The Housesitter [FFM] [Married Couple] [College Girl] [Teaching] [Orgasms] [Threesome] [Watching] [Happy Ending]

I reach for your hand on the car ride home. “I’m so glad we finally had the chance to get away for a few days,” I sigh contentedly. You lift your hand momentarily from the stick shift to give my fingers a squeeze. “You deserved it babe,” you say softly.

I smile and turn my face out my window to watch the lights pass by. Turning back to you, I blurt out, “Ana is already quite the looker eh?” I suggestively push at your leg, sure that you’ve noticed too. Your brow furrows as you ask “Who?”

I can’t decide to laugh or sigh at your usual obliviousness. “The housesitter!” I cry. “She’s hot! And she definitely has a crush on you bub.” You glance over at me, eyebrows raised above your glasses now. “She does?” you ask in clear shock. I roll my eyes at your expression. “Uhh-yeah,” I respond. “Really I don’t even know why I let you drive her home…wait, no actually I do,” I laugh again, in love with your obliviousness.

“Well, I…I,” you start. I laugh again. “You are too much old man,” I tease, giving your knee another squeeze. “I just…couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she is becoming…”

* * *

As we walk up the walk to the front door, I notice that the house appears mostly dark. This is a little odd as Ana is usually waiting in the living room, watching TV. You give my hand a tight squeeze then unlock the door. “Ana?” I call out, slipping off my shoes in the entrance. I turn back to you, giving a slight frown. Starting into the house, I see that the living room is indeed empty. At the foot of the stairs, I fall up softly “Ana? Where are you dearheart?”

Making my way upstairs, I see that our bedroom door is slightly ajar with a dim light on inside. “*What would Ana be doing in our room?*” I wonder, making my way down the hall. Nearing the door, I hear a small moan and immediately stop. You’re coming up the stairs behind me, but I hold out my hand to you and shake my head. I peak around the door to our bedroom–Ana is on the bed with her skirt flipped up and fingers inside her panties. Her eyes are closed so she doesn’t notice me. I blush seeing her perfect porcelain skin, soft and tight with youth.

I look back at you in the hallway and raise a finger, letting you know to hold back for a minute. This time I call out louder, “Ana! We’re back.” There is some rustling behind the door, and I give her a second before opening it. Her cheeks are still flushed and her hair is slightly mussed, like she’s been in the bed awhile.

“Oh! Hi Mrs. Blackwell. I was just…umm,” she looks around, trying to come up with an excuse for being in here. I notice that one of your shirts is on the bed near her–you changed just before we left a few days ago so I know it still smells like you, like your cologne. My eyes linger on the shirt for a beat too long, glancing up my eyes lock with Anas. “It’s fine Ana,” I say gently. “We’re home a little earlier than expected. No worries about coming up here for…a rest?” I come to sit down on the bed too.

Ana’s eyes widen and her cheeks fill with pink. “Umm..sure,” she says shyly. “Unless,” I glance at the shirt again, so close to her fingers. “Unless there was another reason you wanted to come in here?” I keep my voice inviting and friendly.

“Well, it’s just that…urg I don’t know how to say it,” she fidgets nervously on the bed. “These guys at school…I mean, whatever it’s not really about them I guess…” Her brow furrows. She’s only 19 a few weeks ago–housesitting for us over the winter break until she goes back to university. We’ve known her since high school days though and she has been the ideal housesitter for any trips we’ve had planned. I can sense she’s looking for something now though–advice or answers or…practice?

“Listen,” I start. “Guys at any age can be…difficult but you’re such a smart girl I’m sure whatever you’re doing is the right thing. Is there anything in particular going on? You can always talk to me or even Mr. Blackwell if you want a man’s perspective,” I laugh and she smiles shyly at the thought.

“Ok,” she says. “It’s just that any guy I’ve had sex with at school so far has not been…umm, fulfilling? I don’t know if it’s something I’m doing wrong…” she shakes her head and looks down. “I mean they seem to like it but I’m just left…still wanting.”

‘Oh darling!” I take her chin and lift her eyes back up to me. “Trust me–you are perfect. The guys you’ve been with either don’t know what they’re doing or they’re just assholes.Trust me–I dated my fair share before meeting Aaron.” Her cheeks warm again at the sound of your first name–her obvious crush is adorable and I can’t help but imagine you two together–your hands finally showing her what she’s capable of feeling.

“If you want…” I start, trying to sound casual. “We–or just I–we could teach you some things so that when you go back to school you at least know what it should feel like?”

Her eyes open in surprise. “You…you and Mr. Blackwell?” she asks shakily. “Sure,” I reply. “We’re very open to–umm–sharing. And he can *definitely* teach you some things.” I wink at her playfully. She lets out a breathy laugh, clearly surprised by my offer.

“What kinds of things?” she asks, leaning forward a little like we’re two girls at a sleepover sharing secrets. I lean in too. “About what you need to make your toes curl, about asking for what you need, about the balance of give and take in sex so that you both enjoy it.” Our faces are closer now. “Wow,” she breathes. “That sounds…amazing.” I grin at the lust in her voice. Glancing at her perfect pink lips, I look back to her eyes–she gives the slightest nod to me and I close the gap between us as her eyes close.

Her lips are soft and warm against mine–I let out a surprised moan when she easily slips her tongue into my mouth. I feel her smile at that and know that she’s just as pleased with my reaction as I am about hers. Reaching one my hands forward, I touch the smooth skin of her stomach, just between where her top and skirt meet. I tug at the skirt a little and she moves closer to me. Before I get lost in this though, I know I want you to be in on this.

I break away from Ana’s perfect lips, her eyes still half closed in a dreamy sort of haze. “Do you want me to get Mr. Blackwell too?” She bites her lip and nods–I give her lip a final nibble before going back out to the hallway to find you.

“Is everything ok?” you ask worriedly. I grin as I take your hands. “Uh-huh,” I reply, starting to walk backwards towards our bedroom and bringing you with me. “Ana just needs some help from us…” “Help?” You are positively confused–my expression is clearly excited yet you’re not sure what exactly is happening.

Pulling you all the way into the bedroom, I see your face shift from confusion to surprise to eager anticipation. I’m still grinning at you while I watch your gears start to wind. Glancing over my shoulder, I’m again pleasantly surprised to find Ana is moving along with this so well–her shirt is off and she’s sitting expectantly on her knees. She looks eager and shy and turned on all at the same time.

“Ok, Ana,” I start, making a slow circle around you as you continue to stare at the bed. “As you’ve probably gathered by now, men are much easier to understand in terms of sex.” Behind you, I run my hand over your hair and look over your shoulder to make sure Ana is watching. Pulling on your strands, your neck arches back and I hear your breath hitch. My lips are practically against your skin. “But it’s always good to surprise them sometimes,” I continue, taking a quick taste of your exposed skin before loosening my grip on your hair.

Continuing my walk around you, I come back to the front and reach for your shirt buttons. Your eyes focus on me now–we both feel the intensifying of the lust that always exists between our bodies. I start to undo the buttons, slowly and still staring into your eyes. “First things first, Ana,” I say. “Removing clothes.” I glance back at her. “Which I see you’ve already started–good girl.” She giggles shyly. “Don’t worry–we’ll get to the rest of them in a minute.”

Your shirt finally undone, I push it from your shoulders. Before I can stop myself, I step closer to kiss you. Your shirt halfway off and forgotten, you lift your hands to cup my face and pull me in as close as possible. My fingers trail down your chest, lost in the moment and forgetting where we are entirely.

Pulling back, my forehead against yours–we both give a wolfish grin to each other. I turn back towards the girl in our bed. “Sorry about that Ana,” I start. I notice however that she is practically panting after just watching us. “*This is going to be fun*,” I realize again, almost dumbstruck.

I feel your presence behind me. “It’s easy to uhh…get caught up…” I’m having trouble finding words as you lift my hair to kiss my neck and slowly unzip my dress. Pulling the fabric from my shoulders, it easily falls to the ground. Your arm wraps around my waist and you pull me closer to get more access to my skin. Ana is up on hands and knees, leaning towards us to see better. I feel my breath start to quicken as your hand starts to move downwards. I reluctantly stop you, determined to move this to a three-person situation.

“Ok,” I breath out shakily, re-focusing my eyes on Ana. “So let’s just start with something basic, right?” I glance at you and almost giggle myself. You have the look of a desperate puppy–wanting to please and willing to take whatever joy is given. I get on the bed with Ana. “I like to start with some giving on my end. I find that once you get the guy going, his appetite will become insatiable. Then you can have him focus on the giving.”

Ana nods and glances at you. “So what do we give him?” she asks shyly. I reach for your belt and pull you to stand in front of us on the bed. “I’ll show you,” I say, starting to undo your belt and zipper. “And then you can try ok?” She nods again. I glance at your face and I can tell you like the sound of where this is going. Kicking off your pants, we are both now down to the barest clothing. Ana blurts out, “Omygod you guys are so hot! I mean…ugh! I’m so sorry Mrs. Blackwell–I didn’t mean…” I laugh at her wide-eyed comment, reaching out with a reassuring squeeze of her thigh. “Thank you Ana. You’re pretty…” my eyes skim over her body. “Perfect yourself.”

“Right Mr. Blackwell?” I tease, as my hands come up to the waistband of your boxers. “Yes,” you breathe. “Perfect.” I hear a tiny gasp from Ana beside me–I know she is lost in your intense gaze. It’s the same one that makes my own breath short so often. Pulling your boxers down, it’s clear that you also find the two women in front of you incredibly sexy.

Reaching for your erect member, I start to trail my fingers up and down the shaft with the lightest of touches. You inhale at my first brush, knowing what’s to come. After closing my whole hand around you, I give a few more pumps before getting closer to you. “Ok Ana,” I say, glancing back over at her. “I’m going to show you how to go pretty deep with your mouth but don’t worry if you can’t or don’t want to do that. There are tricks to get around that.” She nods vigorously. I sneak a quick glance up at you and then lower my lips to your waiting cock. After a quick lick of my own lips, I take you into my mouth–running my tongue everywhere in order to create slickness. Finally closing my lips around you, I hear a soft moan escape your lips and wonder what Ana’s face looks like when she hears you.

Working slowly at first, I begin to ease more and more of you into my mouth. At first I use my hand near the base of you to complete the extra inches but as my throat relaxes, I’m able to push forward until you are at the back of my throat. I feel your fingers get caught up in my hair, and I know that your eyes are closed and that you’re leaning slightly forward in order to feel me completely. I swallow with you at the back of my throat and you softly cry out. I work my mouth back and forth a few times, but I don’t want to go too crazy because I want you to feel Ana’s sweet mouth too.

Finally, I slide you completely out of my mouth and look up to your dazed face. “So did you see how at the beginning, I used my hand to make up the extra space that my mouth wasn’t covering? That’s a good way to have the guy still feel completely wrapped around you without having to go all the way back.” Ana’s brows are slightly furrowed as she concentrates on taking this information in–she looks adorable. “Do you want to try?” I ask her, a bit shyly myself.

Ana gives her head a slight shake, seemingly to clear it of any further apprehension she has. She slides her lithe body towards us and reaches one of her delicate hands towards you. As soon as she touches you, I can practically feel the heat and electricity radiating from you. I move aside a little so that she can take my place in front of you. I gently brush back the hair from her face and she smiles at me before moving her own full lips down to you. I realize I am almost holding my breath in anticipation of seeing her sweet pink lips around you and watching your barely restrained reaction that is sure to follow.

She opens her mouth and begins to take you in, but I see that her eyes are still pointed upwards to you. “*She’s a quick learner*,” I almost laugh, knowing this is now going to be *so* much harder on you. I continue to gently hold her hair as she begins to experiment and practice with sucking your dick. The expressions on your face make me alternate between wanting to giggle and wanting to pant. I notice one of your hands has clenched up tightly and I know how badly you want to just face fuck this sweet sexy girl in front of you.

Wanting to push you just a *little bit* further over the edge, I reach forward with my other hand and gently cup your balls just under Ana’s chin. Your eyes explode open as soon as you feel my lightest of pressure and you look down to see me grinning like a wolf up at you. You moan again at the sight and touch of two women on your body. I raise myself up on my knees and you lean forward slightly to grab my face and kiss me deeply. You are moaning into my mouth as I slip my tongue in and I know you won’t be able to take much more of this.

Breaking apart our kiss, I gently ease Ana back–you are now slick and ready from both our mouths. “Well?” she asks timidly, looking between the two of us. “Was that ok?” I smile up at you again, daring you to answer her. “That was umm…” you run a hand through your dark hair. “That was exactly right Ana,” you manage to get out. She beams at this praise and I’m struggling not to kiss her again.

“Ok darling,” I say, turning towards Ana. “Now let’s focus on you a bit.” “Me?” she squeaks, suddenly seeming a little nervous again. I smile gently at her, “Don’t worry, Mr. Blackwell and I will also be getting lots of pleasure from this. Let’s have you lie back, just here.” She glances back at the mound of pillows behind her, and settles back. I crawl towards her slowly, wanting to recreate the lusty carefreeness she showed me before. Coming to be above her, I gently rest one of my hands near her perfect waist and trace my thumb along her spotless skin. “Can I kiss you again Ana?” I whisper. She blushes a little but nods quickly. I’m elated and lean in towards her lips.

Just as before, she almost immediately slips her tongue into my mouth and lets out a soft sigh as our kiss deepens. While one of my hands continues to gently stroke her cheek and hair, my other hand is moving along her tight stomach and up to her sheer bra. As my hand finally comes up to cup her breast and I run a thumb over one of her erect petal pink nipples, she lets out a small gasp against my mouth. I smile into our kiss as I continue my attention to her perfect tits.

My fingers easily push the flimsy straps of her bra down her arms in order to have easier access to her skin. When I feel the fabric pulled down enough, I break our kiss in order to make my way down her neck, her collarbone, the lily white space between her breasts. I can hear her panting above me and I can only assume you’re continuing to enjoy the view. Finally I replace the thumb I’ve been tracing over her nipples with my tongue, only gently grazing her to get her accustomed to the sensation. She gasps again, this time louder. I start to gently suck on one her tits, glancing up to her face to make sure she is still ok with everything. Her mouth is open as she gasps, her brow furrowed a little again as though confused at the fact that her body can feel this good.

Confident that I’ve got her to the point of comfort, I sit back a little to undo my bra. She whimpers smally when I’ve taken my mouth away but is pleased to realize it’s so that I can remove more clothes. She similarly leans forward to unhook her own bra. I slip off my panties as well and glance over at you. You still seem dazed, though a bit more together than a few minutes ago. I direct my eyes to the bedding behind me, and you climb in with us.

I put my hands on the tops of Ana’s panties. “If you thought that felt good darling, you’re going to love what comes next.” She grins at me, all shyness abandoned and forgotten. I pull her panties off and I swear we both lose several heartbeats as her exquisite, perfect, sublime youth and beauty are fully revealed.

I regain myself first and quickly lean forward to regain Ana’s soft skin between my lips. I feel you come closer to me from behind. You are watching Ana’s eyelids flutter as my tongue and hands continue to run over her creamy skin. Finally I begin to move south of her tits, to that newly acquired area that she has thankfully revealed to us. You are stroking yourself watching my progress until I back up enough that my hips bump into your hands. You quickly grab my hips to pull them back further, nails digging into my skin. I gasp in surprise and cast a quick glance back at you, lust and amusement in my eyes.

I start to kiss and suck at the perfect tight skin of Ana’s thighs–she gasps and I hear you take a sharp intake of breath behind me. As I continue my ministrations to her legs, I buck my hips back towards you, begging for your cock inside of me. I feel your nimble fingers slide between my legs and begin to toy with my clit. I moan into Ana’s leg as I try to maintain my semblance of mind to continue kissing her. You tease me for a few moments but I can also feel your cock getting ever closer to my entrance.

As I finally start to glide my own tongue over Ana’s folds, you plunge into me, gripping my hips tightly as you both pull my body back onto your dick and move your own forward into me. In my frenzy, all thought of my slow acclimation of Ana disappears and I instead bury my tongue deep inside of her. I hear her gasp and my hands gently push and lift both of her thighs to gain better access to her. She tastes…amazing and I’m so excited to watch you eat her out next.

As you begin to pound into me more earnestly, I move my fingers up to Ana’s entrance to tease her as well. As I continue to suck on her clit, vibrating it with my frequent moans, I also start to add fingers inside of her–pulling my finger back to stimulate her on both the outside and inside. Your eyes don’t know where to look–down at your cock disappearing again and again into my pussy, the curve of my waist up to my neck and face that is deep in Ana’s pussy, or at this newly unrestrained waif in front of you who is clearly experiencing pleasure at the hands of another for the first time.

I can already feel Ana’s walls started to pull at my fingers but I know you can do better. Coming up from her pussy with a gasp, I turn my head slightly towards you. “Your turn,” I say mischievously. You slide out of me, and I offer Ana a hand to help her sit up. She seems a bit hazy from the pleasure so far and I know you will take her over the edge. “Ok darling,” I tell her gently, pulling her forward a little towards me. You settle on your back, mostly in the place she had just lain.

“Now Mr. Blackwell is going to show you what it should feel like with every other man lucky enough to one day have you,” I tell her as she gives a sort of drunken smile and looks back at you shyly. “I want you to put your legs here and here,” I point to either side of your face and it seems like we’re both holding our breath waiting for Ana’s answer. She wiggles a little but it seems the need between her legs wins out over any more modesty.

Rising up on her knees, she faces you and puts her legs on either side of you, her knees basically just above your shoulders. Her hands come to rest on the headboard to help her balance for a moment. “Like this?” she whispers back to me. “Yes, that’s just right Ana,” I beam at her. “Now you can lower yourself down to Mr. Blackwell’s mouth and…” “Oh!” she squeaks, somehow not anticipating where this was going. “I am?”

I hear the softest chuckle escape your lips and give a slight swat to your thigh. “Yes darling, it won’t hurt him, trust me,” I laugh. “He’s going to use his tongue and hands just like what I was just doing–only he’s much better at than I am.” Ana’s eyes are still wide–both at the prospect of lowering herself to your mouth and the idea that this will feel better than what she had just been experiencing. “Ok,” she says, letting out a nervous breath.

Your arms gently come up to wrap around her thighs, ensuring her balance as she lowers her petal pink wetness to you. I’m sitting close to make sure this goes alright and to watch Ana’s face as you work on her. The moment your tongue reaches her, she lets out a gasp as her eyes fly open. Your grip on her milky thighs tightens as you hold her close to your mouth. Her back arches as you continue drinking her in, and I am lost in her exquisite beauty momentarily. Coming beside her, I gently pull on her cascading hair, making her arch more deeply and giving you even more access to her as her hips move slightly forward. With my other hand, I trail my fingers down her skin-over taut nipples, over her alabaster waist, and down to her budding clit.

Turning her head slightly to look at me, I can see that she is so, so close. I smile and close the distance between our lips, finally gliding my finger to her center and making a slow, steady circle with my forefinger. She moans deeply into my mouth at my touch. Breaking our kiss to give her full concentration on this feeling, I hear another moan but this one is coming from you. Ana gasps as the vibrations come through your chest straight to her pussy. She falls forward slightly, catching herself on the headboard once again. Both of us continue pushing her, pushing her until suddenly–she lets out an almost animalistic cry and I see her leg shaking in release. We both continue to touch her, but slowing down the pace as I watch the wave of pleasure wash over her.

Finally she manages to swing one leg back over you so that she can collapse into a seated position. Her breath is rapid, there is pink in her cheeks, and I can see that her clit has expanded with the rush of pleasure inside her.

I lean over to kiss you, lapping up the juices that have run out the sides of your lips–tasting both of you at once, it makes me almost dizzy. I reach down to your neglected cock only to discover that you are still hard after all this time. I smile into our kiss. “You like that huh, Mr. Blackwell?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at you and giving your cock a few teasing pumps with my hand. Your hands come up to my face to press my cheeks and pull me back in for another kiss with a growl.

Giggling, I pull away from you and look at Ana. She is partially recovered so I decide it’s time to move on to the second part of the lesson. “Ok so now we can move on to the actual fucking,” I tell her as her eyes refocus on me. She nods vigorously and I know that she’s hungry for more. “I really want you to just experience really good sex so I’m going to sit right there,” I point to a nearby chair. “And let you have my husband’s dick.” Her cheeks pinken again as I stand up and head for a nearby dresser. Sorting through my collection of dildos, I pick one that I think will do just the trick while I watch.

I head back to the chair near the bed. You’ve sat up now and Ana is timidly kissing you. It’s amusing after she was so easily aggressive with me that she is now shy with her tongue for you. You reach up to cup her cheek, tilting her face slightly to the side and just skimming her lips with your tongue. She inhales a gasp at the touch and finally opens her mouth to you.

Watching her snow white skin and pink everything else contrast with your more tanned skin and dark hair–I am lost in just watching the colors glide over one another as your hands race around her body. Delightfully she is the one to push you back onto the bed, continuing to kiss a very surprised you while straddling your hips. Breaking the kiss she demands, “Please, please let me fuck you Mr. Blackwell,” in a soft moan. I am practically panting watching you now, my blood on fire thinking about the short circuiting happening in your mind right now.

“Whatever you want Ana,” you finally breathe out. She smiles like the devil and reaches behind her to find your cock. “*This girl* *has* *been thinking about this!*” I muse to myself watching her lift herself a little to position you beneath her. I’m willing you to pull it together from my spot on the chair while watching your awestruck dumbfoundedness over this absolute goddess about to fuck you. I almost giggle at your expression, loving that she is turning you on just as much as you are turning her on.

She puts just the tip of you into herself and you both cry out at the connection. I am already ahead of you two with my dildo, adding my fingers to my clit now. Ana rocks at the top of your cock for a few beats, then just as suddenly slides all the way down to take you completely inside of her. Your eyes scrunch shut and your mouth opens into a silent “o” for just a moment as you feel her tight 19 year old pussy wrap around you. My eyes flutter, wishing I could feel what you are right now. Finally this move seems to have stirred you from your overwhelmed state and you reach up to firmly grasp her waist.

Ana cries out at your tight grip as she starts to move herself up and down your shaft. Your own arms are helping to lift and pull back down this waif onto you–she seems to take you deeper every pump. She experiments–she starts to move her hips more circular, then she settles her clit close to your body and simply rubs herself against you panting.

Finally when you can’t take it anymore, you sit up swiftly with her still inside you and settle her onto her back instead. Her arms reach up to grip the pillows above her as you start to move into her. Pushing her flexible legs forward until her knees practically reach her shoulders, you are not only able to pound her at a deep angle, but also use one hand to come back to her clit–using a thumb to lightly stroke her once again. Knowing exactly what *she’s* feeling now, I can feel my own tension reaching a height as I watch you fuck. I feel myself cum around the dildo, knowing that soon I won’t have to use a substitute.

As soon as your fingers make contact, she is practically crying out. “Yes, yes! Please fuck yes!” she cries out to your movements. We both wait to hear it again, the second orgasmic cry she let out before. I’m impressed you’ve held out this long but I know your love of making women cum. Finally her fingers practically tearing a pillow case, she cries out again and face crumples into exquisite pleasure. You moan at the sight and continue fucking her, finally able to just concentrate on the feel of her pussy all around you, soaked in juices and fluttering even tighter around you. Pulling out at the last moment, you finish with your hands onto her sweet white stomach–the cum is almost invisible against her own color.

You lean back–we are all breathing heavy with a slight sheen to our bodies. I’m the first to recover a little. I hurry to retrieve a box of tissues. While you help Ana to clean up, I retrieve some water and glasses from the kitchen, humming softly to myself. When I return to the room, Ana looks almost shy again even after everything we just did together. I hand them both some water, smiling at you over my own glass.

“That was ummm…” Ana seems unsure what to say about what just happened. “*That*,” I said “is what it should feel like.” She blushes a deeper pink and smiles at me. “Now you know a little bit more about what exactly you like, you just have to ask for it. Trust me-most men are pretty clueless but they *do* want to please for the most part. They’ll be grateful for the directions.” She giggles and reaches for her clothes. “Thank you guys,” she says softly as she starts to redress. “This was really…educational.”

She gets up to leave. “So we’ll see you this summer after the semester ends, right? We’ll probably be going on a couple of *trips* so we’ll be in need of a housesitter,” I finish suggestively. Ana giggles again, “You’ve got my number Mrs. Blackwell. Please call me anytime you guys need…help,” she also finishes suggestively, glancing shyly at you for a moment before slipping out.

I turn back to you. “Well?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at you again. “Did that sweet young pussy take everything out of you tonight or are you ready for a round two?” You grab my waist and pull me towards the bed. “For you?” you say, looking up at me. “I’m always ready.” I smile and push you back onto the bed…




  1. Well written. Best story I’ve read on Reddit. This ia also one of our biggest fantasies. Thank you

  2. This story was awesome, I enjoyed it very much! You should consider posting this on if you haven’t already. I am sure it would be very well received. Thank-you!

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