Party Planning -Taking a chance pays off with a show. [F] [strip]

Sometimes all it takes is saying something.

My friend was coming to me for advice on what to do to help her fiance have a really great bachelor party. It was a difficult thing for me to give solid advice on as my own bachelor party was a total bust. We were talking about different things back and forth, deciding on what would be cool. There were times when it was difficult to concentrate around her. She was about five foot six. She spent tons of time hiking and taking kayaking trips. All the activities gave her a toned body that was in great shape. Her legs were long and lean but not skinny. Those legs lead right up to a great ass. Her breasts weren’t huge, but that gave her the opportunity to go without bras on many occasions. I was thinking of her without her bra when the winning idea hit me.

“I’ve got it.”

“What? Because I’m starting to get frustrated.” She didn’t have tons of patience for planning.

“You can’t have him go to the strip club right now, but YOU be the stripper for him.”

She stopped and just stared at me. I was a little afraid I’d pushed it too far. That’s when I glanced down and saw that her nipples were trying to force their way through her shirt. Something in me thought to forge ahead.
“OK, listen. I know it’s a crazy idea but you would be so amazing. I would definitely pay again and again if I knew you were going to be there.”

“Go on.”

“Well, I will go and talk to a friend of mine to see if we have any connection to the folks that run that club over off Orchard Street. It’s a nice place and upscale enough that this won’t all feel less than it should. Also, you may be able to rent a section for a private or smaller party these days.”

She was still just staring at me, but her nipples looked even more hard than they’d been before. I kept talking.

“I have always thought you have a fantastic body. You tend to keep it covered up quite a lot, so sometimes it’s difficult to tell.”

She decided to answer then, “So you check me out?”

“Who wouldn’t? You’re great looking” I answered as my mind raced toward any way to keep this idea alive. “I told you, I would absolutely pay to be there any night you were on.”

She stopped and glanced down at herself. “I don’t know…” It was that demure little moment that pushed me past rational thought.

“Let’s not rush into this.” I was about to really push my luck but what the hell. “You could practice. I’ll help you pick out a couple of songs and then you could just practice – I’ll be the audience for you. We could start now.”

She looked up again and had a smirk just turning the corner of her mouth up. “Practice? Now?”

“Well, sure. I mean unless you’re totally a star dancer and have been keeping it from us all these years.” I smiled and leaned back away from her.

She leaned forward slightly but then hesitated. “You’re serious aren’t you?”

“Hell yes I am. You’re beautiful and dead sexy. What can I say that will convince you?”

“I…” she was taken aback and it was her turn to sit back in her chair. “Seriously?”

I was going for broke on this one. “Tell you what. I know a way to convince you but I don’t want you to bail and not talk to me anymore.”

“What do you mean? We’ve been friends for years.” She was anxious now.

I wasn’t going to let the moment go. “Yeah, years. You trust me, right?”

“Of course I do. Do you think I talk about this stuff with just anyone?”

“Well, no but I want to be really sure. Just settle into your chair and close your eyes for a minute. Get a visual of what you’re contemplating doing. Really relax and go with the image. No music or anything, just relax and go with it.”

She settled back in her chair, leaned her head back and closed her eyes. I let her go for just a few seconds.

“Is this supposed to convince me? Relaxing?” She asked.

I had gotten up and stepped quietly over to her chair. “No. This is.” I gently raised one of her hands and placed it onto the front of my cargo pants. I was so incredibly hard I didn’t know what to do. I was on the verge of going into the bathroom and masturbating furiously. I’m not one of those guys that has so much as to brag, but I’m not small either.

“Oh my god.” Her eyes snapped open and I stepped back immediately.

“I’m sorry, but that’s proof.”

Her mouth was hanging open. Suddenly a little glint seemed to appear in her eyes and she giggled. She swivelled her hips slightly to the side and kept looking at me. “That felt really hard.”

“I’m about a minute from running into the other room to deal with this on my own. I don’t know a better way to convince you. You’re sitting still and you’re fully clothed. This is just the idea of it all.”

She smiled. I felt a massive rush of relief. I didn’t want that little maneuver to be the end of this whole deal. She turned in her chair some more and put one of her legs up over the side of the chair, facing me even more directly. Her smile slipped back toward that devilish smirk. She moved the hand I’d used onto her stomach and started gently rubbing herself in circles. “I’m really starting to warm up to this idea” she tugged the bottom edge of her old t-shirt up and out of her baggy shorts, still working her hand in circles gradually moving toward her breasts. I was entranced.

She pushed herself up from her laid back position and straddled the arm of the chair. She took just a moment to stop there and rocked back and forth. From there she stood all the way up and stepped over to me. “You’re supposed to be sitting down and I’m supposed to be standing up… isn’t that how this is supposed to work?” She placed a hand on my chest and nudged me back toward my chair. I had a brief moment of disbelief, then I sat.

“Well,” my voice suddenly sounded a little raspy, “that’s how it works until it’s lap dance time.”

“We’ll just have to see if I get to that part,” she turned away from me and pulled her t-shirt up over her head and off. Her hair dropped down onto the back of her neck. My eyes kept traveling down her now totally bare back. [read more](


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