Can someone please assure me that the stories on here are nothing more than written mini porno fantasies and not actual stories from real people?
Do people actually have these kinds of wild encounters?!? ?
Most of them seem to be written by females too, wtf!
Yeah these things happen. I will say in my early 20’s a little less. I knew less about sex and what I wanted. I wasn’t as comfortable being open about my wants, and probably could have done a better job listening to my partners so that the experience could be a little more amazing, but yeah at this point in my life I can relate to many of these encounters.
It’s hard to say.
Sometimes you can look at a posters profile and get clues as to how true the story might be. Other times you are left wondering.
I, like you, don’t believe most of them but sometimes in life you do experience things like this. Keep in mind, most stories in life are exaggerated and if you read close enough you can find those details that don’t add up.