Nympho Cu[m]slut Girl[F]riend RETURNS!

I've written about my ex-girlfriend Kerry before, but now I have a fresh story to tell! I haven't spoken to her in about 10 years. We dated on and off (mostly on. . .) for about 7 years starting in HS and through college, and then had a FWB/booty call relationship while being best friends for years after college. However, at that point, I had missed my chance to marry her and knew we were never really going to get back together as a couple, so when I met my now wife and started dating her, I had to break things off with Kerry. It was too hard to be so close but not together and it worked out better for both of us to get some space, so we could find our spouse or even be open to a long-term relationship. So I said my peace to her and cut off communication and haven't looked back (other than remembering/fantasizing about some of the crazy things we did to/with each other).

The other day, I went on Facebook to check out my feed and noticed that there was a message in my inbox. I clicked over to the inbox and a message from Kerry was waiting. Her message was short and quick:

"Hey Steve,

I haven't talked to you in awhile and was thinking about old-times a lot lately. I'm going to be out your way later this week and I thought maybe you'd want to grab a coffee and catch up if you're interested (and free).


I was dumbfounded. Here's the girl that I LOVED for most of my mid-teens to mid-twenties and was always sort of the 'one who got away'. I was free on the day she mentioned so I messaged back and suggested meeting at a coffee shop not far from my house at about 9am after I drop my kids off at daycare. Within minutes, I got a reply back that said "Ok, sounds good, see ya then! K"

On the day in question, I lucked out. I work from home, and my work laptop had a problem the day before, so I shipped it off to work and didn't really have much to do without my computer. I was a little excited in the morning and woke up with a huge case of morning wood. After getting everyone ready and my wife left for work and I dropped the kids off at daycare, I got to the coffee shop at about 8:45 and ordered an iced coffee (it's going to be hot today, and is already about 77 degrees outside) and take a seat in the back part of the coffee shop. Sitting back here is more secluded as it's behind a wall behind the counter and there aren't yet many people hanging out. It's too early for college kids and high school kids are in class and all the adults are working or sleeping, so it's just me in the far back area. Also, and importantly, it gives me a view of about 2/3 of the parking lot so I can see her approach.

At a couple minutes to 9, I see a Mercedes SUV pull into the lot. After a minute, I saw her emerge. She looked pretty much the same as the last time I saw her only more mature and dressed up. She was tall, almost 6', with dark auburn streaked chestnut straight hair, cut about shoulder length. She had on a professional dark gray suit skirt and jacket combo with a white tanktop underneath and red high heels. With the high heels, she must've been 6'1 and her legs went FOR DAYS. I'm pretty sure that wasn't a short skirt, but with her long legs, it barely went halfway down her thighs. Once she walked around the front of the shop I couldn't see anymore, so I switched seats to be against the wall looking towards the front of the shop where she would come in from.

After a few minutes, I saw her peek her head around with a cup of coffee in her hand and spot me and start walking over. My heart started racing a little, since we hadn't talked in roughly 10 years and I hadn't even seen a picture of her since her facebook is private and we're not friends, so there was also significant relief that she didn't gain 50lbs or something. As she got closer to the table, I pushed the chair out with my foot under the table and then stood up to greet her.

"Heeeyyyy!" we both said excitedly going in for a hug. After she sat down we started to catch up and talk about how everything was going. She's a psychologist (or is it psychiatrist? I never remember. . .) at a hospital a few towns over and is married with 2 kids. I tell her that I'm a software consultant who works remotely and I'm married witih 2 kids as well (small world!). And then she drops the bombshell.

"Well, I was out this way because I'm dropping off the kids with their father. We're getting divorced and he has an apartment out here because his work is up this way," she said, with a hint of sadness.

"What?!" I said, not knowing how to react. "What happened? When did this happen?"

"Earlier this year I found out he was cheating on me with a coworker, and when I confronted him on it, he said it was my fault because I work such crazy hours at the hospital that we're hardly ever home at the same time and have barely had sex for years because of it," she said wistfully.

"Awww, Kerry, I'm so sorry!" I said, and put my hand on hers.

"Yeah, that's actually what made me message you. I mean, not getting divorced, but just, the divorce has made me spend a lot of time thinking about the past with my husband and before, and the last time we talked and I realized that I really missed you," she said, looking up at me. "I was so mad at you for a long time for breaking off contact, but even now, with the divorce, I wouldn't change anything. But if I had to do it all over again, I would probably wished we could've been friends this whole time too."

"I missed you too actually," I said. "I often think about what would've happened if I hadn't done that 10 years ago, or if I had proposed to you when you gave me an ultimatum on our relationship when we were 20 and I couldn't do it. . . "

We continued to catch back up and go over old times and all the crazy stuff we've done and good times we had. She brought up her friend Ally, and how she was doing, and I mentioned that I had been thinking about that day a lot lately and then I mentioned that I wrote about it and posted it online anonymously. Her ears perked up and she said "Wait, WHAT?"

I pulled out my phone and logged into my reddit account and pulled up the above story. She grabbed my phone and started to read and after a minute, she looked up and said "God, we did some crazy shit back then? I think half the reason I've been remembering back to our time together is because I've been so lonely lately and honestly, all the crazy sexy shit I've done with a guy has been with you. Brandon (her soon-to-be-ex-husband) isn't very adventurous. I mean, he's good enough, but he doesn't have any imagination. And with our schedules always being off or him being out of town for work, before the divorce we were maybe having sex once a month. When you and I were together in high school and college we had sex or did something like 3-4 times a day."

"You know," I said, sensing an opportunity. "I have more stories at home that I'm working on that I haven't posted yet from our past. They've gotten a pretty good reception. Especially the Rock Creek Park story. . . "

With a mischevious smile, she looked back at me and said "Okay, let's go." and started to get up from the table. My hands were shaking as I got into my car and drove home, with her following me. 5 minutes later we were pulling into my garage, the irony not lost on my that she was parking in my wife's spot as I closed the doors behind us. I showed her around the house and then took her up to my office upstairs. My office is in our guest bedroom, so there's a double bed and nightstands with lamps on each side on one side of the room and a desk with computers, monitors, a phone, a printer, the works. I motioned her to sit down on the bed while I fired up the computer.

As I waited for the computer to fire up, I glanced at her over my shoulder and I could swear she wasn't wearing underwear under her skirt. It was hard to tell for sure, since they could have been skin colored, but all I saw was a triangle of what looked like skin as she sat with her legs together on the edge of the bed. Once my computer was booted, I logged into my reddit account again so she could finish the Ally story. I sat down on the edge of the bed, looking over her shoulder as she read. She was engrossed in it completely and when she finished, she turned and looked at me with very sexy smile on her face.

"I don't remember you telling me all these things that happened back then," she said. "I think you've improved your writing or oral skills since then. . ." she said with a wink. "Let me read the other one," she asked.

I got up from the bed, and reached over her shoulder to work the mouse and keyboard, with an unmistakeable HUGE boner from the sexiness of this situation. I brought up the Rock Creek Park story and watched her read that one. As she slowly went along, her legs parted ever so slightly and I could see her taking some deep swallows of air as she got to the sexy parts at the end. Finally finished, she turned and looked at me.

"I had forgotten about that, jesus that was sexy. I haven't thought of that in YEARS. God, the look on that girl's face when I tossed her my cum-soaked panties was PRICELESS!" she said with a laugh. "What else do you have, you said you were writing some more?"

I got up again and leaned over her shoulder at the chair. Damn, she smelled amazing, her hair smelled fruity and sexy and she had on some kind of fresh and light and summery perfume that was intoxicating. I had an idea. I pulled up my notepad with some of my unfinished stories from our past for her to read, and then I also plugged in a thumb drive I dug out of the back of my locked desk drawer. She looked at me quizzically and I said "Oh yeah, I have something else too. . ."

I opened explorer on the thumb drive and opened another folder and clicked slideshow all on a subfolder. On one monitor I had tabs of different stories from our past together in different states of readiness to post online, and on the other monitor, a slide show of all the hundreds of NSFW pics we made from our relationship started cascading through the list. I knew she would either enjoy these or get up and leave, but I figured I didn't have much to lose since I hadn't seen or spoken to her in 10 years.

Every 5 seconds, another picture faded away to be replaced by another one. Most of them of Kerry in some state of undress, some of them with my cock sticking into her or with cum on her face or body.

She looked up at me shaking her head and said "I don't know whether to be angry or impressed that you kept these all these years. . ."

"I've been very careful, I've never stored them on a computer or anywhere connected to a network and for awhile I had this in a lockbox along with my important documents to make sure it never went anywhere. I wanted to delete them hundreds of times because I wasn't sure you'd be okay with me having them, but I could never do it, so I just make SUPER sure that they never leaked or were hacked or posted or anything."

We watched in silence as a few more pictures came and went when I saw the picture I'd taken of her when we got back to the car after the Rock Creek Park story. Her entire face was crusted with dried cum and you could still see streaks of it in her hair and on her shirt.

"Here, read the rest of these stories and tell me what you think. . . " I said, sitting back on the edge of the bed behind her. She went back to reading and I could see her legs spreading and her hand dropping down to her waist as she read and watched the pictures. After a few minutes, she had her eyes closed and was basically masturbating in my office chair. Thinking it was now or never, I slowly and quietly unbuckled my belt, slid my shorts down and off and pulled my now as hard as hard can be cock through the fly of my boxer briefs and stood up and walked over to the desk.

From this angle, over her shoulder, I could see better exactly what was going on. She was slouched down in the chair, with her skirt pulled up to her hips and her fingers going to town on her sopping wet pussy. Her face was concentrating on the slideshow of pictures and I'm not even sure she noticed that I was still in the room, much less right behind her. Not wanting to miss a beat, I ran my fingers into her hair and turned her head around so she was facing my cock inches away from her face.

She looked up at me with wide eyes as I pulled her head toward my cock and without a work, she closed her eyes, and deepthroated my cock all in one motion. With my hand still on the back of her head, I slowly thrusted my cock in her mouth in long slow strokes and after a few, she had a loud screaming orgasm from her fingers. Not even wasting a beat I pulled my cock from her mouth as she screamed and shook from her orgasm and spun the chair around so it was facing me. Her eyes were closed and her back arched leaning back in the chair. I got down on my knees between her legs and pressed my cock into her pussy in one long slow motion.

Her head whipped down and her eyes opened as she looked down at what was happening. With a look of utter passion, she ran her fingers through my hair and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. After our kiss, with me pounding into her with long slow strokes she pulled her tanktop off and unbuttoned her skirt and threw it on the bed.

"Fuck I missed you. . ." she said breathlessly. "And fuck I missed your cock!"

She wrapped her legs around me and pulled my shirt off and began to run her hands over my chest and shoulders and grab my ass as I pounded into her. I knew I wouldn't last long, this fuck had been 10 years in the making, after only a few minutes, I could feel her pussy spasming and gripping my cock as she had another orgasm. She arched her head back onto the edge of the desk and moaned and screamed as her body shuddered from within. I started to feel my own orgasm coming on and picked up the pace with my thrusts, really jackhammering into her.

Right as I reached the point of no return, I looked at my surroundings and saw her sexy taut body underneath me, with her head thrown back and her hair wild all over my desk, and behind and above her head, was a slideshow of her sexy college body with my cum all over it or my cock in her mouth, or that one time we tried anal and it didn't work so well. It was surreal. Without a 2nd thought, I pulled out my cock and stroked it for her while she finished her orgasm. When I pulled out, I felt her squirt against me with her last spasm and she opened her eyes and looked up slightly as I began stroking.

The first shot went from her belly button up to her neck and the second shot cleared her body and went into her hair and then the third, fourth and fifth covered her tits and belly before the rest of my strokes dribbled and dripped cum right above her pussy. Knowing she had a few more orgasms in her before she was really done, without missing a beat, I leaned down and started going down on her. I slowly turned the chair about 90 degrees so she could see the pics as I ate her out for all I was worth. After another 15-20 minutes and 3 more orgasms, she finally had the mother of all orgasms that meant I knew she was done for awhile.

"Fuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkk. . . . " she said slowly and sexily as she came down from her last orgasm. "I really missed that, like not just from you, but in general. You know how horny I always am, and I get home from work late and Brandon is asleep or it's the morning and the kids are awake, or we actually get to have sex and he won't go down on me because 'it's gross' even though I constantly go down on him and swallow and everything."

"Well, I work from home, so you're welcome to stop by here during the day. I love my wife, but she's not nearly the freak in bed that you are. . . " I told her.

After some more kissing, we took a shower together and she got herself made back up and left for work. I gave her my burner email address that only goes to my phone, and she said she has to drop the kids off near where I leave every other week, so we left it open as to whether or not I'll see her again. But god damn was that hot… Now I just have to finish the next story in the queue that she said was her favorite (and probably jerk off like 5 times today too).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/39gejf/nympho_cumslut_girlfriend_returns


  1. What can I say, I’m a shooter, and she definitely likes to see it. Plus, I wanted to leave evidence to add to our photo stash. . .

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