The Taylor Family 1 – The End [My version of a lesbian incest romance. Warning: Slow build up here and little actual sex]

**This is another of my stories that was too long to fit into a single post and had to be broken in half. Sorry, I guess my fingers get talkative sometimes. See the first part of this** [here.](

The hour was late, the lights were turned out, and the girls had gone to bed, but neither of them was sleeping.

An effort had been made to keep everything looking as normal as possible when their mother had come up to give them their usual goodnight kiss, but the tension between the two teenagers was palpable. Ruth was certain that her mother must have sensed it – who could have missed it, after all? – but supposed that she had probably written it off as yet another spat. It was just as well as neither of the girls was prepared to even try to talk this out with her.

Lying in her bed now and staring in silence at the ceiling, the fact was that she could not have slept at that point had her life depended on it thanks to all the turmoil. It was plain to her that her sister was having the same problem as she could hear Kristen grumbling to herself on the other side of the room, tossing and turning over in her own bed.

The little misadventure the two girls had shared earlier had obviously been a serious mistake, but it was beginning to look like Ruth’s confession about her sexuality might have been an even worse one.

However awkward things had gotten before Kristen left on her date, it could not compare with the situation now. Her big sister had been very careful to avoid spending any time at all alone with her, just for instance, and had hardly spoken two words to her. Ruth didn’t even think she had been able to look at her, much less actually meet her eyes. Also, while they must have seen each other undressed hundreds of times without giving it a second thought over the years they had shared a bedroom, this time Kristen had hurried off to the bathroom to change from her clothes into her nightshirt.

This was turning into a major problem and she did not know what to do about it, but was getting desperate to get their relationship back to normal.

Her attention was drawn across the room again when Kristen finally gave up on trying to sleep and sat up. The older girl did not move from there though and just sat there for a long moment, staring straight ahead and Ruth eventually figured it out that she was trying to work up the courage to do whatever it was she intended to do. Stealing a glance toward the other bed and seeing that Ruth was watching her in the moonlight, she smiled softly but then ducked her head, looking away quickly.

Just when Ruth was about to dare to call out to her, Kristen started moving again, sliding out of her bed. She paused for a moment longer then, supposedly to smooth out her nightshirt but really to gather up those last few ounces of her bravery, then padded over to Ruth’s bed on bare feet.


“Yes, Kris?”

The older girl was having quite a bit of difficulty getting out whatever it was she wanted to say – opening her mouth to say something a couple of times but always thinking better of it and closing it again. It was a cool night and she was shivering a little, but she remained resolutely by the side of the bed, determined to do this.

When she finally did start talking, it was in a halting whisper and with an expression of defeat that she did not even try to hide, a look which clearly communicated that this was not really what she had come over there to talk about.

“You know what? You were right about that Tommy Halpern. The guy is an utter idiot! The one and only thing he knows anything about is football and he could not stop talking about it for even a moment. I must have tried to change the subject a million times, but everything reminded him of yet another football story.”

Ruth understood how much her sister had been looking forward to the date and so, despite all of her previous teasing, she honestly felt some sympathy for Kristen. “I’m sorry.”

“He’s also not as nice as I thought he was. He was really rude to a couple of freshmen we bumped into, not to mention our waitress. And what an octopus he was! Just because he’s the big football star and was paying for our dinner at that fast food place, he seemed to think he was entitled to . . . well, you know. At least he knew how to take no for an answer and I didn’t have to zap him with my knee.”

“I really am sorry things didn’t work out better for you, Kris.”

The older girl fell silent once more, but this time was determined to say what she had originally come over to say and not to chicken out again. “Um, Ruth?”


“I love you.” It was blurted out quickly, anxiously, but sincerely. “Honestly, I love you so much, Ruth.”

This declaration was followed by a quick, nervous look to the door. Their parents were surely in bed and sound asleep by now and she knew it, but this was not a conversation that she wanted to be overheard and so it couldn’t hurt to make absolutely sure.

Ruth responded with a warm smile and echoed the sentiment immediately. “I love you too, Kris.”

Knowing now that her baby sister was bisexual though encouraged Kristen to explain what she meant quickly before Ruth got the wrong idea. “I’m not saying that I’m in love with you, though. In the romantic sense, I mean. But you’re my sister and, despite how much we get on each other’s nerves sometimes, I do love you.”

Ruth was surprised to feel a twinge of sadness at this clarification, but she hid it well and made sure she was nothing but encouraging and comforting to her big sister. “I know. That’s what I meant, too.”

“I just needed to make sure you knew that,” Kristen told her, wrapping her arms around herself now to try to keep a little warmer. With a sad little smile, she added, “I mean, I got kind of stupid earlier after we . . . after what happened.”

Her little sister dismissed the apology as unnecessary without a second thought. “It’s cool. I mean, it’s not like something like that happens everyday.”

Kristen could not argue with that, but it brought up the last thing she needed to tell the other girl. “Ruth, we cannot let it happen ever again. I’m not kidding about this. I don’t even want to think about what would happen if anybody found out about what we did.”

“Okay, okay.” A slow smile made an appearance on Ruth’s face. “It did feel pretty good though.”

The older girl smiled back. “Good? I would have said great.”

There was a friendly, companionable silence for a long moment then as the two young women regarded each other with wide and friendly grins. Kristen was really starting to shiver badly by now though and her little sister chose to make a bold offer.

Scooting over to make room on the bed and throwing back the sheets, Ruth said, “For God’s sake, Kris, get in here before you freeze to death!”

Kristen stopped dead, the smile vanishing from her face. “Ruth! I just said that we can’t do that sort of thing again!”

Ruth just laughed at that. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Kris. I’m just saying that we’ll both stay nice and toasty warm if you get in here.”

The other girl was doubtful. “I’ll get warm soon enough if I get back in my own bed, too.”

“You’ll be warmer over here. Shared body heat, and all of that.”

Kristen looked uncertain still, but did not retreat to her own bed. That spot next to her sister looked oh, so inviting, but did she dare to jump in there? Sharing a bed with Ruth was both appealing and terrifying to her at the same time and she knew that the smartest thing she could do right now was return to her own, but she could not force herself to do it.

When she finally started to move again, Ruth was delighted to see that her sister was coming to take her up on her offer. It was clear that Kristen was pretty nervous about what she was doing however as her step faltered twice.

“Oh, come on, Kris! Don’t be such a baby. I’m not going to bite.”

“Oh . . .”

Was it just her imagination, Ruth wondered, or did her big sister sound just a little disappointed?

Kristen came over to the side of the bed at last and started to sit down, but hesitated at the last moment, her attention returning to the door yet again. “If we’re going to be sharing a bed tonight, I think I’d better shut the door. We don’t want to have mom and dad spot us like that in the morning!”

Ruth just smiled as the other girl trotted over to the door and pushed it closed quietly, unable to keep her gaze from dipping momentarily to the long legs that emerged from the bottom of her sister’s nightshirt.

Kristen hurried back to the bed and now did not hesitate to join her sister, slipping under the blankets. It was not a large bed as it was really only designed for one occupant and so the quarters were naturally close, but neither girl was inclined to complain about it just now. Indeed, the two young women found it very nice to be sitting next to each other in the same bed, dressed in nothing more than their night clothes, and both had silently resolved that this would not be the only time they tried this.

“This was a good idea, Ruthie,” the older girl said with a warm smile. “Nice and cozy.” Impulsively, she leaned over then and gave her sister a quick kiss on the cheek before settling down to try to get to sleep.

Ruth gasped softly in surprise at the affectionate kiss, one hand rising to touch the spot where the other girl’s lips had so briefly brushed. Her emotions were surging, but she kept her hands to herself just as she’d promised despite the nearly overwhelming temptation to do otherwise. She kept herself to her own side of the bed, however unwillingly.

“Hey, Kris? How about we go and do something tomorrow? I mean, it’s been forever since we spent any real time alone together. How about we go and spend some time at the mall or something?”

Opening her eyes again, Kristen looked around at her with a playful smile. “Ruthie, are you asking me out on a date?” Ruth’s face colored and she started to stammer, but her sister brushed all of it off. “It sounds like fun. We’ll make a day of it.”

Kristen settled back again and closed her eyes again. Ruth eyed her uncertainly for a moment, thinking that this behavior was kind of at odds with that big speech her sister had just given her, but finally she gave up on trying to figure her out. Making sure she kept to her own side of the bed, Ruth too settled down and closed her eyes.

There was something uniquely comforting about sharing a bed for them both and so, despite all of the turmoil of this evening, they were soon sound asleep.

* * *

Saturday morning had arrived all too soon as far as Ann was concerned.

Yawning widely and enjoying a nice stretch, she emerged from her bedroom in her bathrobe and headed for the stairs. It seemed to her that a little breakfast was in order, but she was distracted from her growling belly by the sight of the closed door to her daughters’ bedroom.

She paused with a frown, studying that door.

Mornings were a prime opportunity for her to do a little spying on the girls as they were normally still asleep and not wearing much. A closed door was quite a departure from the norm and she had to wonder what might be the reason for it.

Glancing behind her to make sure there was still no sign of her husband, she was reassured to hear the shower running. Ann then moved across to the door and listened for a moment, but when she heard nothing she knocked lightly and waited. There was no response at all and she glanced back one last time before reaching for the door knob. She opened the door only wide enough to stick her head in.

What she saw made her gasp in shock and, even though she jerked her head back and closed the door immediately, the vision would be permanently etched into her mind.

Both of the girls were in the same bed and still sound asleep. There was an undeniable intimacy about their pose as well as Ruth was lying on her side with Kristen was spooned up behind her, her face hidden in her sister’s hair and one arm securely wrapped around the younger girl’s middle. The blankets had been kicked off sometime during the night and, though both girls were still wearing their nightshirts, Kristen’s had ridden up and her bare butt was clearly visible.

Ann leaned against the wall heavily, desperately needing the support as her legs were feeling very wobbly right now. As that image of her two children played and replayed over and over again in her head, she was finding it very hard just to catch her breath and felt as if her whole body was on fire.

She was forced now to face up to the reason why she got so much enjoyment out of spying on the two teens and, though deeply ashamed of herself, also felt profoundly excited. She had to do something to relieve the pressure that was so rapidly building up inside in her and she knew that there was only one way to do that short of a cold shower.

Staggering away from the bedroom her two daughter’s shared as quickly as she could, she made her way to the privacy of the downstairs bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind her.

There, for the first time in her life, this middle-aged suburban mother masturbated herself to a blistering climax while fantasizing about her own children.


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