Taken by the Werewomen – Chapter 2 [Femdom] [Fantasy] [Bondage] [Teasing] [Cunnilingus] [Facesitting] [Stepped/Stomped On] [Biting]

Lisbeth walked ahead of Elias, holding the rope daintily. He couldn’t take his eyes off her swaying body. Her hips were wonderful, swinging back and forth. What was becoming of him? Once an aspiring warrior. Now? About to be the plaything of Werewolf women. This was all so strange… he wanted to ask her so many questions. But didn’t know where to begin.

Lisbeth led him into a large tent. Somehow, the moment they entered it became so warm. As if the air within and the air without were entirely separate. He kept watching her move. Had to look up to see her face. What had caused this height difference? She turned around and reached for the tent’s flap.

Elias breathed steadily. He was face to face with her bust. He stood very still as she moved slow, leaning forward, her arms going past him. She pulled the flap shut so they were within their own sanctuary. Within, it was dimly lit but Elias couldn’t tell where the light was coming from. Oranges and yellows. It was like the very fabric of the tent was giving off light.

Lisbeth walked away from him. Then turned back around, looking him up and down.

“Come,” she commanded. Before Elias could think she tugged on the rope. He stumbled forward and fell at her feet. She giggled. “Perfect! Exactly where you belong.”

He trembled and got to his knees, looking up at her.

“Lisbeth please tell me something. Anything. What is happening?”

She slowly knelt down and caressed his face, looking down at him. “I’m a Werewolf, Elias. I always have been.”

He stared. Dumbfounded.

Her eyes were glistening, so transfixed upon him. Her palms were warm, holding him so gently, yet so firmly.

“And,” she said. “I’ve been planning this for so long.” She blushed. “I just never had the courage I suppose.”

“You’ve always been a Werewolf,” Elias said. “And you never told me?”

“How could I?” She seemed distraught now. “You… You wanted to be one of *them*. One of those Hunters that kill my Sisters. Because you think it’s righteous.”

Elias’ heart sank.

“You have no idea. The history between Werewolves and humans. The humans started this conflict.” Her grip on him tightened. “We were only defending ourselves. Some of us would attack first because, if they didn’t, they would eventually be slaughtered.”

“Lisbeth.” Elias didn’t know what to say besides her name.

She softened. But still showed him some of her threatening teeth.

“But now,” she said. “We have grown stronger than humans. We have decided to take control of these lands. Now it’s the humans that must tiptoe around us.” She caressed his cheek and smelled him. “Those men you met… They are offerings from the villages from all across these lands. So that we may spare them. So that we won’t eat their people and ravish their crops.” She grinned. Hugged him closer, looking down at him. Elias was heating up. He was entranced by her feelings — by her words. “And we live a life of power, luxury and pleasure. We’ve learned that you men are much more fun to play with than you are delicious to eat.”

Elias trembled. “But… Lisbeth, I’ve known you for years. Why? Why did you live among us? And you look so… well, different now. Taller.”

She laughed. And then rubbed his hair and tilted her head. “We’ve wanted to see if we can live a life with humans for a while. And…” she leaned in and brushed her lips against his. “I’ve fallen in love with a human. I love you Elias.” She stared into his eyes for a long time. In the distance they could hear the other women’s moans and shouts of pleasure. Some music. Lisbeth giggled. “It is a wonderful night,” she said. “My Sisters are having fun with their toys it seems.”

“You… love me?”

“So much.” She kissed him, much like she kissed him near the bonfire. So passionate, so deep. “Us Werewolves know a little magic. Some enchantments. The height of a Werewolf in her human form would warn anyone. So I had to change my appearance a little.” She pecked his lips again. His cheeks. His forehead. “You have no idea how much pain it brought me to know you were planning to follow in your Father’s footsteps. To continue the harm you humans have wrought upon us. But I was patient. And I enjoyed our time together in the village. Because I knew, eventually, you would be mine.” She shivered and her eyes widened. She leaned forward, straddling his lap. Elias was stunned but he still fell back into the cushioned floor of the tent. All of her weight came down on his erection and Lisbeth trembled and reeled. A moan escaped her.

“I… I’ve been saving myself for the love of my life.” She blushed hard and looked down at him. “For so long I’ve pleasured myself in secret. I’ve resisted the joys of using a man as my Sisters have. All to wait for you. I was so nervous… I didn’t think I’d ever actually take you… but now,” she laughed and smiled wide, slamming her palms down on either side of him. Elias could now see her animalistic side. Her eyes were wild and gorgeous — her body was so tempting to his own inner animal — and she looked as if she were ready to devour him entirely. “Now you’re mine for good!” She pushed him down, wrapping her arms around his body and kissed him hard, all of her on top of him.

Elias was swimming. Never in his life had he been this warm. Never in his life had he had a woman on him quite like this. Much like Lisbeth had said, Elias had also never been with another person intimately, waiting for marriage.

But this… this was heaven if anything was. Her hips were moving, rubbing and pushing into his own. Such an unbelievable feeling. Such softness. And her face so close to his… her thick tongue so far in his mouth that he could barely breathe.

The amount of saliva she was producing couldn’t be possible, but here they were, nearly drowning in it. It dripped out, ran down his cheeks. She paused for some deep breaths before diving in again. Moaning and groaning into him. He could feel her powerful heartbeat, slamming into him.

“I’m going to do so many things with you, Elias,” she said, gasping for breath. She licked his cheek, again and again, leaving him in a near-trance-like state. “I’m going to ravish you for hours, my love. Oh, we’re going to kiss one another until each of us passes out. Every single day I will kiss and lick and suck every inch of your body. I’ve wanted it so much — and you’ll learn how to pleasure me however I demand, as we are now bound together!” She kissed him and licked him and breathed into him, her breath becoming his air. Her eyes becoming his world. Elias was terrified — and yet he felt so amazing. “Yes! You’ll rub me and lick and suck me however I command you to! Oh,” she rubbed her face against his, “Finally having a pet who will pleasure me after a long hunt will be so wonderful!”

Eliad endured her weight and promises. He was bound. All hers. And he gave up his body to his fate. To his closest friend. To his new Master.

Elsewhere in the camp, other women enjoyed their pets just as much.

Olia, the tall woman who had approached Elias initially was enjoying the mouth of one man who was addicted to her pussy. She reclined in her seat, leg propped up, and watched him eagerly dig in. Her hips kept bucking on their own. She had trained him well. Possibly the best tongue in the entire camp. His back showed the markings of punishment from the women’s claws and teeth which saw to that.

And, even though he was thorough and obedient, they still enjoyed marking him up from time to time.

Near her, Jala was using one of the new men as a chewtoy just as she promised. Her voice was wild, such a deeply sexual woman. The man was in a mixture of ecstasy and pain, his mouth agape, his eyes looking up at nothing. Her wide hips slammed down again and again, her pussy devouring his cock. Her teeth were clung onto his shoulder, chewing as she moaned crazily. She would let go, laugh, kiss him, and then bite him somewhere else bringing a sound of pain from her new pet. She was leaving mark after mark upon his body.

Olia looked out, sipped her drink and watched her fellow Sisters ravish the men of the village. The three newcomers were taking it the hardest. Women lined up to ride their bodies in any way they wished. Others reclined and read books or enjoyed some wine while men knelt before them, using their mouths between their legs, working as hard as they could to please their Masters.

Olia closed her eyes and felt beautiful and powerful, having ownership over this man. She would have a long night of pleasure — she did want to help the others train the new blood too. She leaned back and rested, listening to him work, listening to the women sigh in wonderment and grunt in excitement.

Olia thought of the man from earlier. Elias. He was the one she wanted the most. The cutest of the bunch. He was a Werewolf Hunter which set him apart from the rest — more muscle, more devotion, more reason to punish him. Lisbeth had been resisting her own pleasure for so long just for that male. So clearly he was something special.

She yanked the pet’s head harder into her and clenched her thighs into him. A strong orgasm rocking her body. She smiled wide and felt her clit throb as he sucked upon it. She nearly killed him from the reaction, nearly squashed his skull entirely. She kept him within her warm flesh for a while, feeling him suffocate before releasing him. He looked up with his pretty eyes. Sweating, his chin and nose wet with her. Another woman approached, wiping her brow, placing a hand on her hip.

“May I have a turn with Tongue?” The two women grinned down at the man who was appropriately named for his skill.

“Of course,” Olia said. She leaned in and pet him on the head which he smiled at. “We only ask to be polite, Tongue. You’ll pleasure every single woman in this camp before you rest tonight, won’t you?”

“I will, Master. Yes, Master!”

Olia giggled. “Ah, what a good boy you are!” He blushed and she kissed his forehead.

She grinned as the other woman, who was clearly going to be rougher with him, yanked his leash and nearly dragged him away. “Hurry up, Tongue! I’m going to use you until my muscles give out.”

In Lisbeth’s tent, Elias watched her get up and remove her clothes. Her body drove him mad. He wanted it on him more and more. He couldn’t help himself, his body was simply drawn to her existence. Her long red hair. Her bright green eyes. The fit, curvaceousness of her. She was entirely nude before him and she blushed, looking at him bashfully.

“I love having you look at me,” she breathed. She stepped forward and pressed her foot down between his legs. Elias flinched and she laughed. “Oh and you are still so hard for me. That cock wants me so badly, doesn’t it?” She rubbed his erection, moving her foot back and forth. Pressed down harder, making him yelp like a dog.

He could see how wet her inner thighs were. She was practically dripping for him.

She raised her foot and brought it down again and again between his legs. Stomping, firmly, not hard, but he feared how much farther she might go. She laughed and brought her hands to her mouth, so cutesy. “Aha! I love stepping on you so much! Does it hurt? Does it feel good? I want you to feel both so, so, so much!”

Stomp, stomp, stomp. Elias writhed and threw his head back. Lisbeth kept going. Used each foot. And then she turned around and moved back.

“E-Elias, I want to feel your handsome face… I want it to pleasure me all night long.” She crouched and her pussy was inches away from his face. Her juices dripped down onto him. He could see her muscles twitching, her pussy clenching again and again in expectation. “How does it smell? How does it look?”

Elias stared. In absolute awe. Such a raw, sexual scent, and the formation was so beautiful. He shouldn’t have wanted this… he shouldn’t have wanted to become her pet, her plaything… and yet…

“I,” he started. Swallowed. Felt the warm drips upon his cheeks. “I…”

Her palms came down and clenched the flesh of his torso, digging her nails into him. He cried out and she laughed. Moaned. Moved her hips in small circles. “I want to hear you give in to me,” she said. So breathy. Her body shivered and she clenched him harder. Her voice squeaked out a sound of pleasure. “Oh… oh… if you don’t that’s okay. This feeling of teasing myself… it feels so good. And we can stay here just like this forever and ever… you staring and smelling my pussy. Feeling how turned on I am. Gods, I think I could cum just like this…”

Elias imagined spending the rest of his life just like that. Not needing food or water. Neither of them requiring movement. Just an entire life of gazing into her pussy. In that moment it felt perfect. But not enough. He shook his head in denial of what he wanted. “I do…” he said. Inhaled. Then exclaimed, “Lisbeth you are so beautiful! Please, I — I need it — I need it so –”

Then her hips drove down into his face. He was engulfed in wet warmth, all breath escaping him. And Lisbeth’s moans were earth-shattering. He could feel her pussy throb around his nose and upon his face. Her hips were vibrating and he felt her fall into his body. Her hips bounced, her pussy impacting him again and again, barely enough to time to get any air.

She was cumming. He was getting soaked. His ears were blessed in only the wet noises and the angelic sounds of pleasure emanating from her throat.

Bouncing, riding, pressing, she came for a long time. He swallowed so much of her, inhaled her scent.

After what felt like forever, she raised her hips and looked back at him.

“I’m… I’m not even close to being done. Get ready… we’re not leaving this tent until I’m completely satisfied.”

When she pressed her pussy into his face again, Elias had no idea what he was in for.

Werewolf women had physiology that was so much more enhanced than an ordinary human woman’s. Women could already orgasm multiple times, the most durable human females capable of climaxing up to twenty times in a single session. And Werewomen on average could orgasm twice that amount. Some even thrice. They feast on meals only twice in a week, being able to survive on little, usually getting their meals during their hunts.

Lisbeth had orgasmed a single time. And little did Elias know that she did not require food or drink for another three days. And could still orgasm another sixty times.

She commanded him to use his tongue. He did so. And Lisbeth’s sexual awakening began. Elias had been taken… he was taken for good. And he would be taken again and again for the remainder of his life.

*Apologies for the delay… I did want to finish this story though. And I’m considering continuing it somehow down the line. Chapter 3 will be up in a few minutes!*

*As always, I do my best to release free stories as much as I can. Purchasing a story from me helps me do it more! Search for Jane Woodfield on Amazon to find longer femdom short stories* :)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jmyjnr/taken_by_the_werewomen_chapter_2_femdom_fantasy