[M]y high school [F]riend turning into something more. 10 years in the making.

There’s going to be some build up to the main event, so hold on tight (I think the build up is the best part anyway). To start, we will begin back in the summer of 2010. I had just graduated from high school and was enjoying my time off. I continued to be in touch with Veronica, a classmate who I had a love-hate friendship with the past few years. Long story. After graduating high school, it seemed like a flip switched for us. Maybe it was the new-found freedom or the fact that we were both simultaneously single, but the sexual tension between us really ramped up.

Unfortunately nothing really came of that summer since we both had our own travel plans. Then we shipped off to different colleges on the east coast so the tension remained long-distance and virtual for a while. We texted and video chatted pretty frequently, with enough innuendo and sexual topics to steer the relationship away from just friends and into something more. What that “more” would be, I had no idea. And I had no idea how oddly it would play out.

The summer of 2012 was the next time Veronica and I met up. Another complication with our relationship is that her parents moved down to LA, meaning she wouldn’t be coming back to our home city over breaks and vacations. But that summer, Veronica made a short trip out to spend time with a few friends, one of them being me. Luckily my parents were out of town during the night that Veronica came over, leaving us alone for what I imagined would be an eventful night.

Now is probably a good time to introduce ourselves. Veronica is 5’6″, half white, half Ecuadorian, dark hair, dark eyes, and what would now be described as “slim thicc”. She had no trouble filling out her jeans with her wide hips and plump ass. I’ve always been an ass man and hers was frequently on my mind. She has a very cute face and nice sized breasts. Basically, she has my dream body. As for me, I’m 6’1″, South Asian, dark hair, brown eyes, and at that time an average, somewhat skinny build (165 pounds). I didn’t have the greatest self-esteem but enough people told me I’m good looking that I could believe it. I guess I fit the bill for tall, dark, and handsome.

Back to the story. Veronica made her way over one evening. We shared a much needed, lengthy hug and I noticed that she let her hands linger a little bit on my back. We went out for dinner and on the way back she was extremely flirty and touchy. At one point I had to restrain both of her arms with one of my own while driving, both of us laughing the whole way. Veronica seemed to enjoy having her wrists held in place. Something to note for later, I thought.

Back at my place, Veronica cheerfully force-fed me alcohol so that I would catch up with her level of inebriation. She had been drinking up at the restaurant which was known to rarely card guests. The vibe was very playful and flirty. We popped on a movie and Veronica snuggled up with me on the couch. I got progressively more hammered, definitely more than her as I continued to drink the liquor she brought. At some point, Veronica looked up at me and asked me to give her some ice from my glass. I tipped my glass towards her thinking she’d drink some up, but instead she tells me, “no, feed one to me.” Although we had been touchy-feely and cuddling, this was crossing a new boundary for us. This was something overtly sexual and physical in person. I embraced the opportunity. I took an ice cube and brought it slowly to her lips. Without missing a beat, Veronica sucked on the ice cube about as sexy as anyone could make sucking on an ice cube. After taking it into her mouth, her lips lingered on my fingers. I slipped a finger into her mouth, a knuckle deep, and she sucked and swirled her tongue on it like she was trying to make my finger cum. This happened several times through the next 30 minutes or so.

I should explain now that I was pretty terrible at picking up signals from women and terrible at taking the initiative. Every girl I hooked up with until I was about 22 showed interest in me first. And even at this point in the night with Veronica, my brain was telling me, “nah maybe she still just wants to be friends”, “it’s been so long with nothing happening between us – she can’t be interested in more”, “sure she’s being flirty but there’s no way she wants to hook up with you right now.” I’m an idiot, I know. Looking back at it I question how I managed to be a functioning adult sometimes. So as you might be guessing, it didn’t go any further than that, for that night at least. We both passed out in separate rooms and got breakfast together the next morning. What a letdown right? I don’t blame you if you’re internally screaming at me right now.

As if that weren’t enough of a learning experience, I managed to get into the same position and fuck it up AGAIN. For the next few years, Veronica and I had been in touch but not very frequently. We were both busy with our college lives and traveling around the world. We never managed to meet up until the fall of 2014. I visited her at business school and we planned on spending a weekend together partying on campus and catching up. After a fun time together that Saturday, we ended up back at her apartment. I hadn’t planned on spending the night there, but it started becoming clearer and clearer that was what would happen. I cringe remembering all of the signals I straight up ignored. Hell, they weren’t even signals. They were giant green flags smacking me in the face. Here are a few from that night. We went into a lot of detail about our sex lives, she gave me a seductive look and told me she wants to take a shower before spending the rest of the night with me, we joked about the fuzzy handcuffs she had tied to her bed, she couldn’t stop staring between my eyes and lips, she play fought me, etc etc. How could I possible fuck that up? Well I deserve some sort of prize because I did. I was too much of a wimp to take it further and we ended up YET AGAIN just falling asleep.

Fast forward to 2020. Welcome to the new and improved 28-year-old OP. I did a lot of work on myself the past several years. I hit the gym, worked on my social skills and game, and gained a lot of self-confidence which translated to much more confidence with women. I had gone through a few relationships that I learned from and overall became a more masculine, emotionally intelligent man. I matured and successfully navigated my career. During the last 6 years, Veronica and I had gradually drifted apart and lost touch. Nothing explicit drove us apart, but life happened and we progressed without each other.

Out of the blue last week, I got a message from Veronica. “Hey! I had no idea you’re in NYC. I recently moved here. We should grab dinner and catch up :)”. Mind you, I hadn’t really thought about Veronica for the past 7 years. Sure, I would occasionally check up on her on social media, but there was zero contact. I was excited to reconnect with her, even if it was only as friends. I picked a nice spot near my apartment for us to meet up.

When Veronica and I got dinner, it was like no time had passed since the last time I saw her. We had the same banter and remembered some old inside jokes. We both noted how it seems that neither of us has changed much, in a good way. But she was quick to point out the things I had improved about myself, namely me paying more attention to my clothes, grooming, and physique. (Side note to you men. Even if you think you’re ugly, there is so much room for improvement in these categories. A good wardrobe, haircut, cologne, and a gym routine are truly life-changing).

After dinner I invited Veronica to my place for a night cap and a joint. I’ve been fortunate to afford a nice apartment in a high rise with sweeping views of Manhattan. Veronica’s eyes lit up when she came over. She is ambitious and successful herself, so rarely is she able to date men that make more than her. I started really paying attention to Veronica’s body as she gave herself a tour around my place. Very little had changed except for the fact that her ass looked even nicer. She definitely didn’t skip leg day.

I made us a drink and told her to roll the joint. We continued reminiscing while lounging in my living room. To be honest I don’t remember most of the conversation at this point. There was so much sexual tension that it didn’t even matter what was coming out of our mouths. People always write about sexual tension being so thick that you could feel it through the air. I never really understood this until that night, when I experienced it first-hand. There is something magical about the atmosphere when two people are ready to pounce each other but still hold back to prolong this feeling. Lots of long prolonged eye contact and subtle touching. Lots of awkward silences that no longer become awkward, but rather powerful seductive moments.

And I once again didn’t make a move and we went our separate ways.

KIDDING. This is getting too long. The rest will be in part 2.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k144kv/my_high_school_friend_turning_into_something_more

1 comment

  1. I can relate to being so completely ignorant of women’s signals when I was young. To go back to that age with what I know now, man, that would be fun

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