New world order? [F][Dystopia]

[this is just an excerpt of an unfinished work]

I had experienced Day 1 just like most women had. In my house, staring open mouthed at the TV, convinced this was some sick joke. But I’d just seen the Speaker of the House beg for a man’s cock on national television. The same Speaker who had approved hundreds of bills limiting men’s rights.
I sat there in a stupor, wondering what the hell was going on. Just then, I heard the sound of an airplane pass overhead, and the quiet fluttering of paper. I raced out and saw thousands of pieces of paper rain down. I quickly grabbed one and read it. It read, THE CUNT RULES BY THE ORDER. It listed a set of new rules for women.

No clothes can be worn in public, any woman caught with clothes will be issued a posting as a local cum bucket.

All cunts must take their daily shot of serum that will be delivered daily. Cunts who are not under the serums effect will be issued a posting as a local cumbucket.

Cunts are no longer allowed to say no, or any variation of no, to men. Cunts who say no will be shipped to CowCunt farms immediately.

Cunts who need to piss must ask a man to fuck them as they piss. Cunts caught pissing alone will be issued a posting as a public toilet.

Cunts must allow all men to piss inside them at all times, in any location. Refer to the third rule for the punishment in case of failure to comply.

Underage future cunts will be collected and sent to reform camps where they will be kept safe from the influence of adult cunts. They will be kept safe by nuns so there is no need to worry.

All cunts over the age of 50 are required to begin their training as nuns and teach at reform camps.

Cunts can no longer deny the entry of a man into their house. All homes must be open to men. Failure to comply will result in the loss of the house.

Cunts are allowed to keep their jobs but some form of sexual activity is required throughout the workday.
The activity must be logged in with the place of employment. Failure to comply will result in unemployment.



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