[MF] Sun, Sweat, Sex and Sand – a [M]exican [F]arewell

First post testing my writing skills so all constructive criticism welcome! Apologies for the very long build up!

A few years ago I was backpacking around Mexico. I say backpacking, but it wasn’t your typical open ended stay in one place for as long as you feel before moving on to the next place type of deal. Having recently started working I could no longer afford to take that much time off work. I had two and a half weeks, and I fully intended to see as much of the country as I could albeit at a whistle stop pace. Alternating between spending a night in hostel dorms or taking night buses I was able to start at Ciudad de México and work my way down and across taking in both coasts but at a price. Towards the end of the trip I was severely fatigued but having anticipated this I had booked myself an air conditioned private room at my final hostel on the Yucatán peninsula where I would stay for a couple of nights for some much needed R&R.

Unfortunately somewhere along the way, I suspect a mountain town known for its horrible water quality, I had contracted a terrible case of Montezuma’s revenge. My R&R days consisted of me alternating between the toilet and the bed, feeding myself on flat coke, cheese crackers and bananas.

This story is about my last day and night in Mexico where things took a turn decidedly for the better.

Wanting some fresh air I ventured out of the cave I had been holed up in, swapping the banana peels and biscuit wrappers that had been my company, for the random rotating cast of strangers that you would find at any hostel. Having missed out the last couple of days, flimsy friendships and cliques had already been formed by the veterans and not really fancying socialising, I thought I would head to the book shelf and see if there was anything worth reading. In amongst the many Lonely Planets you can occasionally find a gem. I picked something up and was absentmindedly thumbing my way through when I noticed her going through the same shelf. Being a bit of a bookworm I find girls reading books extremely sexy. I have an unfulfilled fantasy of fooling around in a library. As she turned I caught my first glimpse of her. About 5’4”, size A boobs, with pale skin, dark brown frizzy hair and twinkling blue eyes, she looked very similar to Rachel Weisz in The Mummy. We’ll call her Rachel for the purposes of the story.

She had had my curiosity and now she had my attention. “Find anything good” I asked her. “Nothing really”. Noticing she had her luggage with her I asked, “Coming or going?” “My flight just landed,” she replied.

Now the hostel had a happy hour going on, where they’d mixed big vats of palomas (mezcal and grapefruit soda) and rum and cokes. Sensing an opportunity to learn more about Rachel we sat down at the table I had previously avoided. As the alcohol flowed so too did the conversation. She was a nurse from the US who had even less leave than me and had wisely decided to spend all her time on the Yucatán peninsula. Contrary to the typical hostel fashion, where the person who arrived 2 days before is a seasoned traveller compared to the new arrival, I explained that due to my recent affliction I hadn’t really seen anything at all. By this point the conversation had grown from being between just the two of us to include a couple of others. I still hadn’t fully recovered so I excused myself but not before making plans to spend my last day with this group exploring the local cenotes, sinkholes and spring water pools which are plentiful in the area.

We met the next morning a group of 6 of us. 2 Austrians, an Australian, and another American who we’ll call Jennifer as she was the spitting image of Jennifer Lawrence. Jennifer was 18 or 19, lightly tattooed, sun blushed, and with a spunky sarcastic personality that you would never have guessed it was her first time travelling abroad. We had met the day before at the drinks where she was with a Mexican guy who I assumed to be her boyfriend or fuck buddy.

After our bus dropped us on the side of the highway we managed to hitchhike the rest of the way to the cenote. As we emerged from the changing rooms we got a chance to size each other up. Rachel was wearing a light blue two piece which matched the color of her eyes and the water. Jennifer was the curvier of the two was wearing a skimpier nude coloured bikini which blended with the color of her skin making her appear naked. I was in blue swim shorts , 5’11”, brown skin, a two week old travellers beard, lean on the slim side (the dehydration of the last few days giving me a much more cut physique than my usual belly) and most importantly trying my best to hide a semi brought about by the sight of these two beauties.

We spent the most part swimming in the cave admiring the rock formations and the crystal clear turquoise waters and taking breaks to nap in hammocks whilst shooting shit. Occasionally whilst snorkelling our limbs would make contact and although accident would send a chill through my bones. I knew I wanted to have one of them, but I had no plan.

Eventually we all tired and decided to return to town to grab lunch. Lunch quickly became daytime drinking where the general order of business began to take the piss out of me for being much older than the rest of them, followed by me taking the piss out of Jennifer for being too young to understand any of my references. We had a strange older brother sister dynamic in which I couldn’t quite work out if we were flirting or not. Rachel on the other hand had got quite tipsy and was suggesting that we all go out for a dance.

I had just let slip that I had celebrated my 26th birthday on my lonesome in my hostel bedroom the day before and the whole group were eager to make the party tonight. We headed back to the hostel intending on grabbing some pre-drinks before checking out the strip by the beach where the majority of the nightlife was. Heading back to my room to get dressed I hear a knock on my door. On my door step stood Rachel in a black and navy speckled sun dress. She wanted to see what the big deal with the private room was. As I muttered something about having control of your own air conditioner was worth the extra cost, she came in, kicked her shoes off and laid on her stomach on the double bed picking up the book that was resting there. I laid down beside her feigning interest in the book but all the time admiring her gorgeous legs. I was buzzing from the alcohol, but not to the point where I wanted to try anything too forward. I grazed my fingers against the bare skin of her thigh, lightly enough that I could pretend it was an accident. Sensing no resistance and hearing a soft moan escape her lips, her eyes still firmly focussed on the pages, my touch became heavier as I moved my hand upward towards her small cute ass. Our eyes locked, hers saying fuck me to mine. I was ready to oblige.

Knock, Knock, Knock

I pulled my hand away with a start and went to the door. There stood Jennifer, she looked at me and then her eyes scanned the room to where she saw Rachel getting up from the bed. I thought I saw a flash of something in her eyes but without missing a beat she simply said we’re all ready to head out to pick up the booze. I was now sure I had blown it with Jennifer and the moment had definitely gone with Rachel.

We awkwardly got up and rejoined the rest of the group to pick up the alcohol and catch a taxi to the main strip. Now this part of Mexico is notorious for being quite instagramable and the beach clubs on the strip are where the action is. Being mere travellers we were staying on the less touristy side of town, so the long cab journey gave us ample time to sink more drink. We arrived at the restaurant/bar/club which we had been told was the place to go. We walked in underdressed, to a room full of posers, dressed to the T, sitting with expectant looks waiting for something to happen. The atmosphere was dead, the drinks over priced and we had an overwhelming sense we didn’t belong here. I like to think we saw the place for what it really was and after two drinks decided to leave and see if we could find our way onto the beach to continue drinking the bottles we still had with us.

This was easier said than done as most of the beach front properties were either 5* hotels which would not let us in or gated off luxury villas. We found one gate open and seeing the sea about 50m away decided to chance it. Although there seemed to be some activity in the house, which we reckoned were kids who had been left home alone by their parents but were too deeply engrossed in their phones to notice our group the rest of place was abandoned and we set up camp under some beach umbrella’s right by the water. The roaring crash of the ocean meeting the land drowned out any noise we made drinking and chatting. As time passed some of the group decided to head into the water.

I had other things on my mind as had Rachel who had been noticeably more tactile as we were hanging out by the beach. Taking her hand I led Rachel a bit further down the beach where we sat down to look at the stars. After the exploring the cosmos for the shortest acceptable time, I leaned forward and began exploring her mouth at first gently kissing her lips before penetrating deeper with my tongue. I pulled her head closer as she kissed and bit back. We fumbled around like this,rolling this way and that, me on top, her on top, my hands working their way down her toned body to rest on her ass and her arms wrapped around my back. We began grinding each other and with both of us wearing thin fabric I could feel the heat emanating from her pussy and she could feel my hard fully erect cock. (It’s about 6 inches with a girthy helmet which tapers to more narrow at the base) Occasionally there would be a passerby using their phone torch to illuminate the way but we were too engrossed in our own world that we paid them little attention and didn’t stop on their account.

Before we had a chance to continue the others returned, one of them had forgotten their towel, was soaking wet and wanted to return to the hostel. Sensing an opportunity to bring Rachel back and make use of the double bed, her and I decided to join him. With the majority of the group now heading back the others decided to join as well. The 5 of us hailed a cab and headed back. Little did we realise we had brought most of the beach back with us. I clocked as I was leaving the cab, the driver wasn’t pleased at all. I looked at him mouthed an apology and handed him the price of the fare again by means of compensation. Not my proudest moment.

As I would be heading back home the next morning the others said good bye to me downstairs. Rachel and I head upstairs to my room and Jennifer as well who had to walk past my door to get to her dorm. We stopped at my door step Rachel entered whilst I chatted to Jennifer at the doorstep. I didn’t know what to say so I said the only thing that came to my mind. “It was really nice to meet you, I had a great day today”, as I reached over to give her a hug. Once more I was left with her on my doorstep although this time she lingered there as if wanting to join us, and the look in her eyes was disappointment. I often wonder what would have happened if I invited her in but also wonder if I saw what I wanted to see in her eyes.

Rachel and I were finally alone in the privacy of the room. I hungrily ripped the sundress off of her, tearing one of the straps in the process. Beneath it was her pale white petite body glistening in the sweat. Her little dark bee sting nipples perfectly erect and her pussy was completely waxed and as smooth as the rest of her body. We went into the shower to clear the sand and after we’d lathered each other’s body with soap and water and with the hot water still flowing I pushed her back against the wall got down on my knees and started exploring her clit with my tongue. I love going down, especially for a completely shaven pussy. She squealed with pleasure she ran her head through my hair pulling my head tighter into her mound. As her sweet juices dripped into my mouth and over my beard she continued moaning with pleasure. I was fully hard and desperate to be inside her. Turning of the shower and returning to the bedroom I began rummaging for some condoms.

Rachel stopped me saying, “I’m on the pill”. These 4 words meant I could feel the her wetness on me and fill her up with my cum. The part of my brain at all worried by STDs figured she worked in healthcare so must have been clean (stupid I know). Returning back to bathroom I bent her over the sink and slowly entered her from behind. My cock glided in, aided by the wetness of her pussy. I loved watching the contrast of her pale ass to my brown cock entering it. Starting gently I began slamming into her from behind as gripped the edges of the sink ever more tightly. Tiring slightly we moved back into the bedroom where we started fucking in missionary, my eyes locked on to hers as I slowly thrust my hips into hers my hands started playing with the rest of her body punching her nipples and sticking my fingers down her throat.

Then almost by a reflex I grabbed Rachel by her throat, not too tight but firmly, more as a place to rest my hand. With a shudder her eyes rolled backwards as she came, her pussy contracting on my dick. She said she’d never been choked during sex before. I was happy to oblige. Even with the whiskey dick I knew I couldn’t last much longer. She went on top bucking her hips and grinding against mine while riding me cowgirl. Rachel squatted on top of me, a position (what is it called?) which grips my cock so tight and is always guaranteed to make me cum as she pumped up and down I could feel my orgasm building. 2 weeks of cum built up during the trip erupted into her tiny cavity, filling her up. After pulling out and watching my cum drip slowly out of her I pulled her closer and began making out again, basking in the post sex glow.

We had sex twice more that night/early next morning before I had to go to the airport. Sitting in the airport waiting for my flight I was a mess; smelling like sun,sex sweat and sand. A perfect farewell to Mexico.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jpjesa/mf_sun_sweat_sex_and_sand_a_mexican_farewell


  1. That was awesome. To bad you couldn’t pull off the threesome but hey take the cards you are dealt. Did you and Jennifer keep in touch?

  2. Wow such a great story and beautifully retold. Too bad you didnt have time to have a go with Jennifer too.

    My antennae go haywire when I hear a girl tell me she’s on the pill. Maybe that’s because it’s what i heard right before i lost my virginity. So so right and so hot for you to take her bare and fill her the way you did

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