The Sisterhood, pt 2 [Mind Control][Mind Break][Creampie][Breeding][Non-Consentual][Demon]

If not for the neural fluids our master coated our brains and head with, I may have felt sympathy. Or perhaps even guilt as he defiled Lucinda. Instead, I merely helped, happy to finally have the opportunity to feel her naked body in my hands. To taste her skin, such her nipples, lick her tightly stretched pussy as he fucked her. Through the dull haze of my mind, I thought I’d never been happier. 

Even after watching her body convulse as his tentacles sunk far too deep, just like they had with Samantha before being left near comatose, I had no real urge to intervene. I just ran my hand down her leg, rubbing her exposed clit as I felt the rush of hot seed through my masters veiny shaft. There was some envy in me as I cupped their interlocked bodies, jealousy at her being filled with his perfect seed while I had to wait for another dose. I knew he’d fill me again soon enough, but with more women on their way to join his noble cause, I wanted it now!

Blaire and Becca pulled his throbbing cock from Lucinda’s pussy, one thick strand of sperm spurting between them before taking turns sucking his tip. They moaned as his seed flowed into their mouths while his other shaft continued pumping into her ass. I circled around, grasping and licking at Lucinda’s breasts. Perhaps I should have felt something, looking into her vacant eyes or slacked face, our master’s tentacles buried impossibly deep in her nose and ears, his tongue swirling around her cheek before sliding through her open mouth. Instead, I simply nibbled her stiff nipple, pinching the free one in my hand as I played with her chest.

Even when he pulled out from between her legs, suspending her by nothing more than the tentacles crushing into her brain. Or when he carelessly tossed her onto Samantha. Nothing brought about any sensation other than desire for my master as I presented myself to him again. I turned my back, stepping onto my toes as I arched my back, positioning my starving, dripping, neglected pussy for easy penetration. Blaire and Becca left the room, bare chests splattered in the steamy load not deposited inside any woman. Wasteful disgrace, I thought. His hands were upon me before I could reflect on how disrespectful letting his seed splash across their skin, incredible thickness skewering me to my core as it tore through my pussy. 

The two women returned as our master’s second cock slowly entered the tiny hole between my cheeks, his tentacles were soothing my scalp, sliding inside my head as he stuffed himself into me. Through clouded vision I watched them pull a couch into the room, setting it near the center. Our master had little need for such a thing, his powerful arms able to lift us into the air with ease as he filled us with his potential. His voice echoed in my mind, “for others, for more.” He’s so loving and considerate, thinking of others before himself. His seed flowed into me as he bottomed out, his two cocks fully sheathed inside my willing body. More of the assuring, orange fluids filled my mind, warm rivers running down my head as countless pulses surged along his mighty shafts. My body tensed and spasmed in instant orgasm, hands flailing limply at my sides.

Some part of me realized his strong hands weren’t holding me, my trembling body supported only by the pulsating tentacles in and around my head, and the throbbing appendages buried between my legs. The increasing realization sent my orgasm spiraling out of control, ecstasy growing to wondrous heights as my master filled me with his essence, his seed, our child. Blaire approached, her fingers tracing the bulge of our master’s meaty thickness as it distended my flesh. The pulsing distention of his buried cock increased, growing as he filled me with potent sperm. She looked up at me with lust and passion, eager for her turn. Her lips pressed into my inflating belly, kissing the soft skin over my expanding womb. Our master took me in his four hands, easing me off his hardness and onto the couch. A distant horror screamed about the seed draining from my overflowing holes, but his reassuring neural fluids convinced me enough would stay behind. Plastered to my walls, tiny cells swimming along my still convulsing pussy. Each one seeking out my precious egg, the perfect offering, hardly a sacrifice to carry our progeny. 

We convinced more fertile women to join us over the next few days. Whether through texting friends or snagging them on social media, our master’s harem grew to more than a dozen, but more were sure to join. Our master had stopped taking Blaire, which understandably frustrated her. The growing bump around her navel was enough to keep her satisfied, however. My own bump was slightly smaller than hers, but I reveled in our shared success. We hoped more would soon fall pregnant with our master’s descendants, and had taken a more active role in recruitment.

Some of Blaire’s neighbors had come to investigate the noise, many were quickly dispatched by our master. He even summoned a few lesser demons to help sort out the riff-raff. His underlings took residence in the newly vacant units, feasting on the corpses left behind. A few of her nosy neighbors had been inducted into our sisterhood, one of whom was also showing signs of pregnancy. 

The neural fluid pumped into our heads every day made communicating a bit easier, we knew what the other was thinking and feeling at any given moment. We decided to text more frequently, hit up anyone with a functioning uterus online, and even decided to hit the streets. The plan was, go out at night wearing something revealing, if anything at all. Find young women, and coax them into the apartment complex. Easy enough, Blaire was successful last night, luring two drunk sorority types.

They didn’t resist much. We stripped them as they walked through the apartment, ten naked women helping them discard their clothes. Perhaps they would have tried to run if they were sober, frightened by the orange substance and haziness of everyone around them. But they allowed us to guide them further, closer to the moaning emanating from the room. They kissed each other, eyes closed, tongues in the mouth of the other as we pulled them in. Our master had just finished with Lucinda again, dropping her limp, oozing body onto the soiled mattress again when we entered. The door closed behind the unsuspecting women, now fully embracing each other as their hands explored their naked bodies. Our master reached out, taking both in his massive hands. He lifted them both from the floor, their legs kicking out in surprise. He held them together, the generous bosom of the shorter girl pressing into the smaller breasts of her taller friend. His tentacles swirled around both heads, quickly darting into their ears as they began glowing. Their resistance faded, soft smiles etched on their faces as glowing tentacles slithered into their noses.

Our master carried them to the couch, which we had recently started referring to as our altar. He pushed the shorter one up against the armrest, angling them both so that their legs spread around his. Becca and I happily stepped forward, teasing the now dripping slits of each girl and helping our master line up. His hips swung forward, and before long he’d impaled the two onto his impressive girth. When his hips retreated, a small trail of blood came with him. We clapped excitedly, pleased to have brought our master another fertile virgin. He roared as his hips slammed forward, both cocks surging fully inside both women. 

Our arousal and pleasure grew as one, and we welcomed the coming climax. Each thrust brought us all closer, every sensation felt by our master projected to us all, and soon to these lucky two. My knees were growing weak, as were Becca’s. I knew we’d both collapse to the floor with the coming orgasm, so I crouched down in anticipation. The two girls clutched by our master moaned at each other, longing to have this connection. Desperate to be inducted into the sisterhood, and help our master achieve his goals. But more importantly, to have his children.

With one deep growl, our master unloaded into them. The viscous, orange fluid soaked their hair and filled their heads, and we all quivered in one shared orgasm. We felt the sensations of filling, and being filled. Of our cock pulsing into a constricting pussy, and of our pussies convulsing around a throbbing cock. We moaned together, pleasure sweeping through us all in waves as two new members joined our ranks. They began kissing passionately again, moaning into the other’s mouth as our master’s potent semen flooded their quivering depths.

The tentacles withdrew, long strands of orange bridging the gap between several of the thin tendrils and their heads. When the viscous string broke some of them fell onto the taller girl, forming three slick trails down her back as our master placed them onto the couch. His glorious cocks slipped free from both as they came to rest on the cushions, thick rivulets of his gift pouring from both girls as their kisses grew deeper. They were moaning into each other’s mouth, hands groping at their flesh as the wasted seed soaked into the fabric below. Our master smiled at my scowl, pleased with how quickly I had begun carrying his heir, and how passionate I was to help him multiply in this world.

He beckoned Becca, Blaire and myself to him, the other two falling to their knees to lick and suckle his still leaking rods. Two of his hands rested on my shoulders, and my mission was set. I smiled broadly, overjoyed at the simple task set before me and the chance to please him. His tentacles reached forward, circling warmly around my head as they began to glow. He wanted to reinforce our connection before I left, blessing me with even more of his neural fluids, and I tipped my head back to allow easy entry. They surged through my nostrils and ears, encircling my brain before pumping his slick goo into my skull. My body trembled, eyes rolling back. I was so terribly close to climax, hungry for another of my countless orgasms, but that would have to wait. Mission first, then my reward. My feet carried me from the room before I had even realized I was moving, already on my way to Lucinda’s apartment. 

There’s a book. Somewhere in her dwelling. It has secrets that must never fall into the wrong hands. All I had to do was grab the book, bring it back to our master, and then, reward. He’d also informed me of another person who may be there. It was difficult for him to harvest information from her devastated mind, but she seemed to have memories of a friend. Someone she’d been hoping to get pregnant, and he was happy to oblige. The drive there was uneventful, or at least I think it was. Focusing on other things was a bit difficult, like driving through a fog in a dream. I arrived at her building, exited the car, and made my way to the entrance. 

Lots of eyes glanced in my direction. The hoodie I’d grabbed on my way out was long enough to reach a few inches below my hungry pussy, but the bottom portion of my ass peaked out behind. I’d drawn the hood up to cover my congealed, orange soaked hair. No need to draw unwanted attention to that. I summoned the elevator near the lobby, waited for some sharp dressed people to exit, and rode up to Lucinda’s level. It wasn’t until the elevator opened that I realized I’d forgotten the key. Panic flared inside, intense worry at the prospect of letting my master down. I rushed by the two men outside the elevator, clouded mind racing for some way to get her potentially locked door open.

My worry was pointless, I discovered. Her door was wide open, eliminating the need for any key. I strode inside, walking straight to her alchemy lab. The book was behind some vials and ingredients, nondescript apart from the size, as well as the wear and tear. I tucked it under one arm, my hoodie raising around my waist as I did so. My pace quickened on the way out, increasing desperation to return to him, and my reward. The drive back was agonizingly slow, but I finally arrived. I practically skipped my way back into our building, the book held out proudly once our door swung open.

Our master took it from me, clearly pleased by my success. The orgasm knocked me off my feet, room spinning as I began spasming on the floor. Some of my sisters gathered around, freeing my convulsing body from the hoodie and casting it aside. They closed in around me, kissing and nibbling at my sensitive skin. Becca sucked my nipple into her mouth, tongue swirling around my areola as another girl pushed her fingers through the glistening lips between my legs. Every action brought my climax higher, my pleasure more and more intense, but never painful.

My eyes found our master through the gathered women. He had taken Lucinda’s limp body into two of his hands, lifting her into the air before him. He clutched the book in the other two, and tore it in half in front of her slack face. The two halves fell to the floor, some torn pages coming loose as it crashed down. Then, he plunged his two cocks back into her, tentacles trailing their way up her chest on their way to her drooping head. They straightened her out, then slithered into her ears and nose. Her head was pulled to our master’s mouth as they surged deeper, every wriggling inch sinking into her skull.

I could hear her internal screams, almost feel the fear and despair inside her as my orgasm subsided. That was the first pang of guilt I’d felt since accepting our master. But I just laid there, letting my sisters take turns sucking, kissing, licking, fingering, and eating me to another climax. I don’t know if our master intended me to hear his victim, but that didn’t matter. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew we needed to fight this. The will just wasn’t there. None of my sisters would rise against him, only draw in more and breed…

The thoughts of resistance were building, but diminished significantly with my following climax. One of the new sisters, Katie I think, got a face full of my orgasm as it gushed from my quivering folds. She pulled her fingers from inside, rubbing her hand side to side against my throbbing clit. I writhed on the floor as the groping and sucking continued, forcing my orgasm deeper and deeper. As Becca’s face fell over mine, her lips muffling my heightened groans of ecstasy, everything began to fade. The last thing I remember before falling from the waking world was pressure between my legs as something thick pushed my lips apart. resist…
