Distance Closed [MF, for the soft boys] [oral] [masturbation]

I hear you say “Come on then,” as you come up for air, and you must know I’m close to breaking from the burn of my fist grasping at your hair. I’ve tried to be gentle but you’re pulsing your tongue in and out and between that and your hand squeezing mine so intentionally I lose, I roll as if on a wave, and it’s not Earth-shattering, it’s mind-melting, it’s soft and gentle and I smile through it, and it wraps me up as you do, hands running over my stomach, watching with a smile of your own. 

“Good?” you ask, and I can tell under your stoicism you’re seeking reassurance. “It was so, so lovely,” I breathe. “I feel melty.”

You lick me clean—thoughtful as ever—and run a hand over your chin before meeting my grabby hands, rising over me to kiss me from above. I can feel heat coming off you in waves and I can see that you’re tired, so I wrap my arms around your back and push us both to sitting.  “You’re not done,” I remark, eying your resilient erection. 

“Don’t wanna ruin the melty,” you say, reluctant to pull me from the very rare relaxation you’ve managed to gift me with. 

I wiggle closer to you, cross legged and impish. “Would you touch yourself for me?” Before you can even answer, your cock twitches, and I bite my lip so as not to laugh. 

“Just like this?” “Just like this.”

So it passes that I’m sitting knee-to-knee opposite you as you reach down one hand and fist yourself. I think nothing could be more beautiful or honest than your unimpeded gasp, a bit choked as you stroke yourself, letting me see how you must have done it all those months ago when we imagined I was there with my hands on you. 

I try to balance my focus between taking notes and appreciating your complete lack of inhibition, your devotion to showing me exactly what I’ve asked to see, inviting me in to the intimacy you practice with yourself. And to see that you’re so intent on looking at me, at stealing glances, makes me feel impossibly warmer. 

Your movements start to flag a bit with exhaustion—most of your enthusiasm has already spent on me—but you’re obviously taken by surprise when I replace your hand with mine as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Maybe it is, because in the same moment I instinctively run it downwards, your hips thrust up, and now you’ve surprised even yourself. 

Your let your head fall as I caress you, doing my best to mimic the attentions you’ve put on display. “You’re so beautiful,” I exhale, because you are. “Thank you for letting me love you.” 

You raise your chin enough to give me—what? a side eye? And then we’re both leaning over my hand on your prick to kiss, and it’s sloppy and chaste at the same time, a bit of both, something for each of us. 

Your breath grows ragged and I put my arm around you, hand firm at the base of your spine, and pull you into me. “I’ve got you,” I say, as you allow your head to bury into my shoulder. I can feel you shudder as precome runs down my fingers, and I relish the entire experience of it as your arm comes to my back, crushing yourself even further into me so that my fist brushes both our stomachs as I continue to pet you, to make you feel how I’ve longed to make you feel for so long. 

You’ve begun making these little moans in my ear, and I as I focus my affection on the very head of you, pushing my thumb into that velvet softness, you whine and rock into me. I can tell you’re almost there, as I pet your back, as I brace myself. 

“I’ve got you,” I say into my shoulder, where you’re still nestled. “It’s okay. Come for me.” The force with which you lurch into me is impressive and igniting and I’m glad I prepared to roll back up, to catch you in your own wave and rock you through it.

You’re shaking for a while, and at some point it’s turned into crying, and I don’t mind; I’m sort of surprised between the two of us it wasn’t me. But it’s been so long to get here, and I’ve shed my share of tears along the way, that it’s almost relieving to see your feelings in the flesh. One of my hands curls into your hair while the other loosens around you, so as not to hurt, rocking you all the while. 

“I’ve got you. I love you. I’ve got you.”

And you’re here. And I’m here. And we’re here, melty, riding the wave together for once.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/joj75k/distance_closed_mf_for_the_soft_boys_oral


  1. And now I’m emotional. Thank you.

    Normally, I don’t like second person narratives, but this works.

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