Stealing Him Back (MF, reverse rape, bondage, trickery, impregnation)

This story is based on a few requests for a reverse rape with an emphasis (for me) on improving dialogue. It’s fairly short and intense, and could have used a bit more time for character development – but you can only do so much in 4500 words. Feedback for this story and requests for future themes are always welcome.


“Fuck everything,” Sylvia growled to herself, as she sighed heavily as she hung up the phone.

Moments ago, it had been all I love you’s and I miss you’s as she chatted with her boyfriend Andy, but now that he was gone, she let the frustration wash over her. They had been planning their matching costumes since August, and now just because her mom had tested positive for covid, she was quarantined until Monday and she was going to miss Halloween. Sure, he’d promised they could both get dressed up next week and take cute pictures – him as the Joker and Her as Batwoman, but it just wasn’t the same. They’d planned to go to a couple different parties together before finally going back to Andy’s place for their own private party, complete with all the toys on her little utility belt… and now it was all ruined. The whole holiday had been a nightmare honestly, and now with it being basically canceled for her, she didn’t see how it could get much worse.

At first, they’d try to put together costumes for Batman and Catwoman – a much more iconic romantic pairing; but also much pricier to pull off as it turned out. Next they’d tried for joker and Harlequin – but all of the Harley costume’s were a bit too revealing for Sylvia, so in the end they’d gone with Joker and Batwoman – which was super cheap since everyone basically hated that show. Andy didn’t mind though – he joked that she could wrestle him into submission one night a year, no problem. He took charge most of the time in the bedroom, but he’d always hinted to Sylvia that he’d love for her to take charge much to her chagrin; she didn’t have a dominant bone in her body. But she promised to try on Halloween, and she would have too, if this hadn’t happened.

But she’d encouraged Andy to go out with his friends and have a good time anyway, and so even though he’d protested and offered to skip the festivities and spend the night chatting with her, that’s exactly what he did. They pregamed at a nearby bar, and then hit a party and a haunted house before finally ending up at one of the frat blowouts a little before 10pm. It was there when he was heading toward the keg that he saw her, Batwoman, standing near the middle of the room talking to some of her friends. For a moment he allowed himself to think that Sylvia had pulled through and walked up to her kissing her neck from behind as he pulled her into an embrace. For a moment everyone in the knot of conversation froze, looking at them, and then they all busted up laughing as Batwoman turned around, revealing that it was not in fact Sylvia, but her roommate, Mary.

“Nice to see you too Andy,” Mary said mirthfully, a wicked smile on her face, “I’m not sure that Joker’s usual great for his nemesis though, is it?”

Another gale of laughter swept through those that had watched the whole scene unfold.

“Sorry Mary,” Andy said, a bit shaken, “I might have confused you for someone else.” It was an easy mistake for someone to make, they were both about the same height and build. The only real differences were that Sylvia was a mousey brunette with B cup breasts, a kind disposition, and a warm smile, and Mary was a dirty blond with a D cup and a bit of a chip on her shoulder. From behind wearing the red wig though, there was really no way to tell them apart. There was not denying that she filled out the female crime fighting costume better. When Sylvia wore it there was only the hint of cleavage, but now that Mary had it on, she was practically spilling out of the top.

“It’s cool, Sylvia said I could borrow the costume if I didn’t want to go out as a sexy nurse or whatever again this year,” Mary lied smoothly, “But if I did it had to be a surprise.” Honestly – that had been exactly the reaction she’d hoped for, and it couldn’t have gotten her night off to a better start. She loved to tease guys in public, but with Andy, well – it was special.

She smiled awkwardly for a moment and through her hands up in the air, exclaiming, “so… Surprise!”

Andy laughed, trying to keep eye contact as her little bouncing motion made her tits jiggle obscenely, without complete success. Truthfully, the costume wasn’t made to handle tit’s like hers and too much movement really could make them bounce free. But this time they held, and so conversation continued, the awkwardness passed after Mary got him another shot or two. In the beginning of the night he was bemoaning Sylvia not being there, and the rotten timing of the quarantine, but after a few drinks and a few off-color jokes Mary turned it around.

‘She really was the life of any party she went to,’ Andy thought as she watched her joke and laugh with their friends. And not just because of how easy she could be after a little tequila, but just because she was a fun person to be around. And he’d had the chance to date her once he reflected as the night wore on, but even with the horniness building from not seeing his girlfriend in over a week and loosing inhibitions of what was probably five drinks too many – he still didn’t regret the decision not to. Sylvia was pretty much his dream girl. She might not have the Mary’s tits, and she could be a little shy, but there was no denying that she was sweet and kind. Sometimes when they were together, he thought about their future and…

“You okay over there?” Mary asked, interrupting his reverie.

Andy looked up to find several people staring. “What?” he asked, dumbly.

Mary laughed, “Forget it – you just seemed completely out of it – I kinda thought you’d passed out with your eye’s open.”

“Yeah man, you were gone – we were ragging on you and you didn’t hear shit.” Someone else chimed in, unhelpfully.

“Oh, Cool.” Andy said, rising unsteadily to his feet. “I think I might have too much fun anyway – might call it an early night guys.”

A small chorus of boo’s spilled out from his friends. Even as hard as they’d been hitting it, it was still way to early to consider calling it – especially on Halloween. But no matter what he did his mind just kept drifting back to Sylvia. His heart just wasn’t in it.

Finally, Mary chimed in, “No – that’s fine. You don’t look so good anyway. I’ll walk you back to your room.” There were more protests at this, until she finished “And then I’ll come back, and we can do shots.” That put a smile on some faces and quelled the complaints. Truthfully, his friends were probably more upset to see her going than him, but she’d be back soon enough.

They walked out of the party together, Mary huddled against Andy because of the bighting October cold as they left the building and headed for the dorms. It was only after they’d been walking for quite aways that he realized they were going the wrong direction to go back to his room.

“Mary, I think maybe you got turned around.” Andy volunteered.

“You Live all the way across campus,” Mary whined, shivering, “You can sleep in Sylvia’s bed tonight. Her only problem with that will be that she can’t be here to join you.”

The logic seemed sound to Andy and he didn’t put up a fight as they got to her hall and went up a flight of stairs to the room she shared with his Girlfriend. Inside it was a standard dorm room, with 2 beds and a small kitchenette crammed into one room. There was no privacy, and it only occurred to that he would have to change out of at least part of his costume if he wanted to sleep comfortably. Of course, this thought only occurred to him when he saw Mary start to unzip her costume.

“Wait – I thought you were going back,” Andy said, unsure of how to address the fact that she was getting naked in front of him.

“Nah,” Mary responded without stopping what she was doing, taking her cowl off. “It’s too cold, and there’s no one at that party I want to fuck anyway.”

“So then, do you want me to turn around to get changed or…” Andy said, unsure of how to finish that sentence.

“You can if you want,” Mary said seductively, lowering the zipper enough to finally free her tits, allowing most of them to fall into view, “But we both know there’s nothing here you haven’t already seen before. You’ve touched most of it before too…”

Mary let the last statement linger for a moment, and as the zipper finally reached her belly button, Andy turned around, the idea of seeing her completely naked breaking him out of his indecision. They’d fooled around for a few weeks before he and Sylvia had started dating, it was true. At least that was all it had been to Andy, but to Mary…

“You know Sylvia planned for everything with this costume. So many little details like this utility belt.” Mary said admiringly, “Like this for example.”

Andy was about to ask what ‘this’ was, without turning around when suddenly he felt a pressure on his wrist as she put handcuffs on one of his arms and reached for the other.

“Bat cuffs – the perfect accessory for a kinky little costume.” She said, “And now I will be sure that the big bad joker man won’t do anything I don’t want him to.”

“Just as long as you feel safe,” Andy tried to joke along. He’d felt uncomfortable when she put the cuffs on him, but the idea of forcing him to keep his hands to himself appealed to him in this moment of temptations; it was a terribly appropriate fig leaf.

This gave Mary all the time she needed to get out of the costume, and after enough sounds of fabric rustling and everything else, she finally said, “Okay, you can turn around now.”

Andy did as he was bid, expecting her to be back in sweats or a long night shirt. That wasn’t what he found though. In front of him Mary was standing proudly, still mostly in her costume. She’d taken the body suit off, and the put everything else back on, its effect was strangely erotic. Her tits were out, her pussy only covered by a small black g string, and she was still wearing the wig, the cowl, and the boots.

“You like it,” Mary asked mockingly while she posed provocatively. “I thought about going to the party like this… but then I decided I’d rather put on a private show for you.”

“For me?” Andy repeated dumbly.

“Mmmmhmm,” Mary said, practically purring as she took one slow step toward him and then another. “That’s how it is in the comics, right? The hero captures the bad guy and then does whatever they need to, to get information out of them. Well – you’re my prisoner now Joker – and you’d better cooperate.”

“Listen – Amy, this is funny and everything, but do you think maybe you could put on a shirt and get these cuffs off me?” Andy said, backing up, matching her step for step, but soon found himself against the Sylvia’s bed.

“Hah – you expect me to fall for that, do you?” Amy said, obviously ignoring everything he said as she started to grope her prisoner, “I haven’t even searched you for weapons yet – I couldn’t possibly let you free, I…”

“What do we have here?” Amy asked exaggeratedly, groping his cock through the purple slacks he was wearing to complete his costume. “A knife? A gun?”

“Mary – come on, you’re taking this too far, we need to…” Andy protested, trying to sidestep around her; if he could just get to the door he could… but before he could figure out how to make that happen, Mary pushed him back on to his Girlfriend’s bed hard .

“Listen Joker,” Mary said, dropping to her knees smoothly, “You can either play my little game with me, or you can stay locked up until Sylvia get’s back on Monday. She never found out what you and I did at Zach’s party the week before you two got together, and she’s doesn’t have to find out about this – but if you don’t answer her calls all weekend she’s going to assume you spent all weekend banging sluts while she was gone, and how do you think she’s going to feel about that?”

Andy didn’t have a good answer, so he didn’t do anything at all when she reached for his fly and started to undo it. She wasn’t wrong – she did suck his dick his dick right before Sylvia and he got together, and even if they weren’t official for a couple more days, he knew he’d crossed a line. He’d sweated about it for a couple months, but it never became an issue. And now it was coming back to haunt him, he thought sighing. So, if she wanted to suck his dick again, what would be the harm he thought, tired of fighting his lust for the kinky little slut; god knows how many times he fantasized this exact scenario he thought as she reached for his fly. The only difference was that Sylvia was supposed to be the one on top, not Mary.

Mary took his inaction for acceptance and smiled as she freed his cock. It had been too long since she’d gotten her hands on some good dick, she thought as she inhaled the masculine scent and licked her lips. Truthfully, it wasn’t a particularly impressive dick. It was only a little over 6 inches, but it was beautiful – practically picture perfect, and most importantly it was attached to just the right man. She’d always been bitter at how Sylvia had swooped in and stolen Andy out from under her – but forcing the issue back then wouldn’t have changed the outcome, so she waited, playing the field and bidding time until she could pick the right moment – which turned out to be tonight.

“What are you hiding here, Mister?” she asked leaning forward and tilting her head to lick all the way up the shaft, from the balls to the tip in one sinuous motion as she rose up on her knees as high as she could get. “I’m going to have to disarm this weapon before I can let you go, you know…”

Andy hissed his pleasure, at her unexpected motion. “Look Mary,” he started, but he never got a chance to finish, because as soon as he tried to start talking again, she dropped down on his prick like a predator engulfing the whole thing in one quick motion that was as unexpected as it was pleasurable. Some girls had a reputation for being easy – but that wasn’t quite Mary’s reputation – it was for being an eager little cock sucker. Lots of guys knew she loved to suck and she loved to swallow; between her quick tongue and her eager throat, she could make guys cum as quick as she liked… but she wanted tonight to last for a while – especially with Andy’s whiskey dick. So, after the first few violent head bobs to shock his senses, she backed way off attacking his head in slow swirling motions for a few moments to let him regain his composure while she locked eyes with her unwilling partner.

‘God I missed this dick,’ she thought as Mary controlled the pace expertly, slowing up and speeding down over the next few minutes based purely on the facial expressions of her partner and the way his cock jerked in her mouth. As soon as he started to calm down, she would attack again, and as soon as he started to get close, she would throttle way down. This was exactly the opposite of her usual approach with guys; she only toyed with the ones she really liked. For the rest of the men that crossed her path, she would make them cum as quickly as possible in an effort to emasculate them. Anything to keep unworthy losers out of her pussy. Truthfully, she’d only ever met a few men worth fucking, and at the moment one of them was completely powerless to stop her from doing whatever she wanted.

Finally – after five minutes of torture, with Andy no closer to cumming, she removed his dick from her mouth but kept stroking it with both hands languidly in long twisting motions that made his hips twist and buck but were too intense to let him orgasm. He deserved it, she thought spitefully. He’d been torturing her for a year – breaking things off so suddenly then making her keep seeing all the damn time. It was like a game, and now she could finally turn the tables.

“Having fun baby?” Mary taunted seductively. “Are you ready to cum yet? All you have to do is ask.”

“What, and spoil the fun,” Andy said trying to act tough, “I could keep this up all dah…” His bravado was interrupted by Mary’s tongue as she attacked the frenulum with gusto as she gave the underside of his head a long French kiss. It made him leak and jerk, and for a moment she had to stop completely to keep him from finally blowing his load.

“Yeah,” She said skeptically “You’re in complete control.” Mary paused a moment, smiling wickedly before continuing. “Tell the truth. Tell me that my mouth is better than anyone else you’ve ever had. Certainly, better than her.”

“Mary,” Andy said, trying to rise up, real fire in his voice. “That’s not what this is about… you need to stop this twisted game of yours and…” but Mary was rising too and pushed him back down, straddling his hips and using her body weight to drive him backdown to the mattress, since he couldn’t use his arms for support. Even so he struggled hard for a minute or two to get out from under her or roll over, but the position was just too awkward, and it was no use.

“No,” Mary responded finally, leaning down and practically shoving her tits in his face. “That’s exactly what this is about. I met you first. I kissed you first. I sucked your dick first. And you date her instead of me? Why?”

“Mary…” he started, unsure of what to say.

“Tell me,” she said, half crazed now, her volume rising with her irritation “What does she have that I don’t Andy, tell me.”

For a long moment he was at a loss for words before he finally answered quietly. “I don’t know. I just loved her, alright. She was sweet, and kind, and we just fit, you know?” He didn’t know what would make Mary happy at this point, but he was trying to placate her.

“Sweet?” Mary asked incredulously, as she sat there stunned a moment before her earlier smile returned. “You guys just fit together, huh? Well, if that’s all it takes…” She reached back between them, and grabbed his cock, angling it towards her pussy and sliding down onto it, pushing her flimsy thong aside as she forced his slick shaft effortlessly inside of her hot little hole before he’d even had the chance to protest.

“The fuck are you doing,” Andy blurted out, not able to completely suppress the groan of pleasure that came as he slipped helplessly all the way inside her. “I…” He didn’t get to finish the though as Mary leaned down and start to kiss him hard on the mouth, forcing his tongue inside his mouth as he opened it to protest. The kiss lingered long enough for her to start roll her hips in short twisting strokes that weren’t so much thrusts as a full body massage for his dick before he finally broke free.

Mary’s face stayed uncomfortably close to his as she started into his eyes while she spoke. “What am I doing? I’m showing you how well we fit, and how sweet my body is so you can know what love really is, baby.” She gave up trying to kiss his lips while he struggled against her, and instead started to kiss his neck, and chest, but she didn’t stop the small fucking motions that were slowly driving him insane. It wouldn’t have been so bad normally – but on edge as he was – it was really starting to push him close to the edge.

“This is crazy Mary, this is dangerous – you need to stop this right now.” Andy hissed, “We’re not using protection.”

Mary leaned down, biting his earlobe lightly while starting to slowly bounce on his dick in small strokes before whispering “Crazy would be letting this opportunity pass us by Andy – and I’ve been planning this ever since Sylvia found out she wouldn’t be joining us tonight. Crazy would be making you wear a condom at all baby. I’d always let you fill me up.” Andy was gasping now, having a hard time holding on, but that didn’t stop Mary from continuing her erotic rant. “I know she makes you though doesn’t she. Sylvia always makes you use a rubber when you’re inside her. She’s told me how much you hate it. That probably means you aren’t at all ready for how good my tight raw cunt feels.” She was bouncing now, letting her hips rise over half the length of his shaft before letting gravity force him back inside over her.

“Mary,” Andy moaned, practically begging.

“Shhhhhh,” she cooed, “It’s okay baby. You don’t need to hold back. You can come for me. Fill me up baby…”

With a roar, that’s exactly what Andy did. At his limit, and against his will, he bucked his hips hard against her and started shooting jet after jet of hot cum inside her. Amy moaned into his ear incoherently. She didn’t cum. Not even close – but the thrill of victory for her was almost as sweet.

Slowly he came down, and Mary could feel his cum start to ooze out. She went back to rocking her hips slowly. She had no plans on stopping after just the one time after all.

“Okay,” Andy said finally after he stopped breathing heavy, “You got what you wanted. Can you let me go now so I can go back to my dorm please?”

But one look at Mary’s smile made it clear to him he was missing something.

“Why stop now baby,” she asked, “It’s not like I’m going to get any more pregnant from the second round than the first… Besides – I still haven’t cum, and you aren’t leaving until I do.”

She leaned down to kiss him again, but Andy struggled free.

“Pregnant?” Andy asked, “I thought you were on the pill. Why would you do this if…” His mind was racing. Cheating on the woman he loved was bad enough, but to have a kid with some crazy slut? His mind was repulsed, but his cock wasn’t. It was already stirring at that primal thought. His dick never really went soft after his orgasm with the sort of endurance that only young men have, but now it was rock hard again.

Mary raised up so that she was straddling him, and started to palm and kneed her tits, showing them off to her captive audience as she starts to slowly bounce on his dick. “Pregnant” she repeated, smiling. “I’m ovulating today or tomorrow – and as fertile as my family is – there’s no way you won’t be a daddy next summer. In just a few months these tits are going to be leaking and my belly will be bulging, and everyone is going to know you’re the daddy.”

Andy’s head was spinning. She had to be fucking with him. This all had to be some kind of sick joke. But she wasn’t stopping, and the pleasure building as she started fucking him in earnest was really starting to build.

“Well, what are we going to do about this,” he asked, the edge of panic creeping into his voice. “We need to stop fucking and go get you a morning after pill.”

Mary laughed then, long and loud, putting both hands on Andy’s chest to give her more leverage and balance as the pleasure from fucking her lover started to mix with the exaltation of the idea that she had succeeded in trapping him.

“No silly, I’ll give you a little time to let Sylvia down easy,” She said between gasps, “But you need to break it off with her by Thanksgiving so I can take you home to meet my parents for Christmas. And after that…” She paused to moan, feeling her climax starting to build in the distance, “We can get together before I start to show.”

Andy started to struggle again, but it was fruitless. He couldn’t get her off him. He couldn’t even keep her from getting him off again. He’d just cum and had more than a few drinks in his system still, but Mary’s raw pussy felt so much better than fucking his girlfriend with a condom – it wasn’t even a fair comparison.

“Mary – I’m not going to break up with Sylvia for you.” Andy said with all the conviction he could muster, but it didn’t seem to phase her.

“Of course, you are,” Mary said, haltingly, the pleasure starting to overwhelm her, “Your parents. They’d make you take responsibility. For me. For our child.” She smiled, looking down at his stricken face, obviously very pleased with herself, “Even if they did. If I had to report this… That you raped me… it would ruin everything… Our life together… your scholarship… and it would break Sylvia’s heart…”

Mary sounded completely crazy in that moment, but her twin threats had both found their mark, and as the look on Andy’s face broke, so did the dam holding back her pleasure as she collapsed on top of him, moaning and trembling as it washed over her.

“You’re going to belong to be, forever, “she whispered into his ear, sending chills down his spine.


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