introduction. I normally try to give a compliment, share what drew me to the profile, and ask a question. As I was trying to figure out what to say, a message popped up on the screen saying hi and introducing herself to me. We started chatting, she was pretty up front about being interesting in meeting, recognizing that I was looking for someone on the side and not wanting any drama. We quickly switched platforms and I shared some additional photos with her, as she also shared some with me. The photos quickly turned dirty, as did out conversation and soon we were describing what we like, what we don’t like, kinks, what we wanted to do with each other, etc.

We talked about limits, what rules she had with her husband regarding their open relationship, and started talking about schedules and when we might be able to meet. I mentioned meeting over lunch, or right after work was usually one of the best times for me, as both allowed me to have some fun without really altering my home schedule and risked fewer questions. It wasn’t long and we were both talking about how horny we were getting from our chatting, and the question was dropped.

“Would you like to meet me today?”

I was shocked at how easy setting this up was going and quickly replied that I’d love to meet her after work. I started scouring Google Maps to try and find a good place to meet up, and she headed out to get condoms. We started talking about me leaving work early to come meet her, and set plans to meet at 4pm.

The reality of what was happening hit me about this point and I could feel the nervousness kicking in. Racing heart, stomach in knots. I messaged her telling her I was really excited to meet her later, but nervousness and proper functioning parts don’t always go together really well for me. I suggested that when we meet, while it would be hot to just jump each other and fuck, it’s probably better if we take a little bit of time to visit and get to know each other first so that my nerves will settle down.

We continued to chat as the time was quickly passing by, and then she dropped a bomb on things. Something had come up and she was going to reschedule. Bummer, but I get it. We started talking about rescheduling and throwing around other possibilities for meeting up. More talk about kinks, their open marriage, pictures and fantasies kept getting tossed around, and she continued to admit how horny she was and how badly she wanted to get fucked. Around 5 we’re talking and she asks if I’m still in town. I confirmed I was and she agreed to meet. I quickly packed up my stuff, and sent her a location to meet me at.

I got there first only to find the spot I found that looked perfect was closed and the parking lot chained off. So I quickly went to a second location I had scoped out on Google Maps only to find that area under video surveillance. A final nearby spot was located which was less than idea, well lit (but empty) parking lot off of a busy street. We decided we’d make it work and she showed up a few minutes later.

We greeted each other, and climbed into the back of her van. We sat there talking for a few minutes, as an introvert that conversation felt so awkward. The elephant in the room that we both know we’re meeting up to have sex, but having conversation like we’re getting to know each other over coffee to see if we want to move forward. Here’s where I made my fatal flaw. Rather than awkwardly talk through the nerves, I decided I was probably ok to move forward.

I leaned in to kiss her, and it was great. Her lips were so soft, and our tongues warm as we started making out. My hand was immediately on her chest, fondling her breast as we kissed. My other hand was exploring her body, her other breast, her back, hips, legs and anywhere else it could find it’s way to. Ruth was wearing a dress, and lifted it up inviting my hand to explore under her dress, and soon my hand playing with her pussy through the thin fabric of her panties. She was soaking wet, and it only took me a moment before I had the panties pulled to the side and my fingers were playing with her clit.

We’d kiss some, and then break off and I’d listen to her breathing and soft moans as I fingered her, then move back in and kiss some more. During one of our kissing breaks I asked her lift her shirt, and she lifted it and pulled her bra down under her breasts. My mouth moved immediately to her breast as I started to suck on her nipple and continue to finger her. Eventually I let my fingers slip lower down her pussy, and her wetness allowed me to easily slide two fingers into her wetness. We kept at this for a while, making out, fingering her, and sucking on her breast before finally I decided we were probably good to move forward. I wanted to feel her bouncing on my cock.

I still wasn’t hard yet, but I was very turned on. She sat up and fished out the box of condoms as I unbuckled my pants and slipped them down around my knees. About this time a car pulls into the parking lot, and drives over toward us. I quickly pulled my pants back up and we both straightened up a little bit to try and act nonchalant. The car didn’t stay, tossed some trash in a trashcan and left. I worked my pants back down and she took my cock into her hand and started to stroke me. I was slowly getting hard, but nothing to write reddit about. Despite not having a raging hardon the stimulation still felt really good, and I was getting really horny and worked up.

She leaned over and took my cock into her mouth. I leaned back and just enjoyed letting her suck my cock. Her mouth on my shaft felt amazing and I could feel the hardness slowly building as she continued. I was getting more erect as we continued and we decided to go ahead and move on to having sex. She grabbed the condom as I started stroking my cock attempting to get harder and not lose any ground.

This next part is really embarrassing and I’d love to write more about how we got the condom on and started fucking and how great it was, but I also write true stories, and as much as I wish I could write that, it didn’t happen. All of the stimulation on my cock felt amazing and was having it’s intended effect of building me up toward and orgasm, and despite the erection not coming along with it, as I was working to put the condom on triggered that point of no return and I had an orgasm. Yes…I deserve all the comment shame that’s coming to me…

Ruth was very gracious about it, and I cursed my nerves once again. I assured her I can normally rebound fairly quickly and we checked the time and still felt we could stick around for a bit longer to try again. We chatted a little bit and soon we were back to making out and I had my hand between her legs. I fingered her for a while both just rubbing her clit, and penetrating her with my fingers, eventually working two fingers inside of her with my thumb planted on her clit. Her moans were amazing and eventually she was cumming for me.

We decided to give it another shot and I got my cock out and began stroking it to try and get it hard again. She seemed distracted and honestly I don’t blame her. Eventually we decided today wasn’t the day and that we’d try again another time. After that we sat chatting for a while and with the pressure off I relaxed and probably got to the point I should have gotten before we even started. At that point though, it was getting to be the time we were both needing to be heading back home. We kissed a few times saying goodbye, and parted ways.

While I wasn’t able to deliver the goods we were planning to, it was still a fun time, and chatting afterward she expressed that I did a really good job with my hands. Hoping she’ll give me another chance in the near future.

If I learned anything, it’s that I probably shouldn’t schedule meet ups just to fuck. While it’s sometimes a hassle meeting before hand for coffee or lunch an opportunity to get comfortable almost always pays off in performance later.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k4g2u1/tinder_success_and_fail_open_marriage_woman_mf