No longer my fiance after she comes clean about her affair, [MF]

This took place a long time ago when I was 24. I met this girl through my sister. They were soccer teammates. I was at a game watching my sister play and when the game was over my sister introduced Joyce to me. We started talking and I asked her out on a date. She had just finished her freshman year of college, we dated all summer and that fall I asked her to marry me. I was joining the service late that fall for 3 years so I could get my GI bill after my service time was up. For me to go to college, that was the only way I could go. I went to boot camp and finished in December, came home on leave, we had a great time together and the sex was super. I left and was stationed at Ramstein Air Base Germany for 2 1/2 years. I came home on leave twice for 2 weeks each time, Joyce and I had a great time over each of the 2 weeks and the sex was great. The plan was for her to finish college with a degree in Education then begin her career as a teacher and I would start college for the spring semester after I was discharged from the service. I wanted a career in communications.

After I returned home after 3 years, she was different, we did not seem to connect. She told me it was getting use to me being home permanently but things would get better, but they didn’t. We were distant and not on the same plane but she kept saying it was going to get better. Joyce was living in an apartment off campus so I went over to question her as to where this relationship was going and what was wrong. As I approached her place pulling into the parking lot, I saw her driving away, so I thought I would follow her. After about 5 miles, she pulls into a nice neighborhood, large houses and pulls into a driveway of a large house. She walks up to the door and rings the door bell, the door opens and she walks in. I am parked at the end of the street and I wait, two hours later she comes out, gets into her car and drives off. I drive around the block so she would not see me. As I pass by the house Joyce was at a black middle age guy comes out, gets into his car and starts to back out. I drive by and head to Joyce’s apartment.

I knock on the door and she answers, puts her arms around me and starts kissing on me. She closes the door, drops to her knees, unzips my pants, pulls out my rock hard cock and starts sucking. We make it to the couch, clothes come off and we are fucking each other for all it is worth. She is on the pill so I finished inside of her. She tells me that was so good. Both of us sitting on the couch naked, I ask her who was the black guy at house she visited. Things went silent, her face turned red ( I can see it in my mind today). She starts crying and says you followed me like it was a question. I said yes but it happened accidentally because I was coming to see you but you were leaving the parking lot so I followed you. I saw you go into the house and come out 2 hours later. I drove around the block so you would not see me and when I past the house a black guy came out. So what is going on?

We are both naked sitting on the couch, I lean over and pick up her panties, and they are a mess, I showed them to her, then I said he must have fucked you good. She starts crying and says ok I will tell you. The guy is a professor, he was once her professor when she was a sophomore. She was taking his class and her grade was not up to what she thought it should be. She went to his office to ask him if there was something she could do to get extra credit. He said there was that he was writing a book and needed so a research paper done on one of the subjects he was writing on. He told her if the paper was good enough he would add 10 points to her final grade, she agreed. During her two months of research, she would go by his office to get clarification on some of the materiel she was working on. At some point he was needing the material, he ask her to come by his house one weekend so he get the information he needed. Joyce said Saturday was all business, Sunday she was close to finishing her part. They take a break and he gives her a beer. No one else is in the house, he is divorced and living alone. They are sitting on the couch together and at some point he leans over to kiss her. It surprises her but she is turned on and kisses him back. They wind up in his bedroom in passionate heat for each other and fuck. I ask her what kept things going and why?

He asked her to come back the next weekend and stay with him over the weekend, she told me she was wet all week thinking about the sex they were going to have. She got to his house on a Friday evening, he had dinner prepared, wine and weed. After about 2 hours, they made it to his bedroom, he undressed her, undressed himself. She said his dick was not real long maybe 6-7 inches long but had a big mushroom head. He ate her and licked her, sucked her tits. She said she was ready, but he wanted her to suck him, as she was sucking him, he tells her as she was sucking his dick that this dick was going to fuck her, he told to look him in the eye, he was going to rub the head of his dick over her clit, he told her his dick was going to fuck her slippery pussy and would pull out for her to suck juices off his dick. She was so tuned on, she told him she was going to cum soon so she begged him to fuck her. He did, they spent the whole weekend fucking and sucking. She said they have been fucking for over 2 years. She told me he is the sexy man she has ever been with and does not know if she could stop. I got dressed, got my ring and left.

Don’t know what ever happened to her


1 comment

  1. That’s fucked up man. Hope you are ok after that and that no matter how hard it gets for you that you have fellow redditors to talk to.

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