Heather & Joy [Lesbian Incest] – Teen cousins have fun at the family reunion

As she maneuvered her way through all of the people who populated this scenic lakeside lodge, Heather Brown was attracting a whole lot of attention.

It was hardly surprising, though.

At nineteen years old, the young woman had been blessed with the kind of natural beauty that seems to demand an appreciative gaze. Her hair was a deep, rich auburn, long and curly and spilling over her shoulders. Her eyes were a vivid green and seemed to sparkle as they moved quickly across the crowd, darting from face to face. Her full lips were curved into a wide, happy smile, showing off her straight and blindingly white teeth. Though topped with a set of full breasts that were big enough to almost look out of place on someone so young, her figure was lean overall, her skin positively glowing, giving ample evidence of an athletic lifestyle.

What was drawing the most attention though was that this girl with the perfect body was picking her way through the mob while dressed in only a pair of flip-flops and a teeny tiny bikini that left very little to the imagination.

This might have been a family reunion, all of these people might be related to her, but that was not enough to stop a great many of them from trying to imagine what she might look like in even less clothes. Heather was very careful to pretend to not notice how many eyes were following her, not wanting to embarrass any of her relatives by catching them studying her just a little too closely, but of course she was aware of it.

Indeed, she put just a little more wiggle into her butt as she walked, made sure her bosom was bouncing and jiggling, and otherwise made quite sure to reward all of her fans for their rapt attention.

Her uncle Jake was one of the worst, staring at her firm young boobs as she hurried by, his eyes wide and glazed, his jaw slack. Though he said not a word, she could still almost hear him praying for the ties that held her swim suit together to come loose. He was so blatantly drooling over her, in fact, that his scowling wife felt the need to break him out of his incestuous fantasy, jostling him so hard that he nearly tumbled out of his chair.

Likewise, she utterly ignored the sound of a crash as her cousin Boyd got so wrapped up in looking at her bobbing breasts that he failed to pay attention to where he was going and almost took out a table full of refreshments.

At last, Heather spotted her quarry.

Standing next to a table where a spirited game of dominoes was being played and much trash was being talked, Joy Thurston was so busy cheering on her mother that she neglected to notice that her cousin was closing in on her from behind.

Older than her cousin by two full years, Joy did not have quite so active a lifestyle as the other girl and so she’d packed on a few extra pounds, but was still considered quite a pretty girl. She kept her brunette hair bobbed, wore glasses over her bright blue eyes, and her lips seemed fixed in an easy grin. She had come to the reunion in a pair of sneakers, snug denim jeans, and a T-shirt.

It was only when she looked across the table and saw the way her dad was staring at something behind her that Joy turned. She only had the briefest of moments to recognize who was rushing at her before she was gathered up into a warm hug.

There was nothing at all risque about the friendly embrace, but seeing these two pretty girls cuddling had a few of the men watching crossing their legs and aunt Jackie actually dropped the plastic cup she was holding, spilling her soft drink in her lap.

“There you are, Joy!” Heather gushed. “Hurry up and grab your suit and we’ll go swimming!”

Joy was agreeable. “Sure, that sounds like fun. See you later, mom!”

As the two teenaged girls trotted out of the lodge – their bits and pieces wiggling and bouncing very nicely, thank you very much – their grandfather leaned so far forward in his chair in his effort to keep their bottoms in view that he lost his balance and would have fallen on his face if aunt Paula hadn’t been quick thinking enough to catch him.

The lodge’s parking lot was little more than a rectangular patch of pavement bounded by carefully spaced rocks and with it’s painted lines now almost completely faded away. The lodge the family had rented for this reunion sat at one end, framed by plenty of trees.

As the two girls stepped outside into the summer sunshine, they dove headlong into the maze of irregularly parked cars to find the one Joy and her family arrived in today.

Knowing that the lodge was sitting next to a cool, clear lake, Joy had certainly thought to bring her bathing suit but was not wearing it. Instead, she had brought along a small bag containing the suit, some sun screen, some sandals, and a towel and left it in the back seat of the family car. Pulling open the door, she grabbed the bag and turned back towards the lodge, but Heather was quick to stop her.

“Where are you going?”

“Back inside. The only place around here private enough to change my clothes is in the restroom.”

There was a crafty look in Heather’s eye. “Why bother? Why not just change right here? It’ll be a whole lot quicker.”

The corner of Joy’s mouth twitched upwards and she gave her cousin a knowing look. “I should change right out here in public?”

“Just do it in the car and no one will see you,” Heather told her with studied casualness. “I’ll even keep watch to make sure no one gets close enough to get an eyeful.”

“Well . . . Okay, then.”

Leaving the back door of the car open behind her, Joy got in and started taking off her clothes. It was her T-shirt first and she spent an extra long time making sure it was carefully folded and set aside. This was just to keep her top from getting wrinkled of course, but it also meant that it gave any observer more than ample time to take a good close look at the plump boobs contained in her bra.

And despite the other girl’s reassurances of complete privacy, Joy could literally feel the eyes on her. She made a point of not looking around, pretending to be unaware of the scrutiny, and just continued with what she was doing.

Her bra came off next and she was just as careful about setting it aside as she had been with her shirt. It was just the purest coincidence of course that this also gave whoever was watching her the chance to have a good, long look at her bare breasts. Topless and well aware of how closely she was being ogled, she couldn’t keep her face from flushing or her big brown nipples from growing stiff and hard.

The girl considered making an effort to show off her boobs a little more – arching her back to make them more prominent perhaps, using the pretense of rubbing out whatever marks her bra might have left in her skin to caress and fondle herself. In the end, she chose not to take the time considering that it was possible that somebody might come by at any moment.

In any case, it wasn’t really necessary. Her swimsuit was a one piece after all and she would have to strip completely nude before she could put it on.

Joy kicked off her shoes and pulled off her socks next, wadding up the socks and stuffing them into the sneakers to make sure that they would not go astray. Acutely aware that those eyes had never left her yet, she leaned back into the car seat then, unbuckling her belt and unfastening her jeans. She did not look up, did not give up any hint that she was aware that she was being watched, and did not hesitate to haul off her pants.

This left her in nothing but her panties and Joy did not hesitate for even a moment to peel them off as well. Going for the bag that contained her bathing suit gave her a chance to show off the full moon of her bottom and the pouting slit beneath.

She frowned to herself when she felt no hand touch her, heard no voice call out to her even now, but had erased the expression by the time she turned back where the person watching her could see her face. When she had her swimsuit about half way on with only her bosom still bared and nothing was continuing to happen, she decided to stop waiting, to take matters into her own hands.

“I thought you were supposed to be keeping watch,” Joy said evenly. “All your doing is looking at me.”

Her cousin did not deny it. “What can I say? I find beautiful babes endlessly distracting.”

Joy blushed modestly. “You’re the babe, Heather. I’m the chubby girl.”

Heather chuckled at that, ducking down to lean into the car. “You’re a babe, Joy, a fabulous babe.” Cupping and hefting one of the older girl’s breasts, she reached around behind her head to pull her in for a deep, hungry kiss.

The two teenagers melted into one as the kiss lasted longer and longer, growing wetter and more heated rapidly until they finally had to break apart or risk passing out from the lack of oxygen, their lips turning a bit blue.

They remained like that for what felt like an eternity, their faces only inches apart as they struggled to catch their breath, their dancing eyes holding each other. The girls had been carrying on a secret romance for almost a year now, but they lived too far apart to see each other very often and so an intimate moment like this was something to really be treasured.

Heather finally looked away, glancing through the car’s window back towards the lodge. “Lie back, babe. Let me do this before somebody comes wandering over in this direction and catches us.”

Joy threw herself back across the backseat of the car so eagerly that she very nearly whacked her head against the opposite door.

Heather lowered herself next to the car, grimacing at how the rough pavement felt against her knees, but would not be distracted from her mission. She pulled the crotch of her cousin’s swimsuit aside to once more reveal the other girl’s twat.

Wet and fragrant, that young cunt was ready for whatever was in store for it and confident that it was about to be well looked after by the girl.

She did not keep it waiting, either.

Diving straight in between her cousin’s splayed legs, Heather feasted on the other girl’s most intimate parts with great relish, thoroughly enjoying both the aroma and taste. It was evident that Joy was also having a good time considering how she writhed on that car seat, moaning and gasping, one hand shooting out to grab hold of the top edge of the back seat and the other hand grabbing the front.

Joy all but levitated up and off the seat though, letting out a shout when a long finger was suddenly thrust right up into her ass.

It was too much to bear and Joy convulsed wildly and came, her hands jerking and tearing at the car’s seats so violently that it was a wonder they did not come apart. Heather did her best to draw out the orgasm by skillfully manipulating her cousin’s cunt and ass, making it last just as long as possible.

Looking over the other teen and noting how limp and wasted she seemed, Heather felt more than a little pride. Certain that she would need a few moments to pull herself back together, she rose back to her feet to have another look around and see if any of their relatives might be getting too close.

Reassured that she and her lover were still alone, she grinned to herself and took the opportunity to wipe some of the spilled juices from her chin and cheeks, lapping it all up quickly as if she was afraid of losing even one drop of it.

In the meantime, Joy was getting her second wind.

The twenty-one year old suddenly surged up from where she had been lying, scooting out to the edge of the seat so that she could wrap one arm around her cousin’s waist. Heather was so taken by surprise by how suddenly her cousin came back to life that she let out a little squeal and tried to pull away. The grip Joy had on her was unbreakable, however.

Heather recovered quickly from her surprise and did not try to escape her embrace again, griping the top of the open car door with one hand and the edge of the roof with the other to brace herself as she willingly submitted herself to what was to come.

Joy kept that arm around the older girl anyway, planting soft kisses all over Heather’s belly and dipping the tip of her tongue into her navel. Her efforts earned her a happy little sigh and a little shiver of pleasure from her cousin, which pleased Joy very much. “You like that, do you?”

“Uh-huh,” Joy answered honestly with a little smirk, realizing that she was going to be there for a while and taking another look around to make sure they were still alone out there. “Are you going to do it some more?”


Taking hold of the front of the bottom half of her cousin’s bikini, Joy turned it inside out as she tugged it down almost to her knees. As her hand then moved lightly, teasingly over the smooth skin of the other girl’s inner thighs, Heather knew where she was going and was only too eager to open up her legs, her bikini bottom stretched taut between her thighs.

With Heather’s cunt now only inches away from her face, Joy was treated to the full effect. She could see how the lips were swollen and protruding, could watch as lubricating fluid slowly came dripping out, and could inhale the heady aroma of her arousal, and she knew that the younger girl was ready for her ministrations. For her part, Heather could literally feel her cousin’s eyes minutely inspecting her most intimate areas, could feel the girl’s hot breath blowing over her exposed sex, ruffling her neatly trimmed pubic hair, and her knees grew weak.

Leaning in, Joy started planting little kisses all over the younger girl’s mound, blazing trails through the narrow forest of hair with the tip of her tongue, and giving the super sensitive flesh down there playful little nibbles. She avoided doing any work on Heather’s boiling twat however, instead laying siege to it with her wandering hand.

With all of the oral work being done to her pubes, with that bold hand firmly rubbing and caressing and probing the cunt beneath, Heather had to lean heavily on the car, holding on tight to keep from falling over. Though it seemed like the bottom of her bikini wouldn’t be able to take the strain, like it would end up tearing away and leave her with nothing to wear from the waist down, she still managed to open her legs even wider.

A bit of movement caught Heather’s eye and she darted a look towards the lodge to see her aunt Selma come outside. This was not an immediate problem as there were enough cars parked between here and there that she felt confident that the woman would not be able to see what was going on in the car. No, all her aunt could see at the moment was her head and boobs as she stood next to a car. If the old woman decided to come out into the parking lot for some reason though, all would be quickly revealed.

Selma’s eyes easily picked out the lone human figure amid the sea of cars and trucks and she smiled and offered the girl a wave. Heather had to let go of the car with one hand to do it and as a result nearly took a spill, but she managed to respond with a feeble little wave.

Clearly never suspecting that anything out of the ordinary was happening out there in the parking lot, aunt Selma turned away then and proceeded down the path towards the lake.

Heather would have let out a sigh of relief that the danger was passed, but she was finding it harder and harder just to breath as her cousin continued to work on her.

In the meantime, Joy had judged her cousin to be ready. Resting her head against the girl’s belly, the arm around her waist holding on to her tight, she shaped her hand into a wedge and started to push it up into Heather’s pussy. Staggering, trying to spread her legs open even wider, Heather could not resist letting out a sharp little cry as more and more of her cousin’s hand sank into her.

It took a bit of doing, but in the end, Joy would manage to force her entire hand up into the younger girl’s pussy, right up to her wrist. Holding onto her as she was, the heavier girl could feel a tremor course through her victim’s body, thrilled to the sounds of her soft but sincere moans and groans of ecstasy.

A moment passed, then another where nothing happened. Joy wanted to give both of them time to grow more accustomed to this penetration, to give each of them a few minutes to catch their breath, but she could not bear to delay too long. This close to her lover, this intimately connected to her, she simply could not resist the primal urge to pleasure her.

Joy started by moving her hand and fingers only a little, exploring, finding what limits there were to how she could move. It was not yet a concerted effort to bring Heather to orgasm, but the younger girl still enjoyed all of this thoroughly. Joy then closed her hand inside her cousin into a fist.

“Ready for this?”

Heather made sure her grip on the car was secure. “I think so.”

The older girl went to work then. She pumped her fist back and forth, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, she varied her angle of attack, twisted her closed hand to the left and right, and she did it all as randomly as possible.

The effect all of this was having on Heather was electric and overpowering. She clenched her teeth to keep from letting out a shout that would have drawn the attention of the whole family, her hands gripped the body of the car so tightly that it was a miracle that the metal didn’t buckle, and she would have been writhing and squirming wildly if not for how her cousin was holding onto her.

Lifting her head from Heather’s belly, Joy found that the other girl’s clitoris was erect and protruding from the folds of flesh at the top of her twat. Without a second thought, she leaned in to lash that quivering, vibrating nub with her tongue.

It would not take very long to bring the girl in the bikini to orgasm under this kind of onslaught. The cry of delight that was torn from her very soul was much louder than she would have preferred, but fortunately there was no one about to hear it.

Joy held on tight, but did not just wait out this climax, instead giving her cousin a few bumps and nudges to try to make it last as long as possible.

With an audible plop, Joy drew her hand smoothly back out of her cousin at long last, looking up at her with a grin. Heather was swaying breathlessly, but her eyes were glittering and she answered the other girl’s grin with a wide smile.

“Wow,” Heather sighed.

Joy couldn’t help but agree. “Yeah.”

As she was finally starting to recover, starting to think about getting back into that car for a little more family fun with her favorite relative, it suddenly occurred to Joy that she might ought to have a look around to make sure that they were still all alone out here.

To her horror, she saw her uncle David worming his way through the cars, evidently on his way to get something out of his car. This would not bring him right up to where Joy and Heather had been playing, but it would certainly be close enough for him to get a good look at them.

In an instant, the afterglow of intimacy and happiness was gone and replaced with alarm and panic.

Still sitting inside the car, Joy let go of her lover and hurried to pull up the top of her one-piece swimsuit, at long last covering up her bosom. Heather, meanwhile, dipped down to grab the bottom half of her bikini and speedily haul it back up into place. It was a near run thing, but the girls somehow managed to get their clothes back into place just before their uncle could get a good look at them.

“Oh, hey, girls!” David nodded at them, pulling open a door on his car. “What are you two doing out here?”

“Just getting ready to go swimming, uncle Dave,” Joy told him as she sprang out of the car with her bag. “See you later!” Grabbing hold of Heather’s hand with one still dripping wet with pussy juices, the two teenaged girls dashed away in the direction of the waiting lake.

The middle-aged man watched the two girls hurry away, thoroughly enjoying the sight of their bouncing bottoms, until they were out of sight.

Then, his mind still elsewhere, David turned back and leaned forward to get what he needed out of the car and promptly banged his head good and hard against the roof of the car.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jxnxkh/heather_joy_lesbian_incest_teen_cousins_have_fun


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