24 [F] posting about a unique situation im in. Would love to get outside opinions, answer questions, or just discuss the entire thing. Fair warning its very long. Please read everything though before responding.

So, im really unsure of where to start. And fair warning this is very long to properly explain it. Im a married mom of a 7 and 4 year old. Pregnant with my third baby who is due in 5 weeks. Covid and the lock downs have effected me and my family like many others, and has put us between a rock and a hard place financially. I’ve been a stay at home mom, doing school online since I was 18. My husband owns his own business, which has slowed down drastically with the pandemic. About a year and a half ago, we bought our new house in a very nice neighborhood with a community pool, tennis courts, its own park, rec center, and we’ve gotten to know the neighbors pretty well. And through conversation, my husband has mentioned our struggles to a guy who hes became pretty good “friends” with. (Really, just a great neighbor). This is where things get kind of crazy…

So, that conversation about our financial difficulties happened back in April. Since then, we sold our boat, 2 cars, 4 wheeler, his trailer, basically all our “toys” to keep the business going and keep food on the table. But that money only went so far. The neighbor that my husband and I got to know, out of the blue made an insane offer. He told my husband that if I could stay the night at his house every other fridsy that he would give me 1200 a month. (600 a night) my husband was PISSED. Said he’ll no absolutely not, and luckily restrained himself from killing the man. Fast forward about 6 more weeks.. and we are really struggling. My husband and I sat down one night, and neither of us brought the idea up first. But both kind of mutually agreed, and decided I would do it.

Soooo, now every other friday I stay with our neighbor. About him, he’s 57. His wife passed away in 2009. Hes been single ever since. Hes retired. Hes over weight, not attractive AT ALL. But, I have to admit he is a very kind soul. He wants the companionship just as much as he wants the sex twice a month. Hes very, very vanilla. We do oral, we koss, and we do missionary with me on the edge of the bed. Part of the lack of positions we do is me being very pregnant. How the night usually goes? Usually I leave my house around dinner. Drive to his house around the corner, let myself in the garage (he gave me a garage door opener), park my car and walk inside. He cooks, we watch movies, we play cards, we talk, we cuddle. And at night I sleep with him in his bed and..basically give him what he wants. (Again, oral, kissing, pretty plain sex). The next morning he either wants round 2 or he cooks me breakfast and I head home. Once I get home, first thing I do is shower, and then its back to mom life…

I posted this because obviously I can’t tell anyone I know in real life about this arrangement. My husband wants NO details, and I agreed thats best. He acts like it isn’t a thing. Its just a job, to us. Id like to have an open, real conversation about this. Im willing to answer any and all questions, and would like to hear your opinions on the situation as a whole. If something is too private, i may not want to answer that. But the majority of things, I will answer.

Some questions I expect that I csn give an early answer to….
Do I have feelings for the man? No. Its business. I think he’s a great guy, taking advantage of a couple that needs money. Its sleezy? But he does it in the nicest way possible.

Does he use a condom? No. He proved he’s clean, and with me being pregnant there was no reason to I guess.

Are there rules? No. My husband removed himself from the situation and trusted me to make rules. With this man being the 2nd guy I’ve ever slept with, I panicked and was too nervous to make rules. Luckily, hes.overall very vanilla.

Any kinks? He does like that im young, a chubby mom, pregnant. And married. But mostly in conversation. He doesn’t do anything weird about those things.

Is he bigger than my husband? (Seriously why do guys harp on size so much?!) Slightly. Very very similar in length, him being a 57 year old.overweight man, definitely has some girth that I wasn’t expecting down there. But looking back, hes a heavy set man so it kind of makes sense that had a little extra weight on it too I guess?

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.. please be respectful, im happily married, and while im making the best of this situation it can be very taxing mentally and emotionally. This isn’t the life I dreamed of when I became a housewife. I handle it well I think, but it is a situation im not proud of. Anyways, AMA!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jtq9hz/24_f_posting_about_a_unique_situation_im_in_would


  1. So good to see this community can also answer yiur demand for sharing

    I guess this is a big deal for you, it doesn’t sound like you’re enjoying it too much, but the other side, sounds like you’re just unfortunate that this specific neighbor ask for it

    I guess my questions are:
    1. Do you enjoy those nights you get alone from home?
    2. Did he do anything that made you feel uncomfortable or just stopping him from doing something?
    3. If you could save the arrangement but change the person you do it with, who would you choose?

  2. Feel sad for you … To be honest looks like your only doing it to keep a roof over your head.

    Questions I have ?

    Is this something you will keep doing after the birth of your new young one

    Will you then make him ware protection.

    What would you do to make it all stop. And did you like the change of a different cock if it was in different circumstances

  3. You are consenting adults with a private agreement taking place behind closed doors on private property. Even your husband signed off on this. It’s totally fine. Nothing wrong or bad happening here.

    The fact that this guy isn’t as attractive as you’d like him to be … Or the fact that this is happening because of limited money … These things are irrelevant. We all make compromises, in all relationships, and no relationship is perfect. (Seriously the only people who think awkward vanilla sex weekly is an ethical outrage are people who have never been in a long term relationship.)

    It’s a job. It’s a weird crazy adventure. It’s an interesting secret you and your husband have. Sail on!

    (Your husband is a trouper by the way. He deserves a shit ton of credit.)

  4. You do what you gotta do. Have you suggested no kissing? Also how about a condom when giving oral?

  5. So 2 questions
    1. How does hubby treat you the next day is.. Silent treatment or acting resentful?
    2. How soon after your commitment do you and hubby resume intimate relations?

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