Xx/xy Part 3 (fiction, gender transformation, M, M/F, taboo)

Have I ever mentioned that my brother is a genius?

Yeah I think he’s a complete utter fucking moron.

I guess I should explain.

We had some time to wait for the new fluid that my brother had created.

So naturally I took a nap along with my brother only feeling like a minute had passed when my alarm went off.

I was too excited to see if this new formula was the key to the whole gender change.

The whole diet thing I think we have solved but the wrench of the gender change happening made us rethink our tactic.

Once the pink liquid stopped cooking and cooled down did we immediately inject the liquid into our now normal rats instead of fat rats.

We paid attention to the change and sure as shit the change happened. Although I will admit I felt weird and kind of pervy looking at a rat’s genitals.

Plus we had to look up how to tell and where the rats genitals were located.

But the change did happen. Then we timed to see how long it took for them to change back.

We waited and waited and waited.

So much waiting that my brother went to work and came back before I had to go to work.

While at work my brother called me to inform me that the rats had transitioned back to their normal form.

The transition took roughly 15 hrs.

So now we knew how long the transition would be.

And honestly I was kind of excited to be a girl again.

I had so many plans.

I was going to answer some age old questions that I had about being a female that had always eluded me.

And yes I have asked multiple females in my life about ‘x’ and never got a straight answer….and I learned to dodge quickly when a slap was coming my way.

I’m sorry as a guy growing up I always had questions because of my curiosity….probably why I went into chemical engineering. I wanted to learn about chemicals and how things worked.

And learning something that no one could explain to me fascinated me.

I was so giddy as I drove to my brother’s place that I didn’t notice my daughter sneaking back home at nearly 1:30 in the morning. Nor did I notice that she may or may not have seen me. But I noticed her.


I almost stopped to scold my daughter but then I would give away my secret.

I just hope she didn’t notice me.

I had too much to do and rarely had too many opportunities to do what I’m doing now.

I got back to my brother’s house and pretty much jumped each and every other step down his basement unable to contain myself like I was horny young teenager that was given a thumbs up to throw my V card to the wind. Something I was too old to do now or shouldn’t be doing now.

Yet here I was skipping steps trying to get down faster.

My brother wasn’t surprised to see me skip down though when I looked at him he had bags upon bags under his eyes.

Yet he was sitting there waiting for me.

I could tell he wanted to see what would happen.

I didn’t hesitate as I grabbed the syringe and immediately jabbed the liquid into my rear.

I looked at my brother and said, “See you on the other side,’ as I pushed the plunger down.

Last time I did this I drank a liquid because that’s what we did to the fat rats and watched them lose weight. We thought the rats went to sleep the first time they drank but only notated they continued to lose weight not really paying attention to their sex. So when I drank the liquid is when we found the rats didn’t sleep but were knocked out when they changed. And I was no different as I literally passed out as my body underwent the transformation.

This time we noticed that the rats sort of passed out as well when we injected them.

So I assumed that I would pass out once injected.

That didn’t happen.

I prayed to pass out as what happened next.

What happened was I felt the most unbelievable pain I had ever experienced before that resonated inside my crotch and behind my pelvic bone. Instinctively I grabbed ahold of my crotch.

I was instantly drenched in sweat and I lost focus in my eyes as the pain level went past a 10 and I doubled over. It started reaching an 11 and finally a 12 before I passed out from the pain.

I don’t know how long this entire scene took place. It felt like the pain made time stand still and that moment felt like an hour had passed as I’m sure between shot to pass out was only a couple of seconds longs if that.

I came to after I don’t know how long. The only thing I saw was my brother standing over me with those damn smelling salts under my nose.

I wanted to kill my brother after my trauma.

I looked at him though I wanted to kill him. I still had to know, “So am I…..”

He answered, “A guy?” He nodded.

What the fuck?

How in the hell was I still a guy?

Was I immune?

Was my change a one time only?

I stood up looking at my brother from my normal height as he mused, “Maybe we didn’t use enough?”

I blinked at him, “Did you factor in my height and weight?”

He nodded.

I scratched my head wondering what happened.

I believed my brother would factor in my height and weight when he prepared my shot like he factored in the rats.

I went into the bathroom to see if there were any changes.

Once in there after weighing myself, which I had dropped around 3 lbs, is when I found the effect of the shot.

I reached into my pants to find my trouser snake was gone and screamed, “WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jxclze/xxxy_part_3_fiction_gender_transformation_m_mf

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