Step Sister Corruption Part 36 – Day 4 Stars (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I held the back of my head.

My mom just smacked me in the back of my head.

I looked at my mom, “What was that for?”

She looked at me straight faced and said dead panned, “That’s for earlier. Which I should have done originally. And this as well.”

As she hit my arm…..hard.

She quickly followed the hit to my arm with a smack to the back of my head again.

The only thing coming out of me, “Ow!” “Oof!”

Within a few seconds mom effectively slapped and hit me 11 times. She was hoping the smacking and hitting would knock some sense into me. And honestly I hoped so too.

I had pretty much held my hands and arms over my head trying to protect myself.

The only thing that escaped me was, “What the fuck was that for?”

She hissed, “You know what for? Really Gabe? I thought I taught you better than that?”

I looked up at her, “Why didn’t you do that earlier?”

She sneered at me, “Like I’m going to hit you in public and in front of Kelly or Summer. Are you insane.”

Fuck my mom had switched from loving to punishing. The doors were closed.

While I’ll admit my mom is an all around sweetheart she knew how to punish me. And I hadn’t experienced an ass whooping from my mother in nearly 12 years when my mom caught me stealing money from her purse.

Over the years my mom had rarely had to beat me. Her main approach was sit down and talked to me. But I guess in situations like these an ass whooping was needed.

For a little 5 foot girl she knew how to punch.

She stood over me, “Well Gabe what do you have to say for yourself?”

I looked up at her, “I’m sorry mom.”

A tear fell from my eye.

She sat down on the sofa while I laid there keeping an eye on her. She just huffed, “Damn it Gabe I thought I raised you better.”

I looked at her, “And you did.”

She just rolled her eyes at me, “Uh huh. What do you call all this?”

I looked at her I decided to try a different approach hoping that avoiding the obvious I could get out of this mess and hopefully this ass whooping.

I spoke, “You’re the one who taught me to help others where I can. Didn’t you?”

She looked at me, “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

I looked at her, “Do you want me to stop helping Kelly,” I looked towards the camera making sure i used my words carefully, “issues.”

Mom looked towards the camera’s and waved, “Please I blacked those out 10 minutes ago. You can speak freely.”

Then she looked at me, “But fucking her? Really?”

I spoke, “How else was I supposed to help mom? Kelly was hiding something and only when we discovered the truth is when we decided to either let the problem continue or help her. Would you have done any different?”

My mom sighed, “Honestly I don’t know what I’d do. I really want to help her too Gabe but you and her. I still don’t think I can get behind that.”

I looked at her, “Then why convince dad to build a private building?”

She looked at me, “Come on Gabe it’s obvious I want to help.”

She sighed, “And as much as I don’t like it you’ve already broken passed Kelly’s defenses. She’ll open up more with you and Summer than with me.”

A tear fell swelled up in her eye, “I just hate this happened Gabe. I never knew Kelly had so many problems. If only she came to me I could have helped her.”

Just then a voice came from the door, “How can I come to you mom?”

Both of us looked towards the door and saw Kelly standing at the door.

I wonder how much she just saw. Did she see mom kick my ass?

Mom spoke, “Kelly, what are you doing down here?”

Kelly blushed, “I kinda went to check of Gabe.”

Mom tilted her head, “Why?”

Kelly blushed hard, “Ummm I got teased a little too much.”

Mom finished her sentence, “And you needed Gabe to help with your frustration.”

Kelly looked down but nodded.

My mom hissed, “I thought I asked you two to not engage in that? I’m so close to getting your father to agree to all your terms and mine. And you’re here to risk everything already trying to break your promise to me Kelly.”

Kelly frowned, “I’m sorry mom. But I’m just so damn horny right now.”

Mom folded her arms, “Then use a dildo. I know you have a dozen of those things.”

Kelly pouted at my mom, “It’s not the same thing and you know it.”

My mom pinched the bridge of her nose, “Young lady do you have any idea what’s at risk?”

Kelly lightly stomped her foot at mom, which I thought was brave especially in mom’s current mood, “Please I need dick. And I need it now.”

My mom sighed, “Fuck Kelly you’re pushing my buttons. Can’t you just wait until I get your dad to agree to the house?”

Kelly pouted, “That’ll take too long.”

This was my opportunity to try to sneak out. I needed out of this awkward situation and out of this ass beating.

Still can’t believe mom tricked me like that just in order to beat me.

I got up and was about to take one step but my mom looked at me and growled, “Stay.”

Kelly walked up to and put her arm through mine, “No he’s going with me.”

My mom was practically ready to scream but she controlled herself and sighed. Then she tried a new tactic, “Kelly do you want to continue fucking Gabe?”

Kelly blinked like the change of tactic threw off her train of thought. But she nodded.

My mom, “Yet you promised me.”

Kel pouted, “I know but I’m just so damn horny.”

Then Kelly changed her own tactic to throw off mom, “Do you have any idea how horny I am right now?”

This time my mom blinked and even this red head blushed as she spoke, “No but I can guess.”

Then she shook her head and waved her hands, “Hold up we’re getting off topic.”

Just then Kelly did something that will change my view of Kelly forever and her beginning of accepting who she was.

Something that will haunt me and turn me on forever.



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