How I Paid for my Masters Program with Amateur Porn [FM]

Hello GWS! I know it’s been a hot minute since I posted here. Life has been a little crazy and due to COVID a TON of things changed. Since my life is returning back to normal I decided to post here and continue with my life story. (I swear I should write an adult autobiography haha).

In case you haven’t read my previous posts (btw, sorry to leave the last one on a cliff hanger!, I may get back to it if you all want!), I ALWAYS touch myself while I write these haha. So if I make a grammatical/spelling mistake, I greatly apologize. Also, while the stories are true, I try to write them in a way that makes sense, so while the story may seem like it happened all in one day, it has happened over the course of a few weeks and I edited it down for clarity. Got it?

So, to set the scene a little, I finished my undergrad when I was 19-20 and started to work/intern at various tech start ups. I decided early on that I wanted to continue my education and get my MBA. This cost a ton of money I didn’t have, so I moved into an apartment and ate a ton of ramen to save money while interning and working on my thesis.

One day, as I was leaving my first internship, a lady approached me as I was getting on the bus. I will never forget what she was wearing. Tight skinny jeans, black combat boots, a white baseball tee and she had crimson hair. “Hey!” She called out “I always see you around the quad, are you new here?”

I was a tad bit confused. I had been interning for this company for a few months and always grabbed lunch at the coffee/sandwich stand in the quad. “Oh uh… I just started interning at ‘company’ a month or 2 ago” I awkwardly said.

She looked me up and down for a second and said “oh an intern! That’s awesome! Let me guess, MBA student?”

I looked at her, slightly shocked, “yeah! How could you tell?”

“Messy bun, runs in your legging, ANNNND you are buying a 2 dollar sandwich and a bottle of water for lunch” she says giggling.

I blush, embarrassed about my looks “well. I guess those are some obvious clues…”

“Hey what do you think about making some extra cash?” She says squinting her eyes.

I nervously look up at her “what do you mean, like another internship” I say.

“No, no” she continues “like modeling! It’ll be easy, like stuff you probably already do!” She says.

My stop comes up, I get up and say “gee I don’t really know if I am cut out for the modeling business! Sorry!” I say as I step out of the bus. She follows and protests,

“Hey I think you can be good! Just come with me, we will take some picture and I can give you 250 dollars today! 45 minutes!”

I stop in my tracks. “250” I say.

“Yep, quick pictures. Our studio has outfits and a place to get ready!” She says

“250 is a lot of money. And I do have 45 minutes. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try” I say.

“Awesome! Let’s get a cab and go to the studio” she says as she walks to a pay phone.

She walks about and says “I’m Amanda by the way” and extends her hand…

As we pull up to the building, I notice how crazy it looks. It looks like an old military base. Kinda scary, but in a fun way.

“Here we are!” She says “ we are on the 3rd floor”

Amanda opens the door, walks past the front desk and towards the elevator. We go to the 3rd floor and walk down a long hallway, past several cubicles until we reach an office. She opens the door and inside the room were photography lights, cameras, a mini fridge, a bed and a few counters.

“That door right there” she points to the door to the left “is wardrobe, makeup, and shower, also feel free to help yourself to the mini fridge and anything you need to get comfortable. I am going to get the camera ready. I have an outfit picked out in the closet, get dressed and then we will start. Ok?”

I nod my head and open the door. Inside was a huge room. There were mirrors all around and vanities filled will all kinds of make up. To the left were a wall of outfits, and to the right was a massive shower with two, opposite shower heads.

Draped on a chair was my outfit. A red dress. Simple and elegant. I remove the dress and take off my skirt, panty hose, and blouse. I drop my hair down and use a little hair spray to get some volume. I pull the dress up over my black bra and panties. I check my appearance in the mirror. The dress hugs me in all the right places! It looks amazing. It shows my hourglass figure well and I few so confident. I open the door to the set and see Amanda shooting a few test shots.

“Wow you clean up nice!” She says. “Ok I think I am ready, let’s start!, ok first get on the bed, knees and hand on your hips!”

I crawl on the bed and do as she says. After a few positions I start to kinda have some fun.

“Ok awesome!” She says “now hands against the wall and lean forward!”

I do as she says.

“Ok, look back, shocked annnnnd….” she runs over and snaps a picture between my legs.

“Hey what the hell was that!” I say as I quickly close my legs.

“It’s an up skirt shot! They are awesome!” She says excitingly “ok next lay down and sprea-“

“No that’s private I am not ok with that! Or any of this!” I say angrily.

“Oh I thought we had a deal…” Amanda says disappointed.

“This was not the deal!” I yell

“Look, I am going to be real. We both know you need the money. This is an easy way to get it. You follow my lead and I promise you, you will get whatever money you want. Ok? Nothing bad will happen” she says.

The truth hits me like a bomb. She was right. I did need the money. My internships, while paid, barely covered my rent. I sighed, “promise?”

She smiles “promise!”

I lay back. Opening my legs. I hear the shutter of the camera.

“Ok doggy style now”

I turn around, on all fours, ass in the air.


“Ok pull that dress up! Let me see that ass!”

I slowly pull my dress up. Memories of my college dorm days flood back.


“Pull those panties to the side!”

I reach around, face in my pillows. Pussy starting to get wet, lips swollen, clit tingling. I pull my panties to the side.

“Nice love the hair!!!”

Click. Click. Click

“Ok face me and press your chest together!”

I roll around and squeeze my boobs together. I never really liked my breasts but oddly enough, when pressed together they look very sexy.

Click. Click. Click.

“Ok pull the dress down and lose the bra”

I slide the dress down.

Click. Click. Click.

I unclasp my bra

Click. Click. Click.

And I let my tits down.

Click. Click. Click.

For some reason, it might be the lights, or the bed, or the camera, I LOVE the way my body looks! I grabbed my hair and even grabbed a handful of my breasts just for extra sass.

Click. Click. Click.

“Awesome stuff!! lean back, slide your panties off. And play with yourself! Really lose yourself pretend I am not even here! I will yell out directions when needed! Explore yourself!”

I lay back and finishing pulling off the dress. I grab one handful of my breast and let the other hand rub from my stomach all the way down to my hairy mound. I play with my light bush, running my fingers through the hairs, really teasing my aching pussy. I start to rub circles on my mound, inching closer and closer till I can feel the tips of my fingers brush against my hood. Then my clit, then my lips, then my hole, until my fingers rub all around my pussy. I moan a little and arch my back, still holding onto my breast.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.

“Oh god stick a finger in!”

I run circles around my hole and I slowly tease the opening of my cunt until I just cannot take it anymore and I thrust a finger deep inside my awaiting hole. I just remember the feeling of wetness. The feeling of pure bliss and joy.

Click click. Click. Click. Click. Click.

“Ok Charlie come on in!”

I was so lost in myself, I did not even realize what she had said, nor did I realize the door open and a naked guy come into the room. He walks towards me, silent, stroking his cock. It wasn’t just any ole normal cock. This thing was a MONSTER. it had its own presence in the room. Normally I would be against this, but in that moment I knew I wanted to suck it

“Mmm grab the cock, but keep fingering yourself!”

I reach out and grab this monster of a cock. Seriously it had to be as big as my arm. I am literally gushing and here I am, fingers in my pussy and my other hand stroking this dinosaur cock.

Click. Click. Click.

“Ok baby suck it!”

I lock yes with the camera. I reach around, grab Charlie’s ass and pull him close to my month and I take his cock. Ironically it tasted nutty, like almonds, but boy did it hit the spot. I am gagging and choking on his cock.

Click. Click. Click.

“Keep going girl!!”

1. 2. 3 fingers in my pussy. I moan as I gargle on his dick. Hearing his moans makes my nipples pop out. Squish, moan, grunt, scream and suddenly I feel his cock tense then release his hot sticky load in my mouth.

Click click click click click click

“Fuck yes drool! Let it drip on your tits!”

I open my month and let his cum fall on my tits. The warmth of his cum instantly warms my breasts. Charlie walks out of the room and the camera shutters more, until Amanda finally says,

“Holy fucking hell! That was amazing! Let’s get you cleaned up!”

I snap back into reality. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed with myself. I can’t believe I just did that!
I walk to the changing room and take a shower. Once I finished my shower I quickly change and open the door to the set room. The room is empty, on the bed is 250 in cash and a card.


Hey guys and gals! I hope you enjoyed my story! I do have more to this so please let me know if you want to hear more! I am trying my hardest not to give out deals because of personal stuff so please understand a lot of things cannot and will not be shared! Hopefully you all enjoyed this as much as I did!



  1. Highly predatory behaviour, no explaining clearly beforehand, coercion, no indication of where or how the photos would be used…… Yikes.

  2. ha u play with yourself while writing and I play with myself while reading, nice story.

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