In love with my Aunt [True]

So this my confession I been in love with my aunt since I was small we used to shower together and she used to kiss me and she would grab my ass, when I was younger we spent alot of time together but that all changed when I got older as I partied with my friends often and fucked other women but I could never get over the fact that I love her I mean I had my first hard on with her in the shower she’s the first woman I saw naked and she genuinely did care for me outside of her being a perv,she would give me money tell me that she loved me and showed genuine emotion, but now I feel so many yrs have passed to tell her that I love her and she has her family and her husband that I fear rejection or worse that she’ll not only reject me but tell my family, she makes her comments here and there that I’m handsome when I see her but I’m affraid to tell her how I feel, what should I do ? Please I need advice any aunt’s on here that have went with their nephew through this? Message me or comment on here I don’t care who believes me on here honestly but I’m so frustrated I love her and I wanna tell her, I love her and we’re both virgos so you know how that is we keep everything bottled inside what should I do?


1 comment

  1. Even if she’s attracted to you, are you willing to break up her marriage to get her?

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