My Best Friend Part 23 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

Time dwindled away as daylight passed more. The entire time the girls: Amanda, Jeanette, Sara, and the twins; have been hiding up in my room. I have already made a nice habanero chicken salad for lunch in which the girls partook of lunch but after they ate they immediately went back upstairs.

At first I thought they had something up their sleeve but now I knew they had a trick up their sleeve.

But I also knew the longer they dawdled around the less sensitive their lower region will be and the more leeway I have to win in my contest. The gods were in my favor of me winning. So I let them fuck around until the absolute last possible minute.

I must have watched four different hour long cooking programs about french cooking recipes, cake techniques, southern cuisine, and putting soul into your cooking before the girls emerged from their hiding spot for the since 10am…my room.

And by the girls I mean all of them: Amanda, Jeanette, Sara, the Twins, and my cousin Moira. All of them aside from Moira were completely stark naked. The sight of them made it extremely difficult to keep the blood that is in my brain there and not let some to most of it travel south to my brainless head.

I just started a mantra of ‘I need to win’ in my head hoping my brain will focus on the purpose of today’s activity instead of focusing on the feeling of today’s activity.

‘I need to win’

The five naked bodies in front of me made the mantra sound more like ‘I….’ blood pump into penis, thump thump, ‘need….’ thump thump, ‘to….’ thump thump ‘win….’ thump thump.

Each girl looked completely different from one another. First you have my love, Amanda, my best friend my girlfriend my lover my love.

Amanda stood about 5’4″ about 105lbs confirmed size 1 waist with 28’B breasts brown hair down to past her shoulders with now blonde highlights and aqua blue eyes. Amanda’s body since I started dating her has become more toned she weighed less compared to the beginning.

Amanda’s breasts either became smaller or became more toned not too sure which. Her waist was a size 3 and even at a size 1 she still complains that she needs to lose a few more pounds. I always laugh and ask where she needed to lose her weight because her body was and is perfect in my eyes.

Then you have Jeanette our best friend our lover who stood about 5’5″ about 110lbs maybe a size 1 waist like Amanda with 30’C breasts dirty blonde hair down to her ass with black undertones and natural blue eyes.

Like Amanda, Jeanette has lost some weight since she joined our bed. Her body has become more toned. Aside from that Jeanette’s body had always looked like a plastic surgeon had done something to her but if you look at her sister Jenna she was the same way and it was obvious she didn’t have any work done on her. Damn genetics worked wonders in her family all of her body was just natural made Amanda sick at times.

Hell I’m sure Jeanette’s natural looks and body physic made any girl in our school jealous.
Sara stood about 5’0″ if that about 100-130lbs hard to tell with how tone and how much muscle was on her body. She was difinitely a size 0 waist if not 00 and her breasts were probably a A cup if that her chest were more nipples than bumps resembling breasts. As one of my close friend’s would say she had bb’s on a chalk board. Her light brown hair was cropped to just below her shoulder blades and had dark green eyes. I knew little about Sara aside from she was very active in the martial arts world. I expected behind Sara’s shyness laid a very pyshical and dominant person that would probably push my sexual limits to the brink and beyond if she joined our bed.

And finally the Twins, Abby and Geri. Like most twins they were identical in every way except for some subtle differences here and there, mainly which I couldn’t find but if they were to added to our bed I would have to pay attention to those small details just so I can tell the two apart…that or make them wear a collar with their names on them. The two were about anywhere of 100-120lbs stood 5’2″ and 5’3” both were probably a size 3 in the waist on their worst day and both had B cup breasts. Both girls had bright red hair that went down to about half way down their backs and both had penetrating sky blue eyes. If Amanda and Jeanette were considered extremely flexible they were amatuers compared to Abby and Geri.

Because of their gymnastics training these two could manipulate their bodies into any position they desired. If these two joined our bed then not only could they help push our understanding of the kama sutra they might even create a new postion that most couldn’t pull off.


The blood in my body pumped more into my dick. I looked at each girl intently wondering if I do lose it wouldn’t be so bad. My eyes went from girl to girl before finally settling on Moira.
Moira thankfully was wearing her favorite coveralls when she didn’t feel like wearing a shirt on her clothless weekends.

The coveralls were semi tight on her but didn’t help completely because her breasts escaped from them from time to time. But one detail caught my eye on Moira and that was the item she was holding in her hand…a camcorder.

Great that only means the girls want this experience recorded. Actually there weren’t many times when Jeanette didn’t have us recorded in fact Jeanette always had those baby monitor teddy bear recorders always somewhere and it just wouldn’t be one of those.

I actually got accustomed to being recorded on a daily basis so this little addition to what was going to happen wasn’t going to phase me one little bit. I wonder what will happen if I turn this addition to the terms down?

Jeanette spoke, “So how do you want to do this?”

I ignored the question, “So you want this video recorded huh?”

Amanda giggled, “Yes I want this recorded.”

Damn! Jeanette probably had this planned out she knew if Amanda asked me to do anything I would more than likely crumble and accept it. Nice move.

I sighed, “Ok.”

I looked back to Jeanette, “First I want to know what three items you are having me use.”

Jeanette had a smile come across her face. She walked off and return a few moments later with the three items and tossed them to me. The first one was a sports energy drink. The second was a three ringed rubber/elastic apparatis. And the third item was a condom.

I closely inspected each item. I could easily tell the three ringed item was meant to go around my dick in some fashion but wasn’t too sure how. I looked at the condom and saw that it was the dreaded male desensitizer condom…bitch was playing dirty. And upon closer inspection the sports drink was completely full but the lid’s safety ring was broken meaning it had been opening already…meaning something was added to the drink.

I held up the drink, “Looks like it has already been opened.”

Jeanette smiled, “Yes.”

I looked at her intently trying to read from her mind what was done but only sighed, “Well what did you do to it.”

Jeanette smiled even more, “A supplement that a friend gave me meant to give you a harder erection.”

I almost laughed at that. Come on a supplement that gives guys a harder dick. Right and what was next pigs were gonna fly. Everyone knows that those things are only meant for the weaker minds and don’t do anything at all. If they do work they are only temporary. Alright I can accept this item won’t attribute too much to my stamina and my immune system will automatically beat it.

I held up the three ringed thing, “I can guess how this,” pointing to one of the rings, “goes around my dick but what about the other two?”

Amanda chimed in, “The big one goes around the entire package cock and balls, the middle ring goes around the balls, and the last ring goes at the base of your dick.”

I rose my eyebrow. Alright so they know more about this than I do. I was never good with male toys. My toys were the girls not some rubber/elastic thing. I looked at the device and guess why it went around in that order. I guessed because of the size it’s meant to cut off the tubes or lines so it takes longer for fluids to move around like blood, precum, and cum. I guess that’s smart but no devices cuts off circulation or anything like that entirely unless the veins are cut or tubes are cut something is always going to flow. Another device that was pointless.

Two things down that were pointless in this experiment. I expected more from Jeanette or at least I did until I looked at the last item…the condom.

The condom I knew all too well. It was a male desensitizer condom. This thing was evil on so many levels. This unique piece of plastic has a lube rolled on the inside to help those with premature ejaculation problems.

This lube affects the nerves in the dick that allows a man to feel the sensation inside a woman and deadens them to a degree making it difficult for the sensation to be sensed or takes longer for that sensation to travel to the brain. However if you have normal stamina or normal ejaculation then this lube increases your stamina and puts on the porn star cliffs in the terms of stamina.

With me knowing what the girls did last night until the wee hours making their va-jay-jays extremely sensitive.

And Jeanette knowing my process of thinking into account when she planned all this including this condom all I could think was well played bitch well played. I had to tip my hat to her that’s if I had a hat to tip.

If the circumstances were normal and the girls pussy’s weren’t so sensitive I’d just pound my way to orgasm nirvana within a few strokes if I need to just so I could win.

But now that the girls had rubbed themselves raw making their wet spots sensitive the advantage in my challenge was theirs for the taking.

In order for me to level the playing field I would have to go as slow as humanly possible with sex so that they can have their fun before they bow out. Without the condom by the time I hit Amanda I can easily cum if I use Jeanette first but using that technique keeping my dick hard was difficult even in normal circumstances.

With the condom and the rings should help my soldier standing tall but the way to defeat the condom was go as fast as possible before the lube takes effect on the nerves in my third leg. With the circumstances the way they were and my plan of attack to keep the girl usage small while still achieving orgasm nirvana made it difficult if not impossible.

I sighed and had to marvel at Jeanette’s level of thinking ahead. Who knows I might be able to get around all the items and still fire off before my little johnny gets anywhere near Sara, Abby, or Geri. But the way things are looking that would probably be wishful thinking.

Jeanette spoke again, “So how do you want to do this?”

I shook myself and had to think how was I going to do this. I had to think this out logically and a way to work in my advantage but at this point it was difficult because the required amount of blood my brain needed to think stuff out logically just wasn’t there at this moment and wouldn’t be there any time soon. I was almost tempted inflicting pain to my lower region so the blood would disappear from that appendage and return back to where it was needed most.

How was I going to pull this off?

I needed to figure out a way for this work and a way to prove to me that my supposed stamina was too much. At this point I felt like I was tricked into this because no matter how I approached this situation the girls would be winning. Every step I took to make sure this didn’t happen they had a counter that was stronger.

They wanted to add girls to the bed. I didn’t. So how did they accomplish this? Easy have Amanda do it and I crumbled because I didn’t want to disappoint her.

Then they said I had too much stamina and I didn’t believe them. So I challenged it and they said ok.

Then I made up the rules for a challenge and they only agreed if I agreed to some small changes in my original challenge.

They knew I wanted to do this at a later day trying to put it off as long as possible so everyone’s schedule would conflict and they countered by saying it had to be today.

They knew in my original challenge I wanted it be natural and normal.

They countered by cheating in both themselves and in me. They played with themselves an entire night making themselves extremely sensitive the next day so they could cum more quickly and more often so the next girl had a greater chance in joining. Then they gave me artificial things to ensure I would last longer if their sensitivity wasn’t enough.

It seemed no matter how I approached this whole thing they were at least twenty steps ahead of me. So how could I approach this and demolish their advanced planning?

Ever you have had a problem thinking? No matter how hard you think you can’t think jack? Well I was having that issue at this moment. And I knew why I couldn’t think of a way out of this or the best approach for this situation…it was the five naked beauties in front of me making my dick harness and horde all the blood in my body not leaving any for my brain.

All of a sudden I heard a silent scream. “Think clearly you dumb fuck.”

I looked around to see who said that but I couldn’t find the source. Then I heard the silent scream again, “its simple have them push their stamina as well fuck head.” I looked around some more and still couldn’t find the source.

The silent scream called out again, “Do you understand you idiot?”

I looked clearly at the girls when the scream happened and finally I realized where the screams were coming from…inside my head.

My subconscious was trying to help me out. I thought about what it said. Have them push their stamina as well?

I think I got what my subconscious was trying to tell me. I smiled and thought the idea was a brilliant plan…hell any idea right now sounds brilliant because I got nothing.

I looked at Jeanette, “Alright here’s how it’s going to go. First I fuck you then Amanda if you two have bowed out then I will move on to the new girls.”

Jeanette smiled, “And which one will go first when you get to them?”

I smiled hoping my subconscious’s idea helped me to where my dick didn’t have to enter any of the new girls. “I don’t care. But there is one thing.”

Jeanette’s eyebrow rose, “And that it?”

I tried not to smile too wide as I spoke, “If I’m going to push my stamina to see what you two are talking about I want you to push your own stamina as well. I want you to keep going until you can’t go no more.”

She smiled, “Alright but if the interest of fairness if either of faints before we say we are done it is an automatic bow out. And you can only use us once until you have gone through the other three at least once before using us again in this challenge.”

I smiled, “Fine and you can’t complain or order me to go faster or slower or harder or softer. You are at my mercy and I decide how fast or how hard I will go?”

Jeanette looked at Amanda. Amanda simply nodded. She looked back at me, “Fine. Drink up.”
