The Haunting of Palmer Mansion Chapter 18 Part 2 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*I’ve written this story through chapter 26. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

Previous Chapters:

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4](

[Chapter 5](

[Chapter 5.5](

[Chapter 6](

[Chapter 6.5](

[Chapter 7](

[Chapter 8](

[Chapter 9](

[Chapter 10 part 1](

[Chapter 10 Part 2](

[Chapter 11](

[Chapter 12](

[Chapter 13](

[Chapter 14](

[Chapter 15](

[Chapter 16](

[Chapter 17](

[Chapter 18 Part 1](

In the morning, Daniel woke up and opened his eyes. He was still in the cabin. He looked over at Erin sleeping peacefully next to him. She was on her side and her large, milky white breasts spilled onto the bedsheet. Her messy, brown hair covered part of her face, but he could see his dried cum on her right cheek.

Hadn’t Daniel done enough to earn his ticket home? Naked, he slipped out of bed and padded across the rough wood floor. He carefully placed some logs over the embers in the fireplace to get the day’s fire going again. Why were they still here? Frustration built inside him. He wanted to go home. Still naked, he opened the front door and strode out into the snow. He slammed the door behind him.

“Mrs. Palmer?” Daniel’s voice echoed off the tall line of blue spruce trees. “I did it. I want to go home now,” he shouted up at the sky as small snowflakes fluttered down around him. “I’m going to miss my senior year. They won’t let me graduate. Eloise? Do you hear me? Day Star? I want to go home. I miss my family.” He got no answer but the echoes that reverberated around the small cabin. Daniel didn’t know if he was shivering from frustration, or cold. He kicked snow with his bare foot, and walked over to pee on a tree. When he returned to the cabin, he picked up the day’s care package that someone had left by the door, and reentered the cabin.

“Who were you talking to, Daniel?” Erin sat up in bed. With her left hand, she held the blanket over her breasts. Her wild hair went in all different directions. She couldn’t help but watch his soft penis swing as he walked. It contained so much potential energy. Goodness, it had really turned kinetic the day before. Her jaw tightened as she thought of all the seed he’d planted in her unprotected garden.

“No one.” Daniel stomped over to the kitchen and dumped the paper-wrapped package on the countertop. He turned to face her and wiped tears from his eyes with the back of his hands. “I guess I was just yelling at the woods. I really want to go home, you know?”

“I know, dear.” Erin frowned to see him like this. She held out her arms to him, conscious that as she let go of the blanket, she exposed her boobs to him. Well, it’s not like he hadn’t seen them before. “Come here.”

“I have to make breakfast.” Daniel looked at the inviting bed, but thought of all his chores. The fire in the hearth had caught, and it spread its warmth through the cold room. More tears ran down his cheeks. It was so embarrassing.

“Breakfast can wait. Let me give you a hug.” Erin felt so protective of the poor boy. If only she could do something to help him. But they’d already pleasured each other per the note’s instructions, and they were still stuck. With arms outheld, she beckoned him with her fingers.

“Okay.” Daniel walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He embraced Erin and rested his head on her soft shoulder as he cried. Little by little his tears dried. He noticed all her lovely curves pressed into him. He dug his fingers into the smooth skin on her back.

“What happened last night?” Erin patted his back and felt the familiar presence of his penis begin to press into her hip. God, he was large. “Why was I so hot, and then … bigger?”

“You made a deal with the Devil.” Daniel leaned back to look her in the eyes.

“I’m serious, Daniel.” And she tried to look serious, but it was hard to do that when dried semen made her hair extend in different directions. “What’s going on?”

“I guess …” Daniel leaned in and kissed her on her soft, pink lips. “… we’re stuck here …” He kissed her again. “… and we should just make the best of it.” A sly smile played on his lips. He was feeling a little better.

“I don’t think we should have sex again, Daniel.” Erin’s heart beat loudly in her chest. “I could get pregnant. And it’s … wrong. What would Ray think of me? I’ll satisfy you with my mouth, okay? Think of your mother, dear. Would she want you to … uuuupppphhhhhh.” Erin let Daniel kiss her and accepted his tongue as it moved into her mouth. She fell onto her back, and within minutes they were humping like animals again. She let the boy put two more loads inside her before breakfast, God help her. And Ray was the farthest thing from her mind.


Once the floodgates opened, the pair went at it constantly. Either they were doing chores, or they were humping. That was life at the cabin going forward.

“You think your husband … uh … uh … uh … is still looking for us?” Daniel took her doggie on the bed. His hands grasped her hips. He watched her wide, motherly ass shake with each powerful thrust.

“I don’t … ooohhhhh … knooowwwwww.” Erin had never let a man take her like a dog before. Now she relished the way he treated her. She pushed her butt back at him, and watched her hanging boobs smack together with each impact under her.

“How would he feel … if he found us right now?” Daniel slapped her ass and enjoyed her little yelp in response.

“B … b … baaaddddd.”

“He’d know this was my … pussy … now.” Daniel tried some of Eloise’s dirty talk. From the increasing intensity of Erin’s grunts, he thought she liked it.

“Yesssss.” Erin was completely under the boy’s spell.

“Does your husband … ugh … have a little dick?” Daniel drove his cock into her, but Erin didn’t respond. “I said, does … your … husband … have … a little dick?” He slapped her ass again.

“Oh, my … God. Yes … yes … yes … he’s small.”

“And I have … a big one?” Daniel watched her back muscles flex each time she absorbed the shock of his slam into her.

“You’re … so much … bigger … than Ray.” Erin gritted her teeth, she wanted to give Daniel … everything.

“Take off your ring … Mrs. Haskins. And toss it away.”

“Oh, Daniel … no …” But Erin reached over with her right hand and pulled her wedding ring off her finger. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed it across the room and heard it clatter across the floor.

“You’re my girlfriend … in this cabin … not his wife.” Daniel grabbed a handful of brown hair and pulled her head back to arch her back.

“Oh, please … oh, please …” Erin could tell he was about to unload in her again. Her orgasm overtook all higher brain functions and she grunted as that warm cum splashed inside her.


Those next weeks at the cabin taught Erin dozens of new positions. The twisted things they did would have shocked and appalled her old self. But the principal in her faded away, and the animal in her surged. Needless to say, her vagina was constantly flooded with seed.

The pair almost never dressed now, even to go out in the snow. This was fine with Erin, most of her clothes didn’t fit her anymore anyway, with her expanded bust and hips.

Weeks turned into months, and sure enough, Erin’s belly began to swell. How were they going to raise a child in this forever-winter cabin? Erin didn’t know. But her thoughts about her old life rarely intruded as time passed. She was committed to this new life with Daniel. With him in her arms and between her legs.


One morning, instead of the daily package, Daniel found a note by the front door. He quickly returned inside and woke Erin. He handed her the note. “Read it.”

“Committed. Remitted. Dress and leave the cabin together. You go back today,” Erin read. She put the note down and looked up at Daniel. “Home?”

“We’re going home.” Daniel bounced with excitement, and went to retrieve his clothes from the corner.

“Really?” Erin frowned and looked down at the note again.

“Aren’t you happy?” Daniel pulled on his underwear and his pants. “You get to see your husband and your children.”

“Yes.” Erin looked over at Daniel as he pulled his shirt over his narrow shoulders. “I mean. It’s been a long time. What will they think? What will I tell them?” She looked down at her round belly. She wasn’t huge, but her pregnancy certainly showed. Daniel’s baby was in there.

“I don’t know. We’ll figure that out when we get home.” Daniel hopped on one foot as he pulled on his sock. He picked up Erin’s clothes and brought them to the bed. “This is what we wanted this whole time. We’re going home.” He dropped the clothes next to her and offered his hand to help her up. She took it and stood.

“Will I even have my job anymore?” Erin ignored the bra. She’d leave it behind, useless as it now was. She wiggled her panties and tights on. Her skirt didn’t fit right, so she left it mostly unzipped.

“I don’t know.” Daniel kissed her on the cheek.

“What will happen to us, Daniel?” Erin stopped pulling on her blouse and a deep sadness crept into her eyes.

“What do you want to happen?” Daniel truly didn’t know what her answer was going to be.

“Tell me.” She pulled on her jacket and tugged at the sleeves when it didn’t sit right. The suit was made for a different woman. “You and your sister-in-law … all those fake doctor visits … did you …?”

“Yes.” Daniel cocked his head at her. There was no reason to lie. “Penelope’s my girlfriend.”

“I see.” Erin nodded her head. She had suspected as much for a long time. Something like that would have floored her old self, now she just took the news in stride. “When we get back, can I … um …” She looked for her discarded wedding ring on the floor, found it in the corner near the window, and put it back on. “Can I …” She walked back to Daniel, twisting the ring around her finger with nervous anticipation. “Can I be your girlfriend, too?”

“What?” Daniel sighed in relief. “Of course. I promise. Whatever happens with your husband, we’ll still be a thing.”

“Okay.” Erin let a half-smile part her lips. She put on her heels, took Daniel’s hand, and together they walked out of the cabin.


Still holding hands, Erin and Daniel stumbled from the secret opening in the fireplace. Behind them, they heard grinding as the hearth rotated back to its normal position. Bewildered, they looked around Palmer Mansion’s main living room.

“Nothing’s changed.” Daniel couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. Euphoria at his return surged through him.

“Oh, thank God.” Erin squeezed his hand. “We really are back.”

“There you two are.” Julie stuck her head in the doorway. Her eyes, immediately drawn to Erin and Daniel’s clasped hands. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“What?” Daniel wasn’t sure what sort of response he was expecting upon being reunited with his long-lost mother, but nonchalance wasn’t it.

“I spent a good five minutes looking for you.” Julie stepped into the room and watched as Erin and Daniel quickly dropped their hands away from one another. “Khadra is recovering in the guestroom. She says she just had a fright.” Julie turned her attention to Erin. “So, what did Daniel do that merits a visit from the school principal?”

“I … I …” Erin couldn’t think straight. Had it really been only minutes since they departed? “I’m sorry, Julie. I have to go.” She walked briskly toward the door.

“Your purse.” Julie bent down, picked up the woman’s purse, and handed it to her.

“Thank you.” Erin looked back at Daniel as she left the room, her eyes full of meaning.

Daniel nodded to her and she was gone. Her heels clicked down the hall. A few seconds later he heard the front door slam.

“Well, that was weird.” Julie eyed him up and down. “Did she look … different to you?”

“No.” Daniel shook his head.

Sensing his discomfort, Julie let it go. Maybe she’d ask him more about whatever had just happened later. She walked up to her son and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “My, gosh, Danny. You’re ripe. Time for a shower, big guy.” Julie looked toward the hall and then gave his small, firm butt a good smack.

“I love you so much, Mom.” Daniel grabbed Julie and gave her a great big bearhug. He breathed in deeply and smelled the floral scent of her shampoo. He’d really missed shampoo.

“I love you too, pumpkin.” Julie chuckled and squeezed him back. “Now go take that shower, Mr. Stinky.”

“Right.” Daniel gave her one last squeeze, and then hustled off toward the shower. A long, hot shower sounded perfect. It was so good to be home.

Outside the house, Erin slammed her car door, started the engine, and sat in the driveway. With unsteady hands she unzipped her winter coat, and unbuttoned her suit jacket. Sure enough, her boobs were larger and under her blouse she could see the swell of her belly. She had Daniel’s baby growing inside her. She put the car in drive, and headed home to her oblivious husband.

*I’ve written this story through chapter 26. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*
