Kristina’s conundrum [cnc]

Kristina threw her vibrator across the room in agonizing frustration. She absolutely wanted to scream. She was stuck in a rut and had no way to find her way out. She had tried everything, premium porn subscriptions, magazines, erotic fiction, you name it. One night stands, fuck buddies, friends with benefits and even a threesome and none of it worked. She just couldn’t cum any longer. Her elusive orgasms server to raise her to a height of frustration only two ex’s and her mother ever had. She could not fathom what was wrong with her body. Kristina had even begin to suspect it was something psychological, as nothing would help her orgasm. Sure, she got horny enough, and felt the natural urges. She was turned on by seeing attractive men like anyone else, but that was about it. She’d get turned on, then nothing. She’d quickly grow tired of the sex if having it, hands and fingers would cramp if she took matters into her own hands. She’d wear down batteries quicker than a kid at Christmas and she had managed to desensitize herself in the process. Some days all her attempts to orgasm seemed only to result in making it more difficult. Kristina ran her fingertips through her hair and yanked until it hurt, screaming again for good measure. Her pussy left wet, throbbing and unsatisfied.

She slid from the bed and stood up, smoothing her hair back into place before cleaning and returning her vibrator to the night stand. She sighed, and went and poured herself a large glass of wine. She carried the wine to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, letting the wine and the steam relax her muscles and body while she thought about her problem. Kristina realized that she’d tried a lot of things but one thing that they all had in common was that they were all variants of regular old sex. Nothing wrong with it, but she’d always stopped herself from looking at anything “dirtier” for fear of being labeled a whore. Anything barely beyond missionary and the occasional, occasional doggy style position brought on waves of guilt and her mothers voice judging her, and judging her, and then judging her again for good measure. “Good girls don’t watch kinky porn, good girls don’t fantasize about being spanked while your panties lay at your ankles”.

“God, that would be nice” she thought, as the hot water cascaded over her naked body. “A man to bend me over and slide my panties down to my ankles, maybe he has my hands tied. Maybe I can’t stop him, and maybe, what if I didn’t want him too? Kristina mulled this over, and found herself wet again, and not from the shower. Her breasts briefly ached and her nipples throbbed and begged to be licked and pinched. She slid a hand down between her thighs and it seemed a jolt of electricity shot thru her body as her fingers brushed her swollen and sensitive clit. Kristina moaned as she massaged her clit beneath her fingers. The steam billowed over the top of her shower as she furiously flicked her fingers over her clit, building slowly but steadily towards her orgasm, the first in what would have been months. Her toes begin to tingle, and her legs tensed as she felt the beginnings of an orgasm build in her body, and she prayed and hoped that it would continue to build and she wouldn’t lose it. She tried desperately to blank out her mind and not focus too much on it, but not focus too little either. Slowly she built herself towards her goal, and was closing in fast of the first orgasm in months when the water suddenly stopped. Barely noticing this, Kristina continued her quest to cum only to be dismayed at a sudden and incessant ringing of her doorbell. Suddenly aware of the lack of water pressure, she found herself soaking wet, in more than one way and shivering. Kristina swore as loud as she could and blindly reached for a towel she’d left over the stall door. Wrapping herself in her towel she stormed towards the door and threw it open with a haughty “WHAT!!!”

Kristina’s mother Catherine stood just inches away, with a judgey and disapproving stare. Her eyes bulged as she quickly looked over both shoulders for anyone that could possibly see her daughter wearing only a towel. She rushed inside the door exclaiming “My God Kristina cover yourself up with more than a towel WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS THINK”. With a roll of her eyes Kristina turned and left the door open for her mother to walk thru. “Maybe some man will like what he sees and put a ring on it” Kristina retorted, gleeful to see her mother sputter and stutter meekly in reply” “Well in my day, I’ll have you know, we knew how to attract a man without walking about naked”. Kristina laughed, and remembered the stories her aunt had told her. “Mom, Aunt Tracie told us you used to get caught making out with boys in the supply closet, and got sent home with Tommy Miller was caught with his hand up your skirt”. Kristina’s mother flushed red with anger and embarrassment, and sat primly on the love seat in the living room. Changing the subject, Kristina’s mother simply said “so, since you’ve proven unable to find a decent man so far and you are in your 30’s, with no marriage propects on the horizon, I went ahead and scheduled you a date with a nice man named Mark.” Kristina’s blood began to boil, her anger rising as fast as her resentment. “Mother, you have no right..” Kristina began – but her mother cut her off. “He’s a nice man, very respectful, works at the local university. He’s a PROFESSOR”. Kristina’s mother drew out this last word, emphasizing it like Kristina had won the lottery. Images of an older pot bellied stodgy man in a cardigan and penny loafers invaded her mind. She stifled back a laugh and saw her mother staring intently at her. Her mother started in again with the same lecture. “I’m the only one at bridge club without grand babies. All the other women brag about their son in laws, and their grandchildren and I have nothing to say. I can’t speak, I can’t change the subject, it’s humiliating. What’s wrong with you that you can’t find a simple man who wants to marry you?”

The words hurt, and stung and a bit of Kristina’s natural defiance started to bubble up and overflow. “Look mother, it’s my life. If I wanted to sit at home and be Suzy Q. Homemaker, like you did, I’d have done it. I’m not wasting my masters degree making frozen TV dinners and picking up after a damn man just so you can show off at bridge club”. Kristina’s mother rose indignantly, huffing and fastidiously arranging the sleeves of her brightly colored floral print shirt. “Well, he’ll meet you at Benihana’s at 7:00. Please don’t be late.” She turned on her heel and said over her shoulder, “and please wear something a little more becoming than a towel”. She left,, slamming the door behind her and getting the last word as usual.

Kristina stood there in shock, not used to her mother controlling her life like this. Sure, she’d had her issues but nothing ever like this. Kristina had grown used to being berated about choosing to remain single but it had never been this bad. She shook it off to her mother’s menopause, and went back to the bathroom. She tried the faucet and found the water was still off. The doorbell rang again and this time Kristina really did fly into a rage. Her mother had said enough for one day and this time Kristina was not about to let her have the last word.

Kristina threw open the door and slipped on the tile entryway. She thrust her hands out to steady herself and managed to keep from falling as she struggled to get her feet back under her. Bracing herself against the door frame she did not manage to hang on to her towel, and she felt it loosen around her torso and then fall away. Like a slow motion dream, she was seeing it happen and couldn’t quite move fast enough to stop it. As the towel fell to the floor she looked up to see a mildly attractive man looking in surprise as she stood before him naked. She heard a frantic honking and saw on the street her mother leaning on the horn frantically while her eyes bugged out of her head. She looked back to the man in front of her, as he lamely tried to pretend to consult his clipboard. He was staring at her from the corner of his eye, and not being very subtle about seeing her naked. Kristina felt a strange sudden thrill about being naked. Exhibiting the body she worked hard for, to a strange man, who obviously appreciated what he saw if you were to judge by the growing bulge in his crotch. Her skin felt electric, raw and exposed to the morning air. His gaze and appreciation only served to turn her on even more, and she was both alarmed at this sudden thrill of exhibition and incredibly aroused. “Yep” She thought to herself, “I’m definitely touching myself later”.

“I’m definitely touching myself later” Bill thought to himself. He thought it was going to be a bad day. Bill lamented taking a job like this. He had dreaded showing up for the two weeks it took for him to move to a new city and unpack his things. He wasn’t hurting for money per se, but jobs in his field weren’t a dime a dozen. To help replenish some funds he used to move he took this job: manual labor maintenance. It wasn’t that he felt the job beneath him or that he disliked manual labor, it was just that he wasn’t very good at it. He was a thinker, not a tinkerer. He used his brain at work and all they grad school and honestly spent most of days in academia. He figured by the end of the summer he ought to have learned enough as a maintenance man for this apartment complex that he could start teaching again and fixing up he old Victorian house he’d bought. Way too big and run down for most he’d welcomed the challenge after his long and messy divorce.

His first day and a city crew showed up unannounced to work on the water main. Typically he’d have thought they were required to give advance notice prior to shutting off people’s water but the foreman would hear none of it. Bill was given a stack of printouts notifying residents the water had been out, scotch tape and a list of residents. He’d only just began to post the fliers on doors when a shapely blonde in 3C answered the door in a towel , and then dropped it. Bill couldn’t believe his eyes. In slow motion he saw the towel drop and her breasts revealed themselves to him. Perfectly sized and porportioned, they swayed slightly as the woman realized she was naked. , Her nipples were round and red and begged to have a hot wet tounge swirl around them. Begged him to playfully bite and nibble at them. He could just feel her fingers running thru his hair as she threw her head back and moaned in pleasure, thrusting her chest out and pulling his face in between her tits.

Bill continued to watch the towel drop, the crotch of his pants immediately beginning to bulge outwards. Sliding down past her flat stomach he noticed she must work out as she was in immaculate shape. His thoughts drifted to the sight of what she might look like on top of him, riding his cock like a trick pony while her hair and breasts dangled in front of his face. The crotch of his pants puffed outward even more as skin flushed and he awkwardly tried to pretend to consult his clipboard. He knew, knew he should turn away and yet he couldn’t. “Oh she has got to wax” he thought, as he saw her perfectly smooth and bald lips. He kept looking thru the corner of his eye, and decided to just go for it. Looking her in the eye, no small feat considered the treats on display, he stuck his hand out and said “Hi, I’m Bill and it’s a pleasure”.

Kristina smiled, and it melted him. She took his hand, let out a deep throaty laugh. “I’m sure it is” she said, reveling in his gaze.. She saw him trying not to look and decided to double down on this little unexpected thrill. She turned and squared her hips and faced him directly. She shivered, and jumped a little creating a little bounce for him to ogle. He stammered, and caught himself and then let his gaze fall toward her breasts. He started again, struggling to come up with the words until it all came out in a rush. “I’m here to tell you that your water is off, city crew doing work on the mains”. She laughed, a smile coming easily and without thinking exclaimed “I know, I was in the shower masterbating when it happened”. She cupped her hand to her mouth slightly embarrassed, and it was Bill’s turn to smile. There was a bit of a pregnant pause until Bill went for it. He hadn’t dated anyone since the divorce, and here a naked and buxom blonde was unabashedly standing in front of him practically begging him to make a move. “So, I don’t suppose, you’d like to go for coffee some time?”

Kristina smiled, but shook her head. He was cute, manly, a little bookish but overall handsome in a sexy older man kind of way. He wasn’t older as much as he looked, like a teacher. A teacher she would have fantasized in high school. “I’m sorry” she said, “this was fun, but I’m already booked and I’m really busy with work”. She didn’t want to complicate things already and truth be told the situation was both hot and awkward. She didn’t know how to proceed from accidentally exposing yourself to a strange man. Bill nodded, his smile faltering a bit before saying “Sure”. He waved, and consulted his clip board before moving on the next unit. Halfway down the sidewalk he turned and exclaimed “I didn’t get your name!”z she laughed once agains fb responded “you’re right! You didn’t!” Kristina did notice he had a nice ass, even with the shapeless uniform khakis the maintenance men were forced to wear. She decided herself to simply get ready tonight for the date with the professor, name unknown. Professor of whatever subject it was he professed. She’d decided she liked teasing Bill, and the professor was definitely going home with a set of blue balls tonight. First things first, she thought to herself as she walked back into her bedroom. She retrieved her vibrator and changed out the batteries smiling as she lay down and heard and felt the familiar buzz.

Bill immediately went about his business, but he couldn’t get the image from his head. She was hot. Really stupid hot, and was a 10. She couldn’t be much hotter. She wasn’t extremely gorgeous, “a girl next door blonde” Bill thought to himself. Somehow he felt that this enhanced her appeal all the more. He returned to the workshop and noticed that most of all of the other workers had left for lunch. He was completely alone. The door was heavy and locked automatically behind them. Bill thought for a moment. He’d easily hear someone coming if they came back early. He was pretty sure they all took long lunches, or took as long of one as possible. The thought of the woman in 3C naked and unashamed quickly made his rise to attention. He sat down in a squeaky swivel chair and unbuckled his pants. He sat there and paused, looking for any sounds that anyone was still there. He heard nothing. He decided to go ahead, and unzipped his fly and pulled his hard cock out of his pants.

Kristina was in heaven. She never knew she could get such as thrill exposing her self like that. Teasing and showing off to Bill made her wet like she hadn’t been in ages. Her nipples ached to the touch, and her pussy positively throbbed. She had the familiar feeling of yearning to be filled, and the vibrator wasn’t really cutting it. She craved to be fucked, and thoughts of being pinned down roughly and fucked any which way a man desired filled her head. She rode the wave of pleasure all the way to the top and suddenly found herself tensing in pleasure and just about to cum and building herself up for a powerful orgasm when she lost it. She was so close to screaming out in pleasure but as usual ecstasy eluded her. Krinstina groaned in frustration and took a few deep breaths. “Maybe I need a visual aid” she thought to herself, as she pulled out her laptop from her nightstand drawer. Many nights she’d spent in the dim glow of the laptop screen, the tinny speaker emitting sounds of moans and pleasures from various free porn sites. Porn didn’t really help as much, but it helped calm her a bit. She didn’t quite understand why it did but on some primal level seeing some other person getting railed and fucked like a cheap whore seemed to placate her body a bit. She searched the usual suspects for amateur porn – her favorite. Seeing nothing new uploaded she was about to close her internet browser when she got a pop up. In the pop, was an ad for a sex personals site that had a woman completely bound and tied. Her hands and feet were tied in a way that made all the woman’s holes accessible for any person who wished to use them. Kristina felt her body flush and face grow hot as she imagined herself in that position, helpless, made to be a personal fucktoy to some man who had free range to her body. Kristina was intrigued. She’d been curious about this kind of stuff before, but never had really explored it. She found herself quickly creating a username and filling out the bare essentials of a profile. There were too many kinks to really count. She was overwhelmed with the details, the specific topic boards, all of it. She knew she fantasized most about being pinned down and fucked very roughly, but wasn’t so sure on the hardcore bondage. She found a local group that was generic for new members. She joined and made an introductory post, nervous and hoping no one at work would ever find her profile, not sure what to expect.

Bill got off work and walked a short walk to his large and imposing Victorian home. He took a cold shower as the water heater had been stolen in the years the house sat empty and neglected. He had neither the tools or knowledge to install a new one. He was determined to learn at his part time job and do it himself. He briefly remembered his encounter with Kristina earlier and felt the beginnings a boner stiffening in his pants. He decided to forestall that urge a little, and check his email and messages for any new announcement or instructions from his main gig at the university. He did have a few new updates from his favorite site – a kink site that he’d been on for many years. Bill really didn’t talk to many about his interests in kink, most wouldn’t understand. He did love to be rough and dominant with a woman. He loved to take them, grab them, rip their clothes off and have his way with them. He loved to clamp a hand around their throat as he entered them, and look into their eyes as they lay there and submitted to his complete sexual domination of them. Consensually, naturally. He couldn’t fathom doing this to any woman who didn’t already want this and hadn’t given him her address. He hadn’t really had a chance to login in several days, and since he was new to the area he checked out the local kink group. He noticed a new female member had made a post introducing herself. Her profile was bare, and didn’t even have a picture. He messaged her on a whim, hoping on an off chance she would be online and might be remotely interested in what he loved – consensual non consent. To his surprise, she messaged back nearly instantly.

“Already, damn” Kristina said under her breath, surprised at the speed at which she received an initial message. Then another, then another, then another. Her inbox began filling up with messages from men of all types, sizes, colors, and apparently cocks. Lots and lots of cock pics as profile pictures. She had to laugh, here she had her pick of virtually any dick she wanted on the entire site, and the mere flood of dick pics turned her off to wanting almost any of them. She knew it was a sex site, but “cmon” she groaned. “I want to fuck a guy that knows enough about me to truly turn me on, not anyone who can snap pics of their junk”. One particular message subject did catch her eye, almost as if commanding her to read it. The subject simply said “I’ll sneak in and have my way with you while you’re helpless to stop me”.

Wet. How wet that one sentence made her. “To have a strange man, who I’m also attracted too, sneak in here, even though I may be letting him, but still, sneak in and grab me, and take me and pin me down is so crazy” Kristina thought. She couldn’t deny it made her incredibly horny. The toll of not orgasming in such a long time made her impatiently angrily horny. She’d never felt this way before. Her skin was hot, she kept rubbing her neck, her breasts and nipples begged to be groped and grabbed and greedily squeezed. Her clit was throbbing, and every time she shifted her weight it reminded her that she needed cock. A stiff one, and a lot of it and NOW. She opened the message and replied, her breathing shallow and palms a little sweaty. Three little words, “Tell me more”.

Bill received a reply, surprised to get one so quickly. Three little words, from a blank profile, from a brand new member. In his experience, those that just joined tended to flake out more often than not, but those three little words garnered hope. “Maybe, I’ll get a nice tight wet cunt tonight, instead of my hand.” Bill thought, and eagerly looked forward to it. He typed a descriptive message to the woman, identity yet unknown. He found himself turned on as well, writing it and figured indulging himself a little wouldn’t hurt. He spit on his palm and worked it over his cock, living up before squeezing and jacking his hand up and down his shaft. He wrote to this woman and explained how he’d feel seeing her there, tits round and waiting, her, pussy exposed and begging to be eaten.. how he could almost taste her, imagining what it would be like to bury his head between her thighs and flick his tounge across her clit. He detailed how he would hold her down, and trace the alphabet around her pussy very slowly, ignoring her attempts to make him speed up. Bill commented on how she’d probably thrust her hips and grind her pussy into his face but he would resist her. He’d bring her to the brink of orgasm before letting her down, until she’d soaked the sheets and was begging to cum. Then he’d thrust two fingers inside her and rub her g spot as he furiously licked her clit up and down until she screamed in pleasure. He wouldn’t stop though, he decided. After she came, he’d keep holding her down. He’d keep licking that woman’s cunt until she couldn’t stand it. Past when she got sensitive and past when she could stand it. She’d buck, and thrash, and in the end, she’d cum all over his mouth. He got caught up in email that he nearly came himself before sending it. He mentioned that he’d sneak in and pin her down and rip her clothes off and bind her hands, blindfold her eyes, and she wouldn’t’ be able to stop him from having her. He sent the message, idly stroking his cock, and hoping she replied soon or he just might cum all over himself. It didn’t take long. Two minutes later he received a reply. It wasn’t a direct response to his message, but an address, followed by a single word – “NOW”.

Kristina was a wreck. She’d never been this horny in her entire life. Her breathing was rapid and shallow. Her palms sweaty, her pulse was rapid. She was also scared. So very scared, but her cunt was in control. She knew it, and didn’t think she could stop it. She didn’t want to stop, she wished she’d never sent him the address. She wanted him to be there NOW and she was torn on him coming at all. She could not stand that she was such a dichotomy of emotion. She had read the mans message online and gotten dizzy at the possibilities. She couldn’t possibly be any wetter than she was at that moment. She ached to be taken, to be used. She wouldn’t even mind if he slapped her around a bit.

Bill arrived at the destination and realized on the way there that this person lived at his part time job. That apartment complex he’d just spent his day at would be his entertainment for the evening. He was a little nervous, hoping no one recognized him or saw him. He was still new and most people worked so he figured he had a pretty good chance of slipping in and out unnoticed. He was nervous, as he always was prior to doing one of these adventures. “What if you have the wrong apartment” Bill thought. It had actually happened once. There was a complex that had two apartments by the same name and number. He had gotten the wrong one first. Walked in like he owned the place to an elderly woman watching “the price is right”. That terrified him, that she’d could have called the cops. It didn’t stop him from finding the right place, and acting out his roleplay however. Determined, he wiped his pants on his jeans and walked towards the apartment listed in the address. He looked up, and told himself “No fucking WAY”. It was Kristina’s apartment, the very woman that had dropped the towel and teased him earlier in the day. Bill pulled his phone out and logged into the website, ducking into a hallway while watching the apartment. He checked and rechecked the address, and he had it correct. He sent one final message to Kristina, smiling that he knew more about her at this point than she knew about him. He checked his pockets, making sure he brought along all his supplies. Rope, blindfold, condoms, all there. He noticed the lights flick off in her apartment, and then his phone dinged.

“God, I’m so scared, but take me please. I’m ready.” She sent this, and immediately unlocked her deadbolt. A shiver ran down her spine as she ran to the bedroom and hopped in her bed.

Intentional, scary, stupid, hot. All emotions of intentionally leaving the door open. . She tossed and turned impatiently. Laying in bed, Kristina noticed just how dark and quiet her house was. She felt like feel like someone was watching you. It was as if unseen eyes pierced the darkness and crawled over her body yet she couldn’t see anyone or smell anyone or hear anyone, although Bill was watching from the darkness. Her door was shockingly silent and hadn’t made a sound when he opened it. His cock was bulging in his pants … while Bill was silently planning from 10 feet away – ust outside the bedroom doorway, peeking around the door frame. Admiring Kristinas form and curves as she lay in just panties , he decides he won’t rip them off. He decides he will make her take them off herself.

Pouncing on Kristina he shoved her face in her pillow and she found herself trying to scream out and fight. His hand tightened around a fistful of her hair and yanked her head back, his free hand clamping down over her mouth. Kristinas screams were muffled, and Bill straddled her. His cock ground against her ass and suddenly she was very well aware of his intentions. This is what she wanted. This is what she is suddenly unsure she wants anymore. Kristina’s body screams for it. She felt herself growing wet despite her terror. His hands are electric and her body responds like it has a mind of it’s own. She instinctively flinches away and yet finds herself arching her back and force herr breasts towards his hands.

Bill pulled her up and forced Kristina to stand, her knees weak and legs barely supporting her. She struggles to catch her breath, tounge dry and heart hammering. Bill pulls out two lengths of black fabric and deftly blindfolds and gags her. Kristina is powerless to see or speak and the panic intensifies. Her chest heaves as she breathe fast and shallow- her head suddenly yanked back by his tight grip of your hair between his fists.

“Take off your panties. Very, very slowly”.

Her panties. The last line of sheer flimsy lace defense. Kristina rather enjoyed how the soft lace feels against her smooth skin. She kept herself immaculate. She did wish more men would do the same but you can only control yourself. Kristina had specifically picked this pair tonight as the seam would ride up and rub hr the right way occasionally. When he commanded her to remove your panties she felt your chest tighten. Kristinas breath caught in her throat and her mouth went dry. That would make her be completely nude then. No defenses and no barriers would protect her from his large rough hands. “Like his hands were all I had to worry about”- Kristina thought to herself.. A little giddy and a little nervous She can’t believe the dichotomy of emotional turmoil this causes. Both wanting and dreading something, feeling pleasure and pain, satisfaction and repulsion. Emotions and thoughts feeling as incredible as much as her body felt at his touch.

“NOW!” He commands,, reaching out and sharply slapping her ass. The slap brought her back to reality and galvanized her into action. Before Kristina knew what she was doing she was hurriedly bent over and sliding her panties down to her ankles. She stood back up slowly and very nervous; very aware of her own nakedness. She flinched as his hand slapped her ass again, the sting drawing a red flush. Kristina was surprised at how it sent a shock up and down her spine and straight to her clit as it positively throbbed with the slap. She was amazed at how you both liked and hate this. It was a little degrading but it turned her on. It made her a little afraid and eager to please. Kristina for the first time in her life, found herself thoroughly wanting to be in this predicament, wanting to please and be used like a cheap whore. It was so alien, yet so hot and erotic to her. .

“I said SLOWLY. Pull them up and then slide them down again” Bill said in a deep commanding voice he reserved for these types of play dates. Kristina meekly bent over and carefully and slowly pulled her panties back up. She inched them back down over her knees and down to her ankles, taking her time and slowly standing back up. Bill stood there seeing Kristina naked and eager yet afraid. He reached out and grabbed her breasts, smiling as he squeezed them between his thick rough fingers. Kristina moaned out, catching herself leaning into his touch, his thumbs brushing across her nipples. They felt hard enough to cut glass, the pleasure is almost too intense to handle. Her knees grew weak and her pussy grew wetter at his touch. Bill smiled, unbuckling his belt and pants with one hand while letting his other hand roam freely. As his pants dropped to the floor both hands shoot out and grabbed Kristina’s shoulders. She found herself falling backwards and suddenly this man was on top of her. She screamed out briefly against her gag as she felt this man clamp a hand on her throat and slightly choke off her air supply. That very moment she felt this man slide between her legs as he thrusted his cock deep inside you.

One smooth powerful motion and Bill buried his cock deep inside Kristina. She was powerless to stop him. He rammed his thick cock in over and over and Kristina discovered that she didn’t want him to stop. She had freely given her body over and let him have his way with her and she lost herself in the pleasure of being filled by him. This man wasted no time and Kristina found herself brought to the brink of orgasm quicker than she’d ever been before. She rarely came during sex but this time he had her body in tune with his and she felt her entire body tense. The buildup immensely familiar she prayed that finally, she would orgasm. The waves of pleasure made her toes curl as this strange man slid his throbbing hot hard cock deep inside her as hard as he could and she moaned out loudly thru her gag. She couldn’t help it, she let herself go and waves of pleasure released and she came. Bill felt her tight little wet cunt contract and she started yelling thru her gag. He kept thrusting and felt himself building towards his own orgasm. He smiled at just how wet and willing she really was, and he let loose and shot a powerful stream of cum deep inside her. Kristina felt it, and came a second time. She relaxed, the adrenaline, the energy, all draining from her body and leaving her exhausted. She lay there, struggling to catch her breath, wondering what was next. She couldn’t see, she couldn’t speak, and she felt him grab her hands and tie them to the headboard.

Bill looked down through the dark bedroom and saw her there, spent, and catching her breath. His cock stirred briefly, and he smiled to himself at the long night ahead and all the pleasures he would have.


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