When my mail carrier [F] delivered [M] more than the mail.

About twenty years or so ago I was living and working in Mill Valley, CA, a pretty town not far over the Golden Gate bridge from San Francisco. I lived in a small house on the outskirts of town, alone, having not long ago split after an especially lousy marriage.

I originally came to the area after living further south, in Silicon Valley, but as more people came and I developed a reputation I moved north. I’d built and sold a company and done well financially. While thinking about building another I was working as a consultant with various startups so had a super relaxed schedule.

Each day, Rebecca, the local mail carrier, would bring the mail. I smoked back then and, one day, she saw me outside and asked me for some water. I got her a glass and she sat down to have a smoke with me, taking her break on the stoop of my house and talking. She was cute in a plain way, a hispanic with a little extra meat on her bones; not skinny but definitely not fat either. She had big breasts, dark hair, and brown eyes.

She was a young mom who’d gotten pregnant at 16, had a baby at 17, and was on some kind of trial period as a mail carrier at 18. Home life, she said, kinda’ sucked. At her parent’s insistence, she was still with the her baby’s daddy who she described as a stoner who didn’t work and played games. They were on welfare which is how she’d ended up in some work training program delivering mail.

This became a daily routine. Around the same time each day, Becca would come by and we’d hang out talking and smoking. We’d talk about life.

Like I mentioned, I was newly single and told her I didn’t want to be tied down; it was fun meeting up with different women and playing around, a benefit of living close to San Francisco. She told me she was sexually frustrated. People assumed since she was a a mom and had a boyfriend she was either taken care of or had no interest. Wrong.

She was super flirty but I was much older than her and, oh yeah, she was a coupled-up on-the-job mail carrier complete with USPS uniform, truck, and her bag full of mail. I couldn’t. It’s probably criminal I thought. Not figuratively a crime – literally, criminal, interfering with a mail carrier no matter how much she seemed to want to be interfered with.

One day our break talk turned super sexual and I got hard. I thought she didn’t notice but the next day she asked if I had anything to eat. I went inside and she followed me and said “Let’s check out what I saw yesterday.” She dropped to her knees, unzipped my pants, and took my instantly hard penis in her mouth.

Remember, she was working so only had about 10-15 minutes to hang out each day without messing up her mail schedule. Not every day but many turned into hurried mini-sex marathons. Some days she’s give me oral and other days I’d give her oral. Other days we’d have regular sex. Once we had anal. Sometimes we’d hang out on the stoop talking and smoking. I’d defer to her what she wanted from day-to-day.

That went on until she passed some kind of probationary threshold and was given a permanent job on different mail route. I, unfortunately, lost my mail carrier fuck buddy but it was great fun while it lasted. Receiving the mail has never been as fun since.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k2kz7r/when_my_mail_carrier_f_delivered_m_more_than_the

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