Persephone and Hades – Part Four

“You’ll see….you’ll see,” Hades whispered. 

Ugh. The pain was excruciating. I doubled over and hugged myself, rocking back and forth. I remembered the same agonizing ache from my dream… or, rather, my memory. He’d made me eat a pomegranate from the Underworld, the first time, as a means of keeping me there. Kissed them into my mouth himself. Six pomegranate seeds, which had resulted in six months of the year. I suspected that he was up to his usual trickery with this so-called breakfast in bed.

“Owww,” I managed to moan. “Hades, wha- what have you done!? Don’t fucking tell me- aagh, it hurts!”

He loomed over me, his expression bemused, and arched one eyebrow. His muscles rippled in the light. “I suspect that you are well aware of what I’ve done to you, Persephone…. Just as you were the first time. I’ve given you fruit from The Underworld, the food of The Dead. Now, you’re bound to me, and to our Kingdom… I couldn’t have you just deciding to go on with your mortal life, now, could I? Did you really think that there was an option where you would not return home with me?” He chuckled darkly and shook his head slowly, running a hand through his long raven hair. “As though that was even a question! Can you imagine!? Like I would… just… what? Let you go…? Really, baby. I’d have thought that you’d be cleverer than that….you used to be, anyway…” 

“You fucking bastard,” I hissed, glaring up at him. “You lying, cheating bastard! I trusted you!” My vision was swimming, darkening, and my blood was starting to roar in my ears. I suspected that I was about to faint. My hands made fists in the duvet covers.

“Now now, none of that,” he scolded cheerfully, reaching down to scoop up my naked body in his arms. He held me cradled against his chest as my head lolled backwards and brushed my long dark waterfall of hair back from my face tenderly, even as I weakly tried to beat against him with my fists in protest. He just smiled lazily at my attempts to harm him and raised his eyebrows at me questioningly, succeeding at making me feel pathetic, so after a moment I gave up fighting him. The pain was too great to be able to really focus on anything else, anyway.

One, quick snap of his fingers later and I was dressed my favourite form fitting, sheer black maxi dress that had two thigh high slits to either side of the flowing skirt, a teensy train, a cut out waistline and two tiny spaghetti straps that rose up from the high neck over my shoulders to criss cross down across the dangerously low back, a cropped buttery black leather jacket with ¾ length sleeves, and my strappiest black heeled ankle boots. My usual layered necklaces, gold and silver bracelets and mixture of multi stoned stack rings all adorned my body as normal. He still held me cradled in his arms. 

“That’s better, it gets a little cold where we’re going,” he murmured, adjusting his hold on me slightly as a green light flashed and Hades clothed himself. As he crossed across my bedroom, I craned my neck to get a glimpse of his attire in my dresser mirror. I almost gasped. He was wearing black leather trousers, a white silky open collared shirt, and a rather regal looking black leather jacket complete with some sort of delicate silvery embroidery around the wrists, popped collar and the long hemline. He looked like something straight out of a history book, when Knights still protected the land in suits of armor and the women still wore corsets, beautiful silken gowns and headdresses. He looked like a sexy, regal, dark King. Which, I supposed, was exactly what he was.

“Don’t you fucking take me anywhere!” I warned in a low voice as he descended the stairs holding me in his arms. “I mean it!”

“Too late, little one,” he laughed heartlessly, glancing at me from beneath his thick lashes as he walked. “You should have seen this coming. Actually, you might have, what with your memories returning to you sporadically as they are… I heard you talking in your sleep as I lay next to you last night, and I knew that you were dreaming of the pomegranate and what I’d done to you.” 

I gave a start at his mention of my dream, my memory, and scowled heartily, before another wave of pain caught me up in its jaws and bit down hard on my stomach. I cringed and gave a tiny moan.

“I knew then that I had to act quickly,” Hades continued, as we crossed the kitchen and exited the house through the back door, past my little deck and chairs. I squirmed with discomfort, squinting in the sunlight and panting slightly at the ongoing, gnawing pain, but he held on to me tightly, effortlessly, and kept walking at his steady, brisk pace. As we passed the pool, I realised that he was heading straight for the forest.

“I had to act quickly, because with your memories returning like that, it wouldn’t be too long before you remembered exactly the type of man that I am, Persephone. I’m the type of man who is used to getting his own way in everything, down to the tiniest detail. The type of man who just takes what he wants, regardless of the consequences. I knew you would recall the strength of my stubbornness, of my determination, and would realise that I had no intention of letting you remain in your house, now that I have you, and that I have no intention of ever letting you go. Ever. I knew you’d be upset, and balk at the notion of ruling the Underworld by my side, my modern little mortal. So I simply removed the dilemma that would have seen you torn… just like last time.” He gave me a sudden, cocky grin. 

I had a hundred burning retorts on the tip of my tongue ready to hurl at him, but I was light headed with pain, getting tunnel vision, a cloak of darkness shrouding the edges of my sight, and knew that I was about to pass out.

“Hades,” was all that I managed to whimper, much to my disgust. My fists made knots in his shirt against his chest. 

He flicked his gaze to look me in the eyes. I don’t know what he saw reflected there, but his expression softened slightly, and he bit his full bottom lip before hugging me to him slightly. “I know, it hurts,” he said hoarsely, his deep chocolatey voice gentle as his vermillion eyes searched mine. “I’m sorry, Persephone.”

My head lolled back and I heard him curse as my eyelids fluttered. I watched the blue of the sky and the golden glow of the sun disappear beneath a thick canopy of emerald leaves and dark, twisting branches as we crossed over the tree line and moved deeper into the forest. The light turned green around us. Suddenly, Hades stopped walking and adjusted his grip on me to stretch out one hand in front of us. Then, he roared, “OPEN!” 

Thunder boomed, its deafening roar echoing throughout the forest and startling birds into flight. I listened to their flapping wings taking off as the very air around us seemed to thicken and the temperature dropped significantly, sending goosebump shivers skating up my spine and across my arms, raising the little hairs on my skin as they went. Then, before I could get a proper look at what was happening, my stomach cramped up again with a sickening twist and against my will, try as I might to fight it, all began to fade to black as unconsciousness finally took me…

I woke up feeling very peculiar. I was lying on the luxurious covers of a dark wooden four poster bed, propped up on top of a bunch of thick, plushy pillows. Hades was lounging in a huge, throne-like chair across the bedroom, watching me with his hand propping his chin up. The room was the same one as the one in my memory from before, wrought- iron fire sconces casting a warm, dancing light across the yellowy sandstone walls and flagstone flooring.

“Where am I?” I asked him slowly, thickly, feeling as though I knew the answer and needing to hear him say it.

He pinched the bridge of his straight nose and sighed heavily. “You know very well where we are.” 

I struggled to sit up against the plushy cushions. “Look here, Hades,” I growled. “If you think for just one second that I am going to just swoon and fall into your fucking arms, you’ve got another thing coming. You’ve just ripped me out of my life. And there’s going to be hell to pay!”

Haded leant forward and grinned at me darkly. “Good,” he breathed, ruby eyes alight. “And it just so happens that Hell is a domain that I am particularly good at navigating, so I doubt you’ll find that I fall down in that regard, if that’s what you were hoping?”

“Let’s see if you’re just as skilled when it comes to navigating a woman!” I bit out, glaring at him. His answering slow, lazy smile and quirk of an eyebrow infuriated me so much that I had to suck in a lungful of air through my nose to calm myself. “This woman, anyway!” I insisted hotly, folding my arms against my chest. 

Hades snorted, ducked his head and then flicked his hair back out of his eyes. I rolled mine in response. He looked like some sort of commercial for cologne or shampoo or something, ridiculously good-looking as he was. I couldn’t let him fuck with my senses anymore. 

“I’m quite adept at navigating your waters, Persephone,” Hades sniggered presumptuously, and I felt my hands make claws in the bedsheets in rage. How fucking dare he? I didn’t care that he may have known me in my previous incarnation, he didn’t know me NOW! And that was important to me. He couldn’t just take over my life in one night, expecting me to just drop my plans, my hopes and my dreams, all just because he came waltzing in and knocked me up! Not to mention the trick he’d tried to pull by binding me to him and the Underworld by feeding me the food of the dead… Again! It was unbelievable, the level of his arrogance! I could hardly get my head around it!

“This is what I meant when I said that I had to act before you remembered my true nature, Persephone,” Hades explained, shrugging his broad shoulders apologetically and raising his hands in a helpless gesture. “You wouldn’t have come with me, not being as fiercely independent as you are – have always been, actually – but especially now, born and raised in this new, modern, world. I had to tip the scales of your decision in the right direction, and to be honest, I couldn’t wait, either. So I acted accordingly. Can you forgive me?” He eyeballed me with a puppy-dog expression.

“Forgive you!?” I echoed, pushing my long, dark, wavy hair out of my face. My expression must have been priceless. “You haven’t even fully explained to me what you have done! I get that the pomegranate bound me to the Underworld the first time, I remembered, as you know!” I said hotly. “But why did you use the same trick again? Why did it hurt so much? What’s happened to me?”

Hades grinned, and his eyes lit up with a red pulse as he looked at me. “I thought it rather poetic,” he explained. “I liked the similarity between our past life together and now, it keeps things right, somehow…”

A slow, dawning realisation suddenly came upon me, and I gasped, my hand fluttering to my mouth. “It doesn’t “keep things right, somehow.” You’re scared!” I whispered, delighted at myself for having figured something out about this entire, surreal situation without needing his input. “You’re trying to tie this reality to the past by using these similarities to catch me again, but it’s because that’s the only way that you know how! You’re terrified that I’ll get to know you properly and that I’ll reject your advances… You’re scared that I’d choose to live a life without you! You’ve never wooed me before… you’re insecure! I can’t believe it! You’re not the ‘all-powerful’ God, as you’d like to think yourself… I have power over you! Me! I do!”

His face had been darkening like a thundercloud while I spoke, and the end result was… intimidating, to put it plainly. He seemed to radiate darkness; a deep, inky black cloud was seeping out of him and slowly enveloping the room, wrapping it in shadows and dampening the warm glow of the fire sconces on the walls. The creeping ebony wave made my senses prickle with alarm as I sensed the danger that it represented, and the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention as my skin began to crawl. His gorgeous ruby red eyes burned into me, searing me with their gaze as though I were a piece of meat on a BBQ grill. He looked so inhuman in those moments that I was suddenly, rudely, reminded of the fact that he wasn’t, and my heart started to pound heavily within my chest with nerves. I gulped nervously before I could help it.

“I am Hades,” he began quietly, softly, from his shadowed corner, the darkness rendering him only a black silhouette with ruby red glowing eyes. “Elder brother to Zeus and Poseidon, sons of Cronos… I am the Lord of The Underworld and the Dead… I am a GOD, Persephone, and I am your husband…” He straightened in his chair and leant forward, hands on his knees, so that I could see his face better before continuing, in that oddly soft tone. “You will kneel before me, my wife, and accept your fate, otherwise I promise you that I will make your life as you know it, very, very difficult. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

Kneel before him? KNEEL before him? Is that PERFECTLY CLEAR? How utterly and completely ridiculous… In a moment, my nervousness evaporated… I slowly lifted my hand and casually flicked my middle finger up to flip him the bird. “Fucking crystal,” I replied with a small smirk.

All hell broke loose.

“For FUCK’S sake, Persephone!” Hades roared, throwing up his hands in exasperation and leaping to his feet. “Will you EVER just do as you’re fucking TOLD!?” 

“NO!” I shouted back, glaring at him as fiercely as I could manage. “Who the fuck are you to rule MY life? You keep saying that I’m a modern woman, yeah? Well, it’s apparent to ME that YOU need to GET WITH THE FUCKING TIMES, you big antiquated fucker! Bring me back home, NOW! Do you hear?” 

Hades growled low in his throat and in one sudden movement, leapt away from the chair and onto the bed, sweeping up my wrists and pinning me beneath him. “Get off me!” I hollered, kicking and squirming as best I could against his dead weight holding me down. “GET OFF!”

“NEVER!” Hades roared before he captured my lips to his in a searing, passionate kiss that my bastard heart couldn’t help but respond to. I parted my lips immediately and let him plunder my mouth with his tongue. “You are mine, do you fucking hear me?” He snarled in between kisses, dragging his lips along my jawline and my neck, roughly licking and biting me as he went. I arched my back underneath him, feeling myself grow wet between my legs as my body started to yearn for his touch. My heart pounded in anger at its treachery.

“NO!” I yelled suddenly, tearing my face away from his and turning my head to the side. “Stop it, Hades! I’m telling you!” 

He grunted his response into my ear as he suckled my earlobe, and shook his head no. I could feel the bulge of his massive erection digging into my thighs as he gyrated against me, and they ached to spread for him, to give him entrance to my body. I couldn’t trust myself, with him touching me like this. When he had his hands on me, I was all his. And judging from the satisfied smirk I could feel dragging his lips up at the corners as he kissed me, and the low laugh he sounded against my mouth, he knew it too. This had to stop.

“Hades,” I cried out, closing my eyes. “I WISH that you weren’t able to lay your hands on me until I asked you to!”

“WHAT!?” he roared, jumping backwards, up and off me as though scalded, or like someone had yanked him by his collar and pulled, hard. He stood at the foot of the bed, looming over me. His eyes were wild and he was breathing heavily as he ran a big hand through his long hair in agitation. His voice, when he finally spoke, though, shook with barely restrained emotion. “Persephone,” he cried out. “WHY!?” 

I narrowed my eyes at him as I sat up on my elbows, and swallowed past the lump in my throat that had risen from somewhere upon hearing his broken tone.  

“Three wishes I’ll grant you, big wishes and small, but if you wish a fourth wish, then you’ll lose them all!” I quoted back at him. “Well consider this my first wish, Hades, as you promised me for saving your life!”

A muscle twitched in his cheek. “Why?” He asked again, tone flat and defeated this time. Something small and wounded flickered within the depths of his ruby red eyes, intermingling with the blazing fury. 

“Well, the way I see it,” I started to explain, my tone hushed, “is that you won’t, or can’t, return me to my house now that I’ve eaten that fruit.” He nodded, slowly. “So, the next best thing is to prevent you from touching me, so that I can keep a straight head whilst I try to figure a way out of this fucking mess.”

“You won’t get away with this,” he hissed suddenly, furiously, glaring daggers at me. “I am GOD of the Underworld! And you, little girl, are my WIFE! My pregnant WIFE! Do you think that you can defy me!? Do you think that I’ll just let you just waltz on out of here, my baby in tow?”

The baby. Oh, fuck. I was definitely in this deeper than I wanted to be.

“Besides,” Hades suddenly purred, getting his explosion of temper under control as he snaked his way past the bed post towards me, and slowly started to shrug out of his black leather jacket. “Given how many years you and I have actually been together, Persephone, I happen to know ALL your weaknesses in the bedroom…” 

Now the shirt was coming off. His knuckles grazed the supple skin of his belly as he lifted the hem, revealing inch by inch the well mucled V of his pelvis that disappeared into his tight leather trousers with a soft sprinkling of dark hair leading the way… Then, the shirt followed the jacket to the floor. I watched his slow strip tease silently, my mouth slightly open and eyes wide. He smirked as he made short work of the button of his trousers, watching me watching him with a fiercely possessive look in his ruby gaze. He was still smouldering with anger, I could sense the ember of it burning within him, despite this change of direction. 

“I know just what it is that you desire,” he continued smoothly, dropping his leather trousers to the floor and stepping out of them in one fluid movement. His muscled thighs rippled in the firelight from the wall sconces as he moved. His massive erection swelled between his legs, and he reached down to grasp his thick shaft with one hand, pumping his fist up and down. “And I know just how to give it to you, too,” he murmured, smiling darkly. “You know it. I’ll have you begging for me to touch you, pleading for me to take you, before the week is out, you’ll see.”

I licked my lips unconsciously before I realised what I was doing. Watching the firelight playing off his rippling muscles was doing all sorts of delicious things to my insides. I rubbed my thighs together as I squirmed. This was fucked.

Then… I had an idea.

“You know what I want?” I asked, arching an eyebrow at him and kneeling up on the expansive bed. “And, i’ll be begging for you to give it to me by the end of the week, huh?” He nodded, slowly, watching with a dark expression as I started to copy him and shrugged out of my own leather jacket. The coolness of the air made my skin raise up in goosebumps as I exposed myself in my tight, sheer little dress. My eyes never leaving his, I slowly reached around behind me, untied the criss cross spaghetti straps and wriggled my way out of the silky black material, lifting the dress over my head to expose my perfect breasts and black lacy knickers to the world. Hades swallowed thickly, his hand pausing on his shaft as he watched my little show…

But I wasn’t finished yet…

“You know what I want?” I repeated, still kneeling up, as I slid my underwear down across my hips, rolling them over my thighs and slipping them off at my ankles. I was fully naked before him, save for my jewellery, and my long dark hair hung down my back and in front of my face in luscious waves. “And you know how to give it to me, is that right?” I reached down between my legs with one hand and bit down on my full bottom lip as my fingers slipped between my silken folds and found my clitoris. 

“That’s right,” Hades agreed with a nod, his eyes fixated on my circling fingertip like a man possessed. 

“Mmhmm,” I murmured, leaning back slowly and lying down again against the plushy pillows. My fingers never stopped their circling of my clit, and my eyes never left his face, watching him as he watched me. Perfect. “And how is that, exactly?” I breathed. “How do I want it, Hades?”

Hades’ nostrils flared and he moaned low in his throat as I slipped my finger lower, reaching inside my slick entrance, and started to dip my digit in and out. “Like this?” I asked him, as my finger mimicked his throbbing cock. “Here?”

“Fuck you, you little bitch,” he snarled at me viciously, but his hand had started to pump up and down on his dick again as he watched me pleasure myself alone. I licked my lips, wanting him to just bury his shaft deep within me, and I groaned softly with frustration. He licked his lips, too, breathing heavily. 

“You want to, don’t you?” I whispered, pumping my fingers in and out of my pussy, loving the feeling of my creaminess as I started to build the pleasure. There was something so fucking hot about turning on this God to obvious arousal, watching him handle the huge erection that I had caused, knowing that he couldn’t touch me with it and that it was driving him insane. He was like putty in my hands.

“Yesssss,” he hissed, wanking faster now as I arched my back, thrusting my hips into my hand as I flicked my fingers in and out, in and out, of my tight, juicy little hole, taking turns to alternate between pumping myself with my digits as though they were his throbbing cock, and rubbing my dripping little clit. With my free hand, I danced my fingertips across my taught belly and up my ribcage towards my full, pert breasts. I captured my nipple and began to play with it, slowly twisting and kneading the tiny pink bud as my other hand went to town and worked my slick body. I bit my lip again and moaned softly, feeling an increase in pressure in my nether regions, a stirring deep inside me, knowing that I was beginning to build towards an orgasm if I continued playing with myself.

“That orgasm is MINE to cause!” Hades growled angrily, reaching out towards me with his free hand but seeming to encounter some sort of barrier around the bed that stopped him from coming closer to me. “Fuck!” He roared, frustrated as hell.

“Oooh, I think that I want to,” I laughed, tossing my hair back and panting slightly as I expertly finger fucked myself in front of him, spreading my thighs wide to give him as much of a display of my pink little pussy as possible. “But… I’m….just…so…close!”

Hades squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. “Say it,” he implored me in his chocolatey caramel voice. “Please, Persephone, you’ve made your point… just say it… ask for me to be able to touch you again, and I will be your slave for eternity. Please!” His voice broke and he cursed under his breath as I shook my head no and instead continued to thrust my fingers in and out of my wet, juicy body, stopping to rub my clitoris every now and again.

“Let me help you with that,” he begged darkly, pumping his fist up and down the length of his shaft vigorously, a fierce longing in his eyes as he gazed down upon my naked body. I shook my head no once again. 

“Please, Persephone!” 

“No, Hades! You said that I couldn’t last out the week? Well, at this rate you can’t even last the night!”

His expression darkened. “Oh fuck, I can’t help it,” he confessed, sucking in a big breath of air through gritted teeth and continuing to pump his shaft as he gazed upon me. “I haven’t had you in so, so long.”

“You had me mere hours ago,” I reminded him with an arch of my eyebrow, dipping my fingers inside me vigorously, over and over again, tempting him with what he couldn’t touch. The friction of my fingers and the crackling sexual tension in the air was intoxicating. I exhaled through my nose, a little pant… I was going to cum, soon. 

“You know what I fucking mean, you hotheaded little bitch,” Hades bit out with a moan, wanking himself ferociously, muscles rippling in the firelight. “I want you… so, so much… let me inside you, Persephone. I’ll pleasure you like nothing you’ve ever experienced, I promise…”


I was about to crest my peak and ride the wave of my orgasm. “I… I… I can’t!” I cried out as I exploded around my fingers, which were buried deep inside my throbbing little pussy, mimicking the thrusts of his cock. “Oh, oh, oh, Hades…” I gasped, spasming deliciously over and over again. Deep in my heart, I wished it were him that I was creaming for. I arched my back, full lips falling open as I came, panting heavily, my eyes never leaving his darkly demonic gaze the entire time. Seeing the emotion blazing in his eyes as he watched me, the words I was thinking almost left my lips…

“I wish… I wish…” 

“Oh, Persephone!!” Hades roared. “Fuck, I can’t wait!” He gasped loudly, breathing hard out of his nose, bucking and jerking his hips as he, too, finally came, squirting hot streams of thick cum up into the air and all over his taught belly. The erotic vision of me pleasuring myself and cumming all over my hand in front of him had him jerking his cock up and down to milk the last of his cum out of his balls. “By the Gods, you’re beautiful!” He moaned in agonised ecstasy, enjoying the sensation of his own orgasm and blowing his load, but at the same time, hating that he couldn’t have been buried balls deep inside me and emptied himself there, into my womb. Frustration was painted all over his godly features, furrowing his brow as he sounded out his release, realising how close I had come to asking him to touch me. “Fucking hell! Damn you, woman!”

“What?” I purred knowingly, unable to help the smirk that crept onto my face at his frustration. “You expected me to say something to you, I gather? Well, Hades, you may apparently know everything that I like in the bedroom, but apparently you forgot that I’ve been away from you for quite some time… I’m quite adept at servicing myself these days.”  

The room began to darken again as his temper rose like inky black storm clouds gathering on the horizon, those ruby red irises glowing like embers in the half light as he regarded me in silence, considering my words. I fluttered my long eyelashes at him as I smiled brightly and lifted my fingers to hover in front of my full lips, waving at him. Before he could ask me what I was doing, I inserted them into my mouth, one at a time, and slowly licked and sucked my sticky, sweet cum from the surface of the skin, my tongue twirling and twizzling round my digits like I was enjoying the most delicious of lollipops.  Hades’s jaw hit the floor as he watched, mesmerised with shock at my brazen display of wantonness. 

“Mmmm,” I murmured, still sucking my fingertips as I smiled at him. “Yummy…”

His nostrils flared like a beast’s. “You, my dear, are treading dangerous waters, teasing me like this,” he warned flatly, no sense of humour at all. The room was plunged into a darkness so thick that even the light from the flaming sconces on the walls failed to reach all the corners. His dick had jumped to attention again, though, twitching to life as I made a scene, letting me know exactly what was at the front of his mind… Again. 

Good, just as I’d hoped…



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