Beth is taken by her dad’s friend [Older guy/ Young woman]

Beth blinked at her computer. She re-read her mail again. The words didn’t change, as she thought it would. It read, ‘Congratulations! You’re hired.’ Beth clasped her hands together and ran out of her room and hugged her mother.

Beth had been job hunting for more than a year after college. It had been an ordeal, especially under the gaze of her parents. But, where else could she stay? She had to move into her parents’ house after she completed college and after an extensive job hunt with multiple interviews and heartbreaks – she finally had landed a job offer. But there was one concern.

Beth faced her father, ‘Dad, I have to move to `the city.’

Her dad looked at her and said, ‘Yeah! Seems so. But all the good jobs are in the city.’

Beth looked down. Her family was not the most affluent, financially. Her dad’s savings ended up in the house they bought in the suburbs. The EMIs were still high and her mom was a homemaker. Beth knew it would be difficult for her dad to support her set up in the city.

Beth’s mom suddenly spoke, ‘Thomas, why don’t you talk to your friend John? Doesn’t he live in the city?’

Thomas said, ‘Yes! He does. I will speak to him. And, he has his own decent place. I am sure he should be okay to put Beth up for a couple of months till she finds her own place.’

‘Who’s John?’ Beth asked

Thomas replied, ‘He’s my friend. We grew up together. We attended the same school and college here. Then, moved to the city while I stayed here.’

‘Are you guys still in touch?’ Beth asked

‘Sort of. He used to come down here once a year and sometimes came over to our place for dinner. You must be too young to remember. Lately, we haven’t had much opportunity to speak. But, wait up, you staying with them will be a nice way of getting back in touch.’ Beth’s father replied

Beth didn’t say anything.

It seemed like the only alternative. Staying at a stranger’s place was going to be uncomfortable, but she consoled herself that it’s only going to be a 2-month thing. Lesser than that if she can move quickly and could find out something to stay. All she needed was a head start and she wasn’t going to ruin it with probably uncomfortable feelings.

That night over dinner, Beth’s father declared that he had a word with John and that John and his wife were very happy that Beth would be staying with them. He also said John has a daughter about the same age as Beth.

Beth’s mother quipped, ‘It’s been a good day today. Beth, I am so proud of you. Are you not afraid of making it on your own?’

Beth grinned cheek to cheek and said, ‘Of course not, mom! I will get out of John’s house as soon as I can make my own arrangements. It’s a big world and I am just one tiny person. I am sure I will come to an arrangement.’

So, after a week, Beth left for the city.

John’s home was big. It had three bedrooms. And it was in a very posh neighborhood. The home was decked up beautifully. John, his wife, Martha, and her daughter Tina welcomed her. John had his own consultancy firm; Martha had a busy social life and Tina was in college.

Beth thanked her stars silently. It didn’t look as bad as she had thought. Instead, she immediately felt her own sense of space. No one fussed over her, neither ignored her. They all had their own routines and Beth felt she could get into her own routine.

Beth’s office was a half-an-hour commute from John’s place and she joined immediately. She called her dad and thanked him and told him that everything was fine.

There was so much change in her life that the first week just flew for Beth. That Friday evening, she wanted to have a drink. She didn’t know anyone in her office that well yet. So, she knocked on Tina’s door and asked her if she wanted to go to a pub for a drink.

‘No, actually my friend is coming today. We will be hanging out in my room.’

‘Oh! It’s cool.’

Beth went to her room and changed and joined the family for dinner. Seemed like she would be staying home today.

As she went for dinner, she observed a sharp change in Tina’s dress. Usually, she wore tees and shorts but today she was wearing a thin white tee and just a panty. It seemed inappropriate to Beth. But John and Martha acted as if they didn’t even find anything different.

Martha asked her, ‘Here’s your first weekend in the city. What do you want to do?’

Beth lied, ‘I will probably rest. I will take the weekend off.’

Tina said, ‘You can watch a movie here downstairs.’

John smiled and said, ‘Let her make up her mind. Be comfortable like it’s your own home.’

Tina got up and said, ‘Well, my friend is about to drop by. We will hang out. Bye.’

Both John and Martha didn’t say anything as Tina went upstairs.

Beth went to her room and got her headphones and she dozed off listening to music. She woke up a little later and found it was still early for the night. She decided she would rather stream something on her mobile tucked in her bed.

As she was changing, she thought she heard some noise from the corridor. She peeked out of the door and saw John standing peeping in Tina’s room. John was wearing his shorts and his hand massaged his crotch as he peeped intensely inside the room. As he shifted from one leg to another, that was the sound that Beth heard. Beth stood here horrified looking at John touching himself watching his daughter. Beth wanted to see the end of it. She stood peeking in for minutes, John suddenly stared at her room and caught her eyes. He hurriedly went away from the door.

Beth tiptoed to see what was John watching. As she peeped through the door, she found Tina on her fours being fucked by a guy. The guy was well-built and she could only see his toned ass as he thrust furiously inside her. They both were moaning as the guy stopped and laid down on the bed. Tina turned around to face him and slipped his cock inside her. Beth saw the well-endowed cock slippery with Tina’s cum and as Tina tried to guide it inside her, she looked at the door. Beth shot away from the door and into her room.

Her mind was shouting ‘Fuck! Fuck!’ Was John getting hard seeing his daughter get fucked? Why was the door ajar? But her hands automatically went inside her panty. She was wet. It has been a long time she has been with a guy. She had a breakup in her final year of college and ever since he never met another. Plus, the pressure of job-hunting kind of consumed her. Now, the sight of Tina getting fucked made her so horny. She missed sex suddenly, the feeling of having a cock buried inside her. She rubbed her pussy as she kept thinking of the cock. Long, round, wet with grool – she came so hard, so easily, that it was a relief.

The next day, Tina declared they will all have a night out – watching movies, drinking wine.

Tina came to Beth and said, ‘Hey! Sorry about yesterday.’’

Beth awkwardly replied, ‘It’s my bad that I peeped. I should be the one to apologize.’

Tina giggled, ‘Ok! I forgive you but on one condition.’


‘You have to wear the same dress that I am wearing today.’

‘Why? We will be at home.’

‘Oh! Come on. It will be fun. It will be like two naughty sisters having fun. And, you owe me an apology.’


Tina handed her a similar white tee like she was wearing yesterday. As she wore it, she went to Tina and said, ‘Problem! This doesn’t fit me.’

‘It so does perfectly’ and Tina winked

‘But I am bigger than you. My boobs are hardly contained in this. It would be so awkward.’

Tina thought for a minute and gave her another of her tees. This was better than the last one but it still hugged her body and showed her bra.

She looked at herself in the mirror. The barely contained boobs, the protruding ass – this is too much, she thought. She went over to Tina’s room and she was wearing the exact same dress. But she wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were visible. Beth didn’t even know where to start her argument.

John hadn’t been around much through the day but he came by for dinner. Martha excused herself and had plans with her friends and she won’t come home till the next morning. Tina said they will stream a good Netflix movie. Beth was so aware of their bodies being under John’s scrutiny. Her boobs were so visible and so was her ass. And John kept looking at Tina more.

John bought some beers and Tina and Bath opened a bottle of wine. As soon as the movie started, Tina said her friend will come over in an hour.

John complained, ‘But, today was a family day. Can’t your friend come tomorrow?’

Tina said, ‘I am sorry, dad! But, he’s not in town tomorrow.’

Then, she sat beside Tina and said, ‘See dad! We are wearing the same clothes.’

Beth was embarrassed and John didn’t say anything.

Tina’s friend came over in the next half an hour and she winked at Beth and hopped over to her bedroom.

John stared at them go and faced Beth.

‘You don’t have a boyfriend?’

‘Not at the moment.’


‘Well, I had a break up a long time back. Never had a boyfriend since then.’

John didn’t say anything and turned to watch the movie.

Beth cleared her throat and asked, ‘Why were you watching Tina gets fucked yesterday?’

John’s eyes narrowed, ‘What?’

‘I saw you watching yesterday for a long time.’

John got up and gestured Beth to come to sit on his sofa. Beth stood up.

John took her hair and pulled her on her lap. She sat down on his lap as one of his hands shut her mouth. The other hand groped her boobs. He whispered, ‘Stay silent.’

Beth couldn’t even understand what was happening. Was this man, John, groping her? He was a big man with a big body and she seemed so small in front of him. She screamed but her voice was muffled. She felt one of his very big hands grope her boobs. Next, she was thrown on the sofa as John fumbled with the tee. He had put his mouth on the tee and tried to bite her boobs. John’s hand continued to stifle her mouth. Beth’s mind was racing. What was happening to her? Why is John behaving like this? More importantly, why is she not resisting him harder?

She could feel John take to rip the tee and lower her bra. He looked at her boobs before he bit her nipples hard. Her mind clouded as she felt the weight of him on her. He was biting both her nipples and choked her neck. Beth’s hand instinctively went for his cock. A slight moan escaped her lips.

John whispered, ‘Take down your panty now.’

Beth whimpered, ‘You’re my dad’s friend. Please let me go.’

John pulled her nipples mercilessly and bit her lips hard. He whispered, ‘Say another word and I am going to slap you. Do as I say.’

Beth pulled down her panties. Why was she so wet? She would rather wait for this to get over.

John guided his cock inside her. She expected pain but she was so wet that she stretched and fit his entire cock inside. Beth could feel John was big. John grabbed her wrists and thrust in, like an animal. There was such an urgency to him that he went all-in in his first thrust. Beth lay there with her legs apart, helpless to think about anything but feel John scampering over her trying to fuck her as deep as he can. Beth could feel her spines tingling as she lay helpless. There was a tremor rising from the base of her stomach. In a few strokes, John came and he came in deep as Beth’s pussy filled with the warmth of the cum. She shivered within.

John got up, pulled his shorts, and went out.

Beth found her bra, pulled her shorts, and went to her room. The door to Tina was still ajar and as she peeped inside, she saw Tina was blowing the guy. But, today, she couldn’t stand to watch.

Once inside her room, she fell straight to her bed. Her pussy still gooey, her boobs still sore. What surprised her was she was not even mad. She felt nothing except for the need for another tender and longer fucking. ‘What the fuck was happening with me? I just got fucked by a man so older than me without my consent and all I can think is to get fucked again.’ she wondered. She slept off.

The next day, as she went downstairs, she didn’t know what was in store. Should she confront John or tell Martha or Tina? Should she move out? But, no one mentioned anything. John was not there at breakfast and Tina made small talk. It was as if nothing happened yesterday.

Later, Beth took out Tina privately and asked, ‘Why do you keep your door open when your friend comes to visit?’

Tina said, ‘Ahh! Its nothing. I forget most of the time.’

‘Is it your boyfriend? Doesn’t he mind?’

‘No, that’s not my boyfriend. It’s just a guy I know. But, you know, he said you looked ravishing in that tee. And, no, he doesn’t mind.’

Beth argued whether she should speak about what John did to her but instead kept quiet.

The next week passed by without any more events. Tina had no more friends to visit her. Beth lingered on in the living room even without Tina. But John acted like he’s supposed to and asked her about her office and her colleagues. Every time Beth met John, she couldn’t help but imagine his strength and his nakedness and it always turned her on. And when she was alone with John, she was half-terrified, half-anxious that John would pounce on her. But, nothing betrayed John’s composure as if he didn’t remember anything. Beth got restless at night. She kept replaying that night. How quickly she was pounced on, fucked deep, and how quickly it ended. Yet, never was she mad, instead, it always got her wet. She came thrice that week thinking of the night. Finally, Friday came and she was eager to see how it played out.

Beth had purposely arranged a drinking plan with one of her colleagues and she reached home rather late when everyone was having dinner. Tina wore a crop top that clearly revealed her petite boobs. Beth wished everyone good night and went to her room. As Tina came back, she asked her if her friend was visiting her.

Tina said, ‘Yes. He’s on his way.’

There was a slight tingling in her legs. Consciously, she wore the skimpiest, lacy bra that she had and a panty. She kept an ear out for any sound. Finally, she heard some giggles and realized that Tina had her friend over. She waited for another fifteen minutes before she opened her door. As she expected, there was John peeping through. But, this time, he was not that attentive. He quickly caught Beth looking at him. He stared at her as Beth came out in her bra.

John walked over and pulled her hair and dragged her on to her bed. John had the same intensity as he had the other night. Before Beth could react, John dropped his shorts and whipped out his cock and made for Beth’s mouth. Beth’s hand pulled his butts closer as she saw how big and hard, he was. She tried to take him all but before that, John thrust and gagged her. He kept fucking her mouth mercilessly. One of his hands was groping her boobs furiously. As she gagged and choked, John lifted her up and made her sit on his lap. John opened her panties hastily and he went right in.

Beth tried whispering ‘Slow. Slow.’

John went for her throat and choked her and increased his frequency. He told her to shut up. Beth was dripping as John pounded and stretched her pussy. In and out, he went, pumping with even greater speed. Beth was panting as was John. John dropped her on the bed and spread her legs and went inside again. This time, he came in loads inside Beth.

Beth kept still on the bed as John left as quickly as he entered. Beth was breathless. She hadn’t cum yet. And she was too stunned at the ferocity and the quickness of it. As she rubbed her sore pussy, she came instantly, her full body throbbing. Beth wrapped a housecoat over her and went outside Tina’s door.

Tina was naked and was lying in her bed, the guy lying next to her with a limp cock. She also must have come by now, Beth thought.

Beth was horny as she woke up. But there has to be an explanation for this inexplicable action. Beth knocked on Tina’s door.

‘Hey, what’s up?’ Tina said

‘We need to talk.’

‘I guess so.’ Tina said

‘You already know?’


‘What’s happening?’

‘It’s complicated. But you can’t get mad or judge us.’

‘I will try.’

Tina stretched on her bed and said, ‘Well, you see, I think dad has this obsession over me. He’s a perfect dad and everything, but ever since I have turned a woman, he has this obsession over me. He hasn’t talked about it to me, you see, he’s a reserved man. But I could see in his eyes that he eyed me differently. He never acted on it or did anything inadvertently. But I could feel him worshipping me. When I went away for college, he had a breakdown of sorts. He got into a drinking brawl in a bar and got hurt. Though he never said anything, I knew it was about me getting away. So, I came back home. I started assuring him in ways and means that I didn’t have a boyfriend. I was still his little girl. I even started wearing my old clothes which didn’t fit me any longer. But it worked and finally, it bought him and me closer. You see, I couldn’t afford to see him sad. From that day, whenever my friends came home, I kept the door ajar so that he doesn’t misinterpret. So, one day, I was this guy. And we started goofing around since I knew dad wasn’t home. As we kissed him, I saw my dad peeping through the door. His hand was over his shorts. I didn’t even how long was he there. I stopped kissing. And he stood there with his hands still over his shorts. I don’t know what came over me but I went ahead and got naked and gave the guy a blowjob and fucked him as hard as I could. My dad watched everything and stroked himself and I know he came multiple times that evening. But, after that, we never spoke about it. He didn’t ask or say anything about the guy or about me having sex. In fact, the next evening, we spoke as a dad and daughter should. He even made some jokes and got me ice cream. From that day, it has been a kind of a thing. Every weekend, a guy comes and we make out and my dad watches over. The arrangement worked fine until you showed up.

You see, you’re like me, the same age. So, when you wore my old cloth that night, he fucked you thinking that he was fucking me.’

Beth gasped, ‘What the fuck? What about your mother?’

Tina yawned and said, ‘Well, they have been living separate lives for a long time now. My mom doesn’t even like staying here but I guess, it’s a habit now.’

‘So, what happens now?’ Beth asked

‘Look, I know what I am saying may sound really fucked up. But, from the night, he fucked you, we have been coming closer as a family. My dad thinks he’s fucking me when he’s fucking you or at least that’s what I think. I am happy that my dad is getting some action and you’re as good a proxy that I can get. About you, well, you’re my dad and you can go on living rent-free as long as you want with us.’

Beth thought about it, ‘Will he be doing what he’s been doing every night?’

Tina said, ‘I don’t think so. It’s up to you two. But, yes, I think he would want you at least once a week. Or whenever, I have a guy over.’

Beth said seriously, ‘What if I have a boyfriend? Can I call him over?’

Tina said, ‘Sure, this is like your own home except for that arrangement with my dad. Tell me something, is he so bad?’

‘I don’t’ know what to say. It has all happened so suddenly.’

‘Think over it. And just a tip, if you wear my old clothes, he will get increasingly more savage.’

‘What makes you think I will go with it?’

‘We wouldn’t have had this long talk if you weren’t interested. You would have left by now.’ smiled Tina

‘Since we are being honest, did you and John ever do it?’ timidly asked Beth

‘No. We didn’t. It’s not like it hadn’t crossed my mind or I don’t want to be with him. But, if we cross that line once, it would be a downward spiral for us both. Life, as it is, is enough complicated. This is somehow the best arrangement. I know he’s happy. He knows that I know. And you win too.’

Beth stood there. There was too much information to process. But she would get rent-free accommodation. And though she didn’t admit in front of Tina, John wasn’t so bad, in fact, she liked being taken as an animal.

Beth asked, ‘Will your friend visit you today?’

Tina stretched and said, ‘Well, if you want to. Should he?’

Beth almost whispered, ‘Yes! I think so.’

Tina said, ‘Well, he will come then. Anything else?’

Beth replied, ‘I will go through your old wardrobe once.’
