The time I fucked my ex’s best friend [MF]

SKIP TO ——————————— for the sex stuff but honestly I always feel like the back story makes the sex part better. And I apologize because this story is kind of long.

So to preface this, I will say I feel bad and understand it sounds bad. But tbh, my ex was a dick to me the entire last year of our relationship and then after 2 years together he got on tinder within a month after the break up and met a new girl and got in a relationship with her soon after that. And we never really spoke again. I don’t have those intense “I’ll always love and care about him feelings”. Like I said, he was super possessive, insecure, jealous and just mean and emotionally abusive. He definitely took his own internal struggles out on me. He said mean things to me a lot. So yeah I’m starting it that way so I can feel less bad about what happened between me and one of his good friends…

I guess this is where I should describe myself. I was 24 at the time of this story (a year ago, the summer of 2019). I’m a 5’7 brunette with long brown hair down past my boobs and have a naturally slim figure although I do work out just for definition on my abs and arms. And luckily, I’ve always been blessed with a super bubbly and big ass (for my thin size at least) every boyfriend I’ve had or guy I’ve hooked up with has been obsessed with my butt lol. My boobs are just perky B’s with light pink small nipples. I have freckles on my face and light hazel-ish eyes.

I will say that I remember thinking Will was really cute from the beginning of my relationship with Matt when I was first meeting all his friends. I’m very loyal, and never flirted but there were times where I noticed Will and I having a lot of eye contact and smiles in conversations that the whole group was part of. We would joke around with each other a lot and I could tell we both liked each other, at least platonically. He was my favorite friend to hang out with of Matt’s because he was just so funny. Will is also really tall. Probably about 6’3 with long dirty blonde hair. He had that cute kinda surfer style.

The only specific time I can remember feeling like he was into me was once when I was helping Matt and his friends get ready for a Halloween party we were all going to. They wanted me to do this really simple thing where I give them a bit of fake blood and scratches on their face with make up. I did Matt’s and then his friends Evan and then Nate and lastly Will. I didn’t think twice while quickly doing it for Evan and Nate but when I did Will’s make up it felt kind of intimate, idk if that sounds weird. Will was just looking straight into my eyes the entire time. I didn’t really know how to react so I just focused on the make up and got it done quickly. Throughout the night if the make up got smeared or something Will would ask me to fix it up for him and did the same thing, just staring into my eyes and sometimes smiling really big too which of course I had to reciprocate. I couldn’t help it. I really just felt like Will gave me special attention whenever i hung out with Matt’s friends. Yeah, a lot of times I was sometimes the only girl there but there were plenty of times where other girls were present and it just felt like Will was always talking to me a lot and joking around with me. I took it as he just liked me as Matt’s gf and I appreciated that I could be liked by Matt’s friends. Although part of me did wonder….

After Matt and I broke up I was really sad for a few months, even though I was the one who broke up with him (it honestly was a pretty toxic relationship and it had to end and I knew I had to be the one to do it). It wasnt til after a few months that I was able to clearly look back on the relationship and realize what a dick Matt was. And yeah that made getting over it SUPER easy after that realization. I heard Matt was already with someone new after one of my good girl friends, Lindsey, ran into a group of them at a beer garden one day and Matt wasn’t there. They all told her about how they haven’t seen Matt much because he’s been with his new girl. They only met her twice but they kept telling Lindsey they liked me better and missed me. And Lindsey specifically told me that Will and Nate said “yeah Casey is way hotter too”. And Lindsey didn’t even know about this tiny little thing I had for Will. So my heart fluttered a bit when she told me that. That was about 2 months after our break up.

I kept in touch with one of the girls in Matt’s friend group named Victoria. That felt better than continuing friendships with his guy friends of course. I was invited a few times by her to her house for a bbq and another time for a day by her pool. Both times most of Matt’s friends that had become my friends were there but Will hadn’t been. I was disappointed but still happy that I was able to keep these people as friends cuz although I really didn’t like Matt anymore, they were really great. And they all liked me. I think we all tried to steer the conversation away from Matt but basically Matt said he was fine with them hanging with me every once in awhile and I liked coming as long as Matt wasn’t there.

One summer night, about a year after Matt and I broke up. A few friends and I decided we wanted to go out that night as it had been awhile. We were excited to have a good night and started pregaming. Out of the blue, Matt’s friend (the girl, Victoria ) that I was closest to texted me and asked if I wanted to come over cuz she was having people over for drinks and then possibly out on the town after. Her place is right in the part of the city my friends and I wanted to go to so we decided that would be fun. I also was secretly hoping that Will would be there. We all were dressed up really cute. I personally was wearing a tight little tank crop top that perfectly wrapped around my B cup perky boobs no bra necessary, although my nipples did poke out a little bit. Along with tight bell bottom jeans that accentuated my ass perfectly.

We were already 2 drinks deep when we called the Uber and headed over. We walked in and there was quite a few people there. Probably about 10-12. I knew most of them and it was great to see them again. I did my rounds and said hi to everyone and gave some hugs. Then from the corner of my eye I saw Will. I could tell he was looking right in my direction. As I approached the group he was with, I tried to not be too obvious and went and gave a hug to someone else first. Eventually I got to Will and he had the biggest smile on his face.

“Scarlett! Here?! How did we get so lucky to deserve this?” He said with a smile. I tried to hide how happy that comment made me.

“Well what can I say, I missed you guys” I said while only making eye contact with will.

Just then, Victoria came over and gave me a big hug and said hi. She is super flirtatious in general and always would “flirt” with me. I couldn’t tell if she meant it or not because she did have a boyfriend who was very much in the friend group. But I knew stories of them having threesomes and Victoria being into girls so I didn’t know what she meant by it. Can’t say it didn’t intrigue me butttt that’s a different story. Anyways, Victoria came up to the group and said hi to me and also said

“Scarlett what the fuck you always look so cute!” And I said something back along the lines of “ohhh stop, you’re too kind” because I was a little embarrassed to be getting complimented in front of a group. And then Victoria turned to Will and literally said “Will, doesn’t she look hot” and then Will laughed and looked at me and said “yes Scarlett, you look super hot” in a voice that was playful and joking to probably get Victoria off the subject. But the way he stared into my eyes when he said it made me hope he really meant it.

The rest of the night was fun. Everyone just mingling and drinking getting ready to go out. Will and I talked more but mainly just within a group and nothing notable that I can remember but FUCK we kept holding eye contact and I knew I wanted to fuck him. He looked so hot that night. Did I mention he looks like a surfer guy with longish dirty blonde hair? He’s like my kryptonite. People start talking about calling Uber’s to head out but me and my 2 girl friends hadnt noticed it was happening yet because we were getting some more drinks from the fridge. We come out of the kitchen and a lot of people start walking out the door and I’m just like SHIT we need to call an Uber guys, but to my surprise Will comes towards us and says “girls you’re with us! And waves us over to him and Evan.”

“What really?! Thank you, you’re a life saver!” My friend says to him.

Evan yells back and says that they miscounted and someone is gonna have to lap it.

Ugh my heart flutters a bit and I hope it ends up being me having to sit on Will’s lap but I can’t make it too obvious. Luckily my girls now know of my crush on him so I think they’d try to make it happen too. We get out there and Evan is already sat in the front seat. My girl friends are ahead of Will and I walking to the car at this point so they get in and buckle up on the left and the middle seat. Leaving Will and me. Oh yes.

“Ahh do you mind?” I ask Will with that sorry smile face and he just smiles and says “not at all!”

Ugh this is like the closest Will and I have ever been. Obviously it’s not super sexual right now but I’m on his lap kind of side saddle with my feet across my friends laps and he’s got one hand on my lap and I just can’t help but swoon. At one point I think I feel his other hand lightly rub my lower back but I try not to give it too much attention.

We get to the bar and wait in line to check our IDs. At one point I make a comment about it being cold and Will starts rubbing my bare arms really fast from standing behind me while he tries to keep me warm. I see my girl friend glance at me with a smirk. Finally we get inside and immediately head to the bar. It’s pretty crowded in there and I can tell us 5 aren’t gonna be able to stick together easily. My friends are suddenly walking too much ahead of me where other bodies have now replaced them. I actually ended up in the back and now I’m suddenly alone. Fuck. But not 5 seconds later I hear “Hey you! Get over here!” And i look a bit ahead to see Will’s tall self reaching his hand out to grab me and pull me over. Swooooon. We end up at the bar and he just asks me what I want and orders our drinks. I of course take out my phone so he can Venmo himself but he refuses. We get our drinks and head out of that area to find our friends. Finally, we find our group at a table in the corner. Some of them sitting and drinking and some of them right next to the table dancing and singing to the music. My girl friends are there and wave me over. I go to talk to them and they’re like “Scar, he’s so fucking into it it’s so obvious” I try and shush them cuz I don’t want anyone to hear.

After chatting for a bit with everyone at the table me and my friends and Victoria get up to dance. My friends and I are just having fun and singing and dancing along to the music and honestly Victoria is kind of getting grabby with us but I also liked it. Plus I know it was getting stares from some of the guys back at the table. Victoria is super hot too idk if I mentioned that already. After a bit of dancing I have to go pee so one of my friends and I head to the bathroom while Victoria and my other friend head back to the table.

When I come back my friend that went to the table comes up to me as I exit the bathroom and says that Victoria went up to her bf who was sitting with the boys and said “babe can we seduce Casey tonight” just like being her out there flirty self. And immediately Evan interrupts and says “Vic I wouldn’t, I think Will is calling dibs on Casey” and then all of them start teasing Will and he laughs and takes a drink while trying to change subject but doesn’t deny it. Alright that was what made me make the decision to just really make this happen. I wanted Will.

I dance with my girls trying to look as hot as I can and make eye contact with Will and wave him over. We start to dance together and sing songs and it’s very just fun and drunk times right now. But soon when the song turns from something fun and dancy to something a little more sexual we start getting close and one of his legs is between both of mine and we’re kind of grinding frontwards? And one of my hands is on his shoulder. God I want to make out with him so bad. I know he can feel it too. He pulls me in and whispers in my ear and says “dude I wanna kiss you so bad but I don’t want all my friends to see”

I look back at the table and saw at least 2 people looking at us. I mean I bet it does look bad. Me being Matt’s ex and Will being one of Matt’s best friends. I whisper back and tell him we should just go back and sit at the table. He nods in agreement but I could tell he looked a little bummed, I’m sure he wanted me to say more and I should’ve.

We go sit back down and we’re next to each other and just try to talk to the group and be normal. Under the table, I put my hand on Will’s upper thigh and start just moving it a little back and forth. I can tell he’s distracted cuz he couldn’t really answer someone when they asked him something. That’s when I went in for it and just put my hand on his crotch and damn I could feel he was hard. I suddenly got so wet. In return for him telling me he wants to kiss me I whisper when no one was paying attention to us “I want to fuck you so bad” in his ear. He squeezes my leg immediately and then looks at me and smiles and says “holy shit Scarlett I can’t with you.” Fuck he’s so hot. He whispers to me to go home and he’ll leave like 10 minutes after me and meet me at my place so it’s less obvious. No way I’m saying no to that. I tell my friends that I wanna head out and luckily they’re done for the night too. It was like 1am at this point. We make our rounds and say our goodbyes and just say bye out loud and wave to the table without giving any special attention to Will. I really didn’t wanna make it obvious.

When my friends and I get in the Uber I tell them everything. We start acting like school girls and they’re so excited and happy for me. We get back to my place and one of my friends stays in the Uber to ride to hers while my roommate and I get inside. She quickly takes off her make up and gets her bedtime routine done so she can get in her room and be out of sight. I was deciding if I wanted to stay in my clothes or get in pjs. But then I have the brilliant idea of wearing my sexy pjs that I’ve honestly worn once and never even in front of a guy. They’re a light tan nude color with lace. It’s a low cut bra top that has lace come down below the bra part to make it look like somewhat of a shirt. And then little nude lace booty shorts to match.

Then I just wait. After a few minutes I start to question if this is actually gonna happen. If it doesn’t then man do I feel stupid for saying I want to fuck him. But just then I get a text from him asking my address. I send it and he says he’ll be here in 10. I’m nervous and start to kinda feel dumb for wearing my sexy pjs but I just need to be confident, I mean I know I look good. And he obviously wants this.


He texts me he’s here so I go to open the door. He immediately looks up and down at me to check me out and shakes his head while he smiles and says “fuck you are so hot”. He walks up to me and just grabs me by the waist and pulls my face in with his other hand and we start making out. God he’s such a good kisser. Our tongues just going in and out of each other’s mouths and his hand starts to grab my ass while we’re all over each other.

“Fuck I’ve wanted this for so long” he says.
“Me too” I respond as I start making out with his neck.
“I’m pretty sure Evan knew what was happening but he wouldn’t tell anyone I don’t think.” He starts talking while I’m just on his neck. I don’t even respond except maybe a “mhmm” because frankly I don’t care, I want to have sex with him and Matt was such a dick I don’t care if he were to find out. I’m sure it is different for Will though since they are still friends.

“This is just between us right?” He says.
“I wouldn’t tell anyone! I mean my 2 friends that came know but they wouldn’t say anything to anyone” I respond. Now I realize Will is feeling a little bad about this.

“Okay okay” he says and we start making out again as I lead him to my bedroom.

Then he pulls away and says “fuck Scar I’m sorry ur so hot and I want to fuck you so bad but I am now starting to sober up and feel guilty I mean Matt is my friend…”

Fuck this isn’t happening. I literally need his dick now. I’m too horny at this point. I take a deep breath and say

“Will, Matt and I have been broken up for like a year now. He moved on with his new girl right away. I would never say anything about it. And I really really want to fuck you, please”

“Fuck Scarlett…” he says and takes a deep breath. He looks up and thinks and I can tell his brain is moving a mile a minute.

He takes a step back and now I’m getting nervous he’s gonna actually bail. Wtf no. Not now. I assess my options and decide it’s just time to freaking seduce this man. He obviously wants to, I just need to make him feel okay about it.

“Okay.. fine.. how about you don’t even have to touch me. If you’re feeling guilty. There’s nothing wrong with us just getting off to each other right? Not like I haven’t thought of you when I’m touching myself before.. so what’s the difference?”

He looks at me and is curious, “how exactly do you mean?”

I go over to my bedside table and pull out my little bullet vibrator. I’m hoping it’s just gonna start with the vibrator and end with his dick but either way I need to get myself off. I’m too wet and too fucking horny.

I lay down and just start going for it. I close my eyes and just start rubbing it along my clit but from outside my shorts. Fuck.

“Oh my god..” I hear Will say.

I open my eyes and I see his pants are already pulled down and he’s holding his dick and starts getting himself off. Oh my god I NEED him. And this is so hot.

“Is this okay?” I whisper attempting to be sexy.

“Dude you’re so hot” he responds.

Next I want to take it a step further. I pull off my shorts and now it’s just my bare pussy. Perfectly waxed, I might add. I run my finger up and down my slit just to feel and yep, I’m so fucking wet.

“Oh my god I’m so wet Will” I say looking at him straight in the eye.

“Fuck…” he says while still stroking himself. I can tell he’s getting close to the breaking point.

If begging is what I need to do at this point then I fucking will. “Will.. please.. please just fuck me. Or lick my pussy or touch me or SOMETHING. I promise I will not say anything. No one will find out. Please I just really need to feel you right now, please!”

“Fuck it” he says as he pulls his pants back up, walks right to me and gets right between my legs and starts going to fucking town with his tongue. Oh my god YES.

He’s changing from going up and down with his tongue to sucking on my clit while fingering me and it feels so fucking good. I start getting lost in the moment and knowing myself, yeah dirty talk is about to ensue.

“Does my pussy taste good babe” I say.

There’s a pause and then he breathes and says “Oh fuck yes it does”

“Tell me how good it tastes baby”

“Fuck Scar you taste so fucking good. You’re so fucking sweet” he says between breaths.

“Have you always wondered what this pussy tastes like?”

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought of this Scarlett”

Fuck he’s so good at eating me out. And the dirty talk too is just sending me over the edge. I know I’m getting close to cumming. I start to push his face even deeper into me.

“Fuck Will you’re gonna make me cum” I say.

Like the smart guy he is, he doesn’t respond and just keeps doing what he’s doing.

Oh my god yes.

“Oh my god do you want me to cum all over your face baby. I’m gonna cum”

“Yes please cum all over my face” he says.

I feel it building and building and oh my god BAM

“I’m cumming, fuck I’m cumming babe” I say as I feel my pussy clenching in and out. All while he’s still going at it. Fuck I can’t even think right now this is so amazing. Wow.
Eventually, I come down from space and I’m ready to keep going.

“Come here” I say as I pat the bed next to where i am.

He take off his shirt and of course his body is as hot as his face. He leaves his pants on the ground and comes and lays next to me. I get on top of him and straddle him with my bare soaking pussy just rubbing all over his boxer briefs to feel how hard he is. We just start making out furiously. I can taste myself all over his tongue and face and it’s really fucking hot. It’s so weird how it was even hard to stop kissing him cuz it almost feels just as good as sex. Okay. Well yeah maybe not as good as sex but ugh I just love making out with him. After basically dry humping his boxers for a minute I finally scoot myself down between his legs and pull down hid briefs to reveal his perfect dick. He’s so hard and now I can get a good look at it. He’s definitely bigger than Matt. Sorry Matt. Probably like 7-8 inches. And also the first guy I’d been with that was uncircumcised. I look at him in the eyes and kiss the tip before just going at it. I honestly love sucking dick. And when I’m as turned on as I was in this moment I just get lost in it. I’m slurping and making it as wet as possible. All while I hear his low moans as he holds my hair back. I love putting my tongue out to cover my bottom lip and then putting lips over my top teeth and basically just deep throating as much as I can while still going up and down. I do this for a minute or so and then use my hands to start really pumping him while still pumping my mouth too. Suddenly he pulls me up and tells me he is getting close but doesn’t want to cum just yet. I nod and scoot back up to where I’m on top of him straddling him again.

“Take this off” he says as he starts to help me pull of my little pj top. And now we’re both completely naked. We start making out again and he grabs my boobs and starts to pull and pinch at my nipples. God I love when guys give my nipples attention cuz they’re so sensitive and it turns me on so much. I stop making out with him and say

“I need to feel you inside me now”

He slowly guides me onto him as I start to feel his dick enter me. Inch by inch slowly fuck it feels so good. We both are just moaning in each other’s ears for the whole 10 seconds it took to get him all the way inside.

“Fuuuuck baby you are so tight” he says.

“Uhhh huh” is all I manage to get out.

Slowly I start riding him and oh my god this is heaven. I love being on top honestly. I can just let loose and do whatever feels good. Starting slowly with his hands moving from my hips onto my ass. I start moving faster and doing that thing where i kind of twerk and my ass bounces up and down. Now I’m lost in the zone. He is just grabbing me every possible place and I love it. Then he starts to spank me and HE starts the dirty talk. Fuck yes.

“That feel good baby?” As he spanks me.

“Oh my god yesss” I moan.

“You like when daddy spanks you?”

“Yes daddy” I say as I keep riding him. This is so hot.
“God your ass feels so nice, you’ve always had the nicest ass seriously” he says to me. “I want to see it from behind.”

I nod in agreement and lay down on my stomach and stick my ass into the air. He gives me a hard spank and then I feel him slowly let himself in. It doesn’t take long for him to just go really fucking hard and fast and I fucking love it. I keep feeling his balls slap my pussy and all you can hear is me screaming a mix of curse words and him slapping my ass. He tells me he’s gonna cum soon and I just immediately pant “do you wanna cum inside me or on my face?”

He stops fucking me and says “fuck babe I wanna cum on your face”

so I turn around and he lifts one leg up above his shoulder so it’s that one legged missionary kind of position and we just keep going at it. We’re looking each other straight in the eyes and it’s so hot. After a minute he tells me he’s about to cum so he sits up and I quickly put my face right under his dick and he just starts spewing ropes of cum all over my face.
“Fuuuuckkk, that’s so hot” he says out of breath.
Wow what a night. Honestly some of the best sex I ever had. I loved writing this out cuz it helped me relive it a bit.

After that I got cleaned up and we had sex another time that night and then again in the morning. We basically became FWB after that and would meet up every weekend and just go crazy for each other. I think we both knew it could never be anything more than that though because of the situation. Our hook ups continued from like August to December and then slowly started to fizz out in 2020 and I haven’t seen him since covid really started. I think he actually is starting to date someone from what I hear. We did sext a few times at the beginning of quarantine though.



  1. What happened to the person who would turn the text into spoken word, need them for his story.

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