The Rabbit Hole Part 3 [MM] [Sissy] [Forced Gay] [Femdom] [Hypnosis]

**Chapter 3: Misdirection**


It wasn’t the equipment.

As soon as Nadia left, Penny checked in on Joe. He was fine, right where she left him: drooling in front of the monitors and learning the valuable lesson that lace and silk are better against his skin than anything masculine. The more flowy, the better. The more sheer, the better. The softer, the better. Less is better.

It’s an important lesson for a slut to learn.

But he was safe. He was twenty feet from Nadia the whole time, and she had no idea. Penny wasn’t worried about Joe. She’d never been caught before. She wouldn’t be caught now.

But she was worried about Nadia. She should have gone under. She should have gone down the Rabbit Hole. Her mind should have been in Penny’s hand, like clay for the making. Everything was fine. The sounds and lighting worked. She checked her rings three times. Those were fine. It should have worked.

But she couldn’t trance Nadia.

Her whole life, trancing came naturally to her. She could trance people on accident. She could force them to submit or forget or lose time. Even as a little girl, people around her would forget things and remembered what she said instead. And those were the accidents. She never failed to trance a target. She never failed to ensnare the person she wanted. Everyone was a target. Everyone was marble to be shaped to her liking.

Everyone but Nadia.

After checking the equipment, Penny went back to Joe. Was it her? Had she lost some part of her power? It’s true Nadia caught her off guard. It was like talking to a child. Nadia was desperate and interested and flirtatious and awkward and …. young. She was so young. Was that what threw Penny off?

No. Joe was fine. Joe was under her control. He loved to cross-dress for her. He was interested in sucking cock. He wasn’t a whore yet. He wasn’t a woman yet. But where before there was arrogance and toxic masculinity, now there was a shy, bi-curious crossdresser. He was hungry to try, to learn. He did exactly as she told him. He wanted whatever she filled his mind with.

No, it wasn’t Penny.

It had to be Nadia.

Joe tried to walk ahead of Penny, eager to get to the theater. He didn’t know there was no rush. The theater wasn’t going anywhere, and the men who went there didn’t go to watch. They went to find each other in the dark. And a cutie like Joe would be the perfect bait for them. Joe wanted to enjoy his “date” with Miss Penny. He wanted to wear his new dress. He wanted to try on the heels she bought for him. He wanted to show off his new haircut and makeup. Penny brought in professionals to help with these. Joe presented himself as Penny’s friend and sometimes lover. The girls thought he was cute. They always think Penny’s latest boyfriend is cute.

Joe made a convincing woman. It was about making sure not to overdo it. He couldn’t look like a swimsuit model. He had to look like a strong, semi-masculine woman. Nothing too clingy to show he doesn’t have curves. Nothing too bland so he doesn’t look like a grandmother. Jeans. A loose tank top. A pixie haircut. Makeup. A choker. A purse. Heels. Sunglasses. He was already thin with thick lips. It wasn’t too difficult to believe he was a woman.

He almost looked graceful and too comfortable.

Luckily, Joe lost his balance on the heels and stumbled, allowing Penny to catch up. She gripped his elbow tight. “Don’t walk ahead of me,” she hissed under her breath.

“I want people to see me,” he whined. “I want to know if I’m convincing.”

Of course. His personality was still intact. Total subversion into a blubbering cock sucking slut and submissive cunt would take time. He wanted to be the center of attention, even in drag. Soon, he’d want to be the center of attention as a woman. That’d fit his new slut life perfectly.

“Stop,” ordered Penny.

Joe obeyed.

“You want to be seen?” asked Penny.

Joe nodded.

“You want to go see the movie?”

Joe nodded.

“Maybe put those cocksucker lips to use?”

Joe nodded.

“Go find the nearest man. Tell him your full name. Tell him where you’re going. Tell him what you’re hoping to do. If he starts to walk away, shout it so he can’t avoid it.”

Joe hesitated. Exhibitionism and free use weren’t part of his personality yet. This was pushing him. But Penny didn’t care. His personality could snap, and he could end up with brain damage. It didn’t matter. He should obey. He shouldn’t be able to resist.

Penny snapped her fingers. Joe’s eyes got a glossy look, and he staggered away from her. He nodded and saw a man by the corner up ahead. He went to tell the stranger all about his exciting day.

The man didn’t stick around to hear it, so Joe shouted after him. “I’m hoping that some of the men will let me suck their cock during the movie!” People stopped and stared at him, but he kept obeying Penny’s orders. “I’ve never done it before, but I’m excited to try and learn.”

Some of people on the street walked around Joe, giving him a wide berth. Other’s walked past as quickly as they could. Joe stood, dumbfounded at his own behavior. But he smiled when Penny caught up to him, interlaced her arm in his, and walked him to the theater.

It was unfortunate that Penny had to supervise this herself. She didn’t want to watch some trash movie or see how Joe beg to suck cock. But she had to be there in case something happened to the trance. There was no one else she could trust to supervise Joe or trance him again if the hold broke. It had to be her. She was the one with the power.

The movie was some poorly reviewed horror film with no quality acting or writing to be found. The theater always chose to show something no child could or would go see. Besides, horror films were usually dark, and the movie wasn’t what drew the crowds.

As they walked in, Penny saw four different men seated throughout the theater. They never sat near each other. Penny had been here with others she feminized. It never had more than ten men. They sat in their own rows and preferred their own sections. To solicit one, you just moved to them and sat next to them. Hands would fumble in the dark. Sometimes one person would sink down and disappear until they came emerged minutes later, hair messy and face sticky. Most of these men would consider themselves straight. Most of them think of this as a harmless diversion, no more indicative of their sexuality than masturbating.

“I’m so excited!’ squealed Joe as we find our seat. “I don’t really like horror movies, though,” he said.

“I see the bimbo programming is going well,” said Penny.

“What?” asked Joe.


The lights went down and the movie began. Dark woods. Perfect. Darkness made the patrons confident. Penny didn’t just want to test drive Joe today. She wanted to hurt him. He was a bully. He was a tyrant. He wasn’t just an asshole. She could see it in the way Nadia acted a few days ago. He wasn’t just cruel to strangers and hypnotists for attention. He hurt people. He liked to hurt people. He liked to surround himself with injured and fearful people that needed his attention and affirmation. Penny was going to fix him. Penny was going to make him regret a thousand decisions and a million slight cruelties.

Penny was going to enact justice.

But for now, she was going to stretch him. Just a bit. She didn’t want to break him. A coma was too good for him. But this shouldn’t be the best day of his life. Everyday should be another step closer to an eternal hell for him. Penny had the power to do it. She’d break him down. Rewrite him. Rebuild him.

And then, when he least wanted it, she’d pull back the curtain and show him what he was. She’d reinstate his mind in a slut’s body with cock in every hole. Then, he’d drive himself insane. He’d battle himself and his new addictions and cravings. He’d destroy himself. He’d be his last and final victim.

Penny grabbed Joe’s hand and led him out of the seat. “What?” he asked, pulling back to stay and watch the movie. Penny dug her nails into his wrist. “Ow!” squeaked the moron. At least he got the message. He followed Penny up the aisle to the top of the theater.

Penny surveyed her options. Most of the men here wouldn’t be attractive. Anyone who fucks in the dark is ashamed of something, normally their body. But Penny wanted to find someone extraordinarily hideous. Joe’s attraction to men was still weak, but his fascination with cock was strong. Penny wanted to push that. She wanted him to be so desperate to suck, that’d he’d beg the obese and sweating man in fourteenth road a sloppy blowjob.

“What are we doing?” hissed Joe. “I was watching the -”

“Shut the fuck up,” snapped Penny, still looking over the room.

“Woah. You cannot tell me to shut the … the … up …” A blank and dreamy expression washed over Joe. Penny smiled.

“Shut the what, Joe?” she asked.

“The … what was the word you said?”

“Fuck, Joe. I said fuck.” Joe blinked and stepped away from Penny, as though the word was a slap.

“What?” he asked.

“Say it, Joe. Say fuck.”

“Say … what?”

Penny laughed. “Don’t worry about it. I just appreciate you cleaning up that filthy mouth for me.”

“Uh, sure …” said Joe. His brain was still panicking, trying to figure out where the word went. Penny would need to revisit that. Soon, he’ll forget the word ever existed. Then, he won’t even notice when other people use it. His brain will fill in logical replacements or block it out entirely.

Penny would have to thank Nadia for that someday.

“You want to suck cock?” asked Penny.

That woke Joe up. “Yes, please,” he said.

“Follow me,” said Penny. She walked down the aisle to a man a few rows away. He was sweating, watching the movie. He looked nervous. It didn’t help when he looked up and saw Penny in her pencil skirt and sharp white blouse with Joe behind her. Panic flooded his eyes. Women shouldn’t be here. What was happening?

“Relax,” ordered Penny. “I want to introduce you to my friend.”

Penny stepped aside and gestured to Joe, who suddenly became shy.

“This is Joe,” said Penny. The man stared in confusion at Joe. Penny forgot how convincing Joe’s makeup and outfit was. “Don’t worry, love,” said Penny. “He plays for your team.”

Penny lightly pat Joe’s crotch. The slightest twitch of Joe’s bulge shouldn’t have been visible in the dark, but the gesture seemed to comfort the man.

“What’s your name?” asked Penny.

“N-n-no names,” said the stranger.

“Fine,” sighed Penny. “I’m Carol and this is Joe. What should we call you, Tall Dark and Handsome?” Penny winked, but the man seemed to still be scared, pulling himself away from them in his seat.

Penny huffed and collapsed in the seat next to the stranger. He smelled terrible. He was overweight, with long and thin hair spilling around his head. He needed a shower. And a haircut. And a makeover. And liposuction. And … a lot. Too much for Penny to ever be interested unless she found out he was a pedophile or an abusive father.

She felt his eyes on her, but she didn’t look at him. She patted the seat to her right, and Joe sat down. She took a deep breath. To create calm, exude calm. She took out her phone and started an audio file. It was an imitation of the one she used on stage or in her office, but Joe responded immediately. The bulge in his pants twitched again. He strained against his pants, wanting to free his erection.

The stranger stared at Penny. What was she doing? “Relax,” she whispered. Both men seemed to sag around her. “We all want the same thing here.”

Penny snapped her fingers. The gong echoed throughout the theater. Some of the men in the theater turned around to look at her. But the stranger and Joe both closed their eyes.

“What’s your name?” asked Penny.

“Phil,” said the stranger. “Joe,” said Joe.

“I want you to relax,” said Penny. “I want you hard. You both came here to cum. You came here for pleasure. Not the movie. Something better. Something harder and wetter.”

Penny looked. Both of them became hard. Good.

“I’m going to release you. Both of you will do what comes naturally. You will be perfectly relaxed and horny. Understand?”

They both nodded. Penny snapped her fingers again. Once more, someone from the other side of theater turned around to look at them. Penny waved at the stranger, but he turned back to the film.

It took a moment for Phil and Joe to collect themselves, so Penny took the opportunity to move out of their way. She moved to Joe’s right and crossed her legs. She took out her phone. She had some work to do. Marcy, formerly Mark, had reached a new high in her performing career, an offer to do porn with a major studio. She wanted an agent. Penny wouldn’t act as an agent, but she could find one. But it had to be from her. Anyone else would want to know why all earnings that ought to go to Marcy went to a Miss Penny Lane instead. Discretion and privacy ruled her network of former abusers, bullies, tormentors, tyrants, and villains.

Joe did what came naturally to him. Penny glanced over to see him on his knees. Phil’s cock was out. It was tiny. Joe was inching towards it, his eyes transfixed with lust. Penny supposed she should have savored this. Maybe this should have turned her on. She was enacting justice. She was crushing an oppressor. This was Joe first cock. He admitted frequently, and honestly, that he’d never sucked cock before. He’d never even thought about it. He was perfectly heterosexual before Penny got to him.

But Penny felt nothing as Joe took the cock into his mouth. She turned her phone and took a picture. The first without the flash. Neither man seemed distracted by the click. Then another with the flash, neither moved. Phil gripped the arms of his chair, and Joe bobbed limply. His technique was terrible, but his heart was in it. Penny had placed the desire in him, but only practice could generate the skill. She’d need to make sure he got the practice.

Penny took out Joe’s phone and flipped through the contacts she’d been making on his behalf. Plenty of men from the show were joking when they asked Joe if he would suck their cock. Only three were serious so far. But surprisingly, two more, who were not at the show, had also found Joe’s number and were asking for blowjobs.

Penny sent them the picture of Joe on his knees. “I can do this for you, anytime,” she typed. She would still supervise the conversations, but she’d have Maurice arrange a car to take Joe to and from appointments.

Penny kept scrolling through Joe’s phone. He had calls from all sorts of people. The police called when he went missing, but Joe answered and said he was in Hawaii. Penny took the GPS out of the phone and sent it to Hawaii just to be sure. Joe’s parents knew where Joe was. He talked to them briefly. His alibi was fine. Penny had a former client create images of Joe in Hawaii and post them online in his name. Joe was gone, and the world had moved on.

Except for Nadia. Penny scrolled to her name. For the first few days, Nadia would call three or five times a day. She would text twice as much. After a few days of that, Penny blocked the number.

And now she was showing up at my penthouse.

And she couldn’t be tranced.

Penny’s grip tightened around the phone until she heard the plastic squeak with strain. She felt her jaw clench and her teeth grind. Next to her, was someone who deserved to be punished. Joe deserved to become what he tormented. He deserved to understand what he was doing to others. He should be mocked and used the way he mocked and used others.

Penny couldn’t trance Nadia, but she could ruin Joe.

She got up and walked away from the happy couple. There was satisfying slurping from behind her. She went to front of the theater and stood in front of the screen. Some of the men in the crowd stirred. They weren’t there for the movie, but they weren’t yet occupied like Phil and Joe. Penny could feel them tense at the sight of a woman, an intruder, in their private sanctum.

“Excuse me gentlemen,” said Penny, raising her hands. “I would like to ask you all for a favor.” Penny gestured to the back where Phil and Joe were. “My friend, Joe, who is dressed as a very sexy lady for today’s movie, is trying something new. Today is his very first blowjob. Let’s give him a round of applause.” One or two men in the theater applauded. “He’s enjoying himself greatly. And his new friend is also enjoying Joe’s sexy and useful mouth. In fact, Joe is having so much fun, that he said he’d like to give another blowjob. He used the phrase, and I quote, ‘I could do this all day.’” Penny paused and looked around the room. Behind her, some monster was peeling off a man’s skin slowly. “I decided to take up that bet. I don’t know if Joe can do this all day, but I bet him he couldn’t suck off every man in this theater and swallow each of your loads.”

From the back of the room, Phil made a groaning sound as he came. Penny wondered if Joe took the load and swallowed. She hadn’t written that into him yet, but sometimes these sluts could surprise her and take things further than she imagined.

“So what do you say?” continued Penny. “Would you all like to feel what our kind stranger back there is feeling?” Again she gestured to Phil and Joe in the back of the theater. “He seemed to have enjoyed himself.”

No one moved. They were scared. This could be a trap. Their identities were on the line. They came here for anonymity, and she wanted to put on a show.

She smiled. “I can promise you two things. One, no one will ever know who you are. Your privacy is paramount. In fact, Joe here will give you all of his information, including where he lives and his number. As a way to thank you for your participation, you will be able to contact him anytime. He will meet you wherever you want: here, your home, your office, some dark corner, a park bench. Anywhere and anytime you can use him again. Sound good?”

There was a pause. Phil stood up in the back and shuffled out of the theater. Joe stood up after him. His hair was a mess, and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He walked down the aisle and stood next to Penny.

“What do you say?” asked Penny, gesturing to her slut. “Who wants to see how many loads this cocksucker can swallow?”

One shuffled in the back and came forward. He was a large man. He looked like a bodybuilder and dressed like a lumberjack. He unzipped his pants as he walked down the aisle. After him, more climbed out of their seats.

Penny pressed down on Joe’s shoulders, lowering him to his knees. She leaned in, snapped her fingers, and whispered in his ear: “Each cock you suck will make you want cum more. Each drop of cum you drink will only make you thirstier for more cum. You will never be satisfied. You will never stop trying to fulfill your thirst.”

She was pushing it, she knew it. Joe wasn’t ready for this yet. He wasn’t ready to transfer actions into what brought him deeper into trance. He wasn’t ready for cum addiction. He wasn’t ready for desperation and no reward. He still needed satisfaction and pleasure to encourage his behavior.

But Penny wanted to lead him down. Further down. Faster. She could take him deeper. She could do more. She could bend a mind to her will. She doesn’t need to be so careful. She doesn’t need to care what happens to a human mind. She needs to test her power. That’s the only way to get stronger. That’s the only way to improve.

She left her cell phone nearby, as it played the simplified version of her music. She kissed Joe on the forehead and walked away, to the back of the theater. Behind her, four men surrounded Joe, each with their cocks out.

Penny sat down and resumed making connections on Joe’s phone. She could do this. She could speed up the transition. It normally took months or years to do it completely, but she could do it in a month with him. Full transition in a month. Yes. She had the power. She had the resources. There was no reason to stall. No reason to be cautious. She was too well protected, too entrenched. Nothing could stop her.

Penny felt a small thrill at her own daring. Something stirred in her that hadn’t stirred in years. She watched Joe put one cock in his mouth while two others were placed in his hands. He pumped the cocks. Good boy. The fourth man got on his knees, helping Joe. Good. Kissing. Good. Good.

Penny texted the men who had reached out to Joe. She put desperation in his texts. He needed them. He needed their cum. When could they meet? He’d do anything.

Penny looked up to see one man, a little too eager, already cum on Joe’s face. Joe cupped the cum and slid it into his mouth. Joe licked the cock clean and got every drop.

Yes. Soon, he’d do absolutely anything.


While Joe was busy, Penny left the theater to get some coffee. She stopped on her way out and spoke with the manager. She suggested, strongly, that he use an alternative soundtrack for the 1pm showing on Saturday mornings. She got his email and said she would send him the tracks he needed.

He agreed. The money helped. The rings helped more.

Today, she could have anything she wanted.

That included an iced triple grande caramel macchiato with two shots of vanilla and two shots of caramel.

The coffee shop was crowded, but Penny didn’t mind the wait. Things were heating up in her exchanges with Joe’s future clients. Her phone was a blur of typing and repeated desperate pleas for cock and cum.

Besides, if she was late, Joe would wait. Maybe he’d find something else to do with a room full of cocks. Penny wondered if he’d cum just from the pleasure of sucking off another man. Would the adrenaline and delight push him to try anal? Anything was possible. But it wasn’t her problem. Anything bad that could happen would happen to Joe. And she wanted so many terrible things to happen to him.

“Miss Penny?”

Penny turned around to see Nadia in the back of the line.

Her body went rigid with white anger. She was feeling so good. She was feeling confident. She felt invincible. And now … this. She slid Joe’s phone into her purse.

She couldn’t ignore her. Across the street her missing boyfriend was swallowing a cum cocktail from four different cocks. Besides, she gave the girl her card. She told her she would help her.

Study her is more like it.

“Nadia,” said Penny and smiled. “Come here.” She waved for Nadia to join her in line. Nadia looked around uncomfortably, but she stepped out of line and joined her. A few others glared at Nadia, but nobody said anything.

“Getting your caffeine fix?” asked Nadia.

“More sugar than caffeine, I imagine.”

“Ah, one of those.”

“Not you?” asked Penny.

“I like my coffee like I like my men: strong and black.”

Penny stared at Nadia. Nadia held her gaze, then giggled to herself.

“It’s a joke,” said Nadia.

“I noticed.”

Silence descended on them. The coffee shop was filled with lyric-less ambient music and the clatter of dozens of conversations. Penny tapped her foot while they waited. The line moved slowly. The barista at the counter seemed perfectly incompetent. In the ten minutes Penny watched, he messed up three drinks and gave two drinks to the wrong person. That didn’t speed things up.

Penny ran through a dozen possible conversations. Should she talk to Nadia about their appointment and helping her fall under trance? Should she avoid that topic entirely? There was no right answer.

“It’s strange to me that powerful people like yourself come to silly coffee shops like me,” said Nadia.


“Well, I mean. You’re you.” Nadia gestured to the entirety of Penny’s being. “Miss Penny. Powerful hypnotist.” She said that like an announcer for a boxing match. Penny didn’t flinch. “But I’m me. You know? Just little old me. No fame or power. But we get coffee from the same place. That’s strange, right?”

“Apparently,” said Penny.

“Not into small talk?” asked Nadia.

“It’s what people do when they have nothing else to say.” Penny sighed and looked over the line again. She was close. She’d be out of this hell soon. Penny wished she had her phone. She wished she could safely use Joe’s phone. She wished she had any acceptable excuse to look preoccupied.

“I think it’s what people do when they want to be polite and connect with someone, but they’re too scared of the real topics.”

Penny looked back at the girl and regarded her again. She was in a white A-line dress. It had a cluster of butterflies on the skirt in different colors. But the butterflies turned purple as they rose up the skirt and formed the outline of bustier of butterflies. The dress was sleeveless, with a small neckline that showed no cleavage. It was cute.

Penny had no attraction to cute.

But Nadia’s face betrayed her words, her mannerisms, and her dress. There was something that she could respect. Nadia was insightful. She may not be professional, but she saw things and didn’t hesitate to share what she saw. Even if her manner of sharing was random or inappropriate.

“Then what is the topic you’d rather discuss?” asked Penny.

“Hypnotism,” said Nadia quickly.

“And you?” added Penny.

Nadia nodded. “I keep meaning to call you to reschedule, but I’m afraid. What if it doesn’t work again? What if you can’t -”

“I can,” said Penny. She clenched her fists. “It will work next time.”

“What was wrong last -”

Penny turned around to see the line had moved. The barista was standing at the register, staring at her. Penny cleared her throat and stepped forward. She ordered her drink. She had to say it three times, but the idiot behind the counter got it eventually. She offered to pay for Nadia, and Nadia graciously accepted. They both stepped to the side to wait for their drinks.

“I don’t know what went wrong,” confessed Penny. Her honesty surprised her. “Our session may be less trance, more troubleshooting. I can’t figure it out without you. You’re a large variable of the trance.”

“So, I could be the problem?” asked Nadia.



They waited for their drinks. The barista handed Nadia her drink, though she had ordered after Penny, and Penny tapped her foot, waiting. More people came and got their drink before Penny. And Penny waited.

She hated this about the world, about mankind, about people. They were unbelievably flawed. She couldn’t believe it. Nothing worked the way it was supposed to. Not for long, at least. They break down. They’re unreliable. They forget. They disconnect. They disappear. And Penny had power to fix them, like Joe, but she was too slow. Even now, she should be able to snap her fingers and make this barista make her damn coffee. She should be able to crush him with her mind, her words, and get what she wants. She should be able to fix him with a thought, to bend him under her. Everyone was better once they met her, once they succumbed to her. They were faster and trustworthy. They were true and reliable. They stayed and learned and obeyed. But she can’t hypnotize everyone. She couldn’t hypnotize those men, starved with lust, to treat Joe the way he deserved to be treated. She couldn’t hypnotize Joe to bend over and take cock after cock into his pathetic ass. She couldn’t get the manager of the theater to bow to her and give her everything she needed. She could suggest. She could prompt. She could lead.

But she still couldn’t control.

Nadia stepped forward and whispered something to the barista. He looked at Penny, looked embarrassed, and set to work immediately. Nadia stepped back to Penny’s side.

“He forgot,” said Nadia.

“How does he forget to do his job?”

Nadia looked around the shop. “Well, they are pretty busy.”

“That’s an excuse. It’s his job to make my order. It’s his job to notice his mistake. It’s not your job or my job.”

Nadia took a sip of her coffee. “Sure,” she said and shrugged.

“It’s not like it’s a difficult job. It’s practically mindless.”

“He could be going through a lot,” said Nadia. “You never know. Maybe his mom is in the hospital. Or maybe his girlfriend broke up with him. Maybe he’s got an idea for a screenplay and he wants to memorize it before it slips away.”

“Or maybe he’s a moron,” snapped Penny.

“Maybe that too. Maybe all of the above.” Nadia turned, looked at Penny, and smiled. “You can never really know what it’s like in another person’s head.”

Penny said nothing. If only Nadia knew what Penny was doing across the street. If only Penny knew how Nadia’s mind work. She conceded the point.

“That’s fair,” she said. “But it doesn’t get me my coffee.”

Nadia gave a simple laugh. It was trite and a little too loud. But it was refreshing. It was light. Some people looked around at the two, standing by the counter, but Nadia didn’t care. Penny could feel their questions about what was so funny, and don’t they know how rude that is. But Nadia didn’t care. She was herself, simply and entirely.

The barista reached out with a cup of iced coffee, Penny’s. Nadia reached forward and took it, thanked the barista, and handed the coffee to Penny. Penny nodded at the barista and turned to leave.

“Do you have anywhere you need to be?” asked Nadia. Penny stopped and turned around. Nadia gestured to an open table. “Join me?” she asked.

Penny looked back across the street, to the crappy theater. “Sure,” she shrugged and sat down. Nadia sat across from her. She held her hot coffee in both hands, as if nervous to attempt to move it with one. Her eyes looked down, staring into the swirling steam and black liquid.

“You want to talk about your mind?” asked Penny.

“That obvious?”

“You’re not hard to read.”

“Just hypnotize,” mumbled Nadia. She took a sip.

Penny smiled. “Give it time. Not everyone is instant. Some minds are more … sophisticated.” Penny took a sip of her coffee. It was more sugar and caramel than coffee, but it she shivered with delight as it cooled her.


“Yes,” said Penny. “Minds are complex. Trauma. Distraction. Medication. Injury. All these things can interfere. I have to work with you to see what makes your mind complex and sophisticated.” Penny smiled. “Someone wise once told me that you can never really know what it’s like in another person’s mind.”

Nadia looked up and smiled.

“I endeavor to do just that: figure out what it is in your mind.”

“Good luck,” said Nadia. “Not sure how much is going on in there.”

“You had a great point about our barista friend.” Penny gestured to the barista, still making mistakes while a heavyset woman in line was glaring at him.

“That was an accident. I’m only ever profound on accident.”

“Ah,” said Penny. “That’s a shame.”

“And it’s mostly because he cute.” Nadia blushed. “I thought he should get the benefit of the doubt.”

“So the truth comes out,” said Penny. She took another sip. The barista was, most definitely, not cute. He hair was in disarray. He had tattoos climbing up his neck and down his forearms. He had gauges in his ears and a piercing through his lower lip.

“Is that what you like?” asked Penny.

“You don’t think he’s cute?!” squeaked Nadia. She looked around the room in embarrassment. One man had turned to look, but the rest ignored her. “Sorry,” she muttered.

“I’m not attracted to men,” said Penny. She took another sip.

“What?” said Nadia. “Oooooo,” she whispered. Then, “ooooooooo!” louder. More people turned to look at her. This time, Penny blushed.

“Let’s not make a scene,” suggested Penny.

“Oh, right,” said Nadia. “Sure.” She leaned in closer to Penny and whispered, “so, you’re a lesbian?”

“Yes, dear,” said Penny. She grinned.

“I didn’t know.”

“I don’t wear a sign or anything.”

“Right, but, I should have known.”

“Really? How so?” Penny took another sip. “Tell me exactly what would give me away? What are the tell-tale signs of the lesbian?”

Nadia blushed. “Sorry,” she said. “I don’t know. I just figured I’d know, you know?”

“No. I do not.”

“I promise I’m not trying to offend you.”

“You’re not offending me.” Penny took another sip. “Yet.”

Nadia took a long drink of her coffee. Penny checked the time. She needed to get back. Joe should be done. Unless he took things further than Penny would have hoped for, he should be covered in cum inside and out and waiting for her in the lobby.

“Can I tell you something embarrassing?” asked Nadia.

“I feel you’re going to anyways.”

“Right, well, when I saw Joe disappear behind stage, and then disappear for a few months, I didn’t think he’d gone off to be a … uh … someone who … uh …”

“Sucks cock?”

“Uh, right. That.”

Penny smiled wide.

“It’s just a word, Nadia.”

“Right, well. I wasn’t worried he’d gone off to do … that.” Nadia took a quick sip. “I was worried that he’d gone off with you. That you’d like, taken him from me. That you and he were -”

“Sleeping together?”

“Right.” Nadia blushed. “But I guess that was stupid of me.”

“Not a bad theory at the time.”

“I feel like a moron.”

Penny checked her watch. She didn’t have time for this. She stood up from the table. “The barista is a moron,” she said. “You are not. I don’t know where Joe is. And mostly, I’m sorry he hurt you. You don’t deserve that. But I must be going.”

“Uh, right.” Nadia stood up. “I’ll call your secretary and make an appointment with you.”

“Tomorrow afternoon. Four o’clock. I’ll clear my schedule.”

“Uh, four o’clock?” asked Nadia. “Can it be like, 3:30 or something? Like last time.”

“Four o’clock,” repeated Penny. She turned to walk out of the coffee shop. “I’ll see you then.”

Penny didn’t wait or listen for Nadia. She had to find Joe. She couldn’t let him wander around the city, or worse, go home with one of the men who deposited a kind donation into his cum dumpster of a mouth.

She crossed the street but didn’t enter the theater. She walked past it, turned down an alley, and went in through one of the side doors. In the lobby, Joe was sitting, casually waiting for her. He had an adorable smile on his face, like a child proud of their messy artwork. His makeup was running and ruined. Good. There was no sign of cum on his face or clothes. Good. Some cum was in his hair. Good.

“You look beautiful, Joe.”

He blushed.

“They called me Joanna,” he said. His voice was softer, and the pitch was higher.

“They don’t know anything,” said Penny. She grabbed Joe’s wrist and pulled him to a stand. “You’re not Joanna until I say you are. You’re Joe. You like cock and dressing like a woman. You love cum more than breathing. You’re Joe. Do you understand me?”

Joe looked at the floor. “Yes, Miss Penny.”

“You’re not Joanna.”

Penny pulled him by the wrist out the side entrance. The car should be waiting behind the theater.

“Not yet.”

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