Lady of the Forest pt.2 (fiction) (m/f)

*Note: This part of the story contains flirtations and sexual references and ends with the story’s last rape scene. That’s the only erotic part in it because I didn’t want to make the post too long. Part three will contain non-violent sex scenes for those who don’t like them. Just a heads up. If people are not interested in the story and rather focus on the erotic part, then I suggest you head to the third last paragraph. I actually found a picture online who fits the description of the main character Enya:*

Suddenly Enya appeared in the distance shouting out, “Maya, let her go!” She ran towards them. Maya and her friends ran off as quickly as they could, dropping Ashla’s weakened body to the ground. She lay there defensless, bleeding from her sex, breast and ass. Enya frowned in disgust, sitting herself down by Ashla’s side. A few feet behind her Liatha stood in shock watching as Enya tended to her sister. “Hold still, sweet Ashla.” She held her hand to her sister’s crotch, her hand glowing as she touched it and the bleeding stopped. She did the same for anywhere on her body she was bleeding. Unfortunately Enya knew all too well Ashla’s nipple on her breast would never return and would just be covered by merely skin like most of her body. Ashla herself was barely conscious during the process and couldn’t speak. Liatha however watched every movement Enya made and was very surprised she had the ability to heal others,

“Enya, how are you…” She muttered, holding her hand over her lower lip.

“Please not now, Liatha. Ashla still needs to be tended to. I need to find Maya. The Mother will punish her. Justice must be served.” She frowned.

“I will take her to the fountain.” Liatha said, referring to the place where they often would bathe, but it was also a place of worship. She looked down to Ashla, “Will she be all right?”

Enya shook her head, “I don’t know. They didn’t just torment her on a physical level, but also mentally. I only know one thing for sure… She’ll never be the same.” She sighed, tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Hey, hey. This isn’t your fault!” Liatha said insistently.

“Is it not? I should have protected her…”

“How could you have known. You’re the strongest Nymph I know. You’re my sister, now and always.” She held both Enya’s hands and kissed them, “Mother would be proud.

Enya shared a doubtful look. Still, she forced a smile, “I need to go and find Maya. Wait for me at the fountain.” She looked down at Ashla, her eyes covered in tears. Afterwards she started to run as fast as she could to find Maya at all cost.

Twenty minutes later Liatha arrived at the large fountain located in the centre of the forest., where many Nymphs were bathing, some of them helping others to keep themselves clean and pure. The fountain was made of green marble. The water sprouted from four statues of Nymphs right at the centre of the fountain. They stood with their backs against each other, holding their arms up. In her arms Liatha held the tormented Nymph Ashla. The bleeding had stopped, but the pain remained. Some of the Nymphs noticed their presence and ran to their aid.
Liatha groaned, her muscles aching from carrying Ashla all this way. Not that she would complain. She did this to help Enya and most of all Ashla. Both were her sisters, though to Ashla the feeling was not mutual. Not that it was important right now. All that mattered was her wellbeing. Some of the Nymphs surrounded Ashla and Liatha, taking the wounded Nymph from her arms and carrying to the fountain, which held healing powers. They carefully placed her in the water of the fountain, which gleamed under the sun, “How, how did this happen?” One of the Nymphs asked Liatha.

Her eyes turned somber, “This was Maya’s doing. She tempted her, tortured her!” She hissed, “Enya is looking for her now. “

Another voice spoke up from the fountain. “No, Maya would never perform such atrocities! You’re a liar!” One of the Nymphs bathing in the fountain shouted out. Others mumbling between each other, unsure what to believe.

“Then clearly you don’t know her as well as you thought!” Liatha shouted back, “I saw it with my own eyes!”

“Why should we believe a freak like you..” the same Nymph said who spoke out earlier.

“I am not a freak!” Liatha cried out, feeling the tears swell in her eyes. Without Enya she felt vulnerable. She had this hope that after the time she had with her, the mocking would finally come to an end, however she realised that was just a fool’s hope.

“Enough!!!” A voice shouted out from nowhere, though all the Nymphs knew full well whose voice it was. It was the Lady of the Forest herself, “This foolishness has to stop. All of you are my children, you are sisters. Do not fight! Share you love with each other. Do not hate, discriminate. We are not like humans. We all have love in our hearts and we must embrace it or they will turn dark. That is what happened to Maya and that’s what caused this poor soul’s torment.” The voice echoed in the sky. The Nymphs felt the earth shake. As fear struck them first, they now bowed their heads in respect to their Mother. Ashla was now given all the care she needed, now bathing in the healing waters of the fountain. There she would stay until she would recover.

On the edge of the forest, Maya and her two sisters stopped running for they knew the consequences of crossing the border between the forest and the realm of men. If they crossed it, they could never return. Maya turned around, facing Enya herself. She scoffed at her, “Enya, you’re either brave or stupid to face us all here alone. It must be the same stupidity that makes you think you’re so special!” Maya laughed, her sisters joining her in laughter.

“I never thought I was special, yet I’m not like you…” Enya snarled, clenching her fists.

Maya rolled her eyes, “Oh you’re ‘different’…” She hissed, “You’re toying with words. You think you’re so much better than us.”

“Well, I didn’t just torment one of my sisters in the most vile way, did I?” She raised her eyebrow, “You disgust me, Maya. You’re not worthy of the Mother’s love anymore.”

Maya pointed at Enya, “See! There’s that superiority complex of you again. You think you’re better. What would you know of the Mother that we don’t!”

Enya grinned, “A lot more than you, that’s for sure…” She held her hand up high, glowing like bright golden light. Maya and her sister felt a certain dread in their hearts and felt forced to walk back. Maya looked over the shoulder to the border,

“No, Enya! Whatever you’re doing, stop it! Maybe we can come to a.. a truce?” She pleaded, yet Enya just shook her head.

“No, no truce. You three are now banished from the forest!” She raised her voice, her hand shining brighter. The three sisters facing her kept stepping back step by step until they finally crossed the border and all of them screeched like they were in pain. However it was no pain that they felt in their hearts; it was shame. They now felt how humans felt fully exposed in nudity for all eyes to see. There was no one else, besides Enya to witness, though that made no difference. They threw their arm over their breasts to cover them, their other arm lowering down to cover their crotch. They stumbled over the ground like fools, clumsy in the way they walked, desperately trying to hide their nude bodies.
Enya took no pleasure in this and sighed, “Farewell…” She said and turned around to leave the three to their fate, no longer as sisters, no longer than Nymphs. They were now three foolish girls, flawed in despicable ways. Now they were just human.

Later Enya arrived at the fountain, her shoulders were slumped in defeat. Despite that she was able to serve some justice for what happened to Ashla, she only felt sadness in her heart. She had lost three sisters, in fact almost four of them. She saw Ashla in the fountain, Liatha sitting besides her, though she was not aware Enya had returned. Enya stepped into the fountain, kneeling before Ahla’s body, “How is she?”

Liatha’s eyes brightened, hearing Enya’s soft voice, “She’s… she’s recovering.” She responded, watching Enya lowering her head. She hated to see her sister so sad. She had been the first one to show her such kindness, yet Liatha didn’t know how to return the favour.

Enya bent her head forwards, kissing Ashla’s breast on the spot where her nipple used to be. She then kisses her sister’s forehead and offered a shallow smile to Liatha, “Thank you, sweet sister.”

“Of course, Enya. What happened to Maya and the others? Did you find them?”
Enya nodded, “Yes, the Mother decided their fate. They will never return to the forest.”

Liatha gasped, “You mean… they’re banished?” Her eyes widened for it was unheard of. This was the first time they heard of a Nymph being banished. They couldn’t recollect when it happened the last time.

“It was necessary…” Enya closed her eyes filled with tears. Liatha put her hand to her cheek, drying her tears. News spread of Maya’s fate throughout the fountain. All Nymphs were thoroughly shocked.

The following morning Enya still sat besides Ashla, “I’m so sorry, Ashla..” She sobbed, “I should never have left your side.” She turned around, hearing the splashing of water behind her. It was Liatha who took her place in the fountain, not to bathe, but just to comfort Enya. She hugged her sister tightly, surrounding her arms around Enya’s waist,

“You shouldn’t be here all by yourself. Everyone’s still sleeping.” She looked around her to the trees. It was custom for Nymphs to morph into little blooming trees once they chose to sleep during the night. In the morning they would wake and take the form of a human, yet inside they were still the same, the love of all in nature. Liatha kissed her cheek.

Maya and her friends were wandering the land of mortals, trying to disguise themselves in ragged clothing they had stolen from a woman who was washing them in daylight. They tried to survive eating the lousiest food they could find, not like anything the forest would supply when they were still Nymphs. With their feet bare they struggled to walk on the ground, little pieces of rock hurting their feet. After hours of walking it started to rain and they tried to find some shelter. Maya noticed a structure and she pointed at it to her friends, who were also banished from the forest. They followed her and saw a wooden plaque hanging by the door which had the name ‘The Red Crow’ on it. All of them headed inside noticing the moist atmosphere. The music inside was loud and so was everybody else laughing, most of them in a drunken state. There were also women scantily dressed, some of them sitting on the laps of drunkards, who couldn’t stop touching these women all over. The three former Nymphs felt their heart stop, having never seen a man in their life before. The first to see them was a tall man with a large beer belly. His laughter was loud and he grabbed Maya by her wrist pulling her closer to him,
“Ha! What is such a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?!” He cackled. Maya looked to her friends, though they backed off and left through the door. The drunkard had a large beard, wet from all the ale he had drank so far. Maya tried to struggle her way out of the drunkard’s arms, though the more she resisted, the more the man tightened his arms around her, “Now, now… don’t take the fun of it, ya little bitch!” He slapped her, picking her up in his arms and making his way upstairs to his own room, small in size with a foul smell. There he threw her on the bed. Maya tried to stand up, however the drunkard grabbed her by her legs, spreading them wide open. He pulled her closer to himself and grabbed her by her clothes, He ripped apart her skirt. Maya cried out in fear for what would happen next. The drunkard laughed once again and pushed his shaft in her sex. His thrusts were slow, though they were like punches inside her body. She grunted feeling him inside her. The drunkard grabbed her by her hair, pulling her head forward. For a moment he pushed his flesh inside her mouth, rocking her head back and forth. Maya gulped and felt like she would choke. She had never felt anything like this before. The drunkard kept laughing, the dirt on his shaft tasted repulsive to her. She gagged and felt like she could vomit, though she tried to hold it back, only out of fear for the stranger and what he would do to her if she did. He pushed his shaft back inside her flesh and kept on thrusting her. Her hymen broke, blood flowing from her sex onto the bed. The drunkard raised his eyebrow, “You’re a…” He laughed, “Never expected a pretty thing like you having her first time with… well someone like me!” He laughed loudly.
He thrust deeper inside her, feeling the warmth of the blood and the juice. Then he finally felt the climax as she felt the warm sperm flowing inside her body, though some of it just oozed down from her flesh and onto the bed. Maya groaned and panted from all the pain she felt during this experience. There was a stark reminder of what she had done to Ashla,

‘Was this what she felt as well?’ She thought to herself, though the drunkard looked very eager again to her, his eyes fixated on her, grabbing her by her legs. She felt his hands on her waist as he turned her around. What would he possibly do now?
The drunkard laughed and pushed three of his fingers down her ass. Maya screamed out in pain, though nobody could ever hear her.
“Stop! Please stop!” She cried out, though the drunkard didn’t listen to her and pushed down his shaft, covered with dirt, sweat and his sperm inside her ass, blood still oozing from her sex. The drunkard groaned pushing his shaft deeper inside her. It almost felt like a blunt rock was being pushed inside her. It hurt so hard, that she couldn’t describe the pain she was suffering. He thrust his shaft again and again down her ass, blood still oozing from her flesh, but now also from her sss. She cried out, though the drunkard grabbed her by her hair again and pulled hard,

“Shut up, you little bitch! You’re ruining all the fun here.” He groaned, thrusting his shaft down harder. He kept on going until he had another orgasm, sperm oozing from his shaft inside, dripping down from her ass onto his flesh and onto the bed. Maya felt like she was going to faint until the drunkard put his hand around her petite neck, pushing his shaft inside her mouth again. She tasted the sperm, sweat and dirt once he pushed his shaft down her throat. She didn’t feel like she would vomit as she could barely breathe. The man tore her shirt into shreds, her breasts revealing themselves, sperm dripping down on them from her mouth. Her hands desperately tried to free herself from the man’s grasp, though it was all for nought. After he had forced her down her throat, he threw her on the bed again.
“Well this has been fun!” He laughed, “But you’re now fucking useless. A little bitch that’s now trash. Shame your friends left in such a hurry, because I’m sure they would have been fun to fuck and fuck and fuck…”
Maya grabbed what remained of her clothes, trying to cover herself up. She ran down the stairs and left the tavern immediately. The shame she felt was unbearable, desperately trying to find some clothing to cover herself. This world was not like the forest. There was nothing to be ashamed of while dancing around the trees naked. Here she did not feel that safety that the forest provided. Was this her own fault for tormenting Ashla? No, this was Enya’s fault. If not for her she wouldn’t have been banished from the forest and she wouldn’t have been abused by that dirty man. Now Maya felt truly alone. Her friends had forsaken her. Once they were her sisters, though now they had left her as some disposable person who was only good to pleasure dirty men like the drunkard who had taken her virginity. This was all Enya’s fault and while she didn’t feel confident and assured to make her pay, she would find a way. Enya deserved to be punished, just as she had been just now. She had been running as fast as she could until she found a small stream. The water was cold, though Maya didn’t waste any time and washed herself from all the sweat, blood and sperm the drunkard had left her with. Afterwards she didn’t feel exactly clean and the shame she felt could certainly not just be washed away. She snuck around trying to find some new clothing to cover herself. The pain of her muscles and mostly between her legs made it very difficult for her to walk, nevermind to run.

To be continued…


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