Breaking Jill: Part 2 (RE3 fanfic) – [rape][gangbang][double penetration][breeding][monster][mild watersports/scat]

Time felt suspended down in the dark belly of Raccoon City’s infested sewage system. Deep within its unlit waterways, a tangled nest of flesh-like veins hosted a hive of Drain Deimos. At the heart of the nest, the dank tunnels eventually emptied out into a large open expanse – a circle of tunnels surrounding a gaping maw of darkness. Fetid water streamed out of each tunnel in steady waterfalls, disappearing into the unseen depths below.

The fleshy tendrils have completely overgrown the entire area, stretching out like an uneven net across the vast opening. Up above, hidden in the darkness, an assortment of oblong lumps are embedded along the ceiling. Clustered together, they looked like cancerous tumors lining a beast’s inner intestines.

The sound of rushing water echoing in the chamber is deafening, drowning out the lewd squelching noises emanating from the center of the dark alcove. There, strung up in the middle of the platform is glassy-eyed Jill. The tendrils holding her aloft were a part of the same system infesting the sewers. The entire chamber had tendrils criss-crossing throughout it, like a nightmarish spiderweb.

And Jill hung suspended at the heart of it, fully nude.

There was no way of telling how much time had passed since her capture – hours or days, possibly even weeks. She’d lost all sense of time long ago.

Jill’s arms were hoisted above her, bound together at the wrists. Her legs were splayed apart, limbs strung up asymmetrically, bound at her knees and ankles. The strange fleshy vines were wrapped around her breasts, covering parts of her body so that it looked like she was slowly becoming absorbed by the tendrils.

Currently sandwiched between two giant fleas, one rocked beneath her suspended body as it fucked her with its monster dick while another hung from the web as it energetically thrust its massive cock into her grotesquely stretched ass. Two to three tentacles *schlurped* in and out of Jill’s open mouth on a near constant basis – the smooth, slimy appendages thrusting and wriggling easily into her ravaged throat.

The Drain Deimos were different than when Jill had first encountered them. No longer hastily fighting amongst themselves, their demeanor was almost…orderly. Observing this would’ve frightened Jill before, but she was beyond caring now. Jill only had one desire and that was to be filled.

Her muffled gurgles lacked the desperation and urgency of before. The sounds she made now were desperate in a different way, a greedy way…Thankfully, the fleas lined up to satiate her, filling her up so much that her stomach was left bulging.

Jill’s eyes were glassy and unfocused, threatening to roll back into her head. Tears leaked constantly from her pretty baby blues, streaming down her grimy cheeks to leave behind twin trails. But it wasn’t from pain or devastation. Her eyes were glazed and lost in ecstasy as they ravaged her loose holes.

Ever since her capture, the hive had been making plenty of use of her. On the rare occasions when her mouth was free to talk, the only sounds coming out of her were guttural moans of pleasure. Sometimes she begged raspingly for more, please more…oh god, harder, *please*! **GOD, please,** ***please*** **FUCK MEE!**

She was never left begging for too long.

Having grown accustomed to her new symbiotic relationship, it wasn’t until Jill’s stomach had grown so grotesquely large that she realized maybe the fleas weren’t simply filling her up with just anything. Maybe there was actually a reason as to why they’d been “caring” for her so consistently.

Thinking was something Jill didn’t do much anymore and the wheels turned slowly in her mind as she struggled to put the pieces together. Looking down at her huge, distended stomach, the skin stretched taut across her hard, swollen belly, everything gradually fell into place.

They *were* breeding her after all. She’d been right all along! Belatedly, it dawned on her – no *wonder* her breasts were bigger!

She was pregnant, but ridiculously so. Her bulging belly looked comically giant compared to her petite frame. Her breasts hung heavily, swollen nipples poking out greedily. Thinking back, Jill could barely remember what her flat, toned abs had looked like. How long has she…been here? How much time’s passed since…

“AHHH!!” Jill squealed in delight as the two fleas thrust deeply into her, the feeling of her holes being filled and stretched to the brim ripped her out of her thoughts. “O-OHHHH **GOD**! YES!! K-keep going… Don’t… Don-nnghmm” Her eyes rolled back in a daze as she came with a strangled wail, squirting a generous spray of piss as she convulsed. Her body contorted as she came again when the fleas pulled their giant, ribbed dicks out of her gaping holes.

Jill’s body went limp as she relaxed, panting against her restraints as she practically drooled from pleasure. Her mind felt numb from the endorphins overwhelming her system. God, life was so fucking good now…It was hard to believe that the hive’s cumdump used to be a formidable S.T.A.R.S. member. Anyone who found her now would never recognize the skilled soldier.

Jill could barely remember her life before the tunnels now. She couldn’t even remember what had brought her here in the first place. As long as the fleas used her, she was happy. More than happy, she was delirious. They brought her through wave after wave of satisfaction; it was endless and she was addicted to it.

Cumming was guaranteed. Even when she thought she couldn’t cum anymore. She knew better now. Sometimes it took a bit longer to achieve, but they always pushed her over the edge eventually. Over and over, repeatedly until she finally passed out. Only to wake up to the cycle continuing as she’s brought to another screaming orgasm.

Maybe that was why she barely realized what was happening as her cunt spasmed. Sometimes she just felt so empty when her holes weren’t filled. It made her clench needily as she squirmed greedily. The thick, viscous goo squirted and spewed out of her with every squeeze of her pelvic muscles. She could feel it dripping slowly down her thighs and she savored the feeling.

A sharp pain suddenly lanced through her side, startling Jill from her daze. This would’ve concerned the Jill of before, the always alert and perceptive S.T.A.R.S. soldier. But Jill’s relationship with pain had morphed since her capture. It was incomprehensible, but somehow, Jill’s pliable human body had adapted. So many times, she was sure the fleas were going to break her. So many times, it felt like they were literally ripping her apart from the insides. But somehow, she’d grown to relish the torture. It never would’ve crossed her mind that the Drain Deimos were exposing her to the T-virus; never would’ve crossed her mind that her body was literally transforming.

“AAh-AaAAG-hhn!” The pain gripped her back and lower abdomen again. There was a strange pressure pressing against her pelvis. Her muscles clenched in waves and her cry turned into a moan as she tried in vain to rub her legs together. Glancing down at herself, she could only see her bulging stomach past her swollen tits. She groaned in frustration, unable to get any friction and also denied the pleasure of watching herself squirm as the fleas’ cum dripped out of her gaping cunt. God, how long has it been since the last set of fleas fucked her? It couldn’t have been very long but it somehow felt like forever.

That wave of pain wracked through her body again, a strange mix of tortured pleasure. What was happening? **Why** was this happening? The cogs turned slowly in Jill’s dusty mind. By the time realization slowly dawned on her, her contractions were already only a minute apart. She was in labor! How could that be possible though? Had her water broken and she hadn’t even realized? Then again, this wasn’t exactly a normal birth. Holy shit. She was fucking *giving birth*! The knowledge of her sudden precarious status while undulating through a confused haze of exhilarating pain had Jill barking with laughter when she wasn’t screaming through another particularly strong contraction.

Somewhere, in the far recesses of her broken mind, one last tiny shred of reason flailed in desperation as she wondered: What the **fuck** was she supposed to do right now? She was in labor. How did this work again? God, something about breathing. Breathe! Push? BREATHE!

While Jill hyperventilated in hysterics, her contractions were starting to grow more intense, almost like terrible menstrual cramps. Even though her mind was scrambling to comprehend the situation, her body was already working to eject the oversized parasite in her womb. One moment, the contractions would wrack through her lower abdomen. The next would leave her panting as an overwhelming urge to push drowned out the rest of her body’s needs. A strange pressure was slowly building against both her pelvis and rectum.

A lone flea entered the chamber and picked its way across the webbed flooring towards the shrieking broodmare. Jill didn’t even notice it until she felt its probing tentacle slide up the back of her thigh. “Wha-?” she panted breathlessly, confused yet also excited by the familiar feel of the tentacles she so craved. Her breath hitched in a surprised gasp as the tentacle glided across her dripping cunt. “Wait, nn-o,” she mewled as its dribbling tip smeared against her swollen labia. Despite her weak protest, her hips moved of their own accord as she strained against her bindings to eagerly arch her ass towards it.

A high-pitched, needy whine escaped her throat as she felt the tentacle slide into her gaping pussy. “Oh god, ye-*esss*…” she moaned ecstatically, so glad that she was finally being filled again. But her moan morphed into a startled cry as another contraction waved through her. It had her clenching reflexively around the tentacle in her vagina and she once again felt that strange urge to *push*.

Just as she was giving in to that overwhelming need to push, the unexpected feeling of the flea’s giant cock pressing into her ass had Jill screaming. Its thick, tapered head pushed relentlessly into her tight hole even though her muscles were pushing back for all their worth. It felt like she desperately needed to shit but was just getting *filled* instead. It was strangely satisfying.

As each ridge of the flea’s monstrous cock pushed into her, the brutal assfucking made the pressure building against her pelvis unbearable. “***OHfuck! OHfuck! OHfuck, ohfuckohfuckohfuuu-*****…”** Jill’s babbled screams were a mix of insatiable moans and nonsensical gibberish as she cried for more while also begging repeatedly for it to stop. It felt like the flea was intent on literally fucking its spawn right out of her.

The pressure was too much and Jill faintly registered a tingling, almost burning stinging sensation as her vagina stretched…and stretched…She could feel herself on the verge of fainting, feel her vision fading as her eyes threatened to roll back from the sheer abuse her body was being put through. Faintly, she could hear her own gurgled screams of pained ecstasy filtering through to her fading consciousness. Somewhere at the back of her mind, she gave a contented little happy sigh. The fleas just keep bringing her to new heights, she really should stop being surprised and just be thankful.

As the flea’s thick appendage thrust deeply in and out of her ruined ass, Jill’s gaping pussy was getting wrecked in a whole different manner as the top of her baby’s head began crowning. Jill couldn’t see the birth happening, but she certainly felt it. Soon, it felt like Jill didn’t have to push anymore because the flea was doing it for her. Each thrust had her squealing and clenching, pushing and crying as her pussy stretched further. If this didn’t break her, then she was fucking unbreakable.

Her body was reaching its limits and she must’ve blacked out for a split second because the next thing she knew, all she could feel was slippery wetness coating her inner thighs. She could feel it all emptying out of her even as her ass filled with the flea’s flood of cum. The explosion of sensations – the satisfaction of being filled, the utter **relief** of the pressure in her abdomen dissipating – sent her reeling over the edge. She came wildly, squeezing the afterbirth out of her messy cunt in a gush.

Panting and trembling from exertion, Jill moaned weakly as the flea’s massive horse cock pulled out of her. As she reveled in the post-sex haze, her unfocused eyes stared blankly at the creature she’d just birthed. But in the darkness, she could barely see it. Maybe that was for the best, because the slime-covered thing slowly writhing on the webbed vines below, while human-like, was most certainly not human…

It let out a strange, gargled cough followed by a raspy cry. If Jill could see it, she would’ve noticed the *wrongness* to its features – the thin limbs that tapered out a bit too long, elongated fingers that were surprisingly sharp, the way its spine jutted out bonily. Its head seemed strangely bulbous and overly large. It was probably for the best that Jill couldn’t see its face – its eyes were closed but obviously huge, taking up most of its face. Its mouth clacked open as if easily unhinged; letting out a sharp wail, the creature’s tongue forked out of its mouth.

Turning towards the noise, Jill smiled sweetly at her child. She finally understood what her purpose was. “Don’t cry, little one,” she cooed blindly in its direction. “Mommy’s going to make you some new brothers and sisters soon…”



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