Carol Falls for the Cleaning Lady [FF, Femdom]

Part One:

Carol Falls for the Cleaning Lady

The life of a mom is filled with stress. Carol was tired of nagging her two teens to clean up after themselves. Toilet seats were left up, kitchen counters left a mess, the typical lazy teen attitude wore on her. She worked from home and the burden of running a house was constant.

Her husband was supportive, and they enjoyed a healthy sex life, even after 25 years of marriage. Carol loved it when the house was clean and the kids were out; that’s when she thought about having sex with Craig. Lately Carol had been more distracted, the sex had waned a little.

Having coffee with a friend she poured out her troubles. “I’ve got just what you need,” said Michele, a longtime friend. “Try my Mexican cleaning lady. Nancy is the best. She’ll clean your house and help reduce your stress for sure.” Carol thought it was odd the way her friend giggled about the cleaning service. A Mexican cleaner named Nancy?  How good could it be?

Carol arranged for Nancy to come to the house and soon after a routine of two times a month the house sparkled. Carol enjoyed Nancy, a Latina mom in her early 30s. Carol couldn’t help compare herself to Nancy, women naturally do it.

Carol could see that Nancy was that cute kind of chubby that boys like, full tits and ass, narrow waist, hair in a pony tail, with hoop earrings. Carol admitted to being jealous. Nancy certainly would look better in a bikini than the white mom, and it wasn’t fair that Nancy had the Latina blessings of big lips, dark eyes and great cheek bones.

Carol thought of how she cared for herself. She worked out, yes, but was insecure. She was pale skinned, red head, blue eyes. She was so different than the Latina. Yes, she was active, working out regularly.  Carol had modest A cup breasts, a narrow waist, athletic shoulders, and her husband joked that her hips and ass were competition for any black girl. She had a full rump and her husband loved it. They had met in college when she played softball, and he said her athletic thighs and backside made him ask her out. She got compliments from her female friends and had caught some men eyeing her at the gym. Still, she was insecure. She was self conscious at how pale and pink her skin was, and she worried about growing old. The stress was getting to her.

One day as Nancy cleaned Carol caught herself staring. Why couldn’t she be gifted with such a body? Why couldn’t she have such rich brown skin?  Nancy turned and caught her looking. Flustered, Carol tried to cover. “Uh, you are doing very well Nancy, thank you.” Nancy stood and came over to Carol’s desk.

“Senora you looked so stressed. This isn’t good for a mother and wife. Did Michelle tell you I also do massage therapy? Please let me help your neck and shoulders. You look so tense.” Before Carol could protest Nancy had her hands on her shoulders. “Oh, wow, uh, mm, you dont, uh, mmm, wow, you don’t have to,” Carol stuttered.

“It is extra forty dollars but today is free,” Nancy had leaned down into Carol’s ear to speak to her, and the white woman was immediately overpowered by Nancy’s perfume and the smell of minty gum. The hoop earrings had brushed her neck and ear. Shit. I’m not a lesbian. This is just a massage. Damn Nancy is good. And cute. Damn snap out of it. Forty dollars. It is a business deal. Carol’s mind raced.

“Oh Mrs. Reynolds you are so tight. I am worried for you. Here, let me get these knots out this time. Next time you can decide. Here,” and Nancy took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom, which had just been freshly cleaned, and told her to lay down. “My treat today,” she giggled.

Carol followed as if in a trance, so ready to be pampered after the exhausting routine of motherhood. She laid in her stomach and sighed deeply. Alarm bells went off in her head as Nancy crawled on to the bed with her and straddled her back and butt.

Carol argued with herself. She felt plain, undesirable. Any strange feelings of attraction were just a result of being hormonal. Premenopausal women had difficulty, and Carol had felt out of sorts, especially after turning 49. Perhaps she did need a massage. She had to admit that the weight of Nancy sitting on her was pleasant, she tried to shut out feelings that being pressed down like this was strangely erotic.

Nancy worked her shoulders and back, and Carol couldn’t help but whimper and moan. Nancy soothed with encouragement, “Relax, you deserve this, it is a small thing, please enjoy. I am so sad to see you stressed each time I visit.”

Carol tried to protest, but Nancy shushed her by leaning over and whispering in her ear, “Shhh, just let me, it is okay. A woman as beautiful as you shouldn’t be so exhausted.” Carol cursed her hormones. What else would explain the reaction to Nancy leaning and whispering in her ear? Damn it. It triggered an awkward wetness in her panties. Damn it I just need to relax. Carol scolded herself for thinking about the weight of Nancy’s breasts when she leaned over. Damn it felt good.

She tried to avoid it, but couldn’t help replaying the feeling of Nancy on her back m, whispering. Nancy continued the massage, and Carol caught herself trying to get Nancy to lean over again to whisper to her, to press that chest against her back.

“W-would, um, lotion or, uh, oil help? Um, if you don’t mind? I am happy to pay extra.” Carol tried to not act desperate. The massage was exactly what she needed.

From her position Carol couldn’t see the sly grin from Nancy. Carol was so ripe. She had no idea of her real beauty. Nancy herself was wet. She had waited patiently for this day. She loved seducing white repressed housewives. If her Catholic mother ever knew she would faint.  Her husband had no idea. She had discovered her Latina beauty was alluring to suburban white ladies. Her power over these rich ladies highlighted the perverted nature of the massages. She chose her massages carefully. Carol seemed ready for plucking.

Nancy played it coy, “Of course, Senora. Massage oil is best. However, I have a schedule. Hold on one minute.” Nancy got up and pretended to check her phone. “I may be able to squeeze this in, but you know, oil is messy and requires towels, I will go to my car to get my massage table. You will need to remove your clothes please. Oil will ruin them.” Nancy tried to sound annoyed, not thrilled. She stepped into the hall and pretended to have a conversation in Spanish and then came back in. “I can do it but we must be quick. Please get ready and I will get my massage supplies.

The sense of haste worked to remove the inhibitions Carol had remaining, and she found herself getting into a robe with just her panties on, almost like a doctor visit. She continued to feel a strange flutter in her belly that she tried to ignore. She told herself Nancy was simply providing a service. Carol was sad that it was an obvious annoyance. She decided to be as kind as possible.

Nancy set up her massage table in the bedroom. “Please, Mrs. Reynolds, you may get on the table. I will leave you here for some privacy while you lay down. Here are some towels.”The Latina stepped to the hallway. She was looking forward to enjoying this mature wealthy woman.

Carol got on the table face down and pulled a towel to cover her big butt. Nancy entered, clicked the massage oil pump to get a few squirts on her hands and started the massage. She then pretended to be shocked, “Aye Chihuahua! I forgot my massage clothes. Senora please I will also need to disrobe a little. Pay no mind.” Nancy quickly stripped to just her panties. She didn’t give Carol a chance to look up or notice and began the massage.

“You have lovely skin Mrs. Reynolds,” Nancy whispered, circling her hands on the porcelain back.

“Oh, I wish I had skin like yours,” Carol countered.

“Don’t be silly, your smooth skin and hair, my goodness all the Rancheros in Meh-hee-co would be all over you. You could be a star on TV for chure.” Nancy’s accent was endearing. Carol giggled.

Nancy was pleased, “See, you laughed. That is good.” Nancy was playing it right. A giggling housewife was a great sign.

“You are so tight, your lower back must be so sore.” Nancy removed the towel, “Let me work this area.” A couple of squirts of oil were rubbed in. Carol groaned approval. Nancy admired the large white ass. A big ass on a white woman could be so sexy, especially when the woman had no idea how sexy it was. That was Carol.

The Latina casually tugged the cream-colored panties down, “We will need to get these out of the way,” and Carol moved her hips to help, thinking the panties would be moved just a little, but gasped when Nancy pulled them below her large cheeks. She lifted up and turned her head to protest but was stunned, no words coming out, for the first time seeing Nancy bare chested in only panties.  “You are okay Mrs. Reynolds?” Nancy asked innocently, almost too innocently.

In a blink of an eye Carol took it all in. Nancy stood dressed only in black panties and a belt with massage oil clipped on it. She was barefoot. Sexy as hell. Carol again cursed her hormones. Did Nancy purposely act cute with that question?

Carol realized her mouth was open and not speaking. She was staring at the 32 year old house cleaner— her gaze fell on the natural tits hanging sensuously with large brown nipples erect. Cute tummy. The few stretch marks only made her more lovely, more real. Her ponytail and hoops accentuated her beauty. Big brown eyes and full lips. Shit, Craig could never be here when Nancy was here, she thought. “Mrs. Reynolds?” Again the innocent tone. Damn this is so gay, Carol thought.

“I, uh, yes, uh, I just didn’t expect,” Carol stuttered. She felt like a teenager with a crush. Her pussy was drenched. She was humiliated at the thought of Nancy finding out how turned on she was.

Taking her time, Nancy played it straight. “I see you are surprised. I want to make you comfortable. Please, let me remove these so they don’t get ruined by the oil.” She quickly slid the panties over Carol’s feet. Nancy quickly admired those pink soles and imagined kissing them, later. Carol’s head was still turned back and she let out a quick whimper as the panties were removed. She was nude. Her house cleaner had her panties. Her wet panties.

Nancy acted shocked, “Oh Senora, these are soaked, I apologize I didn’t realize,” she said as she stepped up to Carol’s head. In a fog Carol watched as Nancy lifted the panties and sniffed. “Ahh,” the Mexican mom inhaled the white woman’s panties in her face, “I am so happy that you are enjoying the massage. You smell so lovely Mrs. Reynolds.” Carol was so shocked she couldn’t react. She was both mortified and aroused.

The Latina kept the panties on her face. She breathed in the panties, repeating the inhaling while she stared at Carol. “Here,” and again the quickness of the act caught Carol off guard. Nancy swiftly placed the panties against Carol’s nose. She placed a hand on the back of her head. “Don’t you smell beautiful? A woman needs to appreciate her own beauty.” She held the married mom’s head to the panties and felt a sense of conquest hearing the woman gasp to protest, then yield and sniff deeply, inhaling her own pussy juices. Carol moaned. She felt the wetness, inhaled again, and again, the brown hand holding her head down was so twisted. Damn. This was so bad.

“I will help you,” Nancy said and she left the panties next to Carol’s face. She stepped back, quickly removed her own drenched panties and kept them in her hand, then climbed on the table and straddled the white woman. Her brown bush contrasted with the pink round ass, and she slowly humped the big soft buns, letting the housewife feel her Mexican pussy massage that broad pale ass. Carol again moaned, feeling the wet pussy lips on her butt. Carol thrilled to hear Nancy let out her own moan, “Mmmm, so beautiful.”

Nancy leaned over Carol, letting her tits press into the pale skin as she leaned over to speak in her ear. “You are so beautiful, no?” Nancy cooed. The perfume and minty breath overpowered Carol. No wonder men lust after women. “You make me so happy, I also have dampness,” Nancy said and pushed her own panties to Carol’s nose.

“Ohhhhh, mmmmfff, fuck, uhhhnnff.” Carol breathed and huffed in the panties, taking in the Latina pussy juices, feeling the wetness against her face. She almost had an orgasm right then. She had never smelled pussy, never even thought about it. Now she had willingly sniffed her own scent and was getting off an another woman’s pussy smell. This house cleaner had flipped a switch deep inside her.

The scent of Nancy’s panties was intoxicating, a mix of pussy juice, sweat, and even a tiny hint of urine that made Carol let out a whimper of lust. She was in trouble. She loved the feel of the big tits and rubbery nipples in her back. She wanted Nancy to rub her more. Wanted to see her body. Her brain yelled at her that she was married, but her body kept inhaling the panties, her pussy kept flowing. She pulled her face away from the panties to whisper, “Please,” but then pushed her face back into the panties to breath some more.

Nancy let her body press against Carol. She regretted not having a mirror nearby, to see the two bodies, older and younger,  brown skin against, white, big tits and flat chest, red and brown hair. The contrast was enough to make her climax.

She rubbed her tits over Carol and whispered, “You make me so happy,” followed by the married mom moaning. Nancy continued, pressing the advantage. “I will please you,” she said, hearing another, deeper moan, “we will taste each other, yes?” This brought an “Oh fuck, uhhhhhmmm,” from the repressed white lady. “You like my voice, I can tell,” and another grunt followed. “I will whisper to you.” This brought a lustful response of “Oh Nancy,” from Carol’s lips.

Nancy abruptly got up. She started toweling the oil off of them both. Carol turned, hurt, scared she had done something wrong. “To the bed. We must do this properly.”   Carol was actually relieved it wasn’t over.

Nancy finished toweling and then like the house cleaner she was, turned down the bed covers carefully. She reached out her hand, “Mrs. Reynolds, you are a flower. Please lay down on your back. Let me relax you.”

Carol was mesmerized. She drank in the dark beauty of this Mexican. Carol, still self-conscious, kept her arm over her belly and bush as she got in the bed. Nancy chided, “No, please, let me see. Your skin, and the red hair above your flower, are truly magnificent,” she said, like she was admiring a painting.

Carol blushed. She had never felt more desired in her life. “Oh Nancy,” she muttered and lowered her face in bashfulness, letting her bush be displayed. The red head actually was quite lovely. Her awkwardness heightened Nancy’s lust.

“You are a flower,” Nancy breathed again, standing next to the bed as Carol lay fully nude. Nancy gently lifted a foot, bringing it carefully to her full lips. She examined it like food. The red toe nails, the curve of the arch. She looked down to see the creamy thigh and gazed again at the red pubic hair.

Nancy brought the toes to her nose and inhaled. “Ahhhh, mmm, the scent of the woman is powerful.” She inhaled a natural musk of the feet, so recently in shoes, pushing her face under the curl of toes to inhale the pink lady’s delicate and moist skin. Nancy flashed to the first time she had tried kissing the feet of a client. She remembered the nylons of the 50 yr old divorced accountant. She thought of Carol in nylons, sweating all day in heels, and Nancy moaned against the pink soles.

Carol was on fire. She let out small groans and whimpers as the house cleaner kissed and nibbled her foot, her arch, slurping toes, then kissing to her ankle. She yielded fully to Nancy, realizing she would do whatever this Latina had in mind. She would spread her pussy for her. She was hungry to feel the brown bush against her face, to taste the wetness of this cleaner. Anything. Her surrender was complete as Nancy made love to her feet.

Nancy let the leg down slowly and then climbed carefully in the bed, crawling on top of her client. “I see you like my breasts,” Nancy purred as she let the jugs swing low, crawling up to Carol, tracing the brown nipples up Carol’s body, over her belly, and then against the pink crinkly nubs of the A cups.

Nancy was now looking down at Carol’s face. “You are truly lovely Mrs. Reynolds.” Both women breathed into each other’s faces as they stared. Nancy slowly lowering her weight onto Carol, causing a moan. “Give me your mouth,” Nancy ordered and the woman locked into a passionate French kiss. Carol moaned deeply as their tongues circled. She let Nancy lead as she invaded her mouth.

Nancy broke the kiss and brought her swaying tits to Carol, letting the weight of her large mammaries smother the rich wife.   Carol muffled a groan under the tits and then freed her mouth to start nursing on the erect nibs. She was panting with lust, devouring the Latina, wishing the younger mom had milk for her to drink. “Ooo Mrs. Reynolds that is very nice,” Nancy breathed.

Again they paused to look at each other. Nancy shifted her weight, and Carol could feel the wetness of both pussies on their thighs. They had been grinding during the make out session and were dripping, the smell of sex filled the room.

Nancy gleamed as she dipped her finger into her white neighbors pink pussy. She slathered Carol’s juices on her fingers, eliciting a gasp of pleasure, and quickly brought the fingers to Carol’s lips. “Taste your beauty,” Nancy said and Carol obeyed, keeping her eyes locked on those brown eyes of her Mexican temptress. Carol swirled her tongue around the finger tips, bright yellow nails against her tongue and lips, and eagerly repeating the process as Nancy scooped up more pussy juices. This was so nasty. The perversion drowned out her rational thoughts.

“Now mine,” Nancy narrowed her eyes dominantly, and Carol felt the brown woman scoop her pussy juices. She whimpered with lust as the pungent fingers met her lips. The taste was beyond erotic. Her panting increased. The smell of Nancy was all she could imagine. “You are ready for my flower?”  Carol was like an eager puppy whimpering for a treat.

Nancy climbed up and straddled Carol’s face. Carol looked up to see the full dark bush and engorged pussy lips of her maid. In a flash she had an image of the Playboy magazines her grandpa had in his garage. Nancy was like a 1970s playboy model. Carol could not fathom how she had fallen so quickly. She moaned as Nancy lowered her pussy onto her face, the scent overpowering her.

She moaned into the pussy and did all the things that she liked being done to her. At times she couldn’t breathe, and she didn’t care. This would be a great way to pass out. Nancy also moaned and humped her face all over. Carol was being painted by her pussy juice. Nancy rubbed and moaned and Carol wanted desperately to taste her climax.

With a gasp Nancy climbed off and fell on top of her older white neighbor. They embraced and pressed their mouths into a passionate French kiss

Nancy didn’t just kiss, she licked the pussy juice from Carol’s face, talking to her new lover while they made out. “Can you see how beautiful this is, the smell of our flower. Never forget how beautiful we smell. You must understand your true beauty Mrs. Reynolds. Now release your petals to me and let me taste you. I want you to enjoy being tasted.” Nancy had practiced with other white women, and her string of erotic words pushed every button for Carol.

The Mexican woman climbed down and began skillfully loving the pink mound. Nancy loved the red pubic hair in her nose as she tongued the glistening pink folds. Nancy traced her fingers down to Carol’s sphincter, gently massaging with her manicured yellow nails while she slipped another finger inside her slit. Carol moaned as Nancy found her clit with her tongue and her finger skillfully rubbed her G spot. It was too much. Carol grunted, animal lust took over, and she grabbed her cleaning lady by the ponytail, grinding her pussy into that beautiful mouth. Spasms rocked her pelvis as she climaxed.

As her orgasm subsided, she felt Nancy again crawling up towards her, and soon they were kissing, again, loving kisses. Carol was broken. She couldn’t get enough. She was in love with Nancy. This Latina had rocked her world. Their kisses were so sensual, the taste of pussy on each other’s lips. The smell intoxicating.

After a pause Nancy looked at her. Shit, Nancy worried she really could fall for this white lady. “You know Mrs. Reynolds, this isn’t the typical massage,” she said, then they both giggled. Shit. That giggle. Both Nancy and Carol knew they wanted more.

“Oh Nancy, please call me Carol,” said the older woman. She realized that at 49 she could be Nancy’s mother.

“I have my reasons for what I call you. If you would like me to call you Carol, it comes with a special deal. I am not a prostitute. I am speaking of an agreement between you and me.” Nancy’s tone was now serious, almost ominous.

Carol couldn’t imagine losing what she had just found. “Please, I want an agreement. Please don’t leave me.” Nancy loved seeing Carol plead. She hadn’t cum yet, and she had a plan she had used with only a few other special clients.

“I will be your cleaning lady. Yes. I will clean for Mrs. Reynolds. For me to call you Carol means you are my lover. This will come only with a pledge. We must make a special bond. I can tell you it will be uncomfortable for you.” Nancy held her gaze, sternly. The giggling was over.

“I want the special bond. Oh please Nancy, I can’t imagine not having you like this again,” Carol begged the young woman.

Nancy led Carol to the shower. Carol panicked seeing Nancy bring her phone. “I will record this pledge. You can leave now. Decide.” Nancy was so dominant it frightened Carol, but her pussy was stirring again. She wasn’t used to being so revved up. She thought she could cum again.

Carol nodded and kneeled in the shower. She felt so exposed,  she loved being the object of Nancy’s desire. It fired her loins. She realized that for the first time in forever she wasn’t self-conscious of her large butt and tiny tits. She felt sexy, alive, and wanted to keep it going.

Nancy explained her terms, and they were horrifying and erotic.  Carol would be her pet. She would make Nancy cum now, do anything that Nancy commanded. They would record the pledge. Nancy promised to humiliate her in a special way. It would be a test. Carol could never tell. If she passed, she would get a pet name. Nancy would keep the evidence.

Carol almost left. The terms gave Nancy extreme power over her. Nancy’s gentle sweetness that started this hook up had faded to dominance. Carol’s brain told her to leave now. Call it a fling and get out. But she couldn’t.

Instead she drank in the site of this voluptuous creature. She openly lusted after this Mexican hottie. She appraised the face, smeared with pussy juice, her lovely hair matted from sweat, her cheeks flush from lovemaking. Those full lips were puffier, almost bruised from the passionate sex. Her deep brown eyes held Carol’s gaze. She was a goddess.

Carol openly continued to study Nancy. Her ripe tits so womanly, her belly maternal and young at the same time. Her bush was full, so powerful, hiding the swollen lips that leaked down the rich brown thighs. Her toes, oh how had Carol missed those toes, and the matching yellow nail polish. She would bend and lick them now if ordered. Her desire flamed. Her pussy tingled. She would worship this woman. She nodded.

Nancy stepped into the shower, pushing her bush close to Carol’s face. The smell and warmth washed over Carol, clouding her thinking. Nancy explained the ritual. Then, she held the phone aloft and pointed it down at Carol’s upturned face, filming the bush and face together.

A light showed she was recording, and the test began. “Who are you?” Nancy demanded. “I am Carol Reynolds,” the mom groaned inside. This recording was her doom. Nancy started, “What do you want to do to my pussy?” Carol whimpered, she was going to humiliate her for sure, and possibly make her cum again. “I want to lick your pussy.” The recording showed Carol dive into the pussy, her face partially covered by the brown pubes. Carol attacked the pussy with abandon. She moaned and slurped. Nancy brought her hand down and held the back of the red head.

Nancy shifted and started to hump the white lady. “Do you want my cum?” She barked. “Yeff,” muffled Carol. “Do you want to rub your pussy while you taste my cunt?” Nancy questioned the submissive wife. Carol again moaned a “yeff” while keeping her mouth locked in the dripping Mexican pussy.

Nancy was getting close. So was Carol, fingering herself, and she was about to climax when Nancy ordered, “Open your mouth! Drink me.” A hot stream of piss hit Carol’s face and she flinched. She remembered the test and determined to pass. She held her mouth open like a target, moaning as Nancy released urine in her mouth, over her eyes, in her hair. She was marking her.  Carol couldn’t help but groan and swallow, gulping, gasping, and again she opened her mouth. She gulped and swallowed. The urine filled her belly and ran down her face, over her tits. She was covered in piss. It was such a lewd act.

The urine stream slowed to a dribble and she again attacked the messy pussy lips. She curled her hands under Nancy’s thighs, gripping her butt cheeks. The smell of urine was strong and Carol sucked the hard clit.

She moved her hands to repeat the same techniques of Nancy, massaging her anus, slipping another inside her slit to rub her G spot. It worked. Nancy spasmed and grunted, gripping Carol’s head. “Uhhhhnnnffff,” she convulsed. After a few convulsions the phone dropped, and soon Nancy was on her knees with Carol, again kissing her, this time with gratitude and happiness.

She covered the older woman’s face with kisses.  “Oh you are so good, my pet, yes you are mine, my pet.” The kissing was so erotic, and Carol felt a sense of accomplishment. She loved that she passed. She loved bearing she was a pet. She felt possessed, desired. Fuck. This is as gay as it gets.

Nancy sensed the vulnerable moment. “Oh Carol my Kitten, my love,” Nancy cooed. “Do you love me, my kitten?” Startled, Carol froze. She looked at her lover anew with deep questioning eyes. Nancy held the stunned pale face in her hands, stared deeply into those lovely blue eyes, which looked like a scared doe.

Nancy told herself to be careful. She could get lost in those eyes herself. Nancy forged ahead. “Miss Nancy asked you, Carol Kitten, do you love Miss Nancy?” Carol’s eyes searched hers, wetness tickled, then actual tears welled in the white mom’s eyes. “Yes, Miss Nancy,” she gasped, almost crying, “Carol Kitten loves you, oh fuck, I love you,” and she broke into sobs, Nancy rewarding her new pet with more kisses and words of affection, “Miss Nancy loves you my kitten, my sweet kitten.” Nancy had done it. She held her new pet and soothed her.

“Never forget how beautiful you are my pet,” Nancy said softly. They had showered and dressed. Nancy moved a lock of red hair from the face of the older woman and tucked it behind her ear. She held her gaze and kissed her lovingly. “Miss Nancy loves her pet,” she whispered after the kiss. “Carol Kitten loves Miss Nancy,” Carol answered, meaning every word.

The women were locked in a special bond. They cleaned up and went about their day, both unaware of how much that moment had changed both of their lives.


It was another coffee shop meeting with her friend. The two wives laughed and caught up on life. Michelle noticed Carol was less stressed. She was more confident.

“Welllll….. you seem happy,” Michelle chuckled.  Carol played it coy, and didn’t answer right away.  “C’mon, tell me, did you, ya know, call Nancy?” Carol stayed silent, looked bashful. Michelle pressed, “Did you, uh, you’re going to make me say it, aren’t you? You are so naughty,” she slapped her arm playfully.  “Did you get, uh, the massage?” Another giggle, and a hair flip. “She is great at relieving stress, isn’t she?” The brunette laughed out loud now and slapped her friends arm again. Damn. The hair flip, laugh, the arm hit. Carol recognized those flirty moves she had used on Craig. Was her friend flirting with her?

Carol couldn’t help but wonder if Michelle also was a pet, if Michelle had kneeled. Perhaps it was just a “happy ending” massage for Michelle. The picture sent a tingle to her pussy. Shit, am I going to turn gay for everyone? She admitted to herself that the thought of her friend being naked with Nancy was thrilling.  She wondered if they should talk more about it or if Miss Nancy would want her to keep it quiet.

Michelle’s cell rang and it was her kid, she apologized and said she had to go. She paused as she stood, then tapped Carol’s arm and squeezed her wrist as she broke away from the call for a second to look at Carol sharply.

Holding the phone away from her face she leaned to Carol, “You will tell me. I want to hear everything, you got that? Everything.” She had paused at the word everything. She had held Carol’s gaze. She finished with a wink and another squeeze, this time grasping her friends hand as she smiled broadly at her. Their fingers locked unexpectedly. The touch was electric. Their fingers released slowly, savoring the touch. Carol’s pussy flooded. 

She watched the brunette walk away, and caught herself watching her hips as she walked, taking in her ass, picturing her body. Damn this is so gay. Carol knew. She would tell. She would tell her everything. She would make sure she whispered it in Michelle’s ear lovingly.
