Step Sister Corruption Part 42 – Day 4 Caught by the Saint…..or is she? (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

How could we not have been so stupid to not think that someone might not recognize us?

Yet here we are.

All my plans to get Kel more followers on her teasing channel with her mask on and introducing her to exhibitionism which was working. Before our rare encounter even with her nipples and lower holes covered she was getting into it. So much so her panties couldn’t hold back her obvious wetness.

Before she was forced to put on panties…..easy access panties at that. Kel already had started leaking a clear thick liquid telling me she was extremely turned on.

But typical Kel she was too shy and nervous to notice her obvious state of arousal.

I noticed and it was hard not to pull down my shorts bend her over and fuck her in front of her new audience.

Then as we walking around people were obviously taking photos and videos of Kel possibly getting more followers to her new teasing channel. Which was good.

By the 3rd row her panties could no longer hold her arousal and her fluids started leaking again.

By the 8th row we came across the one person we never expected to be here. Someone that we should have factored in but didn’t…..Morgan Drespor.

Morgan was or is a girl that like Summer had grown up with. Though we ran in different circles throughout our lives we had hung out more than once.

If I remember correctly she was friends with Kel and Summer at one point but different interests kind of divided them during high school some time.

Morgan if I remember correctly was either a little bit older than us but can’t remember because currently like Kel was racked with fear.

Morgan stood about 5’5”, wasn’t exactly skinny or petite nor was she fat but she didn’t have an average body frame. I would say she had a few extra pounds but it wasn’t too much. If I had to guess she weighed maybe in the 130-140 range.

Definitely not my type with my propensity for skinny petite short girls.

True she was short but she wasn’t skinny or petite. Though her tits looked more than average with her weight set.

Morgan had on what looked like a sun dress that you would see a lot of people wearing. Her long black straight hair flowed over her shoulders and passed them. She had some type of band in her hair to help keep it out of her face. Her hazel eyes looked at us in confusion why Kel was walking and damn near naked. And in her hand was a key and her purse.

She secretly mouthed to us, “Follow me,” so the people watching us wouldn’t notice.

That was a couple of minutes ago.

And here we are riding the elevator up to the next floor where there was other things for a paying customer.

A floor I only knew about but never traveled to.

We rode the elevator in silence.

Kel was obviously too nervous to say anything.

Summer was looking between Morgan and Kel. I think Summer was torn between protecting Kel and trying to figure a believable story without mentioning my involvement as Kel’s lover.

The elevator dinged letting us know we hit the 3rd floor. And I fought the temptation to be a smart ass and refrained from saying something like ‘3rd floor power tools and lubricants’ or something along those lines.

The doors opened and Morgan exited only saying, “Come on.”

We all exited and followed Morgan until we got to a door in which she inserted the key that was in her hand turned the key and opened the door.

I blinked in surprise but didn’t say anything. My only thought was ‘Did Morgan really have a key to a spank room?’

We entered into the room and it wasn’t what I expected….it was worse. Somewhat.

It was a dark hall that was barely lit.

Morgan walked down the hall and only traveled down to the 5th door on the right.

I noticed that the doors had signs on them. Signs like ‘Glory room’ and ‘Max 2 occupants’ under it and under that was a slider that showed it was occupied.

Oh goodie I can go in the next room and get a mysterious beej. Only problem with that is 1.) I don’t have my wallet and 2.) I don’t want to know who’s in there.

Then another door read ‘Group room 1’ and under it ‘Max 4 occupants’.

Morgan’s door had the group on it but we were group 7.

How’d she know she was going to have a group?

Did she have something planned?

Was Morgan a hidden deviant?

She sure as fuck didn’t look like a deviant in her current get up.

I mean who in their right mind would dress in a fucking Sun dress looking proper and innocent?

A deviant and a perv that’s who.

But was Morgan really a deviant and or a perv?

She had to be if she was in Arcade.

Or she could an innocent bystander just getting a toy because she didn’t have a boyfriend…..yeah right. Not with the key to deviant heaven she wouldn’t be innocent.

I was the last one into the room and closed the door behind me. I turned to see a bare room barely decorated with a couple of chairs and a screen on the far end. And on the walls were four holes.

Morgan distracted my view of the room as she leaned against the wall and said, “Is that you Kelly Michaels?”

Summer spoke, “What makes you think it’s Kelly?”

Morgan looked at Summer and scoffed, “Please don’t do the disservice thinking I’m stupid. If you’re here and Gabe is here that only means the one behind the mask is Kelly.”

Kel shakily and slowly reached up to remove her mask. She brought down the mask and said, “Yes it’s me Morgan.”

She tried to have fire in her voice but it was obvious she was embarrassed.

Morgan looked Kelly up and down before smiling. Then said, “Why the little show?”

Before I could speak Summer spoke, “This was a dare.”

Morgan looked at Summer incredulously, “Dare. Really? I imagine the website and account are made up as part of the dare.”

Summer smiled.

Morgan continued, “So if I got to that site and look up Lia753 I won’t find Kelly’s naked body?”

Kel actually spoke with her normal flair, “Ok you caught me Morgan. Yes I have an account on this site and trying to make some extra money.”

Morgan blinked surprised but then smiled, “Kelly Kelly you surprise me.”

Kel actually spoke, “Not as surprised as finding you here.”

This time we were all confused except Morgan. She smiled, “Someone’s adept.”

Summer looked between Kel and Morgan then something clicked and she smiled as well.

I looked between the girl’s still completely confused.

Kel barked, “So us.”

Morgan smiled before removing her sun dress to reveal a tight clad corset hiding under her dress. The corset was so tight but didn’t cover her breasts making them look like they were being served on a platter.

Looks like Morgan was hiding herself like Kelly was hiding her true nature.

Morgan stood there in her glory showing us her corset.  She looked at us proud of her form.

I blinked in surprise.  

Summer was the first to speak, “Looks like Morgan has a kink like you Kelly.”

Morgan smiled and laughed, “Yeah but I’m not as brave as Kelly to walk around like you have.”

This time Kelly who had been semi silent until this point actually laughed and said, “I wouldn’t say brave.”

Morgan rose her eyebrow at Kelly, “Oh!”

Kelly nodded, “Yeah I just started this account and Summer thought that this would be a good idea.”

Morgan looked over at Summer who shrugged and said, “I’m just helping and gave this idea to Kelly if she really wanted followers.”

Morgan looked from the girls to me, “What about you Gabe?  I’m surprised you’re here.”

I looked at the girls hoping Summer or Kelly could save me.  I guess I should follow with this lie and shrugged myself, “I’m just here to help protect my sis.  I didn’t know what was going on until Summer and Kelly laid out their plans.”

Morgan looked at me incredulously, “So you’re actually helping and not trying to stop your sister from doing this?”

I smirked and shrugged, “What can I say?  I don’t like it but am willing to help.”

At that Summer tried to hide a scoff.

Kelly just smiled at me and mouthed, ‘Thank you’.  Luckily Morgan didn’t catch that.

I looked at Morgan, “So why are you here Morgan?”

Morgan smiled, “That’s my secret.”

Kel looked at Morgan, “So what are you going to do?”

Morgan shrugged, “I’m intrigued by your bravery being here nearly in the buff but rest assured I’m not going to tell anyone.  That would bring up questions as to why I was here.”

Summer looked at her, “But hiding a corset under your sun dress kind of goes against your goodie two shoe rep.”

Morgan smiled, “Who said I was a goodie two shoes?”

Summer spoke, “Come on Morgan.  Everyone knows you’re the good girl.  Why be here?”

Morgan smiled but blushed, “I needed some new toys.  I was about to check out and test them hence why I have a key.”

Kel laughed, “I’m surprised at you Morgan.  After all these years it explains why you stopped hanging out with me.”

Morgan smiled and laughed, “Yeah that was before I woke up.  After that I already had my clean rep and didn’t want to damage it.”

Kel looked at her and even I could see a fire in her eyes but she remained calm.  Morgan held up hands quickly upon seeing Kelly’s eyes dance with fire, “No offense.  You just had a rep in high school and it went against my rep.”

Kel thought about it before she let go of her breath and smirked at Morgan, “Fair enough.”

Morgan put down her hands upon seeing she defused the situation and chuckled, “Just know I’m jealous.  I could never do what you’re doing.”

I spoke, “Why not?”

This time Morgan blushed and looked down, “Because I don’t think I could come out in the open like Kelly is doing.”

Summer saw an opportunity and took it, “Why not?”

Morgan blushed, “Because I can’t.”

Kel stepped forward, “Why?”

Morgan smirked, “Because I’m not as brave as you.”

Kel stepped up and was face to face with Morgan, “What’s stopping you?”

Morgan looked at Kel and even I heard her whisper, “Because I’m not brave.”

Summer spoke, “Yet you’re brave enough to be wearing a corset under your dress?”

Morgan looked at Summer and nodded.

Summer got an idea and looked at me, “Gabe could you go back downstairs?  While us girls talk.  We’ll come down after we’re done.”



  1. This story just keeps getting better and better, god I’m so hooked, and always on the edge of my seat waiting for another chapter. I just got my wife hooked and shes binging it now!! Please keep pumping them out!!

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