[MF] My girlfriend’s old perverted boss fucks her

I know it sounds like a porn plot but it’s not. When she was new to college and before we met, a classmate of hers worked as a waitress at the local Hooters. Her friend got her a job there. She quickly became the bosses favorite. He positioned her seating section closest to his office so he could look at her. He flirted with all of the girls, but her more than the others. Her friend warned her he was a creepy perverted old guy, but a good boss.

He made a decent amount of money selling his business so he managed a Hooters more for fun than anything else. After a few months he asked her to stay after work. He asked her lots of personal questions like about her family, if she was a party girl, if she was dating any guys, etc. He told her she was his favorite and that he wanted to pay her for her company.

She didn’t know what that meant at first. It started off with just letting him stare at her, to letting him watch her change into and out of her uniform. One day after work he asked her for more. He wanted to see her tits. Even though she worked at Hooters, she was not a wild girl, but she didn’t have a lot of money to get through college.

It started off as letting him look at her and turned into letting him touch her. If took awhile before she gave in and let him see her pussy. Once he saw that, the stakes got higher for him to touch her and for her to touch him. She was disgusted and didn’t enjoy it. She even told her friend that, but the money was too good to pass up on. It went further and further slowly. At one point the furthest she let him go was one thrust into her.

I started dating her during that time. She didn’t tell me where she worked at first, let alone that her boss was corrupting her. When she finally told me where she worked I visited her at work and met her boss. He was in his 60s or 70s and had a creepy stare. He was really interested in talking to me. He told me how hot my gf was. He was clearly treating hooters like a seedy strip club (even though he wasn’t fucking other girls there).

I later learned that he loved that she had a bf. He regularly requested being able to text me and and she call me while they were together. Eventually he was trying to convince her to have his baby. That never happened, but he did get joy from fucking her without protection. She often threw up afterward from how disgusted she was from him just seeing her naked. You can imagine how she felt when he started touching her and watching his old loose body slamming into young tight one while talking in the perverted way that he did.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jqptw0/mf_my_girlfriends_old_perverted_boss_fucks_her

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