Step Sister Corruption Part 34 – Day 4 Enter Jessica (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I drove semi like a maniac as I drove from my place over to Jessica’s place.

I had called Jessica after Summer left and she said she was going to wait a couple of days before we were back to fucking like rabbits due to the confrontation with my mom.

I still didn’t blame her. And honestly, though Summer is fun, I kind of missed Jessica.

I don’t love Jessica. Let’s get the straight right now.

I just love what she brings to the table.

Took me roughly an hour and a half to get over to Jessica’s. I know I’ve said it takes roughly 50-60 minutes to get from my place to town but that’s to the heart of the city. Not there other side where Jessica lives.

I kind of wished she lived on our side of town but oh well.

I pulled up to find the only car in the drive way was Jessica’s an old beat up car. Her dad’s way of teaching Jessica of how to treat and maintain a vehicle is important. Especially when you’re a girl.

I guess I can see the logic in it.

Most girl’s my age their parents usually buy them a new car hoping they will treat it with respect.

Certainly was that way when girl’s got their license in high school their parents immediately bought them a brand new car. Or at least the parent’s who could afford to do that.

I kind of got lucky but that was because of my findings and it was a shared car between Kel and I. But Kel hardly drove my car. She usually bummed rides from friends, usually Summer.

I was so excited as I pulled up to Jessica’s drive way. So excited I always had a hard on but that was the lingering effect of the supplement’s. I may or may not have forgotten to take my morning supplement’s note that Summer was going to be away for a couple of days.

And good thing I stopped because my privates were really beginning to show permanent affects from the supplements. I felt like my nuts were the size of softballs. And my dick was nearly in a constant state of arousal.

I needed to cycle off for a couple of days before I cycle back on.

I walked up to the door to find it unlocked just like Jessica told me she would do. I just had to lock it behind me when I got in.

I made my way to Jessica’s room which she had black out shades over her windows making it darker than crap.

Still I locked the door behind me.

I tried to adjust to the darkness but couldn’t see shit to save my life.

So I did this whole using my foot to make sure I didn’t run into shit. As soon as my foot tapped against something I reached down to find Jessica’s bed. I reached out further to confirm it’s bed like quality.

I stripped down to nothing and pulled the sheet up, as soon as I could find, and slipped in.

I quickly found a warm rear.

The owner was sleeping on it’s side.

I ran my hand up and found the hip. It continued up finding the waist. My hand didn’t stop going up until it found the outline of what it was out to seek. It went further into the body until my hand grasped an orb with a small semi warm metal object protruding out.

The owner lightly moaned.

I leaned in and lightly kissed the area of the body that I knew would really start the owner’s motor and start the wetting process.

Once again the owner lightly moaned.

The owner lightly whispered, “Must you exploit my spots?”

I didn’t answer but my hand answered by lightly kneading where the metal bar bell was and lightly twisting the bar bell only to release it.

The owner groaned, “Fuck stop that.”

My hand answered by lightly pulling the metal bar before releasing. Then grabbing the bar again to lightly twist it before releasing. Then lightly pinching the flesh the bar bell.

The owner winced and moaned, “Please!!!”

My free arm snaked under the small form which lifted allowing my arm under it. After my arm fully enveloped the small form to pull into my body.

My mouth found a nice lobe. I flicked the lobe with my tongue before bringing the flesh into my mouth and ever slowly and lightly apply my teeth to the flesh.

At the same time my hand that was on an orb traveled south on the body.

As soon as my hand hit the flat stomach the owner lightly flinched and tried not to squeal as the spot was more ticklish than turn on spot. But my hand didn’t stop. It kept going south until it found a nice smooth mound before the attachments other wise known as legs blocked my hands travel down south.

The owner sensed this and opened her leg moving it over mine before letting it rest there. The obstruction removed my hand continued until it found small moist warm lips.

My hand lightly trailed it’s fingers along the lips until it slipped further into the lips to be greeted by a noticeable wetness.

The owner moaned, “Fuck Gabe stop teasing me. I’ve been dealing with horny guys all fucking night. I need cock and now.”

Jessica arched her back separating her body from mine, reached behind her until she found my stiff member, then moved my member towards herself. She had to slightly twist her hips until her lips touched my tip.

She begged, “Push.”

I slowly pushed my hips forward and felt myself slowly enter a nice wet hole.

The owner purred, “Yes that’s what I needed.”

I kept pushing but our odd angle I could only push myself about half way in.

Still it wasn’t long before the owner’s ass started slapping against my hips.

Granted I couldn’t fully enter my prey but it still felt amazing. Especially after all the supplements were wearing off by the effects were still in full affect.

It wasn’t long before my prey started her first orgasm.

I grabbed the owner put her on her back, grabbed the back of her knees and folded her in half.

I needed pussy. I needed to fire.

The owner moaned, “Yes!”

She knew what was going to happen.

I guided my dick towards it’s favorite home……pussy. As soon as I found the opening I thrusted deeply.

I got a groan and a shake from the female form under me.

I started pounding going to town.

I was full stroking this bitch feeling I was bottoming out but I was deterred from just accusing this pussy.

The female, “Yes pound me.”

The smacking sound getting louder and louder as each thrust got harder and harder putting my weight behind each thrust.

It wasn’t long before the body convulsed. Legs that I had pinned down trying to push me off but wasn’t strong enough to push me off.

I didn’t care I kept going.

I was close.

I heard an odd sound going off but couldn’t register the sound.

Jessica groaned trying to sane something but couldn’t get it out.

I kept going hearing something from Jessica but what she said it didn’t register.

I was at the precipice ready to unload my pent up backfill of man juice thanks to those blasted supplements.

My nuts felt like I had at least six months of juice ready to unload though I had fired off roughly 48 hrs ago give or take.

Jessica slapped me knowing I wasn’t here.

I stopped and looked her, “Huh?”

I couldn’t see in the dark but I could tell from Jessica’s voice she was trying to be sweet, “Either finish or get off me. I need to start getting ready for work.”

I blinked.

How the bell has so much time passed? Wait how much time did pass?

I spoke, “I thought you had the day off?”

She pushed me off her and groaned as my dick left her sensitive canal.

She turned on the light, “I was supposed to yes but one of the girl’s called in sick so they called me and I couldn’t say no. Especially tonight’s theme, that’s when I make the most money.”

I looked at small form, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She laughed, “Because I wanted dick and if I told you that you’d wait. And frankly I couldn’t.”

She didn’t have to lean down much because I was sitting on her bed.

She just leaned in and kissed me.

She broke the kiss, “Now if you shall excuse me I need to get ready.”

I looked at her, “What’s there to get ready. You just have to put on a bathing suit and viola you’re done.”

Jessica laughed, “There’s more to it Gabe. I need to shower, then apply makeup, then apply oils, then put on the right outfit and layers to hide behind. Remember today is strip day which is a live event.”

I looked at her confused.

Live event? What the fuck was that?

I never really went to linoleum enough to notice there was themes. I usually showed up saw girl’s in questionable clothing got my coffee and drove off.

Jessica sighed, “Of course there’s themes Gabe. How else do you expect me or any of the girl’s to get so many tips?”

I shrugged, “I just figured you put on skimpy clothing and the tips just rain.”

Jessica laughed, “Oh you poor fool.”

I looked at her not really understanding.

Jessica sat down next to me, “You really don’t know do you?”

I shook my head, “Nope.”

She smiled, “Maybe you should come and watch. Or better yet you can sign onto the live event Then you’ll understand.”

I laughed, “Thanks but no thanks. Besides I doubt your boss will like it me hanging around all night?”

She waved at me, “Nonsense. It’ll be a whole lot of fun…..and tips.”

Was I really being invited to watch girls strip as they sold coffee or watch an event to see it happen?

Jessica got up and spoke, “Choose which you’re going to do but in the mean time your ass need to leave.”

Did Jessica just use me?

Should I be offended?

Or should I be blessed?

Was Jessica becoming a whore for money or am becoming crazy?

Why the fuck are these girl’s acting so weird with me?

Do I bring this out of the girl’s?


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