Sophomore year (f)un [ff, fm] [Long]

When I went back to college, one of my friends Kaylin and I got a place together just off of campus in brand new apartments that were right in town. Kaylin was a friend from high school that transferred to my school and decided that she would have more fun living with me rather then doing dorm life again. We got along great and couldn't wait to have our first party to break in the new place.

The second week in we decided to plan a party and have it at our place. We invited our closest friends as well as their friends and some other people that came along as extras. The whole night we were all drinking and having a good time and I could tell Kaylin was into this one guy and he seemed into her.

Later in the night while I was talking to some other friends I saw Kaylin and the guy disappear into her room. Maybe 15 minutes later I see the guy come out and leave but there was no sign of Kaylin. I excused myself from my friends and headed towards Kaylins room to see what was up. I wasn't drinking too much that night because I felt that someone had to be sober to make sure we didn't destroy our new place.

When I got to her room I saw her sitting in bed naked and crying. Oh great what did that asshole do I thought to myself. I closed the door and ran over to her. "Kaylin whats wrong? What did he do?"

She sniffled and a few seconds later said "Im embarrassed". "Embarrassed by what?" I asked. "I thought he was perfect, he was so hot, so nice, but he had the tiniest dick and only lasted 5 minutes" she began to laugh a little at the end of her sentence. I laughed back and told her its okay and that she's just being emotional because of the booze. She agreed and started to relax a bit more.

"You okay to come back out to the party?" I asked. "Yeah, can you just help me find my pants".

She got out of bed completely naked and searched around her bed as I looked around her room. I found them in the corner and walked back over to give them to her.

'Here Kaylin get cleaned up and lets get back out there". What she did next I was not prepared for.

I handed her, her pants and began to turn around but when I did she grabbed my arm and pulled me back around. When I turned around she took her other hand and grabbed me by the side of my dress and pulled me ontop of her as we fell into her bed. Before I could get one word out she rushed her lips towards mine and started sloppy kissing me.

I broke away and asked "Kaylin what are you doing?" "Shut up and just let me have a minute" she pulled me back into her. I tried to resist but part of me just figured she wanted to make out a little like she used to when we were drunk in high school. She then pulled up the back of my short dress and pulled aside my thong and in one motion plunged her fingers into my pussy.

I let out a gasp and pulled away from her again "Kay…lin what are you do…ing?"

She pulled me back into her a pushed me back up so that we were both standing. She walked me towards the wall with her fingers in my pussy the whole time. I was starting to get wet and actually enjoy it. She took my had and lead it to her pussy and I inserted my fingers inside her already wet pussy.

We stood there fingering each other against her wall and making out for a few moments before we heard a knock.

"You guys in there? Someone just threw up all over" someone said from the door. Kaylin stopped kissing me and looked at me and said "shit, I'm sorry, what are we doing?". We separated and I readjusted my thong and we looked at each other for a minute.

"Ill go take care of the situation outside, just get cleaned up" I said.

I went outside and cleaned up and Kaylin never came out of her room the rest of the night.

The next morning I woke up a bit later than usual and headed into the kitchen. There was a note from Kaylin: 'sorry about last night, I was still horny and drunk from fucking Tyler I just pounced, hope things aren't weird, I made you a smoothie its in the fridge. Love Kaylin.

I grabbed my smoothie and thought about it and didn't feel as weird about the situation anymore. I'd known Kaylin for years, we have seen each other naked countless times, talked about sex, and even mad out on occasion back in high school to impress boys. I went about my day and Kaylin and I never spoke about it other than her apologizing and me saying it wasn't a big deal.

A few weeks later Kaylin, and a couple of our friends were out at a party in town. The whole night we danced and had a good time and met a few guys. Kaylin and I got invited back to their house and we agreed.

When we got back to their house Kaylin and her guy immediately disappeared upstairs. The guy I was with and I talked a little but he was not really doing it for me so we only made out and I called it a night after Kaylin texted me she was staying over. I said good night to the guy and started to leave their house. I went out back and was startled by their other roommate who was smoking outside.

"Oh hey I didn't know they guys had anyone over" he said. "yeah my friends still here I'm just on my way out though." "Ah early night for you? I don't blame you they can be a little weird" He laughed. "He do you want a cigarette?" he asked. "I only smoke on occasion, but I don't see why not sure".

He handed me a cigarette, lit it for me and introduced himself.

"Im Tim by the way I live with those idiots" I laughed and introduced myself.

"What were you doing going home with them?" he asked. "My friend really liked one of them so I took the fall for the other so she could have fun" I explained.

"Well that was nice of you, sorry you got such a shitty guy to get stuck with". I laughed and we continued talking for about a half hour. We really got along and he had me laughing a lot. Since my house was a little bit away and it was now the time that everyone was leaving the bars he offered to drive me home. I agreed and we hopped in his car.

We talked on the drive home but the whole time I was focused on his arms and the way he drove. He had a manual car and his arms were so toned that each time he shifted it was like he was unlocking the way to my heart. I found it so hot that I guess I didn't realize how close we were when he kept repeating "soooo which apartment building did you say?" "Oh sorry its that one over there" I pointed. He drove me over and stopped. Well its been really nice meeting you, maybe we can hang out sometime" he claimed.

"Actually do you want to come up and have another cigarette?" I asked.

"Yeah that sounds great!" he exclaimed.

We got up to my room and made ourselves comfortable on our deck furniture as we smoked. We talked, smoked and spent most of the night out there.

At one point we were just sitting there and my hand was on his lap and he grabbed it and kissed it. I looked over at him and planted a kiss on his cheek. He turned back and kissed me on the lips holding it for a few seconds. God he was a great kisser. We kissed for a few minutes before he started running his hands up and down my leg breaching underneath my skirt for moments before running back down to me knee. I was getting so turned on. I rubbed my hand on his lap and thats all the approval he needed. He quickly grabbed me, laid me down on the deck and hiked up my skirt. He dove his head down to my knees and pulled off my panties.

He made his way back up to to my mouth kissing me once again as I fumbled to undo his zipper. It finally got undone and his cock literally flopped out into my hand. Holy shit he was huge. I stroked it for a few seconds before he lowered his hips and I guided him into my soaking wet pussy. He entered slowly and it think I might have blacked out for a second because the next thing I know I was seeing stars and his cock was deep in my pussy hitting my cervix.

He slowly pumped in and out of me as I cried in pleasure and pain. He was so big it hurt as I adjusted but he was hitting all the right spots with his thickness that i could feel the veins on his cock against the walls of my vagina. He took me into his mouth again as I kissed back and bit his lip with pleasure.

He continued this slow pump for a few minutes before he started rotating his hips around in a circular motion. I started feeling my orgasm coming and before I knew it my pussy was clenching to his hard dick as I came. It seemed like he was waiting because just as I came he pulled out and pumped his dick a few times before cumming all over my stomach. When I say all over I mean he came more than I had seen any guy cum before. His hot, thick, sticky load rolled off my stomach onto the back of my shirt.

He lowered himself down and kissed me once again whispering "you have such a fucking tight pussy". I wanted to fuck him again right then and there on the deck for round two. He lifted me up and said "Lets get you cleaned up".

I lead him to my room and we hopped in the shower together. The whole time he caressed my body as he washed me head to toe. He has such an amazing body and everytime I wanted to jump his bones he resisted me and continued cleaning me. I watched the water roll down his hard body, overtop of his six pack trickling down and rolling down the length of his huge cock before plummeting to the shower floor. He had such a beautiful dick.

We finished up cleaning and made our way to bed where to my surprise we talked more and fell right asleep.

I woke up the next morning to mr pamper himself Tim doing wonders once again..



  1. Another great story! I hope you write about what happened the next morning.

  2. You should know me better by now than to think I wouldn’t tell you what happened :P

  3. I do. I just wanted to make sure you knew how excited I am for the rest of the story :P

  4. Excellent from word one as usual. Was that it for shenanigans between you and Kaylin or is that also another story?

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