That time I [F]ucked [M]y teacher years later on her holidays

So this happened a number of years ago, one summer in Ireland, when the world was normal and people could do things. When bars were open and people could gather. Good times right?

The summer in question I had moved to spend time with my college girlfriend who lived across the country, and I had found work in a local bar in one of those picturesque coastal towns that Ireland is famous for. Dead in winter, but pretty busy in summer… at least at weekends. Pretty sweet right?

Well it was until my girlfriend broke up with me and decided to travel Europe with a few other friends after 3 weeks, which meant that I was now spending 3 months in a rural town where the only people I knew were my ex’s family and the staff in the pub, with a 3 month rental agreement that I’d stupidly committed to. But again that was grand, I enjoy the sea and it wasn’t the worst place to spend a summer earning money.

I would have been 23 at the time, as I’d spent a year or two working and travelling after school before beginning university. So I was more mature and familiar with the world, having worked in bars and such elsewhere too in those formative years. 2 months in and I’d been enjoying the summer, befriended a few locals and tourists alike.

Then one slow midweek afternoon who arrives into the pub but my old french teacher. Well she wasn’t old, there must have only been 6 years between us, as I’d been one of her first students when she began. Let’s call her Katie. I recognised her more or less immediately, although she was too flustered to register seeing her old student halfway across the country in a bar. But I say hello and ask her if she’s who I think she is and she smiles broadly and gathers herself when it registers.

Turns out that her and her friends had decided to rent a campervan and travel Ireland in it before they were 30, and Katie didn’t seem to be enjoying the experience much after a week into a 3 week adventure. “It looks like you could do with a drink?” I laugh as she began to explain their trip, the rest of her friends were buying supplies, while she was tasked with looking for directions to the campervan site to park up (West of Ireland didn’t/doesn’t have fantastic internet, especially a few years ago).

She had always been attractive, and at 16 spending time daily with a 22 year old was enough for most of the guys to develop a crush, but not had happened in those years in school, beyond playful joking that’s natural in any healthy teacher student relationship as the student realises that a teacher isn’t just a robot but a person too. And boy was Katie a person.

As she sat on the bar stool, gleefully knocking back her cider, and continually parting her sleek black hair from her blue eyes she looked even more attractive than before. Wearing denim blue shorts and a white tank top. She wasn’t tall, perhaps 5ft6 and wasn’t thin as a stick, but her curves were eye-catching, and her ass was certainly two handfuls.

About 10 minutes later the door to the pub opened and all I heard was “Of course, there you are Katie… chatting up the barman” and her friend rolled her eyes, impatient to set up for the night. As it happens they were basing themselves here for a couple of nights, so Katie drained her pint and said it was nice to see me, and asked if I would be working later. I laughed, nodded and confirmed the directions to keep her out of trouble with her friend.

At this point, I’ll quickly describe myself. 6ft3. Brown hair, stubble. Glasses green eyes and somewhere between cuddly and fit. I’m not a thin guy but I keep reasonably active. My smile has gotten me out of trouble on a few occasions too. Far from a hunk but have been called handsome on occasion

Fastforward to that night, and things are picking up slightly. A few families and couples enjoying meals and a few quiet drinks along with a few locals playing music in the corner, along with more enjoying the tables outside and the sea air. Then Katie and her 3 friends arrive. Each attractive, but as it happens only Katie is single. In fact two of the women are already married, but a promise is a promise and this adventure was always happening, although it sounds like they’ve had more nights drinking tea and playing cards than skinnydipping as they may have envisaged. Katie’s wearing a black and white polka dot sundress, and boy does it suit her.

The other three seem more interested in texting their partners and I catch Katie rolling her eyes jokingly in my direction, before she makes her way to the bar. “Living the dream?” I tease her and get another drink, free of charge. She sits down on the stool “That makes two of us” she jokes back at the half empty bar as the locals have gone outside for a smoke in between songs. We continue to chat, and flirt and catch up, in between serving the other occasional customers.

“You were one of my favourite students….” she blurts out. “Not because you were good at French but you had the cutest, most terrible of accents” and she giggles into her drink before I can even respond. “Wow….. Miss” I burst out laughing unsure if I should be insulted or flattered. Then as I pause and watch her continue to giggle I try and think of my education and say in my most considered french/irish accent “Ma accent est tres…… fuck?” I’d forgotten the words and I laugh too and reach out my hand to hers, and there’s an electric spark as our eyes lock, and I bite on my lip hard, before glancing around the room, where of course nobody is paying attention.

She looks at me sweetly, not a word said. Her eyes saying it all. Glancing at the time, I realise that I’m due a break soon. “Can I show you something outside on my break?” I ask playfully. She nods, and purses her glass to her lips and sips again. The owner who’s been out chatting with the musicians comes back in soon after, and I ask if it’s okay to take my break. He agrees, saying it’s pretty quiet.

The pub is within 50 meters from the sea, and it’s a bright night, so the moon is out along with the stars, and I lead Katie down towards this stoney beach where the water laps, and we sit on this grassy knoll. “Not a bad view is it?” I ask as I look at her, and kiss her almost immediately. Hungrily she kisses back and we make out like two teenagers as our hands begin to wander. I lay her down and hold myself over as I try and cup her ass with one hand while tucking her hair out from her face, while her fingers find her way inside my shirt and after a few minute begin to rub on my crotch. It seems like we’re doing this here and now, as I slip a finger inside her dress and smile as she giggles again, and I feel how wet she is!

“You sure you want this right now?” I ask as she unzips my jeans. And she murmurs “Yesss. Please, yes”. And together we pull down my jeans and hike up her dress, where I’d already discovered she hand been wearing a very thin pair of panties, and we slip them off.

Pulling a condom from my jeans before fully discarding them, I slip it on, before sliding myself inside of Katie. She groans as she feels my throbbing dick which has been aching for her, push inside. And we begin to fuck in the moonlight as the grass begins to get ever so slightly dewy. In truth it was a messy, desperate fuck in the dark but it sounded like we both enjoyed it immensely.

As I explode and fill the condom with my seed she groans too and squirts more than I’d experienced in quite sometime, as I push off her and lay on my back panting for a while. “Wow” I muster after catching my breath, and giggle, as I look at Katie smiling. We don’t have time to enjoy the moment as our disappearance will soon be noted. As we tidy ourselves up, I pull off the condom and she looks at me and smiles “Can I taste?” and she puts her lips around my semi hard cock in an attempt to clean it!

As we make our way back up the hill having straightened ourselves out I ask if she wants to stay the night with me, but she suggests that it might draw too much attention tonight, but that there’s always tomorrow….

I smile and get back to work as she tells her friend’s that she’s had too much to drink and maybe it’s time they head back, which is music to their ears. As they head back out the door she turns and smiles, and it’s magic.



  1. what a great sexy story… I bet every guy who had a hot teacher in highschool fantasies about that! ?

  2. awww you both sound like really sweet people! thank you for the story, it was very delightful :D

  3. When I read grassy knoll I immediately thought you were going to assassinate JFK.

  4. >And boy was Katie a person.

    My favorite types of women are those that come in the person variety as well.

    But seriously, I can’t even comprehend what it would be like to have a 22 year old teacher at 16. Not to be crass but at 32 I can be quite confident all of my teachers have either kicked the bucket or are pretty damn close.

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