A cumslut’s gamble (m dom,f sub) (cum fetish)

Margaritas and bets don’t mix.  I’m being glib now, but man, did I fuck up.  I’m really not the kind of girl who does dirty stuff, I don’t really know how to talk about it.  I’m a wife, a graduate student, have only had a handful of boyfriends prior to my husband.  My sex life isn’t strictly vanilla, but I’m certainly not a slut.  I don’t know why I ever decided to bet my husband…I guess I’m back to blaming the margaritas.  But, I’m digressing, I guess I’m avoiding the subject at hand…

A couple months ago, after a couple of margaritas at my favorite Mexican restaurant with my husband, I was feeling warm ALL over.  I was making plans for when we got home, already thinking about what I was going to do to him. Feeling playful, I, half jokingly, told my husband that I was going to make him cum within five minutes when we got home.  He laughed, and said to me “I bet I make you cum before you make me cum”.  

“I know you’re good, but I’m better,” I replied, “I bet you anything I get you off within 5 minutes”.  

His tone took me aback, no longer was he a bit playful.  “Don’t offer anything you don’t mean seriously, I don’t like being played with.” 

 “I’m serious.  I’ll do ANYTHING you ask, and I mean ANYTHING.  I’ll clean the bathroom floor with my tongue” 

“Baby, don’t play with me, I take these kind of things very seriously and you’re obviously drunk”

“How dirty to you want me to be?  If you make me cum first, I’ll do the dirtiest thing you can come up with”



“I’m going to win, and I’ve got something in mind.  I’ve had it in mind for a while now”

I had no idea what he had in mind, I still don’t, but, as you may have guessed, he won, and about 2 weeks ago, strange packages started coming in the mail addressed to him…and his slut, Amber.

I’m getting really freaked out, each day the tension mounts.  I’d never describe myself as kinky, never really had a rich fantasy life, I just knew I enjoyed sex with my husband and loved pleasing him.  I even enjoyed sucking his dick, swallowing his cum or wearing it on my face for him.  I was turned on by his reaction, and have gradually found myself becoming turned on by playing with his cum and tasting it before I let it slide down my throat.  I figured at first that he’d ask me to do something in that realm, given his reaction when I swallowed his cum after a blow job.  But the packages are strange, and more than a little disturbing, especially given that they’re addressed to “his slut Amber”.  I am not a slut, in fact I’d tried hard to avoid anything that might get me labeled as one.  It truly bothered me to think he was allowing me to be called one by whomever was sending those packages.  And yet…every time I saw my name and that descriptor…it was another kind of disturbing.

My husband wasn’t giving away anything, he was, as always, unreadable when he chose to be.  The packages kept arriving, there had been about a dozen so far, but I had no idea what the contents were.  My husband would make sure I saw each, saw to whom it was addressed, but he’d take them to the shop to open them.  I was completely in the dark, and as much as it worried me, kind of pissed me off, I was being forced to admit to myself that the secrecy was having a multiplying effect on the feeling I had at being called his slut.  I knew whatever he was planning was coming up soon, and there was beginning to be considerable arousal accompanying the fear.

Thursday when he came in the house he informed me, still emotionless, that this weekend was the time to pay up on my bet.

“This WEEKEND?! The whole WEEKEND?! Not a couple hours, not a night, the whole weekend?”

“You agreed to whatever I asked, and I’m asking.  I’ve obviously gone to considerable trouble, and it would be a huge violation of my trust to back out now”

“C’mon, I was a bit drunk, and didn’t think you had this kind of deviousness in you!”

“You’re going to do this, Amber, I can’t have you let me down now”

“OK, but it’s really starting to worry me”

“Good” he replied, and a smile crept across his lips, simultaneously chilling me and making me wet.  I could already tell that whatever he had in mind this weekend was going to change me, I was beginning to see that I might not be the good little girl I had always pictured myself as.

Friday at 6, he called me into the bedroom.  On the bed was a cheerleading uniform complete with above the knee socks.  “Put it on, slut”  I had never felt the feeling I just felt.  

“Yes, Sir” I had never before called him that, I don’t know why I did now, but it felt right.  I could feel my thong dampen.  

“On your knees, eyes closed.  I’ll be back and you can begin paying off your bet.”

I did as I was bid, stuffing my large, round tits into a cheerleading top that was never meant to handle that load.  The skirt covered my pussy, but I could feel that the bottom half of my ass cheeks were exposed.  I knelt, reaching down to touch my now soaking crotch.  “But, I’m not a slut.  I can’t do this…I don’t know what he’s planning, but I have got to find a way out”  I said that out loud, wishing it wasn’t true.  I still didn’t know his plan, but every other word was false.

I could hear his footsteps approaching.  I also thought I heard a glass clink against something.  He was standing over me, and I could tell he was arranging something in front of me.  Eyes still closed, I desperately tried to attune my other senses to alleviate the sudden overwhelming anxiety, the fear that I was about to become his slut, and knowing it was unlikely that it would be just for the weekend.  “Open your eyes.  I know how you like a good stiff drink.”

I opened my eyes, and in front of me were my two matching margarita glasses, filled to the brim with white, creamy liquid. “What the fuck is that?!” I demanded, but I knew exactly what it was.  I should have remembered this fetish from the porn he watched, but I never even considered he’d ask, much less demand that I do it myself.  

“You know what it is, I can tell.  Tell me what it is.”  He never commanded me, I would never have obeyed…under normal circumstances.  But my normal was changing for me with every second, with every drop of wetness that dripped off my pussy onto the floor.  

“It’s cum, Sir.  Am I supposed to drink it all?”  What was this submissive tone I was taking?

“Yes, every drop of my cum that I’ve saved for you”

“Yes, Sir”

I reached out, my hand shaking, but what should have been apprehension, even revulsion, was instead an overwhelming excitement.  As I gripped the stem of the glass, I steadied.  I caught myself licking my lips involuntarily, salivating slightly, and now dripping steadily on the floor from my soaking pussy. I lifted the glass to my lips, pausing without letting it touch.  This was my last chance to turn back, I knew.  If I allowed myself to engage in this action, I would know I was a slut.  A filthy cumslut.  Just like the dirtiest porn stars he watched.  And it was more than just a label.  If I gave in now, the urge I was feeling, that I had felt in the depths of my mind but suppressed when savoring his cum, would overwhelm me.  I licked my lips again, my breathing quickening, the drip between my legs a stream.  I touched my lips to the glass, tilted it ever so slightly toward me.  I almost came when the cum touched my lips.  A trickle began to leak into my mouth through my slightly parted lips.  I regained some control over my pussy, but nearly lost it again when the trickle hit my tongue.  I kept the glass at the tilt, letting the trickle seep into my mouth, coating my tongue, then overspread it, filling my mouth.  I closed my lips, and looked up at my husband.  There was a look of lust in his eyes unlike anything I’d seen before, and I lost control of myself seeing it.  I began to spew my juices on the floor as I opened my mouth to show him the pool of cum in my mouth.  My god, it tasted good, and my mouth felt so fucking good being filled with it.  “Swallow for me, slut” I did as I was told, but garbled a “Yess, Sirrrr” at him with my mouth full of semen.  The cum slid down my throat, and the feeling was amazing, but when I felt the fullness of that mouthful hit my stomach, I couldn’t stop myself from touching my clit.  I furiously masturbated, bringing the glass to my lips again.  Another mouthful sent me over the edge, and I soaked the floor beneath me.  I couldn’t slow down now, and I chugged the rest of the glass ravenously.  It felt amazing filling my mouth, tasted amazing, somehow better in greater quantity.  “I take it you liked that, huh, slut?” His voice was a bit triumphant, as though I had proven him right.  

“Yes, Sir”

“I love that, you calling me Sir.  Keep it up slut”

“Yes, Sir.  Do you like watching me drink your cum?”

“Want to see how much?”

“Yes, Sir.  Please show me your cock”

He pulled out that magnificent cock of his, fully erect.  I nearly came again merely at the sight.  “Are you full yet, slut”

“No, Sir”

“Good, you’ve got another glass yet tonight”

“Thank you, Sir”

I grabbed the second glass, determined to put on a show worthy of my new title of slut.  I took a long sip, not a mouthful, but close.  I showed it to him, running my tongue around in it, tasting its salty, tangy amazing flavor.  “You like that, Sir” I said through the cum in my mouth.  He began stroking his cock slowly over me.  “Please give me your fresh load, Sir” I sucked back a string of cum that dared to seep out the corner of my mouth.  “Should I swallow now, Sir?”

“Swallow, slut”  I did as I was commanded, loving the feeling of the cum, the submission and the new title I was earning.

I took another drink, my eyes rolled back in my head in pleasure at the taste.  I showed him as I swished it around, I gargled it, pushed it into my cheeks.  I blew some bubbles with it, spewing little droplets of cum on my face as the bubbles burst.  Every action felt amazing, every moment was blissful.  He stroked his cock harder, and I felt something new as I looked up.  I felt powerful, amazed at my ability to make him so lustful.  Yes, I was a slut, yes I was obedient, but in being slutty and obedient, I was able to exert a hold over him, I could see the animal instincts overcome his usual cool demeanor.  I swallowed the huge mouthful, feeling my stomach beginning to fill.  “Please fuck me, Sir.  Use your big cock on my pussy.  It’s soaking for you, aching for you”

“I’m going to fuck you, I’m going to pound your pussy.  Take that last mouthful and hold it while I do.  I’m going to show you what a slut you really are!”

“Please, Sir! Fuck me while I have a mouthful of your cum in my mouth!”  I grabbed the glass and slurped down the last of the glass, cheeks pursing out to accommodate the massive amount of cum that remained in the glass.  All I could do was grunt and moan, lips closed, as he slid 9 inches of thick cock deep into my pussy from behind.  “MMM, MMM, MMMMMMMM!!!”  It was a struggle to keep the cum contained as he began to pound me from behind.  “MMMMMM, MMMMMMM, MMMMMMMMMM!”  The cum wasn’t even sloshing in my mouth, it was so full, and it was a struggle to keep from swallowing or choking as he drove his cock into my pussy, balls slapping my clit in a rhythm that was causing orgasm after orgasm.

“Don’t you dare swallow until I tell you, slut”


That was apparently too much for him, as he began to shoot his load inside me, so hard I thought it might make it to my mouth through my body.  “Fuck, that was good, slut.  You may swallow”  I almost didn’t want to, because it was the last of the cum, and I wouldn’t get any more from him soon enough to satisfy me.   I opened my mouth, showing him the massive pool in my mouth, full to the lips, threatening to seep out if I moved wrong at all, putting pressure on my swallow reflex that caused tears to well up in my eyes from the strain to avoid choking, and a greater wetness to erupt from my cum filled pussy.  I closed my lips, closed my eyes and felt the euphoria as that giant wad of cum began to enter my esophagus.  I couldn’t swallow it all in one gulp, there was so much.  I worked the remaining cum around in my mouth, savoring it one last moment before allowing it to join the rest in my overfull stomach. “I knew you’d enjoy that.  I knew that slut was inside there, Amber”

“I did, too, on some level, Sir.  Thank you for letting me become your slut.  I wish there was more”

“You won’t be drinking any more cum tonight.  But I’ve got a lot more fun planned for my slut the next two days.  You’ve only begun to find out what a slut I want you to be.”

He gestured to the TV at the end of our bed, which I was beneath the whole time.  Above it, blinking red, was a webcam.  I turned red immediately, ashamed of myself thinking about who might have seen my transformation into a complete cumslut.  
“Do you want to find out just how slutty you can be?  I’m planning to push your limits.”

“Yes, Sir” I responded, and shocked myself as I looked up at the camera, wiped some cum off the side of the glass and licked it off my finger seductively. I smiled and winked at my audience.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k1mvsl/a_cumsluts_gamble_m_domf_sub_cum_fetish


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