A Lesson in Femininity [M/F/TM][threesome][squirting]

When an old guy tells you that he can make you squirt, that usually sets off the Creep Alarm. To me, Michael isn’t some random old guy. He’s a friend, even if we do touch each other’s junk sometimes.

But apparently I wasn’t Michael’s only weird sex-friend. Julie had been around much longer than I had. She seemed to be just as interested in getting me to squirt as Michael was. She’d told Michael to bring me to their next hookup and she’d see what she could do.

I arrived at her apartment in a comfortable shirt and my favorite jeans. I didn’t try to look too fancy. Michael said I didn’t need it.

Michael opened the door. He flashed me a relaxed smile as I entered. It was a simple studio apartment with a great view. A woman with curled gray hair sat on the sofa. She looked entirely at ease with herself.

She stood up, making her short blue skirt bounce. “Nick! Good to see you!”

“Good to see you too, Julie.” I held out my hand like this was a job interview.

“Michael has told me a lot about you,” she remarked. “Sit down. Let me get you a glass of wine.”

I did as she asked. Michael sat next to me. There was an amused expression on his face.

Julie returned with three glasses of red wine. She set them on the coffee table. I got a glimpse down her shirt. No bra.

She handed me one of the glasses. “Don’t worry. It’s fake. The doctors won’t let me have the real stuff anymore. But it sure makes us look classy, eh?”

“I’ll drink to that.” I took a sip.

Julie settled down. “Let’s get to know each other a little. You first, Nick.”

“I’m 20 years old. I just graduated from college with a major in economics. I like to work out in my spare time.”

“That’s it?”

“What else is there to say?”

“Why you chose your name.”

“I wanted something that was ordinary and easy to remember. Nick was perfect for that.”

“So, you used to be known as ‘Nichole’?” Julie asked.

“… Yes, but asking someone their dead name is rude. It’s dead for a reason.”

“Yeah, Mildred.” Michael teased.

I elbowed him. “Julie didn’t know, and I don’t personally care that much. Other people do.”

Julie sipped her wine. “Sorry. We never learned these things at your age. But I get it. I was named Mildred after my aunt, and Aunt Mildred turned out to be a total bitch. So I’m Julie now.”

“Good to meet you, Julie,” I said.

“I’m Michael. I’ve worked with the military for most of my life. I enjoy hikes, lifting, and opera.”

“And I’m Julie. I’m the hiring manager for a financial firm. I like baking and watching sports. I go by ‘Julie’, after my birth month.”

I nodded, not sure what to say next. Julie was definitely enthusiastic. Michael seemed very interested in what she would do.

“How did you two meet?” I asked, going through the playbook of conversation starters.

“We worked together in our 20s and have been friends ever since. We dated once, but that didn’t work for us. I was too into casual flings.” Julie giggled. “Every girl in the barracks was after Michael back then. And some of the guys too.”

“Funny how things end up,” Michael mused.

Julie lifted up her skirt. “Enough idle chatter. There’s some real fun to be had here. You did bring the stuff I asked for, right?”

“I brought the pump.”

“Not the vibrator?”

I held up the bag. “As I explained before, I don’t like things in my vagina.”

“Right.” She put her skirt back down. “That could make things difficult.”

“We won’t know unless we try,” Michael stated.

Julie walked over to me. “I think you’ve got a shot.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Michael knows how to pick ’em.” Julie smirked.

Julie and Michael exchanged a flirty look. I knew that look well. It was the same one that he had given me when we first met.

I lifted my t-shirt over my head. I tossed the shirt over the back of the couch. Smiling, I relaxed, brushing my hands against the strapless rainbow-print binder.

“Mind if I make you a little more comfortable?” Michael asked.

I nodded. The fabric sprang back when he unhooked them. My chest was free.

Julie looked closely at them. “Nick! That is amazing. They’re so small.”


“I’ve seen dudes with bigger breasts than yours,” Julie stated.

The other two started to take off their clothes as well. It felt natural and easy. When I pulled my packer down, I noticed a slight dampness on my thighs.

Julie spread her arms out. Her breasts might not have been as perky as they used to be, but they were still quite shapely and round. Her torso was covered in stretch marks and dotted with freckles. Her legs were long and muscular. She didn’t hide her age. I could learn something from her confidence.

Michael waved her over to our couch. “Come over here. You’re missing all the fun.”

She sat down on the other side of me. She took my chest in her hand, pressing on the nipple like she was testing their ripeness. Michael kissed my cheek before doing the same. The friends copied each other instinctively. Having the masculine and feminine versions of the same activity turned me on.

It was beautiful, precise and practiced. I placed a hand on each of their thighs, letting them control the situation. Julie started to twist her hips as she became more aroused. Michael’s arousal had a simpler way of presenting itself.

“Have you done this before?” I asked, in awe of their talent.

“Yes, plenty of times,” Julie murmured.

“With girls, mostly. Now we get a bit of both.” Michael whispered into my neck.

“Oh, trust me, if technology was good enough I would have a bionic boner right now,” I said.

Michael ran his hand down my chest. “Let’s see how much biology can do.”

I pulled down my jeans, revealing my small dick and my wet hole. Julie and Michael exchanged another look.

“Oh, isn’t this cute,” Julie said. “Look how big it is already.”

She started to tease me between my legs while Michael kissed my chest. Again, the contrast in their styles was clear. Julie had a far more delicate touch than Michael had when he had handled me. She was just as curious as he had been.

She knelt to examine me more. Her nose brushed my leg. Her finger tapped the end of my clitoris.

“Yes, you certainly do have potential,” she crooned. “Let’s get you onto the bed so I can show you what’s what.”

I agreed. I laid on her comfortable bed spread. She laid out a towel. Apparently, if this did well, I would need it. Michael sat in a nearby chair. He eyed me curiously. His dick was in his hand.

“Normally, I’d be using alternating clitoral and Gaffenburg-spot stimulation. You’ve said you don’t like anything inside you. Are there things that you find get you aroused quickly?”

I had to think for a while. There were a few things, but nothing that could be done while Julie was working on me.

“Nothing comes to mind,” I sighed.

“They don’t have to be moves. Most of sex is about how you feel. What about fantasies?”

“Hmm…” I blushed. “There is one. I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”

“What is that?”

“Seducing a man away from his wife,” I admitted.

Julie grinned. “A man like you shouldn’t have to leave that as a fantasy. You’re handsome enough that they’d come running to you if they saw you naked.

She fitted the pump over my parts as Michael approached me. I moved over so he could climb on the bed. He laid next to me. He wrapped an arm around my torso.

“Nick, I’m so glad that we could get away for the week. The missus thinks I’m on a business trip. Being with you is so much better,” he whispered in my ear.

I held his hand. “Don’t think about her. Michael, for this week, you are mine.”

We kissed. It was slow, full of a deep longing. Our tongues barely touched. Michael was such a good kisser.

Julie pressed on the pump, making it start. The suction made me gasp. I started to twitch.

“I see you have been missing me too,” Michael said.

I blushed more. “I am always missing you. Come here.”

He straddled me. His eyes were bright. I reached between his legs. He whimpered slightly as I grabbed his dick.

Julie coordinated her pumps to match my speed. My mind couldn’t keep up with my body’s arousal. Michael’s comments barely registered in my mind. He praised me, telling me how handsome I looked and how big I was. He kept kissing me all over my body.

A tension started to build in my pelvis. “Guys, I think I need to pee.”

“That’s a good thing,” Julie said. “You might want to hold onto something.”

I grabbed the sheets. Michael pressed his hands on my abdomen. Julie turned the pump onto its highest setting. My legs began to shake.

Michael stared into my eyes. “Maybe I should bring you home. You’re so hot, my wife might like you too.”

My shoulders jolted upwards. Something liquid shot out of me, splattering on the inside of the pump. I gasped as I slowly came to my senses. I felt incredible.

Michael kissed me. “There you go, stud.”

“Wow. That was… that… Julie, I think you fucked my brain out.”

Julie laughed. “I have a habit of doing that.”

I shrugged. Thinking back, I noticed all the times I was about to squirt but backed off. Had I known, I would have been able to squirt a lot sooner.

Julie removed the pump and set it aside. I finally sat up. Michael leaned back. His dick was still hard.

“Want to help me make Julie scream?” Michael asked. “Using the first lesson I taught you?”

“Yes!” If there was anything I could do to repay her, that was it.

Michael knelt at the head of the bed. Julie positioned herself on all fours in front of him. I formed the caboose of this train.

Julie’s body looked incredible from this angle. Something about it was pretty, but I couldn’t tell what it was. That sexual musk filled the air. As I brought myself closer, I studied the shapes her labia formed. They looked like two pink petals. I ran my finger between them. The place between them was already so wet. It invited me to touch it.

My heart pounded. She wiggled her hips, encouraging me. I placed one hand on each of her legs.

“You can do it, kid,” Michael said.

He was right. I knew what might feel good. I had personal experience.

I slowly put my lips around her clit. Her feminine flavors teased my tongue. I caught my breath as she leaned forward to suck Michael’s cock. I felt the moment she stopped.

I could sense her arousal. I had to give her what she deserved. I closed my eyes and let my body guide me.

The subtle sucking sounds reached me. I couldn’t see what Julie was doing, but I could feel it in her body. I could taste what she was doing to Michael. I was amazed at how much I could recognize.

Her vagina begged for something to be put inside it. I slid my fingers in. They grabbed me right away. A muffled moan reached my ears. Perfect.

Michael was pulling her forward. I started thrusting with my fingers, searching for her G-spot. It didn’t take long. My confidence grew. I knew what I was doing! I could do this!

When she moaned again, I sensed a change. She was going to cum. I put my focus on the areas where she could feel it the most. My tongue moved quickly all the way around those lovely lips.

She started to shudder. I pushed myself further. Her grip tightened around my fingers.

Michael goaned. His arms thudded against the headboard. He breathed hard.

Julie gasped, “I…”

The muscles around my fingers shook. I opened my mouth wide to take in her orgasm. Her flavour was excellent. I savoured it.

Julie turned around. She opened her mouth, showing me Michael’s load. I kissed her. Some of that cum passed to me. Michael took the rest. We swallowed at the same time.

We kept kissing each other. The energy wound down. Our glistening bodies felt good. I felt the other’s heartbeats slow down.

“So, Nick,” Julie asked, “how do you feel?”

“Good.” I stretched, taking in my body’s sensations. “Interesting. I definitely want to try squirting again.”

Julie giggled. “You can get a weird feeling the first few times.”

Michael smiled at me. “But it looks amazing.”

“I bet it does,” I said.

“I’ll show you next time. Set up a mirror or two.”

I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. “How was I on you, Julie?”

She had to think for a little bit. “You’ve got the right ideas. Might need more practice.”

“That’s fair. It’s not like I’ve had a lot of opportunities to do that.”

“You could in the future, if you wanted.”

I leaned back. This had been a wonderful evening. Two people was an amazing twist. But somehow, it felt different.

The planning. Michael’s first time with me had been entirely spontaneous. This time, we’d had a goal. I wasn’t sure if I liked that change.

“I think I might. At the very least, we could hang out sometime. See where things go.”

Michael nodded. No matter what happened, he and I would still have our weird dynamic.

>Author’s Note: If you like this, check out the other stories in this series. Let me know if you have more ideas for the series. I love hearing your responses!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k32gcz/a_lesson_in_femininity_mftmthreesomesquirting