Becky Shapiro’s Slumber Party, part the second [Lesbian and a little incest] – This is what happens at EVERY slumber party, of course.

**This was another long one I had to break in half. See my other slumber party post for the beginning.**

By now, the forbidden interlude in the kitchen was over.

Though both Gwen and Sally would have dearly loved to continue their tryst and felt more than a little frustrated that they had to stop now, they also knew that they had to get Sally back down to the slumber party quickly.

The two women hurriedly climbed back into their clothes, trying to make sure that there was nothing at all about their appearance that would give away the fact that they had just been having sex. This necessary chore was made nearly impossible thanks to the fact that both women found it so very hard to keep her hands to herself, stealing plenty of kisses and copping many a feel.

Remembering that they had supposedly came up here to fetch some snacks for the party, Gwen rushed to get them out and pile them onto a tray as best she could. Sally had supposedly come up here to help with this, meanwhile, but she proved more of a hindrance than anything by constantly making grabs for her.

Once everything was prepared and the two women judged themselves ready to face the others once more, Gwen took up the tray and led the way back down the stairs.

Sally followed along behind her, just far enough back to be able to keep a close eye on the older woman’s swaying ass. It was a mighty struggle for the teenager to keep her hands to herself and not make a grab for that butt, but this time she somehow managed to pull it off.

When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs though, Gwen skidded to such a sudden halt that her lover plowed right into her from behind. Gwen was in such a state of shock that she didn’t even seem to notice the impact from behind, staring into her family room with wide eyes and gaping mouth.

“What is it? What’s going on?”

Sally leaned around the older woman to see for herself what was going on. What she saw would leave her stunned and astonished, too.

Kelly was sprawled on her back in the middle of the floor, dressed in nothing but her birthday suit. Anna still wearing her clothes, but she was kneeling between the busty girl’s widely spread legs and devouring her bald pussy. In the meantime, Becky and Mary were nearby on the couch and kissing passionately. Becky had even slipped one hand up under her friend’s top and was holding one of her breasts.

The last thing either Gwen or Sally could have expected to find on their return downstairs was that a lesbian orgy might be taking place in the family room. This was so beyond anything the two of them might have anticipated from this crowd of girls that neither of them knew what to make of this incredible scene.

“Oh, my God!” Gwen finally gasped, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. “What the hell is going on in here!”

The four teenagers just stared back at her for a long moment, looking like kids who had just gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar. They remained frozen in this obscene tableau for what seemed like an eternity, but then a smile appeared on Becky’s face that just seemed to get bigger and bigger.

“Nothing that wasn’t just going on upstairs, Mom.”

Gwen gasped again in surprise, having never suspected for even a moment that her daughter and her friends might know about the forbidden affair she was indulging in. It was perhaps only natural that her first thought should be that her young lover might have been gossiping with her best friends and so she shoot a look at Sally.

Sally guessed immediately what must be going through the older woman’s mind and just shrugged helplessly. “I never said a word to anyone!”

Rolling their eyes, once more amazed that these two thought they were being so discrete about their illicit relationship, Becky and Mary came to an immediate, if tacit decision. The two girls pulled apart quickly and leapt to their feet, dashing over to the couple standing at the foot of the stairs. They caught each of them by the arm and lost no time in pulling both Gwen and Sally the rest of the way into the room.

“Why don’t you two come on in and join the party?”

Anna just chuckled and ducked her head back down between Kelly’s legs as Mary hauled Gwen across to one of the couches and Becky led Sally to the other.

* * *

Gwen was propelled onto the couch, landing on her back in an untidy sprawl. Before she could pull herself together however, she found herself set upon by a different teenager than the one who usually grabbed her.

Mary landed atop her immediately, pressing feverish kisses to the older woman’s lips and going for the front of her jeans with both hands. Almost before Gwen fully understood that she was being stripped, her pants came unfastened and Mary slid away to hurriedly tug down her pants. Those jeans were tossed aside carelessly and the girl immediately went after the panties that had been concealed beneath them.

In the meantime, Sally landed on the other couch on her belly and had her long nightshirt thrown up quickly to unveil her firm buttocks. Because she’d just happened to end up with one leg up on the couch and the other off, this would also reveal the slit of her juicy twat beneath.

From behind her, Sally heard a squeal of delight as Becky discovered that she had chosen to go commando on this night. Sally did some squealing herself when she felt fingers spreading apart the full cheeks of her full moon, but got much louder when she felt the tip of her friend’s tongue probe at her puckered asshole.

It seemed to Sally that there was a definite anal streak in the Shapiro family and that was something she most certainly did not have any quarrel with.

Everything stopped immediately though and the eyes of the four women occupying the couches turned to watch what was happening on the floor as the hoarse and unmistakable cries of a girl having an orgasm suddenly echoed through the room.

It was Kelly of course, her whole body writhing, jerking and twisting as she endured a massive climax. She squirmed so much in fact that Anna was having a hard time keeping hold of her, but the girl managed it somehow and gave her friend all the little laps and nibbles necessary to make this orgasm as big as possible.

In the steamy, slow cooling aftermath of this eruption of joy and ecstasy, Kelly and Anna finally raised their heads and looked around the crowded, underground room. By this time the others had turned their attention back to each other and so it did not seem as if any of them had even noticed what had just happened. All four of the others were completely focused on what they were doing and nothing else.

Grinning, Kelly and Anna climbed to their feet and moved off to join the two couples.

Down on her knees on the carpet, Mary was hard at work hungrily eating Gwen when she noticed something odd. From the moment the teen had started dining, the older woman had been making a lot of noise, whimpering and groaning loudly from the pleasure. Suddenly though, she realized that all of that racket seemed muffled for some reason.

Lifting her head from between Gwen’s thighs, Mary looked up to see what was going on and had to chuckle at what she discovered. Kneeling on the couch next to the older woman, Kelly was using one hand to support one of her own heavy breasts and had the other wrapped around the back of Gwen’s head.

It looked to Mary like her best friend’s mother was trying to stuff Kelly’s entire tit into her mouth all at once!

Giggling some more, Mary turned her attention back down to that delicious pussy.

Over on the other couch, things were proceeding just as well.

Becky had been only too happy to back off at Anna’s request, lifting Sally up and off of the couch, too. Having hastily stripped herself down to her birthday suit, Anna now slid onto the couch, positioning herself carefully.

Sally dropped back to the couch immediately, a hand on either of her friends thighs to push them even farther apart as she buried her face in the other girl’s cunt. Becky eagerly followed her back down onto the couch, returning to her work on Sally’s butt.

This slumber party had taken a wild and dramatic turn away from what any of these women had thought it would be and yet none of them were doing any complaining about that. In fact, they were shedding the rest of their clothes as quickly as they possibly could without becoming disconnected from each other. No, there was simply no way this party was not going to turn into the orgy it was shaping up to be.

Gwen was the next one to reach her climax, thanks to the efforts of Mary. Gwen rode out the powerful orgasm that rippled through her, burying her face in Kelly’s ample cleavage so that her happy moans were just barely heard in the family room that night.

In surprisingly short order though, Gwen had caught her second wind and was once more feasting on those tender and luscious tits.

Mary sat back for a moment to catch her breath and enjoy the taste of the fluids the older woman had left all over her face. She didn’t notice however that Becky had noticed her pull away and so she was taken by complete surprise when her friend was suddenly by her side, pulling her to the floor and mounting her.

Becky really seemed to enjoy the tangy taste of her mother and spent quite some time kissing Mary to make sure she got every bit that had spilled onto her. That was just fine with Mary, who took advantage of the opportunity to run her hands all over her friend as she kissed her back fiercely, practically driving her tongue down her throat.

With that done, Becky spun around quickly, repositioning herself so that the couple could lock themselves up in a voracious sixty-nine.

Left to their own devices on their couch, Sally had devoured Anna to a tremendous orgasm by now and so the couple was just taking a moment to cuddle and enjoy the feel of their firm young bodies pressed so firmly together when they were distracted by a commotion on the floor. Likewise, Gwen and Kelly found their attention drawn to the same place for the same reason.

Mary and Becky were clearly very into what they were doing.

With the other four women stopping what they were doing and falling silent to watch, the room seemed to echo with all of the noise the two on the carpet were making. The cries that were escaping them were perhaps to be expected, but maybe not all of the snarling and growling that accompanied them.

More, the two girls were certainly not content to just lay there and eat each other out, but were rolling back and forth across the floor, evidently fighting each other for the dominant top spot.

It was an amazing spectacle and more than once their audience had to jerk their feet up and out of the way to avoid an impact. Surely it could only have been through the purest luck that they somehow managed to escape a painful crash into any of the furniture.

When the two contestants came, it was at the same time and with a wild and savage crash of energy that had them both wailing loud enough to wake the neighbors.

It was only then as the couple lay wrapped up in each other’s arms and fought desperately to catch their breath and calm their pounding hearts that Mary and Becky gradually became aware that they were now the center of attention in that family room.

When they looked up to find out why, it was to the cheers and applause of the other four. They acknowledged the adulation with sheepish smiles and small waves.

Gwen had a huge smile on her face. “Girls, it looks like we’ve got a long night ahead of us!”

* * *

Saying that it was going to be a long night was a tremendous understatement.

The orgy had lasted well into the early hours of the morning and had only come to an end when every last participant had dropped unconscious from sheer exhaustion. The family room was left littered with naked women who had just pushed themselves beyond every last mental and physical limit imaginable.

It would be a night to remember to be sure, but it meant that it was after noon had passed that the girls started to wake, go to the shower to get cleaned up, and depart for home at long last. Quite fortunately for them all, none of their parents were likely to ask too many questions about why they had been gone so long without so much as a telephone call since they knew full well what good friends these girls were.

The assumption would be that they had just been having such a good time together that they had lost track of time, an idea the girls fully intended to support.

All of the girl’s had understandably agreed that it would probably be best if their parents did not know about what had done last night.

For one of these teenaged girls though, this adventure was by no means over.

* * *

The shifting of the bed beneath her incited a weary moan from Gwen, but it was not enough to wake her up after all of the strenuous activities the middle-aged woman had recently endured.

Instead, it was the unmistakable sensation of the sheets being pulled off of her, the feel of a female body spooning up close behind her and a pair of arms going around her waist that finally did start to bring her back to life. What really sped the process up though that the girl behind her was putting little kisses on her neck and shoulder that made her tingle in the most delightful way possible.

Once she had succeeded in regaining consciousness, Gwen purred happily and snuggled deeper into the embrace of this woman she naturally assumed to be her once supposedly secret girlfriend Sally Turner.

As far as she was concerned, one of the highlights of last night’s party was that she no longer had to try to hide her relationship with this girl. She had hated having to lie to her own daughter, but how could she have ever guessed that Becky would be so understanding and accepting of her mother sleeping with one of her best friends?

“Mmm, that feels nice, baby.”

“I’m glad you like it, Mom.”

The truth hit Gwen like a ton of bricks right then. This wasn’t her young lover at all. Instead, it was her own daughter!

Gwen gasped and started to pull free of the girl’s embrace, but the arms wrapped around her were like steel and she found herself unable to escape. “Honey, what are you . . . ?”

“Stay still, Mom,” Becky murmured into the older woman’s hair. “You and I have a little unfinished business to attend to.”

Gwen knew what her little girl was here, but was not sure that she accommodate her.

All through last night’s party, she and Becky had seen a lot of each other naked of course, not to mention having wild and passionate sex over and over with a number of partners. Yes, they had seen each other in all of their glory, but one thing they had not done is actually have sex with each other.

Normal people just didn’t think of their relatives as potential sexual partners though and even the previous evenings antics had been enough to make Gwen consider committing incest. On the other hand, it was now clear to her that Becky must have turned a lustful eye toward her during the chaos in the family room and was now anxious to sample what had been so freely given to all of her friends.

The only question that remained was whether or not Gwen would be able to put out for the girl or whether she would put an end to the madness that had been afflicting her home for almost twenty-four hours now by doing the proper thing and refusing.

Gwen’s whole body was tingling as more and more of those tender, lingering kisses landed on her bare skin and she couldn’t resist letting out a little groan.

“Where are all of your friends, honey?”

Becky didn’t even pause in her work as she answered. “Gone home again, Mom.”

That was a break anyway, Gwen thought, squirming a little in the girl’s arms as her badly overused twat surprisingly enough came churning back to life. She could just imagine every last one of the girls at the slumber party being horrified and disgusted by the thought of a girl having sex with her own mother.

No, doing this behind closed doors and away from prying eyes was definitely the right way to go. This way, no one would come to think of the two of them as perverts.

A small smile curved Gwen’s lips as she supposed that there were plenty of people who might consider the two of them to be pretty perverse anyway considering the kind of situation they had ended up in overnight.

One of Becky’s hands moved then, surrendering it’s hold on her middle and moving upwards to claim a breast. Her mother let out a long and sensual moan as strong, nimble fingers firmly kneaded her soft flesh, thoroughly enjoying being manhandled in this way.

Hearing for herself how well her mother was responding to everything she was doing Becky let out a throaty chuckle that went straight to Gwen’s cunt and set it to lubricating.

When Becky’s other arm also gave up it’s hold on the older woman’s middle, Gwen knew that she was at last free and that she could have easily jumped up from this bed and escaped having to commit this final sin, but of course she remained right where she was. Indeed, when she realized exactly where the girl’s free hand was headed, she willingly opened up her legs to let her daughter clasp her by the crotch.

Her mind was made up. She would be adding her own daughter to her list of teenaged lovers.

Becky now had one hand moving back and forth between her own mother’s breasts, skillfully manipulating and stimulating them, and her other hand covering the woman’s mound, feeling for herself just how hot and wet and, yes, aroused it was. When the girl sent first one finger and then another up into her mother’s cunt, the effect on Gwen was electric.

Gwen’s whole body went very stiff as she was penetrated and the woman lost all control over herself. She cried out loudly enough to startle her daughter and began to frantically push and grind her mound as hard as she could against the heel of Becky’s hand.

Becky laughed, pleased that her mother wanted this so much. “You really are still hot to trot, aren’t you, Mom. After being molested over and over by four different girls all last night, you still want more! It’s a good thing I’m going to be giving poor Sally a hand with you from now on or you might wear that little girl down to a frazzle.”

Gwen didn’t have the opportunity to respond to this.

Becky rolled over onto her back, pulling her mother along with her so that the older woman was lying right on top of her. Only then did the girl really start to go to work with great enthusiasm. That first hand became much more firm and rough in the way it was treating those breasts and that second hand vigorously went to work on that burning cunt, fingers thrusting hard and deep and palm slapping at the quivering mound.

It was quite literally more than Gwen could bear and she just lost her mind under this kind of assault. She writhed and squirmed wildly as she lay on top of her daughter, reaching out with both hands to either side to claw desperately at the bed sheets beneath her as she wailed loudly enough to make the glass in the windows rattle dangerously in their frames.

Becky fondled and masturbated her mother to what must have been a tremendous orgasm, but then, to Gwen’s astonishment, just kept right on going. The next climax to tear through the older woman was the biggest she had ever had and it felt like body was being literally torn apart molecule by molecule.

For a little while there as massive convulsions ripped through her entire body and she started having significant trouble catching her breath, Gwen honestly thought this climax might actually do her some serious injury.

Of course, she also thought it would be well worth it . . .

When Gwen had finally regained her senses in the aftermath of this body-breaking, mind-shattering orgasm, she found those fingers busily stirring up her swampy pussy again and just knew that she would never survive another ride like that.

“No, please, baby,” she begged desperately. “Your old mother just couldn’t take it.”

Becky chuckled again, very satisfied with her work this day. Pulling those intruding fingers back out of her mother at long last, she brought them right up to Gwen’s lips and let her lick and suck them clean.

“All right then, Mom,” the teenager said as she heaved her mother’s limp body up and off of herself. “In that case, it’s time for you to return the favor.”

Becky had endured just as much hard and strenuous activity the previous night as her mother had, but youth has it’s benefits and she showed absolutely no sign of her exertions after just one long nap. Now, she casually and agilely maneuvered herself so that she was kneeling right over the older woman’s face.

The girl chose to linger there for just a little while, letting the other woman have a good, long look at what lay between her little girl’s legs.

Her mother seemed to appreciate this offer of a good close look at that sweet, dripping treat, as well. Raising her hands, Gwen slowly and lovingly stroked and caressed whatever she could reach from where she now lay – the teenagers thighs and back, cunt and buttocks. Breathing in deeply, Gwen was able to inhale great lungfuls of the heady perfume that could only come from another woman’s extremely aroused pussy.

It all became too much for her to bear in very short order.

Grabbing hold of Becky’s thighs for leverage, Gwen suddenly shoved her head up between her own daughter’s legs and started dining on her with the voracious appetite of a starving woman. With one hand on the bed’s headboard to brace herself, Becky grabbed a big fistful of the older woman’s hair and shoved her face even harder into the inferno that was her cunt, bathing her mother’s face in her juices.

Gwen was a woman possessed that day, determined to give as good as she had gotten. Her efforts brought the girl to a disappointingly quick orgasm that was a testament to just how excited she too had been, but Gwen held on tight and just kept right on working on her regardless. Now Becky was holding onto her head with both hands and rocking gently back and forth, aware of nothing but the very professional attention the most intimate part of her body was now receiving.

It took what seemed like forever to get there, but suddenly Becky was throwing her head back and was quite literally howling with sheer ecstasy even as she forcefully rubbed her cunt all over her mother’s face. The introduction of an impossibly long finger straight up into her ass at this moment was all it took to turn this intense and powerful orgasm into an incredibly devastating multiple orgasm.

When it was all over at long last, Becky teetered for a moment up there on top of her mother before toppling over bonelessly and coming crashing down next to her on the bed. Lifting herself up on one elbow, Gwen looked over her fallen daughter and could have sworn that she saw a cloud of steam rising from her body and a hint of brains leaking out her ears.

“How was that, baby?” she inquired, an almost malicious smile on her face.

Becky said not a word. Instead, with a tremendous effort of will that cost her those last few reserves of strength, she slowly raised one shaky, trembling hand and gave her mother the thumbs up sign.
