Step Sister Corruption Part 32 – Day 3 Conclusion (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

My mom and I sat in overly large SUV that seemed so empty and the same time very cramped as the unspoken loomed in the air.

I sat completely uncomfortable not knowing what to say.

Finally my mom broke the silence by sighing, “Damn it Gabe I hate knowing what I know.”

I spoke, “How do you think I feel?”

My mom chuckled at that but she spoke, “Well I have an idea how to help you and Kelly with her training.” She grumbled, “Still can’t believe I’m actually helping out let alone even thinking this.”

I looked at my mom, “Oh how’s that?”

She looked at me and smiled, “Let’s just say I need to run my idea by Jason and see what he thinks.” She frowned, “But there goes my new studio.” She sighed, “Damn it.”

She looked off no where before returning her attention to me, “If I can swing my idea it’ll take some time if you’re dad goes with my idea. Do you think you can wait that long?”

I looked at her and nodded. Granted I was actually disappointed that I couldn’t fuck Kelly again.

Why the fuck am I disappointed in that???

I almost wanted to smack my head hoping the smack would put me back on the straight and narrow.

Knowing my luck a simple smack wouldn’t work. I’d have to hand someone a bat bend over and tell them to swing for the cheap seats.

I looked at her, “How long we talking?”

My mom shrugged, “No idea. 16 weeks if it goes the way I’m thinking. Maybe more.”

Crap 16 weeks of no fucking Kelly……wait 16 weeks of no fucking Kelly under my parent’s roofs

I don’t know if Kelly will wait that long. I’d like to say I can’t go that long without pussy but then I remembered I had options like Summer or Jessica.

I can easily wait 16 weeks without dipping my dick in Kelly’s pussy. I had other pussy’s to keep my dick wet.

And I’d be going on a trip with Jessica shortly. That I can’t wait for.

I looked at my mom and nodded.

She smiled and the girl’s were just walking up.

My mom spoke as she turned the vehicle on, “If there’s anything you need to help let me know Gabe.”

The girl’s got in and Kelly and Summer handed us our smoothies. I took one sip and found the mixture pleasant.

We rode in silence the entire way home only making one stop to pick up some food.

When we got home I pulled mom aside as the girl’s and dad ate and spoke to her.

The trip home made me think of an idea that popped into my head after last nights fiasco. I needed pay back. And it was possible that mom’s connections might have the tool I need to exact my revenge.

Mom smiled after I laid out my plan. My mom listened to my plan and looked at me with a devious smile, “Boy she must have done something to you my son. Mind me ask what it was?”

I looked at her and said, “You really want to know?”

My mom nodded and I leaned in and whispered two simple words, “Edging torture.”

My mom blinked and smiled with she lightly bit her tongue. She looked at Summer then at me, “Let me see what I can do.”

I stopped my mom and she looked at me confused as I said, “Seeing how you’re being in helpful mood. Any way I can get those videos from the security camera?”

My mom immediately spoke, “Gabriel Samuel Newman. Why the fuck do you want those?”

I instantly winced hearing my full name. Yep I over stripped my bounds.

My dad yelled out, “What’s going on dear?”

My mom yelled, “Nothing honey.”

She looked at me and growled, “You’re pushing your luck.”

I tried to put on my best smile and dopy eyes knowing full well when I used this against my mom she always caved.

I wanted those videos for two different reasons. One of obvious and the second was just selfish.

One I needed to know exactly what was seen and heard on those videos though from what my mom had said it’s pretty good.

Two I wanted the videos for my own selfish reasons that any red blooded male would attest to… do I really have to spell it out?

My mom looked at me and growled, “I hate it when you do that.”

I held my pose hoping I don’t pay my cards wrong or I’ll be grounded……or worse.

My mom sighed and muttered, “Fine. I’ll assume you still have my laptop because it’s not in my room where it should be.”

Shit. I knew I forgot something.

I nodded.

My mom pinched her nose, “Fine the password is ‘training’.”

Fuck. Why didn’t I think of that? It was so simple that no one including my dad would have never guessed it.

My mom spoke, “After you’re done with the videos. Delete them and make sure to empty the trash so your dad doesn’t stumble on them. And I expect my laptop back when you’re done.”

Dad yelled, “You two better come get some food before it gets cold.”

Mom yelled, “Be right there.”

Looks like our conversation is done.

We went to the table and sat and ate dinner.

After dinner, mom hauled dad off to obviously speak to him about her idea whatever that was.

I could only guess.

Just as we were about to start going to our sides of the house to do whatever we were going to do before sleep is when I got a text from Ben.

Ben: your sister’s masks are ready if you all want to come get them.

I text back: alright I’ll let them know.

As soon as I showed the girl’s the text they pretty much got dressed and bolted.

Good I needed the me time.

I broke out moms laptop after I retrieved it from Kelly’s room and brought it back to my room.

I logged into the surveillance system through the laptop and was happy I could upload the video from last night onto my online storage.

Well that answered that question.

I quickly deleted the video after I confirmed it transferred to my online storage. I even booted up my computer and pulled the video down from my online storage into my special folder. I made a new folder and called it c-system. I played the video to find the audio caught about 3/4 of what transpired.

Note to self be more quiet.

I lightly chuckled at my own side note thinking getting the girl’s to remain quiet during their orgasms was damn near impossible.

I moved onto the next video unlocking it with mom’s special password and repeated the process. Then the next. And the next.

An hr later I got the videos moved over and trashed each and every video that transpired over the last two days. I didn’t delete today’s videos.

I even made sure the videos sitting in the trash were completely deleted from the system.

I sat there and made sure every video worked…..with my head phones on of course. So no one could hear other than me of course.

I guess I was watching the videos for too long when I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to jump.

I may or may not have yelped like a girl.

I turned to see Kelly and Summer standing in my room with the door closed.

I looked at them weird but Kelly and Summer held up 4 different masks.

Ben really out did himself.

I had Kelly try on each mask as Summer and I remarked on each.

The first mask covered from upper lip all the way to her forehead. It was stylized in some anime face.

I looked at Kelly and leaned over to Summer, “Can you tell it is Kelly behind the mask?”

Summer looked and finally spoke, “Nope.”

Kelly took off the mask and put on the next.

This mask covered high cheek bone to forehead. This time it was painted to look cartoony.

I couldn’t tell it was Kelly.

She put on the next mask that was a full mask but was completely elegant. This time it was painted to look like some princess looking character but I couldn’t quite place the cartoon.

Once again it covered Kelly’s face.

The last mask looked like your typical carnival mask but more elegant and flashy.

I had to admit Ben went beyond with just one mask by providing four different masks. Though the cartoony aspect of each was a little over board. But beggars can’t be choosers.

I looked at Summer, “I don’t know about you but I think either the first mask or fourth mask might do the trick.”

Summer mused before speaking, “I have to agree.”

Both girls left after getting my input and retired to Kelly’s room.

After a couple of hours of nothing, I pretty much went to bed horny but after dealing with my mom it felt uncomfortable to even try anything.

And honestly I don’t blame them.



  1. I was expecting a bigger beat down from mom.

    Very good story I have enjoyed every chapter so far.

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