24 [F] posting about a true story im in. Would love to hear honest thoughts about it, maybe answer some questions and see what you think about it. Please read the entire post and be respectful

So, first off I wanna stress that my husband isn’t a cuck, im not a sex worker, I dont do only fans, nor do I want to.. im just a young mother who happens to be in a rough situation, and this story is extremely long, but 100% true.

Im currently 7 months pregnant with me and my husband’s 3rd kid, and not only was this pregnancy unexpected, but Covid really made matters worse. My husband owns his own business and its slowed dramatically since covid hit. He makes about 1/3rd of what he did, ive been a stay at home mom since I was 17,  just doing school online. So we have always been a single income household.

When we moved into this neighborhood we met an older guy at our community center that lives around the corner from us and he’s a single 57 year old man who watches his grandkids during the day. We have kids similar in age and they met at the pool and they play and are friends etc. We got to know this guy pretty well and my husband was talking about his business struggling (back in may) and our neighbor asked my husband if he would ever consider sharing me, if he paid.

Immediately my husband said he’ll no. But a couple weeks went by, and with us still struggling after selling our boat and stuff, we decided together that maybe we should consider it. We live check to check and the neighbor offered 1200 a month, to have me over every other Friday to spend the night with him. So he gives me 600$ every Saturday morning when I leave.

So, I know the questions will be about the sex. So let me try to kinda explain what a normal night is like. Everything is vanilla. The guy is EXTREMELY  conservative, respectful of me, my body, my husband, and my wishes. Everything is vanilla, honestly. Its oral, and normal sex. And being pregnant limits a lot of positions. Haha.

So, why im posting? Its something I obviously don’t want anyone to know about but its a topic I’d like opinions on. Im curious how it makes outsiders view me, or my marriage/situation. Im a for honesty, so if it makes me sound like a whole and my husband sound like a cuck, you can say that. But be respectful I have no patience for people being rude. I’d like to find someone to talk about this experience and answer questions about it, keep in touch and be friends kinda. But I want to stay anonymous obviously. So if you’re just hoping to see pics of me, dont bother. I want conversation, I want questions, I want a real conversation.

Any and all questions please ask! If you’re interested message me some info about yourself (asl, etc), tell me what you want to know about the situation and tell me how it looks from an outsiders POV. If you can’t read and follow these directions, I will not respond. 

Thank you for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/joanen/24_f_posting_about_a_true_story_im_in_would_love


  1. If u and the hubby are ok with it then i dont see any problem with it. U gta do what u gta do when things get tough, lord knows i have.

  2. So many questions before I could give you a honest answer. But if u would
    Like to talk about it. Send me a pm

  3. A lot of people have had to do what they have to do. The wife and I made extra cash for a while doing online cam play… which isn’t the quickest way to make money lol. So we started doing 3somes for money, and were making $300 to $400 a night when ever we needed to, seeing only one “customer” during the night. As an added bonus, we had fun and managed to weed the idiots out.

  4. Sex work is challenging emotionally. You and your husband will need to communicate constantly about feelings and unexpected responses. He may find the reclaim sex to be super-hot – he may hate it all.

    Point is – make the commitment to talk about it all – and be able to change the arrangement depending on what your husband needs.

  5. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do tbh. Also you’re hubby is on board and supportive so I rly can’t see the fault in it . Haters gonna hate

  6. I don’t think I could live with this my hat is off to your hubby. And I have strong suspicions how this makes you feel. Please talk to your husband constantly make shure he’s emotionally ok. I hope he is checking on you to keep your stability going. Be very good to each other and pray for covid to end so you can get your lives back. I strongly suggest you both get counseling after covid, this is going to be a tough one to get though.

  7. I know you said you guys got to know him pretty well and were comfortable, but I’m curious about how that question even came up. I’m sure it was a shock, but had he expressed any interest in that kinda stuff before? I’m curious what changes, if any, have happened in your relationship/friendship dynamics.

  8. How has this affected your sex life with your husband? That’s where most of my opinion would stem from.

  9. I’m not going to put down a method of earning money that apparently has no negative consequences.

    Having started this arrangement without anything negative so far is unusual. I’m rooting for the two of you.

    I am concerned about the long term consequences of this. Continued sexual experiences can result in attachments building for one or both partners. Weekly reality checks for all concerned are recommended, if not more often.

    Another concern I have is how you and your family/social group will react if this arrangement gets out. Chances are pretty good that it will. You need to prepare for this before it happens.

    As to where you two are on the spectrum, I think it more depends on your value system. I’m told that in France a large percentage of married women have admitted to getting paid for sex after marriage and that your situation/choices are much more accepted than in the USA. On the other hand, some people maintain that a married woman is the same as a paid sex worker because the married woman is exchanging sex for non-cash support. There’s one line of reasoning that all people are prostitutes to some degree because we all trade our time/work in exchange for resources when we’d rather be doing something else.

  10. I see no harm as long as u mainly are happy an hubby is good with it i say make the money girl. ?

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