Xx/xy Part 2 (fiction, gender transformation, M, M/F, taboo)

I come to with the obvious smell of sulfur and a light tapping to my face.

I blinked beyond the cobwebs and groaned, “Uhhh….what happened?”

A male voice, “You’re back to being a male brother.”

I shot up, brushing past my brother, knocking him to the side. I stood in front of the mirror to see I was back to being a male.

The underwear I was wearing were either broken or torn. Apparently my male chest was much larger than his daughter’s frame so that snapped and was hanging by the straps. Her underwear that I was wearing didn’t fair much better. It was hanging on just one leg, the strap snapped as my hips widened while I was out.

I’m glad I was out for that pain but I had bruises now.

I silently thanked I was a male again. Though if I’m honest I was kind of disappointed that I was no longer female.

I was beginning to get used to having a gorgeous female body. Though the obvious mass in the front was weird. And I had come into some obvious problems….like using the bathroom.

I was also disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to explore my new body before it went away.

Why is it when you have an obvious opportunity you forget to take the opportunity?

My brother looked at me and said, “I thought you’d be happy about this.”

I ignored him. I rushed over to the scale and silently stood there letting the digital display start it’s process.


I looked over at my brother and smiled, “It worked.”

My brother, Doug, looked at me confused, “I don’t see how changing into a female is what is considered a success brother?”

I smiled at him and walked up to him. I did the math in my head. I was roughly a female for about 24hrs and in those 24hrs I had actually lost 7 lbs.

The formula worked…..mostly.

I walked up to my shorter brother and clasped his arms with a wide smile, “I lost weight brother. 7lbs.”

My brother’s eyes widened upon realization.

It worked.

Granted the change was an accidental happenstance.

Maybe we could separate the formula and make them two.

We had stumbled across a game changer.

If we could dial in the formulas we could be rich. Richer than Muschi’s total worth.

If we could perfect the formulas we would be swimming in money.

I looked at him, “How long did you tell my wife I would be gone for?”

He shrugged, “I didn’t say an exact time line. I just promised that you would call.”

I hissed, “Shit. I better call her.”

I dashed out of the bathroom and found my cell phone out of my old clothes. I quickly dialed my wife.

My wife answered on the second ring, “Hey honey.”

I laughed, “Sorry honey, I didn’t call last night when I got sent.”

My wife sighed, “It’s ok honey. I’m used to your job taking you away at odd hours. How long you gone for this time?”

It was true. My job did more than once send me and various other people in our field at the drop of the hat. If we ever get travel orders in advance it’s rare. The company usually shoots from the hip sending us worker bees at the last second. I had grown accustomed to having a suitcase of clothes with 4 days worth of clothes in my car at all times. Though every other week I would wash them and rotate the clothes out.

I laughed, “It’s only a few days I believe. Once I know more I will let you know.”

My wife sighed again, “Ok. Once you know more I know you’ll let me know. Can you at least tell me where you are this time?”

I blanked and quickly said, “Phoenix.”

My wife, “Seeing how you’re there. Is there any way I can talk you into getting some honey from that shop that we found over there last time we vacationed over there?”

I laughed, “If I can, sure.”

Mr wife, “Ok honey. I’m sure you’re busy so I’ll let you go.”

I quickly spoke, “Tell the kiddos that daddy will be back in a few days.”

My wife, “Uh huh. Love you.”

And with that she hung up.

I looked at the phone….well my wife was irritated. Can’t blame her.

But we were close to a breakthrough and if everything went well I could shower my wife with gifts and everything we ever wanted would soon become reality.

My brother spoke behind me making me nearly jump, “That sounded promising.”

I looked at him wanting to hold my heart. Fucker nearly gave me a heart attack. I shrugged, “She’ll get over it.”

My brother scoffed, “Uh huh. Keep it up bro and you’ll be in the same boat as me. Or worse.”

I looked at him forgetting that he was a widow because he was a workaholic neglecting both his wife and kids though in his mind he was providing for his family. His wife had passed away a couple of years ago and his kids had moved out starting their own lives shortly after that. Instead of the death bringing him and his kids together it was the catalyst to drive them apart because he was never home.

I think secretly my brother was jealous of me that I still had my wife and constantly dropped hints to not neglect my wife or kids. He didn’t want me to follow in his footsteps.

Which is another reason why he had dived so hard into this project was because he wanted the distraction that he was lonely.

Maybe he should take the formula and become a female and start a new life.

I sighed at him and put him hand on his shoulder, “I know brother but we have important work to do. The formula.”

My brother sighed and nodded.

I smiled, “Did you already go to work?”

My brother nodded. I spoke, “What did you tell them about me?”

He shrugged, “I just notated you were doing night shifts for the next few days. That’s all.”

I smiled, “Perfect. We got work to do.”

And we went down to the basement where our lab. We had work to do.


I fought the urge to blow work off for the formula that my brother and I had painstakingly spent the better part of 2 years developing.

Yet I still went into work shortly before people were leaving for the day and did my work until 1 am.

I drove back to my brother’s barely able to contain myself from my excitement.

I had weighed myself again at work and found I had lost another 2lbs.

Looks like the formula was still working though the effect of being a female had long ago worn off.

That only added fuel into my passion to get this formula working.

We couldn’t take any other shortcuts.

What I did the other night was inexcusable and completely reckless, but after the effects on our lab rats the conclusive evidence did make me want to skip to human trials.

I know it was stupid.

But we never looked at the rats to notice their gender change. We only noticed the weight loss because that was our main focus.

Yes in hind sight that was completely stupid.

I got back to my brother’s house, being careful not to drive my brother’s car anywhere near my house, seeing how my brother lived just down the street from me. At least in the daytime. At night it was a different issue, so I drove past my house. Everything looked like normal at this time of night though I did notice in my driveway was the usual riff raff.

My wife was home. My son was home. And my daughter was home. The only addition that was out of the ordinary was my son’s friend Sam’s car was out on the street. Looks like he was spending the night.

Seeing how it was roughly 2am there wasn’t a light on in the house which I kind of expected.

I smiled knowing that my house was safe and everything looked good.

I walked into my brother’s house and went downstairs to find my brother passed out on the cot.

I looked over at the board where our formula was.

Looks like he circled where we messed up. And there was more to it now.

Looks like he got the formula figured out….perhaps.

I walked over to the cot and lightly kicked underneath stirring my brother awake.

He gasped and looked around. He saw me and frowned before speaking, “Why’d you wake me fool?”

I nodded towards the board, “Got it figured out?”

My brother sat up in the cot and proceeded to yawn and stretch. Through his long yawn he spoke, “I think I isolated the part that turned you.”

I looked at him, “You think?”

He nodded and pointed towards a beaker that has bubbling pink fluid that was on a burner.

I looked at him as he proceeded to get up and scratch his ass.

I looked at him semi disgusted that he was scratching his ass in company.


What the fuck?

Did I just think that something I do on a normal basis as a guy to now think it’s disgusting?

That’s weird.

My brother stopped as he looked at me as I had my internal dialogue with myself.

I realized what was going on and said, “I’m sorry bro. What did you say?”

He yawned again obviously still tired, “I said in a couple of hours we should be ready for testing to make sure that was what changed you.”

I smiled, “Let’s skip the rats and go straight to humans.”

My brother looked at me incredulously, “You’re kidding right?”

I shook my head, “Nope. I’ve already been affected so I’m the perfect subject.”

He shrugged, “It’s your funeral.”

This should have been my clue that I was going to be in for a world of hurt.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jvkw72/xxxy_part_2_fiction_gender_transformation_m_mf