[MF] Gagged and cuffed at the party [bondage][public]

“You okay? Not too tight?” He asked as he wrapped the light jacket around her and made sure to check the leather cuffs were still secure behind her back.

She shook her head behind the red facemask that matched her skirt, someone observing closely might notice that her mouth was open behind the facemask but both of them were counting on everyone being too drunk to see it.

After one last check of the gag ball taped into her mouth behind the mask Mark put a hand around her waist and led Lisa towards the sound of the thumping bass.

A few yelled words about a sore throat and corona fear was enough to silence the initial questions about the facemask and the fact that she wasn’t talking. One of the dudes manning the bar was even helpful enough to produce a few straws from out of the chaotic mess of a kitchen since he was sure she could need to get drunk even with the mask.

Mark pushed it up under the mask, through the small hole he had cut in the tape and past the gag before he realized she couldn’t actually suck with her mouth open. A few experiments and a plastic bag later Mark was able to quirt liquor into her mouth without drowning her or getting her messy. She shivered a little as the hard liquor went down her throat and nudge him a bit with her shoulder for more. He cut her off after the third mouthful of vodka, getting shitfaced is not a great idea at the best of times, and when you can’t break your own fall it’s a worse idea than usual.

Still, she was leaning happily against him as he maneuvered her out to the dance floor and melded into the drunk crowd. “Ready to make good on the bet?” Mark almost yelled into her ear to be audible above the music and she gave an excited nod as he pulled the small black remote out and dialed it up to 5. She might have moaned, but if she did no one heard it over the music and Mark quickly put his arms around her as she began to shiver slightly.

He placed both hands firmly on her ass, massaging it as the toy inside her worked its magic, he checked the straps around her hips holding it in were still tight and felt the slight vibrations of the motor through them. The straps connected between her legs to hold the dildo firmly in place while it worked, a motor inside it not only making it vibrate but also thrust and retract. The small motor made the dildo pump into her just barely off beat from the music everyone else was hearing, making her small jolts in Mark’s arms look like the awkward shuffling of someone particularly drunk.

Mark danced and dragged her along with him, deliberately bumping her into others on the dance floor and almost letting the jacket slip off her shoulders once. Her look of fear in those moments only made her nipples harder, hard enough to be clearly outlined by her dress and Mark turned the dial up to 7.

He had to hold her tight to keep her from falling as the toy sped up its thrusts and with her next to his ear he could hear her muffled moans even through the gag and over the music. “I think you like this more than I do.” He smirked to her and was rewarded with madly flushing cheeks as he turned the dial up to max.

She tensed against him as the toy went wild and her legs spasmed beneath her and he held her upright by his tight grip on her ass, her eyes had closed and she was twitching against him in anticipation as the music suddenly cut out.

An angry crowd of ‘boo’s went out as he muttered into her ear. “Hold it.” She whimpered through the gag as someone spotted the power chord that had gotten pulled out. “Just a bit longer.” He muttered as she whimpered again and someone close by looked around confused by the sound. Then the plug was back in and with a brief screech of feedback the music was back. A loud cheer erupted and it more than the music hid her moan.

He felt it more than he heard it, her whole body going tense and spasming jerkily in his arms as she was unable to hold it back anymore. The crowd’s distraction was the only reason no one else noticed as she leaned against him and practically grinded against his thigh as she came, she rode it out as everyone else started dancing against and Mark slowly turned down the intensity of the toy. She was a quivering mess barely able to stand by the time the song came to an end and Mark led her off the dance floor.

He made some excuse about Lisa not feeling well to the guys at the door and led her back to their car before he undid the leather cuffs. She rubbed at her wrists while he gently undid the tap over her mouth and the gag popped out. She looked up at him with playful eyes as she licked her dry lips.

“Did you have fun?” Mark smirked as he leaned down and gave her a kiss.

“Fun?” She asked with glint in her eye. “There’s gonna be payback next time I win.” She assured him as she put both arms around his neck and held him close.

“I’m counting on it.” Mark grinned as they let the cool air calm them down a bit before they got into the car and headed home.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k12eca/mf_gagged_and_cuffed_at_the_party_bondagepublic