Brother’s Day Off

This is a story about 2 very different brothers and a beautiful, sexy young wife.

James is married to Adriana. She’s his dream girl. He worked hard to land her. Treats her like a princess and keeps all of his promises. He’s 32 and successful. He’s generous and stylish. A loving father and husband. He’s 5’10 160 with brown hair and brown eyes.

Adriana, she’s 26 and a young mom. She’s a 5’2 slim thick, busty Latina with baby making hips and a soft, fat, round ass. Long dark brown hair. Green eyes. Girl next door looks. 38Ds, Soft features and she’s well taken care of.

James has a brother named Anthony. He’s 34 years old 5’11 240 with a beer belly, tattoos and skin that has been worn through years of hard drug use. He was kicked out of the army. He was hooked on all kinds of drugs and has been in a out of jobs for the last 10 years. James is the only one who would ever give him a chance. Anthony can always count on James.

Anthony gets a new job. As a day laborer at a construction site. But it’s near James’s home. He lives in a beautiful and spacious 4 bedroom house an hour from the place they grew up in. The kids share a room next to the master bedroom and another small room, all upstairs and a guest room down stairs. Anthony still lives in their parent’s garage that he and James converted into a bedroom when they were in high school.

Adriana wasn’t for it at first. But that wasn’t the only concerned party. Their mom pleaded for James to let Anthony stay in the spare bedroom. As a favor to her. Because his beat up car wouldn’t make it an hour up there and back. Truthfully he’s not responsible enough even if he had a working car. She had considered giving him her car because it was more reliable. But James can’t say no to his mom. And sometimes he missed his brother. They had some wild times when they were younger. He did all the same stuff when they were young. He just grew out of it when he met Adriana.

When Adriana and James first started dating Anthony was trying to date her cousin. That was a disaster and he was a jerk about it. When she would call James, sometimes Anthony would borrow his cell phone and wouldn’t pass along messages. On top of that Anthony caused their mother a lot of problems and had kids that he didn’t care or provide for. Often the best birthday and Christmas gifts for the kids came from her and James. She didn’t like that. But that was James.

One cool, sunny Spring morning James gets up early to head to work. It’s an important day and everything is going crazy. Conference calls. People are having issues getting along. Computers are on the fritz. Deadlines are popping up. He’s busy. Home is the last thing on his mind. He leaves before anyone wakes up and doesn’t say bye.

He’s unreachable by phone. He knows that. Which is unusual. In the back of his mind he trusts her. But he can’t help it. He has a weird feeling in his stomach all day. He thinks about how Anthony is stuck working in the hot sun. The kids are at his mother and father’s house for spring break and Adriana is home alone keeping busy. Everything is in order. He has to focus on work.

Adriana has plans to meet with her best friend Michelle. They’re going to walk the mall and grab a bite to eat. She’s been looking forward to seeing her and venting about Anthony. He annoys her. He’s messy. He overuses a lot of household items. Eats the kids snacks. He’s loud and plays video games on the living room tv all day.

She takes a long hot shower. For a moment forgetting her troubles. Letting the water run on her back. Her head. Just standing under the steaming hot water and meditating before soaping her body with a loofa and rinsing off. Washing her hair carefully. Massaging her scalp as the suds make their way down her spine and over her curves. Even though they hadn’t made love since his brother arrived she shaves her legs and pussy because she always does. She steps out and there is only one towel left. She wipes some of the water off of her body Before using the towel mostly for drying her hair, she chooses to mostly air dry on the bed.

It’s long over due for laundry day. James has been taking the family out to compensate for his brother being around. Everyone is a little on edge and the family time and good food blunted that. She opened her top drawer. No comfy underwear. So she goes into her bottom drawer and puts on a sexy black lace thong and matching bra. That and pink lace was all she had left. Not normal for her. She usually prefers comfort to sex appeal. But nobody will see. She admires herself in the mirror before picking a red scoop neck top.

Fixing her hair and makeup in the mirror in the master bathroom. She stands in the middle of the His and Her sinks. Wearing nothing but the skimpy thong and tight top. She missed James badly. But everything on the counter is hers. Except for his toothpaste and soap. She really was his princess.

She slowly made her way into her walk-In closet and picked out a tight pair of dark blue jeans. She struggled to pull them up over her thick thighs and huge ass. She’s having trouble picking out some heels. She can’t decide between the beige or the black, but there’s a knock at the door that stops her dleliberation. God. Who could it be? Did she forget she ordered something from amazon? She checks the Ring camera app on her phone. Ugh. Anthony. He probably got fired.

Anthony returned home. Not before picking up some potent California Weed. He’s in his work jeans and a hoodie, tool vest and boots. He knocks because he doesn’t have a key. He’s fidgety but happy. She thinks “what the hell is he so happy for?” She always hid her distaste for him. She was always polite out of respect for James.

He doesn’t have her number. So he’s not even sure she’s home. He doesn’t know they have a camera. He’s really stoned she can tell by his low eyes and cheesy smile. His job paid cash daily. So he was given a full day for only showing up. He’s still clean. Not sweaty and dirty like usual.

She hates him. When her and James first dated she she remembered was trying to fuck her 18 year old friend while he was 27 with 3 kids he didn’t care for. It disgusted her. All the times James got a phone call from him or about him and had to walk out and came back in a ruined mood.

When they were teens and through young adulthood Anthony always had women. Although according to James the quality had deteriorated as he had little money and only sold enough drugs to support a habit. It’s funny how when she would go to the home her husband grew up in Adriana would always be drawn to Anthony’s prom picture on the wall next to his army picture. His date was beautiful and he looked decent. He also swore to her cousin that he had a big dick.

She’s struggling with these thoughts as she makes her way down the stairs. The jeans on her are sexy. They’re really tight on her hips and flatter her ass. Her makeup is on point and her hair is straightened. She smells amazing.

Before she gets to the door she goes into the living room and sits on the arm of the couch. She calls James and he sends her to voicemail. She texts him. But no reply. He normally replies immediately. Oh well. She’s a big girl. They’re adults. She’ll let him in. But she’s not leaving him alone. She doesn’t trust him not to make a mess or go through everything.

She looks on the app again. He’s dancing slightly. Fuck, why is he so damned happy?

He’s trying his best to get his life in order so he’s always kinda defensive. People always think the worst of him. So when he comes inside, he starts laying it on thick. Over explaining why he’s home from work. Using a soft accent. Explaining that he’s doing well. They didn’t have a part so he couldn’t do his job. His boss likes him. He thinks he’s going to get promoted. Blah, blah, blah. He flashes his cash. He gets paid in cash and wants to show her.

He feels confident. On top of his world. He sits on the couch and pulls up the ottoman to put his feet up. He’s still in work boots. Adriana feels like her day is fucked. She cancels with her friend and texts her husband a bunch of times. But he won’t get them. He’s driving. Rushing from one work site to another. And he’s on a work call with his boss who is having a meltdown. Phone is in the cup holder. And he’s using the Bluetooth system. Not a concern in the world but addressing his work problems.

Might as well get all the household chores done. She let stuff pile up lately. She wasn’t in the mood and it’s mostly Anthony’s mess and she hadn’t been doing laundry. He lived down stairs. His room was there. He was omnipresent in the kitchen and living room. Playing PlayStation. Raiding the refrigerator. Eating the kid’s snacks. She procrastinates on doing the dishes but she makes herself do it. She’s frustrated no doubt and wondering why James hasn’t answered or called back.

Anthony swaggers into the kitchen. She keeps her gaze forward. Avoiding eye contact. Hoping to avoid small talk. He walks up behind her. Playfully pats on her hip with his heavy, meaty hand and steps back. She takes a pause before she turns around.

Anthony stands confidently and almost like a servant asks “Do you still smoke? I got some fire.” He seems so happy. He’s got his job. He got paid. He’s trying to make amends.

He produces a large bag of light green citrus smelling weed. She doesn’t normally smoke anymore because it’s either overwhelming or she gets desperately horny and submissive.

She asks what strain. He gets a huge goofy grin across his face and says “sativa”. Oh good she thinks. That’s not the one that makes her horny. That’s indica. This gets her in a mood to do tasks. She has a decent amount to get done. Fuck it. Against her better judgement she says “sure” Almost feeling sorry for him. They agree to go to the garage and have a quick smoke.

They arrive through the laundry room separating home from the two car garage. Her brand new SUV parked on the left side. There’s a small table on the right side. James used it for poker and conference calls when he worked from home. They sit at the table and he produces one of those colorful, bulbous and frankly, phallic glass pipes. After a couple bowls She’s euphoric but relaxed. Horny. As. Fuck. Also they’re laughing. He’s talking about work and she’s listening. He’s making fun of his coworkers. Gossiping. That’s who he was. But now she wasn’t bothered.

He excuses himself from the table and goes to the living room to turn on the PlayStation. Anthony offers to order pizza on his way out the door. She politely declines. He offers Cinnamon Ice breakers. Her favorite. But that pizza sounds good. Why would she do that? Ugh. She decided to enjoy the high and finish the dishes and get started on the laundry.

He’s playing some basketball game. She looks over him. As he small talks here and there. Continuing the conversation from the kitchen. She announced she’s going to the laundry room out of courtesy because he’s kind of babbling. She thinks it would be rude to walk away without saying anything.

He looks over the couch at her as she walks across the tile floor. That ass. Those hips and thighs. That hair. He hasn’t fucked any “fine” girls in a while because the drugs. This is grade A meat. The guys at work would call her premium. This was not some coke whore. When would he ever get another chance like this?

He pauses the game and follows her. He’s horny from the weed too. She’s pouring a liquid in the washing machine. He gets close to her from behind. Intoxicated by her aroma he starts massaging her shoulders. He places his hands on her shoulders. His thumbs on the shoulder blades. Rotating his thumbs in circles. Squeezing her shoulders. He wasn’t good at a lot of things but this was amazing. He could give a massage. He knew how to turn a woman into a slut.

She tells him to stop. But she’s submissive and non confrontational. Her voice is soft and sexy. Almost unserious.

He isn’t the kind of guy who takes the first no anyway. Now the massaging feels good. She’s melting. She’s falling for it. He steps closer. His dick rests on her ass. The denim of the jeans and the thing fabric of their underwear are all that separate them from loving.

He’s got a go to move. James has seen him do it to 10 girls. He reaches around from behind. Hooks his thumbs inside her waist band. Tugs up on her panties.

She turns over her right shoulder and they both French kiss with cinnamon ice breakers in their mouths.

It’s a passionate kiss. He grinds his dick on her. She backs her ass up. He pulls down his jeans. And unbuttons her jeans. She wiggles her hips send helps him as he pulls them to her knees.

He whispers in her ear as his semi hard dick presses on her fat, soft and smooth bare ass.

“Where do you want me to fuck you”

She turns around and initiates a passionate kiss. They leave the laundry room. Heading for the stairs. Stopping to kiss and grope. He takes her shirt off. She takes his off. He fingers her against the wall. She screams and moans while squeezing his dick. They get to the stairs and only make it half way up.

He sits up a couple stairs above her. She gets on her knees. Sweeps her hair behind her. He kisses her and takes off her bra. Her jeans are around her knees cushioning her knees from the wood on the stairs. He’s got his jeans around his knees. She takes off his work boots.

Tosses them down the stairs and kisses him.

Her 38Ds hang over over his dick.

She backs down a step on the stairs and proceeds to make love to his dick. Her warm wet tongue and soft lips.

She’s giving him a better blowjob than she’s ever given anyone. The effects of the weed. The intoxication of the taste of his precum and seeing his much bigger uncut dick

She slowly bobs up and down. Occasionally making eye contact and stopping to giggle and smile. He pushes her head down and she’s overwhelmed. Slobbering and choking. But she keeps going. Like a champ.

Pulling herself up leaving a string Of saliva connecting her bottom lip to the tip of his dick. She wiped that with the back of her hand. He stands up. Pulling her to her feet. She takes the lead and guides him to the bedroom.

The stop outside the bedroom. Kissing. He pins her to the wall. They strip butt naked there. Kissing and grabbing her ass. She giggled. “I can’t believe we’re doing this”

He says. “Shut up and suck my dick”

She urgently drops to her knees and he fucks her mouth with no respect. She’s overwhelmed. The saliva pours down her chin. To her neck. To her chest.

Sometimes he lets her do her thing. Sometimes he grabs her head on the sides and thrusts forward. Pounding his tip on the roof of her mouth and her tonsils.

He walks her backwards into the bedroom. Kneading and spreading her soft, fat ash cheeks. His hard wet dick pressed into her lower abdomen.

She falls back on the bed and opens her legs. He gets on top and kisses her deeply.

He’s on top. His dick on her pussy lips. He slides it up and down teasing her. She moans “fuck me baby. I want your dick so bad”

He pushes himself up. Hovering over her. Kissing her. She breaks the kiss to plead again. “Please. I want that dick..”

He has a sinister grin. His brother’s little Wifey. Hot. Soaked. Horny. Covered in saliva. Butt naked in bed. High as fuck off some potent kush.

He kisses her neck. Then her breasts. Sucking on the left nipple. Pinching the right one. His stomach On her pussy. He can feel the heat and the wetness.

He alternated nipples. Squeezing the wet left on harder and sucking on the right one. He slides his middle finger up her tight, wet and burning hot pussy.

He’s pumping hard so she moans. Then he slows down and does circles and she coos. She lets out a groan. “Oh fuck. Oh god. Baby!”

He pushes her to the headboard area. Her head on the pillow that she normally sleeps on. Her face covered by her husbands pillow. As his brother gets his face up next to her pussy. Spreading the lips and doing the alphabet on her before focusing on the clit. When her body starts reacting. He gets that burst of confidence.

He slides his index finger in her pussy. Pressing hard up and to the left. His middle finger applied steady if not gentle pressure on her asshole.

She cums from this immediately and after him teasing her and confusing despite her screaming and moaning and begging him to stop. She’s euphoric and breathing hard. Laughing. Smiling. The pillow is off her face. She’s beautiful. Glowing. Sweat on her forehead. Her hair matted to her face and generally a mess. She rolls on her side.

He climbs up to that part of the bed and she puts her head on his chest. Kissing his chest. Telling him how amazing that was. Her breasts lean on his upper abdomen. His beer belly.

She grabs his dick and holds it tight. Squeezing it. He grabs the back of her head and pushes down. She gets the hint and gets oriented between his legs on her stomach. Propped up on her elbows. Licking and kissing his dick. Sucking his balls.

He can’t help but look around the room. Enjoying the king like feeling and the palace like surroundings. At least to him. He’s been living in his parents garage and sleeping on the couch for over 10 years.

She’s worshiping his cock. French kissing the tip. Sticking her tongue in the hole on the tip. Teasing and laughing. It tickles him. She’s high and happy. She knows her husband won’t be home for hours. She knows that the kids are safe at her mothers and she’s having the best sex of her life. And the big dick in her mouth hasn’t even entered her pussy yet.

He grabs her hair and pulls her on top. She straddles him. She gets in position. Goosebumps form everywhere. A shiver in her spine. Butterflies in her stomach.

She tells her husband no when he grabs her hair. She has a whole canned response to make him stop. She doesn’t like it. Only now. She kinda loves it.

She raises up. They work as a team to position his dick and she slides down. She’s wet. He thrusts. Docking himself at her deepest point. Stretching her with his thickness. Another orgasm builds. She proceeds. Up, down, back and forth, left, right. Up, down, back and forth, left, right.

After a good minute or two. Not long. She stays on an up and down pattern. Over and over. He gets down on his back instead of sitting up.

He thrusts up while squeezing and slapping her thighs.

They both encounter the most tingly, warm and special orgasm of their lives. He creampies her. She rolls on her side and giggles and moans in a satisfied stupor.

He gets off the bed and walks around to her side. Presenting his dick and ordering her to clean it. She doesn’t. With her lips, tongue and fingers.

He retreats to the bathroom and takes a piss.

(To be continued)
