I have been praying to the God of Fertility my entire life. Last night, He visited me. [FM]

My blood had come again this month. The seed of that mason had not taken as I’d hoped. I had been praying and sacrificing myself in the form of giving my body to various men in town and allowing them to sow their seed in me.

The women in my family have been worshipping Dagda since the dawn of humanity. Our bloodline has remained strong and fruitful. I have been unlucky in tying down a partner and have therefore devoted my life to worshipping Dagda in pursuit of spreading his love and eventually bearing a child that will change the world.

Last night I lit the candles of the altar I had put up in my living quarters and began my prayers, as I do every night. Immediately I knew something was different. As I spoke my nipples became tingly and erect. I found it difficult to focus on what I was praying for and could only picture the face of Dagda. Dagda visited me in a dream once when I was a girl and I, having never painted in my life, was overcome with the need to document my God’s awesome visage before it left my memory forever. The framed portrait sits proudly in the center of my homemade alter but for the first time, it seemed to be staring back at me.

I had always found Dagda attractive. His pouty lips, strong jaw, firm brow. His powerful hands, chiseled body, sculpted ass. Without realizing, I began pleasuring myself. It started as a sort of curious check, to see if I was in fact as wet as I felt. But my slickness encapsulated my fingertips and before I knew it I was writhing on my knees at His altar.

The vision of His perfect face overtook me and began to take motion. It was as if He was here with me. Was He? My slit began to quiver and I was overwhelmed with the scent of cedar and clove. No words were exchanged between us but I felt Him speak to me.

He told me my family’s devout faith had not gone unnoticed and that I was worthy of His greatest blessing. At that moment, I felt my hole swell with the girth of Him. I was blinded by the absolute splendor of His glory as his gorgeous face wore the epitome of pleasure. My juices flowed like milk and honey. His shaft nestled in me perfectly as if I was made solely to sheath Him. His hands caressed my body up and down, lingering on my throat and hips and breasts. His sounds of pleasure were like music, singing me to planes of ecstasy I hadn’t found with the greatest of lovers. He was fucking me to my very soul, the tip of His cock felt like it was in my chest. It was more than I could process and so I stopped trying. The sheer magnificence of Him blinded the rest of my vision as my cunt began to sparkle.

The only time I was able to find words was to tremble out, “Father, I am overcome.” My mind echoed in response, “I will not stop until you are.” With that I truly was. I was filled with kaleidoscope visions as I felt His cosmic seed erupt inside me. Spinning stained glass adorned with His stunning cock paired with His juices dripping out of me and down His sack. My hands found a mind of their own and I ravenously swiped up every last drop and licked my fingers clean. He tasted like all my most precious memories rolled into one. My pussy still shook with pleasure and I knew I’d never feel this way again.

In control of myself for the first time that night, I was able to take His image in full. He seemed almost surprised by my forthrightness and His succulent lips parted as He watched me continue to devour the rest of His nectar off His member. The surprise turned to frustration as I suddenly found myself on my back with Him parting my legs. His mouth was on me and my eyes filled with white light. It was as if His tongue was vibrating, sending me to Heaven. I don’t know when I started cumming again and I certainly don’t know when I finished. Time was incomprehensible as I simply floated in the river of His love. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I screamed with satisfaction.

And just like that, I was laying on the floor naked. The candles had burned down to meer puddles but nothing like the puddle I’d made. I was ready to pass it off as a dream until I realized the room was still saturated with the scent of cedar and clove.

This morning I felt sick to my stomach. I have a feeling my blood will not find me this month.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jsn147/i_have_been_praying_to_the_god_of_fertility_my


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