Meeting the Birth Mother, Part V – FINALE [incest][son/mother/sister/sister (MFFF)][anal][exhibitionism][paranormal]

When I reached the end of Part III, I realized I had to decide between two possible endings I was considering. One was the depraved, extreme ending, and one was a silly sort of Scooby-Doo-like ending. I realized after a bit I could combine the two. I hope you enjoy.

I may reprise these characters at some future point. They are pregnant with potential.

If you haven’t done so already, you should go back and read Parts I, II, III and IV of this story before continuing. This story starts immediately after Part IV ends.



Part V

Nothing made sense.

My mother had painted my aunt and grandmother as sexually repressed religious nuts. I was going to try to seduce them, but they had beat me to it.

Something crazy was going on.

I was kept locked in the room until dusk the next evening. My grandmother brought me a light dinner then ordered me to shower and handed me a purple robe like you would wear in a church choir and told me to put it on – nothing underneath.

I was brought downstairs, where my aunt was guarding my sisters and mother, also wearing purple robes. The four of us embraced for a moment.

My grandmother spoke. “Two weeks ago, I found a cave on the far corner of the farm. Inside there was a large chamber where I heard whispering voices. She heard them too,” she added, pointing to my aunt.

“Whispering voices…” my mother said. “Fabulous.”

“We brought our pastor, he heard them too. The voices said ‘I need a body’, ‘It is time to for me to come’, and things like that. We prayed about it and realized that we were witnessing the second coming of our Lord. All he needs is a vessel. A body, a child to be conceived by Him.”

“So what does that have to do with us?” I asked. “Why the guns? Why the threesome last night? It still doesn’t make sense.”

“Your seed in your mother, in the cave, will be the vessel.”

My mother laughed. “Your kidding, right? First off, even if we did this, it’s not my time of the month. I’m not fertile right now so he can dump a gallon of jizz inside me and it’s not going to make a difference.”

“The Lord shall make it so!” my grandmother intoned.

“Next,” my mother continued. “the second coming of the Lord, if you believe in that sort of thing, is not going to happen in some podunk cave in the corner of your farm. And finally, even if I conceive, I’m not giving you my child. You took three kids away from me. You tried to prevent me from meeting them again, from them knowing they were my children. You treat me like shit. Well, my kids are back, and you will never do that to me again.”

My grandmother pointed the gun at my mother. “You’ll do what I tell you, slut. You’ve always been a slut, and you will always be one.”

I spoke up. “You weren’t exactly virginal up in my room last night. You sucked a pretty mean cock there, granny. And that was some wild girl-on-girl action.”

“That was necessary. We had to be sure you were . . . um . . . fully functional.”

“I was fully functional all over your tits. Anytime you want a replay, just let me know.”

“You two spend too much time locked up in this house,” my mother added. “You’re repressed bisexuals coming up with excuses to justify your inability to live up to your own morals. That’s why Andre turned out the way he did.”

“Enough of this!” my grandmother said. “The pastor and the congregation are in the cave now. You will come with us, you will conceive the child who will be the second coming.”

“So what are we here for?” Cora asked, indicating herself and Sheena.

“You are acolytes, your will help prepare the seed.”


I shook my head. “So you want us to go down there and have sex in front of your congregation. Then we get to go home and you will leave us be for nine months, right?”

“Basically, yes.”

“Whatever. Fucking in front of an audience sounds hot.”

“Yeah, baby,” Cora said.

We were led by torchlight along a path through the fields and into a copse of trees. The entry to a cave was in the center.

The opening was narrow but once inside widened to a chamber almost fifty feet across and just about as high. A ramp led down to the floor of the chamber, where a large dais had been erected with a huge altar. A large crowd stood around the dais wearing black robes. Next to the altar stood two steps leading to a rock formation. If I were prone to fits of imagination, I could imagine that formation resembled a throne.

Suddenly I had a bad feeling about this.

To one side, a choir sang a hymn to the accompaniment of a small keyboard. Cora managed to adjust her robes so that they were hanging behind her like a cape. She strutted down the ramp otherwise nude as if she were in a wet T-shirt contest at the beach, waving her arms in the air and shaking her tits.

Sunday School teacher. Yah.

We were escorted to the dais. My mother was told to lay down on a padded table in front, and I was positioned next to her with my sisters on either side. My pastor said a few words to the waiting audience, who gave some canned group replies, then he turned to us.

“Prepare the carrier,” he said. We all looked at him blankly, until my grandmother added, “Get him hard.”

I think they expected we would do something subtle under our robes. That just wasn’t our style, and all four of us got nude. Sheena and I kissed passionately. Cora leaped up on to the altar. I had never seen a woman do a stripper dance to church music until that moment. The pastor ordered her to get down but she ignored him. Most of the congregation looked aghast, but there were at least a few smiling faces, and a couple of folks were boogeying along and enjoying the spectacle.

My mother leaned forward and she, Sheena, and I had a three-way kiss, then Cora grabbed Sheena’s arm and dragged her up onto the altar with her, leaving our mother and I to kiss and fondle on our own.

Sheena wasn’t as familiar with stripper dancing as Cora, but she followed her older sister’s lead. Cora slid down onto her back and spread her legs towards the audience. Sheena did the same. Cora spread her lips. Sheena followed suit. Cora rolled over and kissed Sheena, and a moment later the two were in a graphic 69 on the altar. The pastor had his head in his hands.

My mother and I had been kissing. My mother pulled up one of her breasts and licked it, then pulled my head into her cleavage. I devoured it, then worked her breasts over with my mouth. My cock was becoming rock hard and I slid it up and down against our mother’s stomach.

The congregation was breaking up into two camps. One camp had retreated backwards and were huddled against the back of the chamber, aghast. A much smaller contingent, made up mostly of younger folks, had approached the dais and were watching intently, egging us on. Some had tossed their robes and were nude themselves, stroking their cock or rubbing their pussy. One couple had paired off and were fucking frantically.

The pastor suddenly raised a hand into the air, then pointed at our mother and I.

“He approaches! Penetrate her!” he called.

Cora disengaged from Sheena and stood up, chanting “Pen-e-tra-TION! Pen-e-tra-TION! Pen-e-tra-TION!” over and over. The crowd around the dais picked it up until the room rocked with the four-syllable beat.

My mother whispered. “He doesn’t have to ask twice, does he?” She reached down and spread her glistening labia. I gave my cock a final stroke. The frenzy of the small crowd next to us was amazing. I slipped inside of her and slowly began to fuck her. She leaned back. Sheena straddled our mother and spread her lips. My mother licked her and Sheena rolled her head back.

I stroked in time with the “penetration” chant. Out-in-out-IN with an extra hard shove on “-TION!” that elicited moans from my mother.

The crowd made me hornier than I thought it was ever possible to be. My mother’s juices rolled down my legs as I fucked her. She licked my twin sister frantically and slipped two fingers up her ass. Cora was on all fours with several fingers spreading her slit open, showing pink to the crowd.

We four were the hottest thing ever. Even some of the initially reticent crowd started to join the party next to the dais. I saw more than one robe – both girls and boys – with wet spots on the front.

The pastor held up his hand again, then pointed at my mother and I. “He is here! Fertilize her!”

I pumped harder and faster. My mother arched her back. I shot my seed in a resounding orgasm. In my moment of glory, I leaned my head back and looked up to the ceiling of the chamber.

Then I saw it. “He” arrived.

A bluish-black cloud coalesced near the roof of the chamber. It floated down until it hovered over the stone “throne” at the front of the chamber. Slowly it formed itself into . . . something…

“He” was actually a “she”. She stood seven feet tall, had deep blue skin, glowing coal-red eyes, and shining white hair. She had two dainty horns sprouting from her forehead, and large breasts swelled on her chest. Her wide nipples were beige. She took a seat on the throne.

The organ music and chanting had stopped and everyone had turned to stare at this monstrosity that had emerged into their midst. Everyone seemed to be surprised, frozen in place, except my grandmother, who raced up to the base of the throne and fell to her knees.

“We have prepared a new vessel,” she said, pointing to me and my mother. “Penetrate her and take her seed.”

The thing had a sweet voice that echoed through the chamber. “What?” she said, a puzzled look playing across her face. She glanced down between her legs. “Do I look like I have the hardware to penetrate anything? And what vessel? What the fuck are you talking about?”

Silence filled the room.

“I am the cave spirit. This is my home. This is a funny party you’re having here, but I’m good with it. Back in the day, before the white people came, we had parties in here all the time. The Native Americans knew how to have a good time. Buff braves, sexy squaws, all the cocks and tits a girl could handle. It was the stuff. Then the puritanical Europeans came. All a girl does is try to have a sexy little cave party and the next thing you know, people are getting burned at the stake. What’s up with that? Bring back the parties!”

“Ahem,” the pastor cleared his throat and stepped forward. “I am in charge here. I thought this was to be the second coming of the Lord, not . . . this. We heard your whispering about a body, about coming.”

“Do you know how long it’s been since I had a good fuck? Yes I need a body. I need a hard cock up my ass. But the second coming of the Lord? Wait, you’re one of the witch burners, aren’t you. Okay – everyone who is with this guy – get out of my cave. Anyone who wants to party can stay, bring your friends, lets get naked, dance, fuck, and do things we will regret tomorrow. But you witch burners gotta go.”

Silence reined for a few minutes. Then the pastor and the congregants who were still huddled in the back started up the ramp out. Those who remained were reaching for their phones, probably to call their friends.

The spirit turned her eyes on the four of us.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“I gave birth to these three,” my mother said, indicating her three offspring. “They were taken from me as children. They are now adults and we were just reunited over the past three days. We have gotten close.”

The spirit giggled. “You looked pretty close a few minutes ago. Mommy issues. That was fucking hot.” She winked. “Just do me a favor, can you bring back the parties? A girl gets lonely.”

I walked to the edge of the dais and called out to the remaining crowd. “What are you guys doing on Saturday nights for the next, say, millennia? Anybody want to party with a hot cave spirit?”

A cheer went up.

“There’s your answer,” I said.

She smiled. “You four are special, you are connected, you share a bond. You honor my cave with your presence and are welcome here any time. Now let’s get this party going again.”

Someone had brought a boom box and suddenly the cave was filled with a thumping beat. Cora and Sheena moved to the front of the dais and picked up their stripper act right where they had left off. Soon they were in an explicit 69 on the stage. A couple naked church girls jumped up and started bumping and grinding next to them. The rest of the remaining congregation were dancing, stroking, or fucking.

The cave spirit pointed to the altar. “Is that an altar of the witch burners?”


“Let’s desecrate that bitch. I haven’t had a cock up my ass in a couple hundred years.”

She walked to the altar and leaned over it, stretching her ass wide. Someone had brought my mom’s duffel bag of sex aids and tossed it on the dais. I dug out the lube, but the spirit stopped me.

“You don’t need that. I’m a cave spirit. My secret places are always deep and wet.” She winked.

I stroked my cock a couple of times to bring it completely to attention, then slid it into the spirits ass, slowly, letting her enjoy every inch. She moaned as I entered her.

My mom took the lizard-like dong from her toy bag, lubed it up and plunked it on the altar in front of the cave spirit. Climbing on top of the altar, my mother slid her ass down the gargantuan dong and pulled the spirit’s mouth to her waiting pussy. The spirit slid her long tongue deep into my mom’s waiting snatch. My mom moaned, her nipples hard as rocks and pointing to the sky as the spirit plunged deeper into her, and I plunged deeper into the spirit’s waiting ass.

I glanced up and saw a line of people were starting to make their way down the ramp – mostly college aged kids but also some older folks. They carried kegs and coolers and were in various stages of dress or undress – though most were naked by the time they reached the floor of the cavern. The impromptu dance floor that had formed was made up of two factions, one side were the dancers, and the other side were the fuckers and strokers. Tits, clits, and cocks were everywhere.

Cora and Sheena were now using strap-ons on each other, probing all of their holes with gusto. The two other girls who had joined them on the stage were in a make-out session with their pink pussies pointed at the crowd.

It was nasty. It was glorious. It drove me into a frenzy. I rammed my cock harder and harder into the spirit’s ass.

She groaned. “Pound that thing. Don’t be gentle!”

I reached around and felt her tits as I pumped. They were soft with hard nipples. She had a pleasant earthy smell, like you might expect a cave spirit would have. I felt my balls tighten as I shot my second load since we had entered the cave. The spirit groaned. My mom leaned forward and the two dissolved into a deep soul kiss.

I pulled out, my cock still dripping pearls. The moment I was free of the spirit’s ass, Cora and Sheena sucked at my cock, drinking every drop they could from me. Even after I was dry, they kept going. It didn’t take long until I was hard again. They brought me to the front of the dais before the growing crowd that had to number fifty or sixty by now. They tag teamed my cock with their mouths, sucking it all down their throats, flicking their tongues across the head. Within minutes I was ready to shoot again. Cora grabbed my cock, pointed it at the cheering crowd and stroked it until I shot thick ropy threads into the audience, to a raucous roar.

My mom came up behind me. “You’re not thinking of getting soft yet, are you?” She pushed onto my back and sucked my cock until it got hard yet again. She climbed onboard, and the blue cave spirit spread her cunt over my face.

Everything just blended together. An endless stream of orgasms, of my sisters’ bodies, my mom’s body, and the cave spirit’s blue skin. Finally, hours later, we all lay on the dais as the last of the party-goers filtered out.

We were utterly spent, but utterly satisfied.

* * *

It was a hot mid-September evening. I walked inside. My sisters, who had moved in, were in their rooms studying but my mom was out in the pool. I stripped and joined her.

“You were over the cave?” she asked.

“Yeah, her wi-fi was wonky, I had to fix it.”

“I guess she appreciated your work. Your money shot is already up on her OnlyFans.”

Since we were going to have parties in the cave for the foreseeable future, we had decided to deck it out. The throne room was the dance floor. The chamber to the east was a pool and jacuzzi. And the chamber to the north had three stages with brass poles. We had hooked up wifi and got some tech for the cave spirit. She took to social media immediately and, for a girl who never left her cave, she was the hottest thing on the web. Her OF, CaveCunt, was in the top 5% and her Insta and TikToks pushed the limits of what the platforms allowed. Her Twitter had made #ThatStalagmiteThang the hottest tag of the month.

My aunt and grandmother were trying to get back in her good graces and had almost succeeded. I figured it wouldn’t be long before I was pounding my grandmother’s ass at one of our regular cave parties.

“That cave spirit is one hot property,” I said.

My mom straddled me, reaching down and stroking my cock.

“Is she as hot as your mommy whore?” she asked.

I was at full attention. My mom slid her pussy slowly down my cock, squeezing her muscles as she did so, eliciting a moan from me. She settled into a slow, steady rhythm.

“No,” I said, closing my eyes as she worked her magic. “Nobody is as hot as my mommy whore.”



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