Digital Obedience Cuff – Final Part [F, Predicament]

Part 1 [here](

Tameena kept moving, aimless but at least putting some distance between her and her last stunt. She knew this mall pretty well, heading towards the closest exit. If she had smelt of sex before, now the air around her was heavy with her scent. Pacing towards the food court, the vibrations began to climb again, a small gentle teasing sensation. Tameena’s clit was growing sensitive, but somehow even through the pain the vibrations were succeeding in hardening her nipples. It was all the worse now she knew how prominently it stood out in this dress.

She had to get out of this mall right now, but the fog brought on by tiredness and feeling so horny was making it hard to remember the route out. Scanning the signs on the walls, she saw one leading to an exit and strode across the corridor, hoping the cuff would allow her to leave. The vibrations were speeding up and she was breathing heavily, steadying herself on the wall as she moved, the toy squirming back and forwards inside her from the motion of her thighs. It felt like getting fucked ever so gently. How she longed to be fucked right now. A wicked grin appeared with the thought. Growing tired, the pleasure being wrought on her nethers was harder to fight, and small moans escaped her lips as she pressed forward. She tried her best to keep quiet as she passed people. The vibrations were mounting, making her journey more difficult. In the midst of her concentration, Tameena passed someone and did a double take, looking back to see someone exiting a card shop, their eyes meeting.

“Tameena?!” the woman exclaimed, spotting her and tilting her head in surprise. She stopped stock-still, unsure of how to react. It was one of her closest friends, Shannon, clearly in the middle of a shopping spree, lugging a comically large set of white and pink shopping bags. She could hardly believe it. Was this a chance encounter? Seeing one of her closest friends wandering around the same mall while she was enduring this torment? Tameena was suspicious, but was equally glad to see a friend right now. Still, greeting Shannon meant diverting from her exit, and she longed to get out of this place before this cuff forced her to do something even more humiliating. She tried to push herself to say goodbye and keep moving, but she was frozen in place. Shannon looked so glad to see her. Tameena felt her feet taking her over to Shannon, and did her best to appear excited at crossing paths.

“Hey you!” Tameena replied unconvincingly with a beaming smile. Shannon scanned her up and down. Clearly she could tell something was up, she was nearly as tall as Tameena, her hair a brilliant crimson which was paired nicely today with a long wispy red dress that ran down to her ankles, speckled with a pattern of small white flowers. Shannon was delectably tall and slim, her skin a brilliant pale white. She was the trendy type, always done up to the nines, and fashioned some ironic-wire framed glasses that somehow looked chic on her. She was stunning, with a narrow nose and thin lips, like she had been carefully crafted in proportional symmetry. Even from a little distance, she got the benefit of a gust of Shannon’s incredible flowery perfume, mixed in with her signature Juniper berry shampoo. The familiar scent immediately put her at ease, even if she was still being force-fucked all the while. She hoped Shannon wasn’t downwind of her own stench of sex. Tameena peered down at the cuff cautiously, but it was strangely silent. Perhaps this really was unexpected.

“I wish I’d known you were coming to the mall today, we could have shopped together! You could have talked me out of the outlandishly expensive handbag I just bought.” Shannon chuckled to herself, shaking the array of shopping bags. Tameena feigned a smile, but couldn’t think of a response, the incessant thrumming still pulsing. She went to blink, but her eyes lingered closed a little too long, relishing the precise pleasure of the vibrators. Knowing her beautiful friend was looking right at her as she was nearing ecstasy was so fucking hot. She fought back the moan with all her might, and instinctively clenched her thighs together.

“Is everything alright?” Shannon asked, her eyes trailing down to notice Tameena’s perky nipples pressing out from the thin fabric of the white dress. “Tammy, what’s going on?”

“Hey, did you come here in your car?” she blurted at Shannon, her brain suddenly kicking into gear. She was desperate for a quick exit, shifting her weight nervously from one foot to the other.

Shannon nodded tentatively, “You wanna get out of here?” she asked affectionately, plucking her car keys from her purse and holding them up questioningly. Tameena nodded immediately, presenting a sweet smile as she held the urge to cry with happiness. She was really going to get out of here!

Leading her out of the mall, Shannon guided them through to the parking garage and towards her glossy red hatchback. She kept looking back at Tameena, her eyes still concerned and questioning, but she said nothing. The grey concrete walls and familiar echo of screeching tyres were a relief, signalling that Tameena was free from the clinically clean and openly public format of the shopping mall. She could actually taste outside air. Better still, the car park was sparsely populated, with most people busy shopping in the peak of the afternoon. She only saw one other person, who quickly loaded up the car and jumped in their car to speed off. Tameena was pleasantly surprised the cuff was permitting her exit, and the twists in her stomach began to ease, when a sharp zap around her wrist had her yelp and crumple to the floor. Her knees were already weak from exhaustion.

“Whoa, whoa, you okay? What happened?” Shannon cried, whipping around with the sound of her shopping bags crumpling against one another. She rushed over to Tameena’s aid, her concern growing. Tameena failed to assure Shannon with an outstretched palm held in the air. Her hand wavered as the vibrator sped up slightly against her G-spot, allowing her clit some respite from the continual teasing. She was sure to control her ever-quickening breathing, and glanced at the text on the cuff with a mounting sense of dread. ‘Suck her toes’ the screen read.

“Hah!” Tameena yelled, surprised and somewhat amused by the new command, the noise only increased Shannon’s curiosity.

“Tam, honey what’s going on with you?” her friend asked, pulling Tameena up to her feet with a sharp tug. She could barely stand upright with the intense vibrations, and grasped tightly to Shannon’s shoulders to find her balance. They were close now, and Tameena couldn’t help but admire her friend’s beauty from this proximity. She didn’t ever look at women this way, but it wasn’t often that you got to stare up close like this while on the brink of orgasm. She felt an insatiable urge to stroke Shannon’s smooth milky skin, to feel its warmth on hers. There was no helping it, she was desperate to cum, she kept trying to fight it but it was so so good. Inevitable.

They were too close, her stifled moans and the tinny buzz emanating from her pussy were now audible and Shannon suddenly connected the dots. Looking mortified she asked , “Are you… oh my god are you wearing a vibrator? Is this like, for one of your shows?”

Shannon knew all about how Tameena made a living, and despite being wary of it, she had been supportive for the most part. She didn’t like to discuss details, the product of a pretty sheltered upbringing, but they’d been close since they were kids and as the years went on they only became closer. Being a bit of a prude, Shannon avoided talking too much about sex beyond indirectly discussing guys she was dating, so Tameena felt doubly guilty that she may soon cum in front of her. She had tried her best to take some enjoyment from her torment, but being forced to involve Shannon would be far more complicated. The device was pushing her further and further from her comfort zone, and she was growing desperate to be free of it.

“Someone is… I’m trapped.” Tam whimpered, holding up her cuff as another reprimand stung her skin, the bite provoking a squeal of pain. The command to suck Shannon’s toes was still on screen, but Shannon still didn’t understand and hadn’t seen it. Before Tameena could go on she was zapped again harder, then again, crying out each time and covering her mouth to muffle it. The sound bounced off the concrete walls of the parking lot, but thankfully the roaring of cars had likely disguised it. Shannon was becoming alarmed, grabbing Tameena’s arm to try and calm her down, and unwittingly sharing the electric shock through their contact as another reprimand struck.

“Ow!” Shannon shrieked, stepping aback with a look of shock and confusion. Some of Tameena’s fear passed over to her, and Shannon hesitated for a moment, staring at her own hand and then at Tameena, perturbed and alarmed. She considered for a moment, then glanced at her car keys and opened the door.

“Get in here sweetie.” she said, keeping her distance. If nothing else, Shannon was wary of the continued screaming in the echoey parking lot. They were on the driver-side of the car, so rather than opening the front door, she opened the back so her friend could bundle in and they could talk on the backseats. As Tameena dashed into the car she pulled the other girl in behind her, Shannon scrambling in too, shopping bags and all. She landed with the bags in her face and lap, shoving them through the front seats into the passenger side of the car, huffing as she did it.

She closed the car door with another sigh of annoyance and turned to stare at Tameena, “Tam, what the fuck is going on?” she asked.

“It’s this thing!” she blurted, holding up the cuff as she swerved to move her legs off the chair and sit normally, spreading her legs eased the vibration a little. She was managing to keep herself from getting too worked up, she felt immediately better now that she was enclosed in the car. There were cars a short distance on either side of them, so the windows were blocked and they mostly had some privacy. “Some asshole clasped this on me when I was on the subway. It’s making me-” another zap interrupted her, and then again, it was bombarding her with short snippets of pain in quick succession, eliciting spasms and shrieks as Shannon watched on terrified, but kept her distance.

Tameena worried she’d be admonished for spilling the beans, remembering she had been forbidden from doing this earlier. Bringing her eyes to the text on the cuff, she was actually relieved to see it was just the same command as before ‘Suck her toes’. This was actually something she was going to be forced to do. It was somewhat vanilla compared to some of what she had been made to do today, yet it felt bolder. She cringed at the concept.

Shannon watched her friend with mounting discomfort and whittling patience. What was she reading on that thing? She reached out and snapped Tameena’s right arm, twisting it to read the text. Her reaction was immediate, a look of horror and disbelief. She felt for Shannon, she would find this even harder than Tameena had, and she hated that she was going to be forced to involve her in this. The pain was acute and relentless, she knew she couldn’t take it much longer, but perhaps more influential was the promise of yet another volcanic orgasm. She felt like her nipples were digging into the fabric at this point, seeing Shannon scared and squirming was somehow so fucking hot.

Shannon couldn’t believe her friend had been subjected to this treatment. No wonder she looked haggard, yet somehow she spotted something lustful in her friend’s eyes, and she recognised that whatever vibrating toy she had heard working its magic on her, it was having some success. Tameena had described some of the requests from her fans as ‘pretty weird’ but this seemed way beyond what she would be comfortable with. Being in control is what made Tam tick, and being under someone else’s influence seemed to be driving her wild, though not entirely to her displeasure. Regardless, Shannon didn’t like seeing her like this, the relentless electric shocks and squealing while Tameena writhed in her seat was painful to watch. The text she’d seen had definitely freaked her out, but they had already sat here saying nothing for a few moments and Tam looked desperate. She was trying so hard to maintain her composure, and the redhead knew it was partly for her benefit. She had to do something.

Shannon kicked off her white glossy heels to reveal her recently pedicured feet with white-painted toes, shuffling back in her seat and bringing them up towards Tameena sheepishly. At first Tameena didn’t notice, too distracted by her own pain and pleasure, her eyes pressed shut. After the shocks stopped, she opened her eyes, her eyelashes flickering in surprise as she spotted Shannon’s bare feet next to her, glancing up at Shannon in shock.

Shannon did her best to disguise the look of discomfort and trepidation, but Tam could read her well, opening her mouth to say something, before stopping, her open mouth contorting slowly into a fascinated smile. She knew this would make Shannon uneasy but perhaps she felt the same thrill that Tameena did in trying something new. Regardless, they didn’t have much choice, and Tameena was frankly glad to even be able to share her plight with someone. She reached out and took Shannon’s elegant foot in her delicate fingers, the clouds of torment now fading to give way to the mounting pleasure in her loins. Tameena’s inhibitions were vaporized by her lust, and she moaned loudly, bringing her lips to Shannon’s toes and sucking three at once. As she twisted in her seat her knees buckled, and she found herself lurching forward over Shannon, holding the headrests just to stay upright. The vibrations surged through her pussy, spiking in speed as she sucked Shannon’s toes, unfathomable pleasure bubbling up within her, leaving her moaning obscenely as she sucked and slurped.

Appalled as Shannon was, having her toes sucked by guys had always been a turn-on for her and seeing the level of worship and lust being bestowed on them by Tameena was having a confusing effect on her. However beautiful she recognised her friend to be, Shannon considered herself straight as they come, and this level of sensual exchange with another woman unsettled her. Still, Tameena’s moaning was unquestioningly erotic to watch, and she was glad to see her free from pain. In fact she seemed to be positively in ecstasy as her hips rolled against the air, her fingers white with their tight grip of the seat. Her noises grew higher and higher in pitch, and Shannon was entranced at the sight of her friend’s looming climax. Having never really been fond of watching porn, being able to see how another girl orgasmed up close felt like a revelation, she couldn’t take her eyes off her. She drank in every detail of her reactions, from the flutter of Tameena’s dark lashes to the quick rise and fall of her ample cleavage. It was so real, and Tameena’s lust almost felt infectious, the residual pleasure channeled down Shannon’s slender white legs from her friend’s eager mouth.

Shannon felt her own breath quickening, and a disconcerting wetness growing between her crotch. It somehow gave her the tenacity to bring her other foot to Tameena’s lips, which she snapped up eagerly, lathering her toes with wordless praise and carnal desire. Shannon’s head rested on the car door window, balancing with her pert bum on the seat as she held up both her legs for her friend to devour.

As the volume of her moaning peaked, Tameena’s eyes shot open and found Shannon’s unblinking fascinated stare, maintaining their contact as the climax ripped through Tameena’s pussy and wracked her body with a shaking orgasm. It subsided quickly, Tameena jolting back against her seat and the door, dropping Shannon’s foot and gasping for breath, seemingly still in shock as she wiped the saliva from around her mouth. Shannon looked equally perturbed, placing her bare feet down onto the leather seat silently and averting her gaze. Her toes were still wet and warm.

“Is that it? Will it stop now?” she asked softly. Tameena seemed unsure of how to answer, still reeling. The vibrations hadn’t stopped, she was still being fondled tenderly by the wicked little toy, but it had slowed enough for her to catch her breath. Moaning slightly with each intake of air. She heard the familiar bleep from her phone as she received another monetary reward, the cuff alerting her to a $2,000 tip. It was infuriating how the money gave her a rush of endorphins. She continued to watch the screen of the band, if nothing else to avoid having to look at Shannon, her cheeks burning with shame.

The next message was, ‘Last task: make her cum’ and she nearly cried when she read it. She gulped as she considered how to relay the message, before sheepishly electing to tilt the screen in Shannon’s direction and let her read it for herself. There was some sort of film over the screen which meant Tameena had to find a specific angle, she knew when she’d found it because it was evident from her friend’s horrified reaction.

“Fucking hell Tam, no! Don’t make me do this.” she pleaded, bringing her knees up towards her as if protecting herself. By now Shannon’s red dress had ridden up to her thighs, leaving more of her glossy slim pale legs on show.

Tameena just stared down, not knowing what else to say. She wasn’t sure she wanted to go through with it herself, but she had fought the cuff enough times now to know that she didn’t have a choice. The cuff won eventually, it had her completely ensnared and this was the last trial between her and freedom. Worse than her feeling of resignation was the niggling curiosity in the back of her mind, prompted by the new connection she had just shared with her friend. She saw something in Shannon while she’d been forced to suck her toes, a craving that surprised her and piqued her interest. She wondered if her usually highly-wound disposition was disguising some sexual flexibility. Would she find Shannon wet if she ventured downward?

Tameena realised her eyes were trained on Shannon’s crotch, suddenly glancing off in panic and hoping she hadn’t been spotted. For the first time all day she felt horny of her own accord. Some line had been crossed between her and Shannon, and now something inside her was urging her to explore further. The vibrations had slowed to a crawl, but Tameena was insanely wet, and felt her need growing as scenarios played out in her mind. The car stank of sex and perfume, and they sat there in sexually charged silence, Tameena waiting for the inevitable electric shocks, but finding strangely that they didn’t come. Still, this was all that was standing in her way of getting the cuff off for good. She was so close to freedom. Looking over to her friend, she felt strangely enlivened by the obstacles she’d already surmounted today. She knew she could do this, that she could overcome her inhibitions and actually derive enjoyment from these new experiences, however scary. Not only could she handle being so daring, she felt herself craving another thrill.

Shannon noticed Tameena looking at her and seemed wary, keeping far back and averting eye contact. As Tameena moved towards her slowly on all fours, Shannon froze, barely even breathing as her pupils snapped to follow her friend’s advances. Her face drew nearer until they were uncomfortably close, anticipation hanging in the air between them, both expressions coloured by uncertainty.

“D-Don’t…” Shannon mumbled, shaking her head a little, but not enough to be convincing. Tameena paused a moment, drinking in the tension, before taking the plunge, and meeting Shannon’s lips with a kiss. Shannon softened, her eyes falling shut as she surrendered to the moment, small pecks becoming full kisses, before wet desperate snogs; Tameena’s slim body pressing into hers. The dark caramel skin of Tameena’s bare legs stroked against the porcelain white of Shannon’s as they became slowly intertwined in mounting hunger. Their hands found each other’s bodies, apprehensive at first, but soon more determined, groping at hips and thighs, stroking at the exposed skin of their arms and legs.

The thin red fabric of Shannon’s dress was slowly riding up, and Tameena soon found the loose ends, pulling them up and over Shannon’s head. Their kiss broke for only a second to free the dress and toss it aside before they dove back into one another’s embrace, crimson lipstick smearing messily onto their faces as Tameena ran her hands over her friend’s underwear, a white lacy bra and grey panties – wet to the touch as she had expected. She had seen her friends tits before, and they were gorgeous, but somehow now it was different. The swelling orbs that filled her palms demanded to be caressed and admired, her nipples called to be freed. Tameena unlatched the bra and pulled it down and away, parting their kiss again to bring her mouth to the small firm nipples, sucking and licking them tenderly as her hand found the wetness of Shannon’s panties and stroked against the hardening nub she found under the surface. The moans of pleasure were enough to encourage her further, bringing her deft fingers up to her navel, then sliding down and under the waistband to her raw wet snatch.

“Oh shit, Tam I’m… I just need, uhm…” Shannon trailed off under her breath as Tam exacted the skills she had mastered on her own body onto her friend’s needy pussy, rolling the clit in tight circles, her pressure increasing ever so slightly until Shannon began writhing against the leather, soft moans coaxed out between her raspy breaths. With her free hand, Tameena tugged the panties down and free, Shannon kicking them free into the front seat. With better access to her slick entrance, Tameena plunged her fingers inside the hot silky hole to find her sensitive spot, thrusting in and out gently with one finger, then two, before bringing the pads of her fingertips to Shannon’s g-spot and pressing down to stroke it back-and-forth in a rocking motion. Her moans erupted in endorsement, her brilliant white nails scratching up the skin of Tameena’s bare back along the rose petal tattoo on display.

The thought of tasting her friend’s pussy was consuming her, so she let the hardened nipple slip from her mouth, dragging her soft lips across Shannon’s warm skin, down past her taut abdomen until she was ass up, face down between her friend’s legs to greet the shaved smooth wetness, watching as her purple-tipped fingers pumped in and out of the sopping wet hole. Her mouth enveloped Shannon’s engorged clit, snogging it with soft lips before flicking over it with her tongue. The reaction was immediate, Shannon’s body jerked in response, and was followed by a buzz from the vibrator on Tameena’s clit. She hadn’t noticed how wet she had gotten, her pussy was in desperate need of stimulation. As she took another lick of Shannon’s plump little nub, her own clit received some much needed attention, and it seemed this was the way to get it.

Tameena looked up at her newly naked friend, completely stunning with her tight little body and ample tits. She met Shannon’s eye, wide and pleading for more and went to work right away, burying her face in the wet pussy. With every motion, a similar treatment was exacted on Tameena’s own clit, the two of them moaning in unison as they enjoyed one another’s bodies. They were so on edge that they approached climax fast, Shannon unable to grasp the reality of being completely naked in the backseat of her car, crying out in pleasure as her close friend serviced her needy snatch with laser focus. She was leant back, her hands behind her to keep her upright as she stared down at the incredible display of skill, trying to resist from closing her eyes as ecstasy crept up her spine. Her thighs pressed into Tameena’s face instinctively but she kept going, on and on until Shannon felt like she was going to explode any moment. She pulled her legs into her torso, resting her bare feet on Tameena’s back, knees as far apart as she could muster to allow utmost access to her sex. Tameena was undulating her hips, moaning hungirly into Shannon’s pussy, clearly close to erupting herself. It was the greatest feeling Shannon had ever felt, and she clung to it. The stench of sex, the sensual moans, the aura of the looming orgasm and the steady thrum of Tameena’s vibrator filled her senses, and she gulped for air before both of them crashed to shrieking orgasm.

“Oh fuck! Fuck!” Shannon cried out, latching onto the fluffy brown curls of Tameena’s hair to pull her in before squirting her friend’s face with her juices. Shannon’s legs stretched up and out as she came, her toes meeting the roof of the car. Tameena’s body was shaking, wrought with one final burst of pleasure. The vibrations continued, stretching the orgasm out longer and longer, her mouth and hand continuing their assault on Shannon’s pussy to bring her to a second squirting orgasm. Shannon screamed as the climax burst forth, flailing back limply onto the seat as Tameena drew back, moaning as the pleasure subsided, her face dripping wet.

They retreated back to their sides of the car, gasping for breath and still startled by the unexpected hunger of their exchange. It had happened so fast, but the incredible feeling still lingered in their bellies, so it was too soon to feel any remorse. They looked at each other and chuckled slightly, both slick with sweat, juices and runny makeup. Before either of them could speak, a beeping sound alerted Tameena to the unlocking of the chastity belt and wrist cuff, which she pulled free immediately and dropped to the floor of the car. Reaching under her dress, she retrieved the vibrator and discarded it with the rest of the pile. They sat a moment and regarded the items thoughtfully.

“Holy shit, we made it.” Tam said breathlessly, “We fucking did it.”

“Yeah.” replied Shannon quietly, unsure of herself. Did that all really just happen? The bizarre nature of this whole encounter troubled her. These small devices had made them go so far in no time at all. Did they really even fight it? Worse still, would anyone even believe them if they said this happened? Seeing the contraptions now laid on the floor, they just looked like ordinary sex toys and gadgets, yet they had reduced Shannon’s headstrong friend into a helpless begging sex fiend in a matter of hours. Were they really that powerful? Or did she perhaps not know her friend as well as she thought? She was surprised by even how far she had gone herself, and she didn’t even have a device strapped to her.

Suddenly Shannon was acutely aware of her own nakedness. Quickly glancing off out the window, relieved to see that no-one seemed to be around to see them. Cameras planted around the car had been well disguised, and continued to stream the footage as Shannon slowly dressed and Tameena retrieved her garments strewn around the seats. An exclusive audience watched on, languishing praise on the producers of this predicament. Whilst Tameena had amassed a following through her live-shows and paid photo subscriptions, another secret online community provided a different type of membership service. The top-tier supporters voted for Tameena as the target in a monthly auction, the website curators working hard to produce tailor made content to the tastes of their paying clientele. Footage was exclusive, not to be shared, and the live event allowed for tipping, some of which was later funnelled anonymously into Tameena’s official channels. The live-chat was aflutter with praise for the production team, having tracked down the right girl despite her anonymity. Using targeted coupons to get Shannon to the mall was a particularly ingenious move.

The feed continued as the girls dressed and clambered into the front seats, Shannon driving Tameena home wordlessly. They were lost in their thoughts, wondering what their friendship would be like after this debacle. Could they still be friends? Their dread and intrigue spiraled in equal measure, but they said nothing. By the time they arrived, Tameena had at least solved one of their many dilemmas; reaching into the back to retrieve one of Shannon’s shopping bags and removing the contents. She snatched up the vibrator, chastity belt and cuff, placing them in the shopping bag so she could carry them up to her flat without drawing attention.

Tameena paused a moment with the bag on her lap, shooting her friend a forced smile and trying hard to think of what she could possibly say to capture the weight of all they had been through today, how sorry she was, and yet grateful. She wanted to reassure her, but couldn’t find the words.

Tameena settled on an exasperated, “Thanks.” Clambering out of the car swiftly and into her block of flats without looking back. She charged up the stairs and into her apartment, slamming the door shut behind her and slumping back against it. The bag fell to one side, still thick with the stench of sex. Tameena could hardly believe all that she had been through since leaving the flat this morning. She took a deep breath and stood up, absorbing the safety of her own space and privacy. She stopped by the couch, her eyes pausing on the screen of her laptop, still lit and flashing with email notifications. No doubt more outlandish requests, and somehow, despite how drained she felt from a day of forced orgasms, she found herself growing wet as she thought about what her fans might push her to do next.
