The time I messaged a gonewilder. Part 1 [M/F]

I found you browsing reddit gonewild. I particularly liked the shape and size of your breasts along with the form of your body. I decided to check out your profile for more pictures. What a beautiful pussy. Oh and a buttplug too! I've never messaged anyone before but there were a few things in your profile that stood out. A kink that I just happen to fit. I sent you a short simple message. One that included my face not expecting a reply. After my masturbation session, I turned the computer off and went to sleep.

The next day, I logged onto my reddit account I dedicated for all my favorite NSFW subreddits. I noticed an orange letter. I got excited, I never got one of these before. It was from the gonewild woman from yesterday! She said I was attractive and was interested in chatting. She asked if I had skype. I was a little apprehensive. I've never had a woman interested in me before. All those nervous feelings you get, I was getting them all at that moment. In the end, I decided to add her.

She accepted and we chatted for a bit. After a few messages back and forth, she asked if she could call me. I said sure. After a few minutes, I got the familiar sound that I was receiving a call. I answered it with voice only which is what I typically do. On the screen, popped open a beautiful woman's face. She had one of the prettiest faces I had ever seen. I was surprised!

Her voice came through my speakers, “Hey where's your webcam?”

“Oh, uhhh, one sec!”

Surprised and not wanting to disappoint, I quickly turned on my webcam.

“Oh wow, you're hot.”

Shocked that this beautiful girl thought I was thought, “Uh, thanks! You're not so bad yourself!”

“Thanks! What are you up to?”

“Oh not much, just catching up on a few TV shows”

“Oh nice, is that a bottle of lube on your table?”

“Oh, uhhh, you can see that? Sorry! Yah I guess it is.”

She smiled a devious smile. She was horny. I could tell. I grabbed the bottle of lube and took a gander at it. Shifting around I pulled my boxers down but they were out of view.

“What are you doing?”

I opened up the bottle and poured a little in the palm of my hand. “Oh nothing. Just getting comfortable.”

I saw her shift around on the screen. She was taking her underwear off. I could tell. “Getting comfortable yourself I see.”


I began to stroke myself while looking at her.

Soon after, she took her top off showing her bra encased tits. Those beautiful tits I've seen from her pictures. She then took off her bra revealing her cute pink nipples. I mirrored her and took my top off showing off my chest.

“Those are beautiful tits. I love them.”


“Are they real?”

She rubbed a breast and squeezed a tit. “Yup”

“I also love your pussy. Can I see it?”

“Sure, only if I can see your cock”

Both of us rearranged ourselves. My cam showing my cock and on the screen appeared her pussy. We proceeded to masturbate to each other.

Soon after, I could hear she was moaning. I asked her “Are you close?”

“Yes. Are you?”

“Not yet.” She slowed down.

I added more lube to get my hand and my cock wetter. Quickening the pace.

“I'm close now.”

Both of us on the edge, moaning. I was staring at her fingers furiously rubbing her clit with her other hand squeezing her nipple. That sent me over. Three large spurts shot up into the air and onto my chest. From that, she was rocking her own orgasm.

After we came down from our high, we took a break to clean up with the intention to reconvene.

We came back after sometime.

“So where do you live?”


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