[MF] [FF] Part 2 is the second of a 3 part erotic tale of Charlotte’s journey through her Top 10 sexual fantasy bucket list

**This is a long story and will not all fit in this post so only half of it is shown here. You can view full the illustrated version of TOP 10 SEXUAL FANTASIES PART 2 at** [**https://eroticprose.com/**](https://eroticprose.com/erotic-stories-2/) **or find PART 1** [here…](https://eroticprose.com/top-10-sexual-fantasies-part-1/)

James and Charlotte were naked together on the couch, but their focus of attention could not have been any farther apart. James’s eyes were glued to the TV screen where images of a homemade video were playing out. Charlotte was working her tongue down James’s body, intent on eventually finding his erection.

In the video, Charlotte was on the very same couch being fucked by a muscular, thirty-something home security system installer whom she had seduced the week before. The video was James’s idea. But fucking the installer was Charlotte’s.

She was working her way through a list of her top ten sexual fantasies and seducing a stranger in her home happened to be on the list. The lucky installer was pounding his sizable cock into her at a rapid pace and Charlotte’s cries of pleasure were filling the family room as James watched.

James watched as Charlotte wrapped her legs around the lucky man’s waist and played with her tits. Her squeals of joy signaled an imminent orgasm. The man urged her on.

Meanwhile, Charlotte had found James’s stiff shaft and was methodically bobbing her head up and down on it. She had watched the video enough times that a real, live cock to play with took precedence over the filmed fucking. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed the installer.

“My God, Charlotte. Was he as good as it looks?” James asked.

Charlotte lifted her head just long enough to say, “Not as good as you in the elevator at work. But still good.”

Her mouth once again engulfed James’s cock and he listened to Charlotte groan her way through a massive orgasm on the video. The man was lifting her by the ass and burying his cock in her at a dizzying rate. Charlotte’s tits rolled on her chest as she gyrated back and forth.

Then she said, “Now watch this.”

At the same time Charlotte’s tongue returned to his cock, James saw the man pull out of Charlotte and begin to stroke his substantial cock. He held it over her stomach, but it was aimed much higher. Suddenly, a long, white stream of cum shot out, accompanied by an animalistic grunt by the man. The cum landed at Charlotte’s neck and left a stream clear down below her tits.

Second and third shots landed directly on her tits. Subsequent blasts left strings of semen that dripped over her nipples and accumulated in pools on her chest.

It was too much for James to stand. He felt his balls contract and his own orgasm erupted inside Charlotte’s mouth. She knew from experience that he was capable of producing lots of cum in a short period of time. She swallowed what she could and tried to suck on him at the same time. Cum streamed out the corners of her mouth and down her chin. But she never backed away and let her coworker boyfriend finish.

When James looked down, he saw Charlotte wiping her chin with her finger, pushing excess cum back into her mouth. She sensuously licked the finger clean and smiled down at him.

“Holy shit,” James moaned. “What a video. What did the guy say when you were done?”


James frowned.

“I asked him if maybe the system wouldn’t need adjusting in a week or so,” Charlotte said while licking James’s cock clean.

“Oh, I’m sure you did. You’re a fucking nymphomaniac,” he said.

“And we’re not even halfway through the list,” Charlotte reminded him.

“So what’s next?”

Charlotte lay on James and moved up so her face was directly above his. “I think you’re going to like this one.”

James raised his eyebrows and clutched her bare ass cheeks with both hands.

Charlotte said, “I’d like a threesome.”

She waited for a moment, and then added, “With another woman.”

James’s mouth hung open. He couldn’t tell for an instant who’s a fantasy she was fulfilling—hers or his.

“But with my rules,” Charlotte quickly said. “You can only watch until I say it’s time to join us. And then it’s only to satisfy ME. You’re on your own with other women. This is MY fantasy.”

As with all the fantasies on the list that the couple had tried—forced sex, in an elevator, at work, and a stranger in Charlotte’s home—James was obedient to Charlotte’s wishes. This was going to be the first time, however, that the sex would be in front of James and he couldn’t participate. But the idea of the beautiful, twenty-eight-year-old brunette with another woman was enough to cause his cock to twinge even now.

“OK. But who’s the other woman?” James asked.

“I haven’t figured that out yet. I doubt if Emma Watson is available, so it might have to be somebody from work,” Charlotte said. “Who do you think would go for it?”

“Does marital status count?” he asked.

“I don’t think so. Lots of married women probably would love to be with another woman at some time or another.”

James thought for a second. “Well, I always thought Karen would be fun in bed, but she’s married. Debbie in accounting is kind of cute, but I think she’s too shy to do it.”

“How about Mary, the receptionist?”

James looked up at Charlotte. “And she’s recently divorced.”

“Exactly,” Charlotte said.

“She’s probably thirty-three or thirty-four,” James said. “Not too old?”

Charlotte shook her head. “Just right. She knows what she wants by now.”

“Will you talk to her?”

Charlotte smiled. “Do you mean seduce her? Sure.”


“So, what did you and James do this weekend?” Mary asked Charlotte as they sat alone in the small cafeteria at work.

Charlotte had to pause for a second, trying to come up with something far less erotic than the truth.

“Oh, just watched videos,” Charlotte replied, proud that she didn’t have to lie. “Nothing unusual for us. How about you? Any hot dates?”

Mary scoffed at the question. “I haven’t had a hot date since before I was married.”

“I would think guys would be crawling all over themselves to take you out,” Charlotte said.

“Apparently not,” Mary said. “I’d have better luck with women.”

Charlotte almost fell off her seat when she heard the words come out of Mary’s mouth. All she had to do now was find a way to pick the receptionist’s brain without making it too obvious.

“Me, too. Sometimes it sounds pretty tempting, don’t you think?”

Mary nodded. “I think every woman wonders about that at one time or another.”

“Wonders about it?” Charlotte inquired.

“About being with another woman,” Mary said nonchalantly. “I mean, isn’t that like a popular fantasy?”

Charlotte shrugged. “I suppose. But how many actually follow through on it.”

It wasn’t a question, but Mary pursued it anyway. “The brave ones do.”


“The women who have been left unsatisfied by men time and time again, and suspect that only another female knows what they really want,” Mary said. “Don’t you wish that a man knew how to use his tongue? Don’t you get tired of having them cum in three minutes and not even realize you have a clit? Surely you get tired of having them maul your breasts?”

Charlotte’s eyes got bigger with each question. Hearing the normally soft-spoken blonde speak with such passion was NOT what Charlotte expected. But the quivering inside her pussy made Charlotte realize Mary had her attention. She was convinced more than ever that this was the best candidate to scratch another item off Charlotte’s list.

“Are you brave?” Charlotte asked.

This time it was Mary who sat back, surprised at the query. Was Charlotte asking her to try it?

“I don’t know,” she said honestly.

“My answers to all your questions were ‘yes’,” Charlotte said calmly.

Mary didn’t speak, looking down at the table and nervously playing with a fork instead.

“Mary, I’ve got a proposal for you,” Charlotte said, leaning forward as she spoke.


“What did she say?” James said, moving his cell phone from one ear to another.

“I didn’t think she was going to go for it at first. But I kept telling her it would just be her and me, and that you would be watching, and then maybe you and I would have sex afterward. That seemed to be fine with her,” Charlotte said. “But it took a lot of convincing that I and her would have all the time we wanted…without you ‘interfering’.”

James laughed. “You are so fucking lucky. She’s really a good looking woman. I bet she has great little tits. I’m hard just thinking about it.”

“God, James. If anybody should know about her tits it’s you. You stare down her sweaters and blouses more than anybody I know.”

“OK. So I’ve seen just about all of her except the nipples. I’m still jealous,” he said.

“We set it up for next Saturday. Is that OK with you? My place?”

“I’ll try not to cum on the drive over. Put on a good show, OK?” James said.

“I just hope she’s happy when we’re done. I’m nervous. I want it to be good,” Charlotte confided.

“I’m thinking the two of you will know what to do. You’ll both be screaming before it’s over.”

Charlotte sighed. “I hope so.”

When Saturday evening arrived and Charlotte stepped out of the shower, she faced the highly unusual chore of picking out clothes to please a woman, instead of a man. As the process progressed, however, she decided it was not all that much different after all. She wanted something to highlight her ample breasts, a thin waist, and long legs. The blouse and jeans she decided on were only slightly more ‘feminine’ than something she might have chosen for James’s benefit.

Charlotte decided to go braless. Again, not necessarily a concession just for Mary.

The short drive to Charlotte’s place gave Mary an opportunity to second-guess her own wardrobe. She had gone with a tight-knit top that hugged her athletic frame…and jeans. Mary worried about her nipples, prominent in their uncovered state as they pressed against the top’s material. Was she being too obvious not wearing a bra? If only she knew how much she and Charlotte thought alike.

The only person not worried about any of it was James. Not that a guy in his late twenties normally worried more than two seconds about clothes. But his role on this evening would be simple: act as the fascinated observer of two women having sex, openly showing his excitement in the form of an erection in order to stroke the egos of the females. They were going out of their way to look sexy, and his job was to convince them they were. Easy.

By a little after eight o’clock, all three were sitting in Charlotte’s living room—eating, drinking, and laughing just like any three coworkers might do when they were together. But there was tension in the air; a sense of something significant about to happen that was somewhat out of their control. At first, they sat far apart, in separate chairs and couches. However, as time wore on they started to come together as if through magnetism.

Eventually, Charlotte and Mary were on the same couch; on the same cushion. At one point when Mary leaned back after putting her drink down, her body rubbed against Charlotte’s. Silently, both women felt tremors flow through their bodies. Charlotte casually put her hand on top of Mary’s and squeezed it gently. Mary pressed her leg harder against Charlotte’s. It would happen soon, and James recognized it from his nearby chair.

The opening both women waited for occurred when Charlotte glanced over and caught Mary peeking down the front of Charlotte’s loose-fitting blouse. Charlotte smiled at her and Mary blushed a bright crimson.

“Sorry,” Mary said softly.

“Unbutton it,” Charlotte replied. “Just one if you want.”

Mary’s eyes returned to the opening. Her entire body threatened to shake as she lifted one uncertain hand. Mary touched the blouse and lightly gripped the top button. A few seconds later, she had it undone and let the blouse hang free, withdrawing her hand quickly.

Charlotte grinned and softly pulled the blouse open where Mary’s hand had just been. A major portion of both breasts was now visible and Mary found it difficult to not stare.

“Go ahead. Touch me, Mary.”

The hand returned, this time sliding down from the top, inside the blouse, and onto the soft skin of Charlotte’s cleavage. Mary could feel the rapid rise and fall of Charlotte’s chest. She was glad she wasn’t the only one anxious about what they were doing.

Mary let her fingertips spread out to make contact with Charlotte’s breasts. But she never touched them for more than an instant.

“Sit in my lap, Mary,” Charlotte finally said. “Face me. I want to see your beautiful eyes.”

Mary withdrew her hand and got off the couch. She swung around and straddled Charlotte’s legs. She settled down into Charlotte’s lap and scooted forward until they were both comfortable.

“Now kiss me,” Charlotte told her.

Their eyes met and, after a brief moment of soul searching, both women knew it was going to be OK. Mary leaned forward, her lips sealed in solemn firmness. Charlotte sat still, waiting for the first sexual contact between them. Their mouths seemed to be separated by only the thinnest of margins. And then they touched.

The kiss hardly met the criteria of a kiss. Lips touched, but it was an impassioJames meeting of skin. Charlotte was the first to move. She separated her lips and allowed her tongue to glide gently over Mary’s mouth. That was all that was needed for Mary to respond in kind.

It took a minute or two of experimentation, but the kiss soon became a passion and the women were moaning loud enough for James to hear. Their hands began to explore each other in quest of bare skin.

“Take it off, Mary,” Charlotte whispered into Mary’s ear. “Take off my blouse.”

They kissed again while Mary quickly finished unbuttoning the blouse. She yanked it out of Charlotte’s jeans and flung it open with both hands. She wanted desperately to feel Charlotte’s breasts but waited for permission. It wasn’t necessary, but Charlotte sensed her hesitation. So, she took Mary’s hands and lifted them onto her tits.

A turning point had been reached. Mary was now eagerly fondling another woman and Charlotte wanted more. This could only result in one thing: the fulfillment of another fantasy on Charlotte’s list. The remaining question was how quickly it would occur and how satisfying it would be.

“They’re beautiful, Charlotte. And you’re beautiful,” Mary said, never taking her eyes off the breasts.

“They’re yours tonight, Mary. I want you to do whatever you want.”

Mary began by pulling the blouse off Charlotte’s shoulders and down her arms. Once she had it off, she tossed it aside and put her hands back on Charlotte’s erect nipples. Charlotte responded by wrapping her fingers around Mary’s breasts on the outside of her top. Both women closed their eyes as wave after wave of excitement flowed from their tits down to their pussies.

Charlotte only waited a minute before lifting upon Mary’s top and pulling it over her head. With both women topless, they kissed and allowed their breasts to come together for the first time.

Thinking he would be unseen and unheard by the women, James opened his pants, pulled out his cock, and slowly stroked it. He’d have to pace himself, as the scene in front of him was enough to make him cum quickly.

It was at the end of a very long kiss that Mary said to Charlotte, “I think we have his attention now.”

The women smiled as they acknowledged James’s erection. And the show had just begun.

Charlotte put her hand on the back of Mary’s head and pulled it forward in an unmistakable offering of her body. Needless to say, Mary was shy in the initial stages of her exploration of Charlotte’s breasts. She lightly kissed all around them but never came near the nipples. It was only when Charlotte purposely moved her body to practically force Mary to kiss a nipple that the first
contact took place.

Once that hurdle was cleared, Mary spent considerable time kissing and licking and sucking on Charlotte’s firm breasts.

“Oh my God, that’s good,” Charlotte moaned. “Harder, Mary. Do it harder.”…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jm928i/mf_ff_part_2_is_the_second_of_a_3_part_erotic