A Friendly Dinner [MF] [Friends to Lovers] [Playful] [Comfortable Together]

It had been a long, difficult day for the both of us and she had arrived home just before I walked into my apartment. My phone rang almost the moment I put my wallet down. After seeing Dianna’s name, I felt the first smile in hours cross my face, “Are you stalking me?” I snarked good naturedly after connecting the call.

“You wish,” Di said with a happy sigh. “It’s good to hear your voice after the day I’ve had. What are you doing? Can you come by?”

I walked into the kitchen as she was speaking and opened the fridge to see a whole lot of nothing that appealed to me. “I will if we can eat from that Chinese place down the road from you. I just got home and I’m starving.”

“Perfect, I’m in no mood to screw around with making anything,” Di replied.

“How about just screwing around then?” I teased.

“Like I said Dare, ‘You wish’”, she laughed. Only she calls me Dare. I’m Darren to everyone else. “I’ll see you soon “

I was chuckling when I disconnected. Dianna had that effect on me. It seemed that no matter how rough the day had been or what was going on, she had a way of lifting my spirits like no one else could. We had met through a group of mutual friends years ago, had hit it off and been friends ever since.

I probably would have asked her out back then, but I was headed towards the atomic meltdown of my last disastrous excuse of a relationship. I had thought Stacy and I were on the mend when we were actually only a few short weeks from absolute implosion. It was Dianna’s burgeoning friendship that probably kept those following weeks and months from being as bad as they could have been.

Our irreverent, and often dirty, senses of humor with a sometimes dark twist, and similar interests quickly became apparent to the both of us. We bonded over past traumas, present hopes and future dreams and generally learned we enjoy each other’s company. When the relationship she was in at the time fell apart from the curse of both of them being too busy, I was there to do for her what she had done for me and that’s been our repeating pattern for a while.

I was thinking about this as I drove to pick up the food. I was wondering where her latest boyfriend, Frank, was on a Friday night. Usually Dianna and I talk and text and get to hang out a few times a month but not usually on Friday nights. Those were usually reserved as date nights. Most of my Friday nights are usually free which is why, I’m sure, she felt comfortable calling me up to come by. After getting over Stacy, I dated off and on for a while, and while none of them lasted very long I met some great women. None of them really felt right and typically after a few dates they would feel it as well. Dianna and Frank have been dating for almost a year now and he seems like an alright guy from the few times I’ve met him.

I was in and out of the restaurant in a few minutes since Dianna had ordered ahead for the both of us. She knew what I liked well enough and it was not the first time we had made an evening like this. Within minutes I was pulling into her driveway and headed for the door. As I reached the door it swung open and Dianna was there, backlit by the soft lights of her living room with a tight smile on her face. She looked tired and beautiful, with a tightness around her eyes that immediately made me realize something more than a long day was going on with her.

Dianna had obviously changed since coming home from work. She was now wearing a long t-shirt she typically wore to sleep along with some black leggings. Dianna is a few inches over five foot tall with long dark hair that comes halfway down to her waist and pale skin that doesn’t see the sun that often, thanks to her job. Never one for much makeup, she was now wearing none at all and her slight dusting of freckles was visible beneath her light glasses frames.
“So are you going to stand out there all night and stare or come in?” she asked, smiling slightly.

“Sorry,” I replied. “Some things are worth staring at. I don’t want our food to get cold though.”

“Yeah, get in here before I decide to keep the food to myself.” Dianna took one of the bags from me before looking up at my face, her smile spreading. “I’m glad you could come over.” With that she threw her other arm around my waist and buried her face in my chest. “It’s good to see a friendly face.”

I hugged her back with one arm while trying not to drop the other bag or spill it over the two of us. “So I bet there is a story there you want to tell?” The arm I had around her was holding her close and had discovered that she was almost certainly not wearing a bra. I felt myself reacting to this new information and said “I won’t get to hear it standing in your living room. Let’s eat and you can fill me in.”

We had a good rhythm together in the kitchen as I pulled down glasses to hand to her for drinks and grabbed us plates and chopsticks. We moved around each other in an unconscious dance filled with silent communication. I loaded up our plates and carried them into the small dining room. As she followed me in she purposely bumped her hip slightly against mine in one of those little ways she shows affection and I gave her a smile.

“So I know why my day was a pain in the ass but it wasn’t anything unusual for me. What made yours terrible?” I said as I took a drink of the sweet tea she had poured for us.

Dianna had taken a bite and waited a moment, “Frank broke it off today. He said that we didn’t spend enough time together and had started flirting with a girl at his gym. It made him realize that if he was seeing opportunities like that, then something was wrong. I can’t say I didn’t see this coming or that he’s wrong.” She took another bite of her lo mein stirring what was on her plate as she chewed.

I sat there for a second in surprise. I had not heard her say anything earlier about any problems going on between her and Frank but I know from experience that sometimes it’s not the amount of problems that can cause a relationship to fall apart but the lack of other things. It may be a quieter falling apart but it doesn’t hurt any less. “I’m so sorry, Di. You don’t sound terribly upset about it though?” making the statement a question so she could get out whatever else was on her mind.

She smiled her little smile she gets when I read her correctly. “I guess you catching that shouldn’t be much of a surprise. No I’m not as upset as I thought I should be, that bothers me for a different reason. Frank is a great guy and I did like him but I didn’t like him enough I guess and I cannot figure out why I didn’t try that hard. It bugs me.”

“Well you know what my situation has been like lately. Some maybes and a few fun to spend time with girls but no one that made me want to put in that extra bit.” I shrugged as I snagged a dumpling. “Don’t question it too hard. I figure it’s one of those things that you’ll know when you know.”

The rest of dinner was filled with conversation about our day and other events from our week we hadn’t gotten time to talk about while the week was in progress. I tried to keep it light and mentioned a couple of embarrassing incidents for myself to get Di laughing. Her smile was more than worth any minor embarrassment.

After we finished dinner and cleaned up I asked, “Do you mind if I grab my bag from the car and use your shower? I didn’t get a chance to do it before *someone* hijacked me on a mission.”

“Sure,” she laughed as she put the leftovers in the fridge. “Just don’t leave puddles on the floor like last time. I have towels and bath mats for a reason, Mister. I’ll be on the couch. Anything you want to watch?”

“You pick,” I tossed back over my shoulder as I jogged out to my car and grabbed the change of clothes I had thrown in the car before leaving my apartment. After the breakup with Stacy I had never bothered finding something more permanent. I didn’t have a lot of material stuff and not many ties so it seemed pointless to lock myself down to one location without knowing what the future might bring.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I said in Di’s direction as I shut and locked the door then headed for the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her hand wave acknowledgement from the vicinity of the couch. As I walked into the bathroom I closed the door and started stripping out of my work clothes. I’m an inch or two under six foot with dark brown hair starting to show hints of gray. Broad shoulders with dark chest hair and a fairly average physique for someone built to be muscle in a different life were revealed as I finished stripping down and got into the warming shower.

A little bit later, feeling cleaner and slightly more human, I walked into the living room barefoot wearing my black jeans and an Amaranthe t-shirt. As I approached the couch, I found Dianna laying on her back with her head turned to the TV. When she noticed my entrance she turned her head to smile at me and I noticed that her nipples were hard and that the shape of her full breasts were very apparent under the thin shirt she was wearing.

“Amaranthe huh?” she said looking at my shirt. “That was a great concert! I’m glad you invited me!”

I laughed, as I settled in the open spot on the couch near her feet. “If I knew you were going to wear those leather leggings and that red corset top I’d have made a point to invite you to one earlier.”

She stuck her tongue out at me, before giving me a little shove with one of her bare feet and then resting them in my lap. “So I didn’t see anything super interesting that I was dying to watch so I’m just going to throw on whatever. I just wanted to relax if that’s okay with you?”

“Relaxing sounds wonderful. Go for it.”

As I sat there half paying attention to the movie we had both seen before, I started absently running my fingers up along Di’s ankle. Slowly tracing lines up her calf midway to her knee then back down to the soles of her feet before switching to the other leg to repeat the treatment. After a few minutes of this I felt her shift and turn to look at me.

“I want to turn around. I think you’d make a better pillow,” she said as she shifted about on the couch and moved to put her head in my lap brushing her hair back so she wouldn’t trap it.

As she turned, the neck of her loose shirt opened enough to show that her nipples were still very hard and that she had pale areolas just a bit darker than her skin tone and the size of half dollars. I began to get hard just in time for her to lay her head down on my lap and I thought I must have gotten lucky that she didn’t notice the hardness in my jeans. A foolish hope I know but my brain was experiencing sudden blood loss as the rest of my body found better uses for it.

She lay there watching the movie, shifting slightly getting more comfy, and I imagined I could feel her breath through the fabric of my jeans as goosebumps raised on my arms. Realizing I was sitting there frozen waiting for her to say something, I decided I better start breathing again. I did the only thing I could think of which was to start moving my hand once more. At first I just rested it along her side, feeling the rise and fall of her breath; lightly moving my fingers in little patterns on her side.

“That’s ticklish,” she said with a breathy little catch in her voice I thought at the time was her trying not to laugh. I never claimed to be the most perceptive person.

I shifted my hand up to softly run my fingers along her neck on that amazing arch that goes from the collarbone to right beneath the ear. My fingers gently stroked across her silky skin.

“Mmmmm, thats nice Dare.” she said in a soft voice and I noticed her breathing had increased a little and that her hand was rubbing absently against her hip.

“Good,” I said quietly. I continued moving my fingers up and ran them along the curve of her ear and then into her loose hair. “I’m glad you like it.”

She suddenly shifted and sat up then looked at me intently. “Darren, I need to ask you something,” she said as she moved over to straddle my lap and look me in the eyes from a few inches away.

Knowing that when she used my full name we put aside our flirting and senses of humor for a serious conversation I said, “Anything Dianna.”

“Why did you and I never go out? I know we were both in relationships when we met but there have been a few times where the timing would have been right since then.”

I thought carefully and seriously for a few moments and replied, “I don’t really know. It never seemed the right time? Maybe we were both afraid? Neither of us has exactly had the best track record…” I lost my train of thought in her deep, dark brown eyes no longer blocked by the glasses from earlier and almost smoldering with a darkness I had not ever seen in them before.

“I know it’s crossed both our minds before,” she said as she placed her hands on my shoulders and held my gaze. “The way you look at me sometimes makes me feel so…” At this she shudders sensuously against me slightly grinding her center against my leg. “Wanted. I don’t know what we are waiting-”

I kissed her.

I slid my arms around her lower back right above her hips and pulled her against me and caught her lips with mine. She made a surprised sound at first before her eyes popped open in surprise. They then narrowed hungrily and her hands went from my shoulders right into my hair trying to yank me even closer to her. The kiss became almost painful as my fingers slid down and dug into her delectable ass and her fingers tightened in my hair and a small, unimportant and ignored part of my brain registered that any harder and I might end up with bald spots.

We both needed to breathe but didn’t want to pull away so we both opened our mouths and the kiss became sloppier and more probing as our tongues teased and tasted each other while we tried to gasp for breath. I could feel her fingernails against my scalp and it made me twitch. She moaned into my mouth and ground harder against the bulge in my jeans.

Separating for a second, we stared into each other’s eyes, flushed and breathing hard and unable to form words as everything around us shifted in a new and profound way. I suddenly noticed that my leg felt slightly damp and looked down to where she had shifted back a bit to straddle my leg and found a dark spot on my jeans. I raised my eyes back up to hers to find her slightly more flushed but with a wicked little grin on her face.

“Something you wanted to tell me?” I asked as my hand moved around to rest on her lower stomach applying slight pressure as I slid it down towards her wetness.

She looked down slightly, playing bashful, saying “I may have been touching myself a little while you were in the shower…” Di raised her eyes a bit to look at me through her lashes as she felt the pressure of my hand moving down to where she needed it..

“Now why would you do that Di? You know that I’m here to help.” As I finished speaking my slowly moving hand found the center of her wet heat and pressed in while slowing moving in a firm circular motion. I leaned forward and put my lips right below her ear so they were lightly brushing her skin, dropped my voice and whispered “And now you got my fresh jeans all damp. Such a bad girl.” While my one hand had been exploring her wetness the other and been gently rubbing her ass. At this moment, as I whispered in her ear, I raised my hand slightly and gave her a quick firm slap on the ass while at the same time pressing the slippery fabric of her leggings deeper into her making her gasp. She started to squirm against my hand and the fingers in my hair tightened up again.

I went back to gently rubbing where I had smacked her ass but did not let up on her entrance. My thumb was working her clit while two fingers moved up and down her folds, firm enough for her to feel them tracing her outline and occasionally pressing the fabric inside slightly. My lips were working on her neck, following the path my fingers had been taking only minutes ago. Her breath was coming shorter when she suddenly pulled my head back using my hair.

“You are wearing too many clothes!” Di said staring at me as if the clothes were a personal affront to her. “Shirt off now mister!” She took her hands out of my hair long enough for me to pull the t-shirt over my head and toss it into the shadows of the living room. By the time I had the shirt off, her hands were already moving along my chest and the feeling of her fingernails lightly scratching me, dragging through my chest hair brought a primal throaty noise full of need into my throat.

“Oh you liked that didn’t you?” she said with a wanton throaty chuckle.

I ground my thumb just slightly harder causing her laughter to become a long stuttering moan. “Who’s wearing too many clothes now?” I growled grabbing the bottom of her shirt with my other hand and pulling it up quickly while she was focused elsewhere. She raised her arms to help me as she moved with the pleasure I was giving her. Taking advantage of her distraction, once I got the shirt partially over her head and her arms tangled in it I twisted the shirt around my fist locking her arms above her head.

She was gorgeous, not that I was surprised by this. Her breasts were slightly more than a handful apiece for me and her rapid breathing had them moving up and down enticingly. Her nipples looked even harder than they had been earlier when I caught a look at them. There were a sprinkling of freckles across her breasts and a small scar along her left side, below her ribs, that I wanted to kiss to take away the ghost of any pain once caused by whatever created it. That would have to come later.

“Dare? What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly with just the slightest hint of confusion in her voice.

“Appreciating beauty.” I dipped my head down to take one of her nipples between my lips before she could respond. I kept up the slow torment of her clit while now adding one of her nipples to the stimulation. Apparently they were sensitive, as I found out when after a few moments I gently brushed my open teeth across her nipple and she bucked, pressing herself against me and making a noise that can only be described as a whine, almost tearing the shirt out of my fist in her pleasure..

“Oh you bastard.” She panted squirming around searching blindly with her nipple for my mouth. “ Don’t you fucking stop. Please, pleeease don’t stop! I’ll be a good girl. I’ll be your good girl!”

I did not say anything in response and instead released my grip on her shirt while taking her nipple back between my lips and lifting my hand from between her legs far enough that I could instead, finally, slide it down inside her leggings and slip two of my fingers inside her molten heat. As I pressed the heel of my palm against her button gently, Di finally got the shirt off her head and immediately arched backward running her hands through my hair as I feasted on her nipples. I would tease and test trying to find exactly what made her squirm then would trail kisses across to her other breast only to start the teasing over again.

I could feel her getting closer with my fingers inside her, working her, spreading inside her and then curling together to find her most sensitive spots. Her wetness was running down my fingers into my palm and I was increasing the speed slightly to find just the right spot for her.

“Oh, oh, oh, Dare, please, pleeease! So close, so close! Just like that baby! Right there, right therrreee!”

I steadied my motion and just as she was begging me to keep doing what I was doing I ever so slightly closed my teeth on her so very sensitive nipple.


She started making those high pitched, needy, whining noises I knew I was going to love hearing as often as I could get them out of her. I felt her clamp down on my fingers at the same time and her head was thrown back, her dark beautiful hair spilling down her back as she came in my arms.

She fell forward against me as her orgasm passed and she was giggling softly as her fingers played with the hair at the nape of my neck and she buried her face in my shoulder. My arms went around her and held her close against me as she came down from her high, slightly shaking now and then, as I kissed the top of her head and stroked her bare back occasionally running my fingers through her dark hair.

“That was certainly worth the wait,” she said to my shoulder.

I smiled and looked down at her as she looked up to meet my gaze smiling that irresistible smile of hers and once again we kissed. This was slower and more tender. There was passion there but the edge was slightly reduced. Only slightly because I was still throbbing in my jeans and felt like I was right on the edge of making a mess on the inside instead of just the outside. She realized this as she shifted slightly forward and discovered, once again, my hardness trapped in my jeans.

Her eyes widened abruptly and she said, “Oh baby! I’m sorry! All that and you’re still hard in your jeans.”

“Worth it to do that to you, babe.” I grin at her and then groan as she runs a finger along my length through my jeans. “Little help though please.”

Dianna shakily lifts herself out of my lap bracing one hand against my shoulder to help steady herself. “We should take this to the bedroom and lose the rest of our clothes” she says as she stretches making her breasts move in ways I want to watch for hours.

I stand up adjusting myself and then, after a moment’s thought, undo the button on my jeans, pull down the zipper and let them fall to the floor. Underneath I’m wearing basic black boxers and my cock springs to attention, happy to be free from its prison. The boxers had a large damp spot of precum from the activity of a minute ago and Dianna reached forward and wrapped a hand around me through my boxers and slowly stroked me up and down through the fabric.

“Okay you better stop that or else we won’t make it very far, sweetheart,” I say warningly as my cock twitches in her hand.

She lets go grinning saying, “Nice boxers, stud. But I’ve got you beat there.” With that she grabs the tops of her leggings and slowly pulls them down revealing that in my haste to get her off earlier I had completely not noticed that she was not wearing panties.

Her legs were lightly muscled and very smooth looking and as I followed them up to where they joined with my eyes I saw that she was still soaked. Dianna’s bush was trimmed and right there was the most delectable sight I had ever seen. Her lips were full with her arousal and the effects of her orgasm and her swollen clit was just visible practically begging for my attention.

I gave her a dark and hungry grin. “Run,” I said slowly and forcefully.

Di looked at me for a moment startled and then smiled widely and took off for the bedroom. I was right on her heels, watching that ass of hers move and so focused on her I almost bounced off the door frame but caught myself and burst into the bedroom a handful of steps behind her. I found her standing at the foot of her bed looking at me with a grin on her face and her fists on her hips.

“Okay Dare now you’ve got me trapped so what are you going to do to me”

“I was thinking Di,” I said as I slowly took a step closer to her. “You know what we didn’t do after dinner?” I stepped almost close enough to touch her and waited.

“Noooo,” she said teasingly. “What did we forget?”

“Dessert.” I took the last step forward and gripping her by her waist tossed her up onto the bed. “Since we aren’t in the kitchen I suppose you’ll have to be my dessert.” I crawled onto the bed after her grinning as she lay on her back laughing at my sense of humor. When I lay down between her spread legs and moved my hands to stroke her thighs the laughter became a sudden deep breath.

My hands held each of her thighs in a firm grip that put me in control of her movements unless she really wanted to get loose. I leaned in and slowly kissed her inner thigh and I felt her try to move her leg in response. I held firm and stopped her from squirming as I slowly kissed my way closer to her hot needy pussy. Right before I placed my lips on her most yearning need I stopped and slowly blew my warm breath across her clit.

“You dirty fucker.” She moaned desperately, gripping at the sheets on the bed in frustration. “Just lick my clit! Please! You are such a tease!”

“Mhmmmm,” I murmured as I started kissing my way up her other thigh “You would know all about being a tease wouldn’t you?” Before she could protest being a tease, if she was even going to bother, I leaned forward and stuck out my tongue and tasted her for the first time.

“Yes! I’m a tease! I’m a dirty slutty tease! Just keep licking me!”

Not being one to want to disappoint my lover, I proceeded to do exactly that. As I licked her pussy from bottom to top, I released her legs and moved my hand up to catch what was coming from the mixture of my mouth and her wet slit. After getting my fingers good and wet I slowly slid two fingers back into her as I focused my tongue’s attention on her throbbing clit.

Dianna, now free of my hands holding her still, shifted her legs so that my head was gripped between her thighs and her hands went into my hair again. This time she used my hair as a guide to show me how she wanted me to move my tongue and, being nobody’s fool, I followed along as best I could learning what drove her wild.

I must have been doing something right because it wasn’t long before she cried out,”Put a third one in baby! Stretch me out for you! I want every inch of that cock! Lick my clit and finger me, Dare! You’re gonna make me cum again, baby! Oh! Oh! Yes! Ye-” her last words were lost as she came on my three fingers and against my tongue and she stopped being able to make sounds.

All I could hear as her thighs clamped around my head was the pounding of my heart as this amazing woman lost control under my hands. If it hadn’t been for what we had done just a little while ago it would have been the best experience of my life. The only reason it was a close second was because I couldn’t watch her face as she came this time. I would never get tired of seeing that look on her beautiful face.

As her little aftershocks settled, she released my head from the best prison in the world and, still having a grip on my hair, tilted my head up to look up her body into her eyes. “Fuck Dare, what the hell were you going to do if I didn’t run?” she said smiling.

I started to crawl up her body and said, “Oh the same thing but on the couch instead. This was more comfortable and I enjoyed watching that ass move” I came up face to face with her and put my hand on her ass pointedly as I kissed her again.

“You’re still wearing too many clothes,” she said, pulling at the waistband of my boxers. “Get them off. I’ve already cum twice and that’s hardly fair for you babe.” She slid her hand inside the boxers and gently cupped my balls making me groan.

“Whatever the lady with my balls in the palm of her hand wants!” I said, stripping the boxers off as Dianna removed her hand from my most vulnerable of spots and moved to touch the tip of my cock and spread the droplet of precum around the already slippery head. She slid her hand down to gently grip my shaft as she spread the slipperiness up and down with the slow strokes of her hand.

My hips thrust slightly upward as her grip slid along the underside of my head and I groaned loudly. “I was right about you being such a tease,” I said as she moved down my body to get closer to my cock.

“Yes you were and you’re going to love every minute of it,” she said as she stroked down again and then followed her hand with her lips engulfing my head. Her tongue slowly stroked the sides and top of my head before moving underneath to lick the sensitive underside. It was my turn to ball my fists in the sheets while she started bobbing up and down on the head of my cock and stroking what of my shaft wasn’t already in her mouth with her other hand. It was exquisite torture as I heard the wet sounds of her mouth on me and then felt her other hand move up to lightly run her nails along the underside of my balls.

“Di, if you keep that up I’m going to cum and I want the first time to be inside you.” She paused at that and I could feel her lips move around my cock head, forming a smile I thought. She gave me a last swirl of the tongue and placed a kiss right on the tip before sitting up and straddling me.

She placed her hands on my chest and I could feel the head of my cock rubbing teasingly against her ring as she settled back against me. “Not tonight lover,” Di smirked as I raised a questioning eyebrow.

I shrugged in response. Actually being here with her and being together like this was more than I ever expected. There was no reason to get greedy. I had my hands resting on the tops of her thighs as she sat on me, slowly stroking her silky skin as we looked at each other. This was the moment. We had crossed lines for us tonight that we hadn’t consciously known were there and we stood at the precipice of the last one. The moment that had been slowly building for years broke. My hands tightened on her hips as she raised herself up and then lowered down onto me and I was where it felt like I had always belonged. All of our activity had more than prepared both of us and I slid into her hot tunnel with a soft wet sound, groans of pleasure and desire spilling from both of our mouths.

Dianna sat there for a moment, deliciously impaled on me, both of us reveling in the sensation of me filling her up. She leaned forward and our lips met, her arms wrapping around my neck as my hands tenderly gripped her ass in the way I was learning she liked so much. As our kiss continued, both of us began to gently rock together, looking for that rhythm that would be specifically ours. Our increasing passionate movement forced our lips apart, but I immediately started kissing my way along her throat and onto her chest as her fingers ran through my hair and soft murmurings of my name and quiet indecipherable pleas tumbled from her lips. The sound of her voice so wanton and full of need made me twitch inside of her with desire. Dianna responded by picking up her tempo rocking her hips against me slightly harder and faster.

I needed to match her, I wanted to see that wild desperate look in her eyes. I held her hips and started controlling her movements. She whimpered as I slowed her movements and said soft and firm “Remember this one is for me. You don’t get to cum until I want you to. If you cum before me you don’t get release at all.” As I said this to her I took my hand off her hip and cupped the side of her face running my thumb along her lower lip. “Can you do that for me? Can you be a good girl and cum when I tell you to?”

The look on her face was a mixture of surprise and excitement. The tone of my voice obviously excited her and our depth of familiarity with each other made the responses to each other’s signals so simple. She bit her lower lip and whispered “Yes.”

I slid my hand down her chest as we continued the gentle rocking and I did everything under my power to keep from thrusting into her. I lightly stroked her nipple with my fingers, “What was that? I don’t think I heard you.” I pinched her nipple between my fingers making her jerk and cry out and attempt to rub against me harder, but my other hand on her hip prevented her from getting what she wanted.

“Yes!” She cried out louder, gripping my shoulders, trying to get some kind of leverage and failing to do anything but dig her nails into my shoulders. This, in turn, caused me to twitch inside her again once more making her squirm.

“Yes what?” I said in that same tone of voice that was becoming more difficult to maintain with every rolling motion of her hips. Pulling and pinching her nipple as she groaned loudly at the sensation.

“Yes sir!” She moaned into the air. I released her nipple and pulled her close to me and ran my hand that wasn’t gripping her hips behind her to stroke her back.

“Good girl,” I whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

I then kissed those beautiful lips as I began more actively thrusting and starting to move my hands to aid her natural motion. Her tight wetness gripped my shaft tighter as we moved and I could tell that at this rate the stimulation was going to be too much for me much earlier than I would have liked. I did not want to explode without bringing her to the edge with me. As our motions became more urgent, I began to make deep pleasurable sounds matching the thrusts I was trying so hard to keep steady. It had been so long and everything about this and my Dianna felt so right. She needed me to hold on for her as well.

I reached up and entangled my fingers in her dark hair, giving it a slight tug causing her to tilt her head back and away from me slightly as she gave in to my guidance. “Rub your clit, Di,” I ordered. “I want you right on the edge when I fill you”

One of her hands moved down from where she had been gripping me and she leaned back slightly more as she started rubbing her clit in just the way she knew to get herself there. Her mouth was open and she was breathing hard and there was a flush spreading down her breasts as her fingers and my cock drove her towards the edge. I could feel that I was past the point of no return as well and I increased the angle of my thrusts trying to rub her just right deep inside while pushing my pleasure higher.

“Oh, oh, oh, Dare! I’m so close! Please cum! Please let me cum! Fill me up baby! I need it, I neeed you!”

I was grunting with desire and had found just the right spot and was trying to hold on just long enough for what we both wanted and needed so badly. I felt myself approaching the edge and, tensing myself for what I knew was about to happen said,”Cum for me Di! Cum for me and be mine!”

At that Di’s eyes popped open and she threw her head back, dark hair whipping, and let out a loud moan as she lost all control and began quivering and cumming. The feeling was beyond description and I had no chance of holding out any longer as I exploded deep inside her with a deep growl of pleasure tearing its way out of my throat as I claimed my friend, my woman, my everything I never knew I needed.

She was shaking and I did my best to hold her as we both did our best to ride the feeling back down. Her head came to rest on my shoulder and I could feel sweat on her forehead and tears in her eyes as she pressed her face into me. I held her close as I felt the emotion well up in my eyes as well. I was slowly softening inside of her but I didn’t want to let her go just yet. I didn’t want to give up this most intimate moment with this spectacular woman.

“I never expected that,” she murmured into my chest. She raised her head and looked at me, our eyes meeting, filled with emotion and passion despite our just finished lovemaking. The same passion and love filling mine. Passion for each other that went beyond what we just shared and into a place where we both felt right. I reached up to cup her cheek with my hand and she turned her head slightly and kissed my palm without our eyes ever breaking contact.

“So do you want to stay the night?” she asked with a big smile on her face.

“Hmmmm,’ I mused, making a big show of thinking about it as I slowly softened inside of her. “I guess this does mean I don’t need to crash in the guest room this time.”

“Oh? I don’t remember agreeing to letting you sleep in here with me. Was that something we talked about?” Di said, grinning at me.

“Oh well in that case…” I replied moving as if I were going to get up.

Dianna tightened her legs around me. “I think I’ve changed my mind. You’re not going anywhere mister.” She used her leverage to push me over with her landing on top of me. “I think I want to keep you around.” She then kissed me deeply and I held her tightly against me.

“Good, then I better start earning my keep.” I said rolling her onto her back and kissing her again. “We have a full night ahead of us.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jtr1rk/a_friendly_dinner_mf_friends_to_lovers_playful

1 comment

  1. This was beautifully written, I love the build up!!! Such passion, mmh! Amaranthe is my favorite band, so bonus points for that!

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